Player Characters
Crimson Lion:
A young and rude, lightning wearing prodigy thats not used to working with others.
Name: Cypher ‘The Lightning’ Storm
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Kingdom: None
Persona: Cypher is a member of the Storm Clan, a mercenary group, and is the next head of the family. The Storm Clan has a strict set of rules which include never associating themselves with anyone outside of the family as well as the kingdoms unless they are hired for a job.
He’s a very confident person, knowing that despite his age he can easily fight toe to toe with most other warriors has made him almost arrogant in a sense. However he never underestimates his opponents, knowing that once you underestimate someone is when you lose. Cypher is unused to interacting and working with others because of his family's rules which results to him being unfamiliar to social norms and making him naive in a way. He can be rude at times but is always honest, and tries to be friendly.
Equipment: None
Eye of the Storm: A hereditary ability that everyone in the Storm Clan possess. They allow the user to see the flow of electricity, including the electricity in living things.
Lightning Transmutation: A hereditary ability that allows those in the Storm Clan the ability to convert the energy in the air around them into electricity and vice-versa.
Lightning Manipulation: A hereditary ability that allows members of the Storm Clan to freely control all electricity.
Electromyostimulation: A technique used by everyone in the Storm Clan. By manipulating electricity to stimulate the muscles in his body, he can reach super strength, speed, and reflexes to an extent. Extreme overuse can result in temporary shutdown.
Thunder God Mode: A technique made by Cypher at the age of 10. By converting all the mana in his body into electricity as well as all the mana around him, he enters a state of pure power. He is covered in a layer of electricity that protects him from most external attacks as well as strengthens all of his lightning based attacks. He also gains the ability to fly. After using this form however, he needs to rest at least 5 hours before being able to use it again.
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Kingdom: None
Persona: Cypher is a member of the Storm Clan, a mercenary group, and is the next head of the family. The Storm Clan has a strict set of rules which include never associating themselves with anyone outside of the family as well as the kingdoms unless they are hired for a job.
He’s a very confident person, knowing that despite his age he can easily fight toe to toe with most other warriors has made him almost arrogant in a sense. However he never underestimates his opponents, knowing that once you underestimate someone is when you lose. Cypher is unused to interacting and working with others because of his family's rules which results to him being unfamiliar to social norms and making him naive in a way. He can be rude at times but is always honest, and tries to be friendly.
Equipment: None
Eye of the Storm: A hereditary ability that everyone in the Storm Clan possess. They allow the user to see the flow of electricity, including the electricity in living things.
Lightning Transmutation: A hereditary ability that allows those in the Storm Clan the ability to convert the energy in the air around them into electricity and vice-versa.
Lightning Manipulation: A hereditary ability that allows members of the Storm Clan to freely control all electricity.
Electromyostimulation: A technique used by everyone in the Storm Clan. By manipulating electricity to stimulate the muscles in his body, he can reach super strength, speed, and reflexes to an extent. Extreme overuse can result in temporary shutdown.
Thunder God Mode: A technique made by Cypher at the age of 10. By converting all the mana in his body into electricity as well as all the mana around him, he enters a state of pure power. He is covered in a layer of electricity that protects him from most external attacks as well as strengthens all of his lightning based attacks. He also gains the ability to fly. After using this form however, he needs to rest at least 5 hours before being able to use it again.
Cypher sighed as he walked through the Storm estate, heading towards the meeting room. “Wonder what Father needs me for.” he mumbled with a yawn as he finally reached the room. He knocked on the door and waited for a bit before hearing a voice tell him to enter. In the room was a long table, the seats filled with his uncles, aunts, and older siblings all sitting on the sides with his father sitting at the end of the table in the middle.
"Sit down Cypher, we need to discuss something with you." My father said as one of the servants scooted back the chair at my side of the table. I sat down and thanked that servant as my father continued to talk, "The three kingdoms have come to a temporary peace agreement and have created a coalition of their strongest warriors to fight the beasts that have appeared around Astrea."
"The Blight, correct?" Cypher asks
His father nods in confirmation, "Yes, and they have hired us to send our strongest member to aid them in their battle. We have talked about this and we all decided that you will be the one we send."
Cypher went wide eyed as he looked everyone at the table, trying to see if they were all serious, "Father, are you sure? Why don't we send my older brother, or one of the uncles?" He asked.
His older sister, who was sitting to his left, interjected at this, "Cypher let's face it, you surpassed all of us a long time ago. The only person you haven't beaten yet is Father, and Father doesn't want to go."
"Your sister's correct." Said one of the uncles near the end of the table, "We have all agreed that you are the best choice for this."
Cypher nodded as he understood that they had all made this decision. "So when to I leave?" He asked
"Tomorrow, a coalition guide will arrive and guide you to the camp." His Father said as he stood up. "Meeting dismissed." With that said, everyone stood up and began to slowly leave the room.
Cypher walked into his room and sighed, "Dammit!!!" He yelled as a bolt of electricity formed in his hand as he blasted the nightstand next to his bed. "That damn old man's just trying to get rid of me." He mumbled as he laid on his bed, drifting into sleep.
"Sit down Cypher, we need to discuss something with you." My father said as one of the servants scooted back the chair at my side of the table. I sat down and thanked that servant as my father continued to talk, "The three kingdoms have come to a temporary peace agreement and have created a coalition of their strongest warriors to fight the beasts that have appeared around Astrea."
"The Blight, correct?" Cypher asks
His father nods in confirmation, "Yes, and they have hired us to send our strongest member to aid them in their battle. We have talked about this and we all decided that you will be the one we send."
Cypher went wide eyed as he looked everyone at the table, trying to see if they were all serious, "Father, are you sure? Why don't we send my older brother, or one of the uncles?" He asked.
His older sister, who was sitting to his left, interjected at this, "Cypher let's face it, you surpassed all of us a long time ago. The only person you haven't beaten yet is Father, and Father doesn't want to go."
"Your sister's correct." Said one of the uncles near the end of the table, "We have all agreed that you are the best choice for this."
Cypher nodded as he understood that they had all made this decision. "So when to I leave?" He asked
"Tomorrow, a coalition guide will arrive and guide you to the camp." His Father said as he stood up. "Meeting dismissed." With that said, everyone stood up and began to slowly leave the room.
Cypher walked into his room and sighed, "Dammit!!!" He yelled as a bolt of electricity formed in his hand as he blasted the nightstand next to his bed. "That damn old man's just trying to get rid of me." He mumbled as he laid on his bed, drifting into sleep.
Dark Templar:
Suave, reckless and carefree, a possessed warrior that was scouted into coalition despite her past crimes.
Nilara Varentia"The Necromancer"

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Persona: To explain what kind of person Nilara is you have to explain both aspects of her. The real Nilara is a suave, reckless, and carefree individual who lives for danger and fortune. That's her normal side. The other side of her is more complex. Nilara is possessed, her body is home to a desire demon named "Saria". Whenever Nilara nears a place of magic such as ritual sites, shrines, or magical artifacts the barrier between her mind and Saria's weakens. This allows for Saria to influence Nilara's personality making her less of the dashing rogue that she is and more of a sinister conspirator. She becomes more serious and less empathetic. In the past, Saria's influence has caused Nilara to be responsible for the death of former allies. There are times when Nilara can be nowhere near any source of magic and yet Saria can still interact with her.
Post Example:
"Just another day in my fucked up life!", Nilara thought to herself as she fled the city guards. Apparently there was a bounty put on her in Qatar-Shan. Thankfully she arrived after The Sand Stalker did so she didnt have to worry about him hunting her. Vaulting over market stalls and weaving through crowds she evaded the guards until she arrived in a plazza. There she sat at a bench with her hood over her head as she waited for the guards to give up the search. "Sometimes it's just too easy. I wonder how the rest of the gang fared? Everything went to shit after we arrived at the hideout", her thoughts were interrupted as she noticed the entire plazza crowd was leaving the area. "Time to go", she got up to leave but quickly saw the civilians were being searched on their way out from the plazza. "Dammit...maybe one of these buildings", she moved over to the nearest door but found it was locked. That's when it hit her, the guards who chased her stayed a constant distance from her the entire chase. This search was too well organized and done to quickly to be by chance. This was a trap. From the time they entered the city every move was planned out.
The courtyard cleared out leaving Nilara at its center. The guards immediately rushed to surround her and for a moment Nilara thought about using her magic but decided against it when she saw the archers on the roof. "Its over" she thought as she raised her hands and the guards moved in to subdue her.
Later that night Nilara sat in the dungeons of Qatar-Shan, chained to the wall by her neck like an animal. Her hands were put in iron gloves and her mouth was gagged to prevent her from casting spells. "Well this sucks...", she thought as she sat there awaiting her execution. Just then four guards entered her cell and stood above her, two of them with weapons drawn. "Your time has come, witch", one of the guards said as he removed her neck chain. Nilara was escorted to the gallows in the main plazza of the city. There she stood upon the gallows with the hanging rope around her neck. She was hoping for it to be done quickly but of course the city guard had to brag about catching "The Necromancer".
"Nilara Varentia, also known as 'The Necromancer', leader of 'The Cursed Ones' bandit group and exile of the Sky Kingdom, for the crimes of banditry, murder, kidnapping, smuggling of contraband, theft, arson, desecration of sacred sites, vandalism, an public nudity, you have been sentenced to hang by the neck until until death. May whatever god you have show mercy on you", the speaker finally finished his bragging and signaled for the hangman to pull the lever. In those final moments the only thing going through Nilara's head was, "When the hell was I publicly nude? Probably one night at the tavern, wouldn't be surprised, I've done worse while drunk".
The hangman had his hand on the lever when a voice rang out over the silence of the crowd. "STOP!", cried the leader of a group of coalition soldiers. "Stop?", Nilara thought in confusion. "You cannot hang this woman! She has been conscripted into the service of the Earth Kingdom"
"What the hell for?!", she yelled in response. There was no way she was going to work as a city guard.
"A coalition force has been formed to combat the increasing monster attacks. She is to join the coalition and repel the creatures", the coalition soldier stated to the city-guard captain. A spectator yelled out from the crowd, "That's horseshit!
"Yeah I agree with that guy, I'd rather be hanged than get torn apart by whatever demonspawn you send me after!"
"It was assumed this would not be enough to convince you so as extra motivation I have been told to tell you that you will be paid well for your service"
There was a silence which seemed unreal. Everyone stood there wondering if The Necromancer would live another day. Finally Nilara answered, "Why the hell not, get this damn rope off my neck!". The entire crowd screamed and booed in anger. A few tried to climb up to the gallows but we're kicked back down. "Lets go before they do the hangman's job", Nilara said as she backed away from the edge of the gallow platform. The guards repelled the crowd as they escorted her to the city walls. There they put her on a horse with her hands bound behind her. "So how am I supposed to ride? I'm good but not that good", she asked the coalition soldier but it was clear he did not like her. He simply replied, "If you fall off we'll put you back on"
...what a gentleman. Whatever let's be off then"

- Soul Drain- Her favorite spell as it can be used for more than killing. The Soul drain spell allows Nilara to sap the life energy of her opponent to revitalize herself. The spell does not kill the target unless she purposely drains them completely so it can be a great tool fo interrogation. If a target is drained to critical levels to the point they go unconscious they will awake after some time.
- Equilibrium- Probably her least favorite spell, Equilibrium transfers whatever injures or damage Nilara takes and divides it equally between her and the target. It can go both ways meaning if an ally is seriously injured Nilara can repair them but at the cost of injuring herself. This means that if an ally has a broken leg Nilara can reduce it to a fracture but then that means her leg would also be fractured, she'd feel everything so this aspect of her spell is rarely used by her.
- Ward- Since she does not wear armor Nilara relies on Ward spells for protection. Once cast it forms a shimmering green barrier that envelopes her body. If she is struck with a melee weapon she will not be injured but she will receive a bit of force which can push her back or send her flying depending on the force of the impact.
- Glyph of Containment- By casting runes in a circle on the ground Nilara can creates a trap for the enemy. Anyone or anything that steps within the circle cannot leave it until either the spells wears off or they are magically resistant enough to break the barrier.
- Corpse Summon- This spell is mostly used in the middle of a battle. Nilara can resurrect the bodies of the vanquished to serve as her undead thralls for a short time.
- Conjure- When there are no corpses to resurrect Nilara conjures demons to aid her in battle. However she mostly conjures lesser demons as more powerful ones can be difficult to control and can be a hazard to herself and anyone around.
- Weapon Enchant- Nilara's longsword "Leech" is special. It is capable of detecting whatever enchantment it's weilder desires and automatically drains magicka from them to enchant itself. Nilara can enchant the weapons of her allies but not in the way Leech does. She has to manually cast it on their weapons whereas Leech is automatic and almost instantaneous.
Crimson Raven:
Brown-haired, tall and muscular, Kelsier is not only a skilled swordsman but a manipulator of time.
Name: Kelsier
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: Kelsier is very tall at 6'9" and change. He very muscular and weighs 250 pounds without his armor. His eyes change color depending on the light, from a light gray to a black with a red tint.

Kingdom: He holds no allegiance to crown or god.
Persona: Kelsier is calm and cool, even under pressure. He has a decent sense of humor and doesn't mind jokes directed at him. His loyalty is unquestionable, if you are able to win it. He has a code of honor known only to him, though he will set it aside for a comrade. He is very intelligent and those that underestimate him are in for a world of hurt. He is easygoing until it becomes time to fight, then his personality shifts and he becomes emotionless, focused, and quiet. His manners often seem 'old-fashioned' and he is extremely chivalrous, however he sees no problem with women fighting. He pays attention to small details and he is very thorough, and while he is hesitant to commit himself, but once he does, he sees it through to the end never giving his second best. He is fascinated by guns and technology, almost as if he has never seen them before...
Equipment: His sword, Silverlight is capable of charging its blade with one of three elements, fire, ice, and electricity. (This is the sword's power, not his own.) His armor, Shadowlight is a powerful suit of armor that he can summon and dismiss at will, it isn't ordinary armor, a portion of his soul is bound in it. It is nearly indestructible, yet is quite light and allows for decent mobility. He also is wearing a gold ring set with a large diamond that has a symbol carved into its facet.
Ability/Magic/Technology: When he fights he prefers to be up and personal. He is a skilled swordsman. He tires less quickly than normal. For reasons he does not explain he does not need to eat, drink, or sleep.
His magic specialty is temporal magic, which is very complicated and he is still trying to understand and master it. Most of his magic, he uses to enhance his physical combat.
Equip: He summons his armor on himself.
Telekentic Slash: This allows him to cut something from a distance. The amount of energy this takes is proportional to the distance. Kelsier likes to use it to catch an opponent off guard.
Time bubble: He can create a bubble of changed time, once the bubble is up, it cannot move and one it goes down, it takes thirty seconds before he can put up another. The size and duration depends on the type. He has two types of bubbles: quicktime, which compresses time in a five foot range he can make a couple of seconds last a minute. From inside everything around it seems to move very slowly, this is moderately draining. Slowtime is the opposite it expands time making a second inside a minute outside. The size can go up to a small room and it doesn't take much energy.
Prescience: His most powerful ability. When activated he can see a few moments into the future. His mind is also enhanced to deal with all of the information. In combat this allows him to see what is about to happen and react to it. This ability burns through energy very quickly and he cannot use any other magic while it is active.
Haste: He speeds the rate of time on the target, making the target faster, not just physically but mentally too.
Paradox: This skill rewinds time back up to a minute. It takes all the energy he has, so after using it he is completely exhausted, but with it he can go back and change what just happened.
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: Kelsier is very tall at 6'9" and change. He very muscular and weighs 250 pounds without his armor. His eyes change color depending on the light, from a light gray to a black with a red tint.

Kingdom: He holds no allegiance to crown or god.
Persona: Kelsier is calm and cool, even under pressure. He has a decent sense of humor and doesn't mind jokes directed at him. His loyalty is unquestionable, if you are able to win it. He has a code of honor known only to him, though he will set it aside for a comrade. He is very intelligent and those that underestimate him are in for a world of hurt. He is easygoing until it becomes time to fight, then his personality shifts and he becomes emotionless, focused, and quiet. His manners often seem 'old-fashioned' and he is extremely chivalrous, however he sees no problem with women fighting. He pays attention to small details and he is very thorough, and while he is hesitant to commit himself, but once he does, he sees it through to the end never giving his second best. He is fascinated by guns and technology, almost as if he has never seen them before...
Kelsier loved watching the sunset. It reminded him of days gone by and something else he couldn't remember, a flash of a green eye, the smell of strawberries and sunshine. He sat, watching the sun sink and the twilight grow until it was fully dark. Having no need for rest or food, he got up and resumed traveling. He walked for quite a long time, able to see by the light of the full moon overhead, untill he came upon another traveler camping by a fire. Kelsier stepped into the ring of light from the fire and made his assessment of the man quickly, short and broad with the build that only comes from hours of hard physical labor. About thirty years old, still in his prime with a sword in a sheath next to him. Kelsier pegged him as a farmer turned mercenary. The man looked up and saw Kelsier's tall dark figure. The man grinned and said, "Well, its not every day you see a fellow traveler. Come, boy, sit warm yourself by the fire. Although," the man cautioned, "If you mean ill, I am armed and I know how to fight. "I mean you no harm, sir." Kelsier answered "I am, as you said, a fellow travler." "Good, good have some food, I have plenty." the man said. Kelsier thanked him, sat down and started eating. As he ate the man introduced himself as Pel and Kelsier introduced himself. Then Pel asked, "So, why is an obviously strong warrior like you in a gods forsaken place like this?" Kelsier paused, and looked up saying "It is polite for the host to tell about himself first." Pel let loose a hearty chuckle. "Got it in one, you did. Very well." Pel told Kelsier about how he was traveling from the capitol of the Earth Kingdom back his farm on the edge of the Water Kingdom with his profits from his time as a mercenary. Kelsier pointed out that traveling alone in these times was very dangerous to which Pel replied with a laugh and a grin, "Then why are you traveling alone?" Kelsier didn't reply.
When he was finished, Pel brought out a canteen of whiskey, "All that talking makes a throat dry, want some?" "No thanks." Kelsier replied. Pel shrugged and said "Suit your self." He took a swig, "Ahhh now that feel good. I've told you, its your turn now." "I am just a wanderer," Kelsier said "looking for my past, and trying to find a future." Pel glanced at him "Is that it?" "Yes, that is all." Pel shrugged again and said, "You're welcome to share my camp until mourning." "Thank you." Pel crawled into his tent and soon went to sleep. Kelsier remained by the campfire until it started to die, then without a word he got up and continued on his journey.
When he was finished, Pel brought out a canteen of whiskey, "All that talking makes a throat dry, want some?" "No thanks." Kelsier replied. Pel shrugged and said "Suit your self." He took a swig, "Ahhh now that feel good. I've told you, its your turn now." "I am just a wanderer," Kelsier said "looking for my past, and trying to find a future." Pel glanced at him "Is that it?" "Yes, that is all." Pel shrugged again and said, "You're welcome to share my camp until mourning." "Thank you." Pel crawled into his tent and soon went to sleep. Kelsier remained by the campfire until it started to die, then without a word he got up and continued on his journey.
Equipment: His sword, Silverlight is capable of charging its blade with one of three elements, fire, ice, and electricity. (This is the sword's power, not his own.) His armor, Shadowlight is a powerful suit of armor that he can summon and dismiss at will, it isn't ordinary armor, a portion of his soul is bound in it. It is nearly indestructible, yet is quite light and allows for decent mobility. He also is wearing a gold ring set with a large diamond that has a symbol carved into its facet.
Ability/Magic/Technology: When he fights he prefers to be up and personal. He is a skilled swordsman. He tires less quickly than normal. For reasons he does not explain he does not need to eat, drink, or sleep.
His magic specialty is temporal magic, which is very complicated and he is still trying to understand and master it. Most of his magic, he uses to enhance his physical combat.
Equip: He summons his armor on himself.
Telekentic Slash: This allows him to cut something from a distance. The amount of energy this takes is proportional to the distance. Kelsier likes to use it to catch an opponent off guard.
Time bubble: He can create a bubble of changed time, once the bubble is up, it cannot move and one it goes down, it takes thirty seconds before he can put up another. The size and duration depends on the type. He has two types of bubbles: quicktime, which compresses time in a five foot range he can make a couple of seconds last a minute. From inside everything around it seems to move very slowly, this is moderately draining. Slowtime is the opposite it expands time making a second inside a minute outside. The size can go up to a small room and it doesn't take much energy.
Prescience: His most powerful ability. When activated he can see a few moments into the future. His mind is also enhanced to deal with all of the information. In combat this allows him to see what is about to happen and react to it. This ability burns through energy very quickly and he cannot use any other magic while it is active.
Haste: He speeds the rate of time on the target, making the target faster, not just physically but mentally too.
Paradox: This skill rewinds time back up to a minute. It takes all the energy he has, so after using it he is completely exhausted, but with it he can go back and change what just happened.
Miles is a cunning cowboy, a trickster of sorts that has peculiar quirks even among the heroes.
Name: Miles Murphy
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: Miles is about 5'10, 170 pounds. Dark hair and dark-eyed with a miscevious face and a strong chin. He is lean, and thin but has a solid frame and corded muscles.

Kingdom: Earth Kingdom
Persona: Miles is an eccetric man, with a great wit, who likes to make people laugh and cracks jokes and banters often. He has a perpetual grin and a cocky attitude. He has a habit of 'trading' things without asking, taking random stuff and leaving behind things he thinks are equal in value. He also gives people nicknames, most of them insulting. He is a master of disguise and imitating voices and accents. He often is seen as a prideful, careless, and crude buffoon. However, he is very clever and a skilled manipulator. In a fight he is not above using underhanded tricks and unorthodox tactics; he does anything necessary to survive.
Post Example:
Vindication: A custom-made eight-shot .44 revolver that can fire elemental ammunition.
A small .22 revolver he keeps in one boot with a silencer for it in the other.
A Remington shotgun
A magic throwing knife called Kotetsu that always comes back to the thrower, sometimes point-first.
His large brown leather duster and his 'lucky hat.'
Ability/Magic/Technology: Miles is an excellent shot and he claims to never miss. (Although that is not entirely true.) He is also good at hand to hand combat especially with a knife. He can throw a knife quite well too.
Bloodmaker: This is an ability Miles inherited from his family. He can store health at the price of being unwell, and tap in to the store later to heal wounds. As long as he has an adequate storage of health, he can recover from any wounds that aren't immediately lethal, such as curing poison, regrowing fingers, and surviving bullet wounds. However, storing health takes a long time, he could feel sick all day and only have enough to heal a scratch.
Lucky: This is not a skill, but Miles seems to have an incredible amount of luck, many times this has been the only thing that saves his life.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: Miles is about 5'10, 170 pounds. Dark hair and dark-eyed with a miscevious face and a strong chin. He is lean, and thin but has a solid frame and corded muscles.

Kingdom: Earth Kingdom
Persona: Miles is an eccetric man, with a great wit, who likes to make people laugh and cracks jokes and banters often. He has a perpetual grin and a cocky attitude. He has a habit of 'trading' things without asking, taking random stuff and leaving behind things he thinks are equal in value. He also gives people nicknames, most of them insulting. He is a master of disguise and imitating voices and accents. He often is seen as a prideful, careless, and crude buffoon. However, he is very clever and a skilled manipulator. In a fight he is not above using underhanded tricks and unorthodox tactics; he does anything necessary to survive.
Post Example:
Miles crept slowly and quietly beside the ragged, rotting fence. He had his .22 held by his head with the silencer on. As he made his way beside the fence he found a hole wide enough that he could slip through. Bingo he thought. He slipped through it without a sound and moved toward the old, abandoned house. He saw a pair of sentries armed with spears trying to very hard not to be seen and failing. Raising his gun and steading his aim he went through his familiar ritual, he took a deep breath in, and let it out, squeezing the trigger two times on the exhale. His gun barked quietly twice and both sentries made no noise as they went down in a heap. He moved on, making his way to his target. He slipped around the house, and almost ran strait into another sentry with a sword and a torch. Miles stopped in the shadows just short of him, his heart beating wildly. The sentry, oblivious continued on his rounds. Once the sentry turned his back, Miles snuck behind him and cut his throat, grabbing the torch, and sword, and confident stride, boldly walked up to the entrance to the basement. He threw open the doors and walked down the steps, emerging in a obviously enlarged cavern with five men playing a game of dice to his right. "Greeting!" Miles boomed "I bring you a very important message!" The men hesitated long enough for him to throw the sword at one, the torch at another, and draw Vindication. He dropped one with a shot before any could draw their swords. One of them, a not very bright man, charged Miles directly. Miles jumped back to give himself more room and fired again killing the one that charged him. The remaining three, one with a cut and one with a burn tried to surround Miles and attack from all sides. But Miles put his back to a wall and steadily picked off each one with a pair of shots. Panting, he said to the corpses "Don't trust strangers." He reloaded without looking and checked his surroundings. Then he checked the corpses. He took a step further in and he heard the click-chick of a hammer being drawn back, quick as a flash he dived behind a pair of sturdy barrels, as a bullet slammed into the ground where he was just standing. He was pinned down and unable to move, I have no time for this! he thought. He threw himself out in a roll just in time to see his target, a short, broad heavily scarred man, run up the steps, with the torch, pause and throw it into a pile of dried rope and wood. Then he ran out the doors and bolt it behind him. "Shit!" He spat. The fire caught and spread, smoke quickly filling the basement. He got up and ran to the door thinking quickly. He sent three shots through where he guessed the bar was. Then he took a step back and ran forward, shoulder barging the weakened doors. With a crash the bar broke, the doors slammed open and he unceimonialy fell on his face. Wheezing and sucking up the cool night air. He could just barely see his target sprinting away. Wobbly he drew his gun, sighted on the center mass, and fired. The running figure jerked went down and didn't rise. As soon as Miles recovered his breath he went over to the limp figure. "Well I'll be damned." He breathed. His shot had hit the man right in the back of his head. The bounty on this man was massive and would pay for food for a month. Miles sighed, relieved and admiring his luck, "What I have to do for a living." He observed. Miles then grabbed and dragged the corpse away while the house burned behind him.
Vindication: A custom-made eight-shot .44 revolver that can fire elemental ammunition.
A small .22 revolver he keeps in one boot with a silencer for it in the other.
A Remington shotgun
A magic throwing knife called Kotetsu that always comes back to the thrower, sometimes point-first.
His large brown leather duster and his 'lucky hat.'
Ability/Magic/Technology: Miles is an excellent shot and he claims to never miss. (Although that is not entirely true.) He is also good at hand to hand combat especially with a knife. He can throw a knife quite well too.
Bloodmaker: This is an ability Miles inherited from his family. He can store health at the price of being unwell, and tap in to the store later to heal wounds. As long as he has an adequate storage of health, he can recover from any wounds that aren't immediately lethal, such as curing poison, regrowing fingers, and surviving bullet wounds. However, storing health takes a long time, he could feel sick all day and only have enough to heal a scratch.
Lucky: This is not a skill, but Miles seems to have an incredible amount of luck, many times this has been the only thing that saves his life.
Name: Margaret 'Maggie' Bonn
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: Due to her masculine and rather isolated upbringing, Maggie doesn't give much thought into the way she presents herself. Years of toying in workshops has left her posture lacking and skin pale but for a faint dusting of freckles over a slightly too-wide too-upturned nose. Her hands (the right notably missing the last two fingers) are stained black which no amount of scrubbing would be likely to remedy, if she bothered with such things. Her hair is a soft brown, cut unevenly and always held back, if not completely covered. The rest of her features are simple and plain, brown eyes with high eyebrows, a small mouth and jutting chin. Lastly, what clothing she does own is just as ragged as herself, that which is not stained or torn is at least singed in some place.
Kingdom: Earth Kingdom
Persona: In the midst of fighting a war that has already claimed the lives of her father and mentor, Maggie appears unperturbed by the demons knocking on her homeland's door. If anything she's eager for the vast testing grounds of the battlefield and plentiful resources of a combined effort. Her lack of solidarity and experience alienates her from most other soldiers. Not that she cares or in fact notices. She has an ingrained distrust of magic, and the people of both Sky and Water kingdoms, which comes from her judging them a primitive rather then politics and ancient grievances.
Sample: Base camp was disappointing, to put it in a word. Maggie may not have actually entered yet, but if the sentries greeting her and the dodgy view offered behind them where any indication, this was going to be an upward battle. She shifted the weight of a very heavy pack to another shoulder as the tall man looked over her papers for the third time. The only weapon he seemed to carry was a great broadsword. Maybe he was from one of the other kingdoms, or a tribe. That gave her pause, did soldiers from such parts read? She opened her mouth to offer assistance when the towering warden spoke.
"I'm not entirely clear as to your purpose here"
Maggie dropped the pack, huffed in exasperation and took a step forward to point out lines in the paper.
"-replacing the valuable assistance previously provided by Mr. Lucas Bonn after his unfortunate demise." A quick glance upward showed a glare intense enough to make her step back. She forced a grin at the man anyways, picking up the pack again. "May I enter?"
"You don't look like a soldier." He grumbled eying her pack skeptically. Maggie didn't respond, there wasn't much to say to that. She wasn't a soldier, but she knew her way around a gun well enough and was one of the few people of the Earth Kingdom who both knew how to make gunpowder and would give it to the army free of charge. Provided they gave her resources, plenty of resources. The silence continued as Maggie rolled on the balls of her feet, impatient. He would have to let her in eventually, or a superior with some sense would come around and -
With a grunt the man stepped aside.
"Thank you" she replied curtly, giving a small but exaggerated bow as she passed not breaking eye contact until she did so.
It took another hour to find anyone who would direct her to her bunk, then half again for the gentleman to understand there was a workshop as well which she should be lead to. But by the time the sun was just barely touching the horizon she found herself in a small tent with room only for a person stand, a small uncomfortable looking chair in one corner, and a large desk still cluttered with various tools and papers. This put a genuine smile on Maggie's face, the place stilled smelled of burnt sulfur. In a matter of moments she was fondly regarding the notes her father left behind, absorbed enough to forget about thanking the soldier that helped guide her. After a few uncomfortable seconds he left anyways.
It wasn't until it grew too dark to continue reading that Maggie took in the rest of her shabby workplace. Candles where the first thing she found, and lit one with a grimace. An open flame wouldn't help so much as hinder. Or take out this quarter of the camp. No, the serious work would be restricted to daylight; so she began to unpack. Yes, she had a bunk in an over crowded tent with Earth Kingdom soldiers, which was likely cleaner but this was her perpose for being here, and if she was going to be in the field, time would have to be spent wisely.
Tools and supplies went to the workbench, clothing and her newly made armor underneath. She left everything unorganized, giving herself more time to search through everything else left behind by her father. He had barely been in the place a month, yet the drawers were still filled with dedicated notes. Finding a blank sheet and piece of charcoal, Maggie wrote a hasty requisition order for spare or scrap iron. There wouldn't be a chance to get new supplies until morning she was sure, but best not risk forgetting.
She pulled the sole chair to the bench and the papers close as she dared to the dim candle light. The sounds from outside, soldiers on and off duty as well as the various other camp workers quickly faded. It wasn't until her candle burnt out that Maggie looked up from her reading. She yawned and stretched, hands brushing a wetness on her cheek. Odd, when had she been crying? The thought was dismissed quickly as it had come.
"Well Vivian," She said placing the over sized firearm on the bench, followed by her uncovered feet, "welcome home."
Equipment: A single-shot pistol of her own design, affectionately named Vivian, nearly the size of her forearm. It has remarkable accuracy considering alternatives available, but a meager range of 9 feet, limiting it's usefulness in Maggie's ranged combat style.
Her 'tool belt' which, when not in the workshop, holsters not only her gun but half a dozen grenades and an assortment of other powders.
Ability/Magic/Technology: High intelligence in sciences and engineering, no magical aptitude.
-Grenades; self explanatory. For practicality the ones carried on her person need to be lit rather then being pressure sensitive, though she can produce land-mines and other varieties.
-Smoke powder; what it sounds like, stored in vials which release thick smoke making it difficult to see and breath. Released by breaking vials.
-Incendiary powder; similar to the gunpowder used in the grenades without shrapnel and saturated with other ingredients allowing it to burn for much longer. Works as the grenades, requiring flame to start.
-Corrosive powder; toxic powder which can dissolve flesh, wood, and tempered fabrics. Released by breaking or opening vial.
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: Due to her masculine and rather isolated upbringing, Maggie doesn't give much thought into the way she presents herself. Years of toying in workshops has left her posture lacking and skin pale but for a faint dusting of freckles over a slightly too-wide too-upturned nose. Her hands (the right notably missing the last two fingers) are stained black which no amount of scrubbing would be likely to remedy, if she bothered with such things. Her hair is a soft brown, cut unevenly and always held back, if not completely covered. The rest of her features are simple and plain, brown eyes with high eyebrows, a small mouth and jutting chin. Lastly, what clothing she does own is just as ragged as herself, that which is not stained or torn is at least singed in some place.
Kingdom: Earth Kingdom
Persona: In the midst of fighting a war that has already claimed the lives of her father and mentor, Maggie appears unperturbed by the demons knocking on her homeland's door. If anything she's eager for the vast testing grounds of the battlefield and plentiful resources of a combined effort. Her lack of solidarity and experience alienates her from most other soldiers. Not that she cares or in fact notices. She has an ingrained distrust of magic, and the people of both Sky and Water kingdoms, which comes from her judging them a primitive rather then politics and ancient grievances.
Sample: Base camp was disappointing, to put it in a word. Maggie may not have actually entered yet, but if the sentries greeting her and the dodgy view offered behind them where any indication, this was going to be an upward battle. She shifted the weight of a very heavy pack to another shoulder as the tall man looked over her papers for the third time. The only weapon he seemed to carry was a great broadsword. Maybe he was from one of the other kingdoms, or a tribe. That gave her pause, did soldiers from such parts read? She opened her mouth to offer assistance when the towering warden spoke.
"I'm not entirely clear as to your purpose here"
Maggie dropped the pack, huffed in exasperation and took a step forward to point out lines in the paper.
"-replacing the valuable assistance previously provided by Mr. Lucas Bonn after his unfortunate demise." A quick glance upward showed a glare intense enough to make her step back. She forced a grin at the man anyways, picking up the pack again. "May I enter?"
"You don't look like a soldier." He grumbled eying her pack skeptically. Maggie didn't respond, there wasn't much to say to that. She wasn't a soldier, but she knew her way around a gun well enough and was one of the few people of the Earth Kingdom who both knew how to make gunpowder and would give it to the army free of charge. Provided they gave her resources, plenty of resources. The silence continued as Maggie rolled on the balls of her feet, impatient. He would have to let her in eventually, or a superior with some sense would come around and -
With a grunt the man stepped aside.
"Thank you" she replied curtly, giving a small but exaggerated bow as she passed not breaking eye contact until she did so.
It took another hour to find anyone who would direct her to her bunk, then half again for the gentleman to understand there was a workshop as well which she should be lead to. But by the time the sun was just barely touching the horizon she found herself in a small tent with room only for a person stand, a small uncomfortable looking chair in one corner, and a large desk still cluttered with various tools and papers. This put a genuine smile on Maggie's face, the place stilled smelled of burnt sulfur. In a matter of moments she was fondly regarding the notes her father left behind, absorbed enough to forget about thanking the soldier that helped guide her. After a few uncomfortable seconds he left anyways.
It wasn't until it grew too dark to continue reading that Maggie took in the rest of her shabby workplace. Candles where the first thing she found, and lit one with a grimace. An open flame wouldn't help so much as hinder. Or take out this quarter of the camp. No, the serious work would be restricted to daylight; so she began to unpack. Yes, she had a bunk in an over crowded tent with Earth Kingdom soldiers, which was likely cleaner but this was her perpose for being here, and if she was going to be in the field, time would have to be spent wisely.
Tools and supplies went to the workbench, clothing and her newly made armor underneath. She left everything unorganized, giving herself more time to search through everything else left behind by her father. He had barely been in the place a month, yet the drawers were still filled with dedicated notes. Finding a blank sheet and piece of charcoal, Maggie wrote a hasty requisition order for spare or scrap iron. There wouldn't be a chance to get new supplies until morning she was sure, but best not risk forgetting.
She pulled the sole chair to the bench and the papers close as she dared to the dim candle light. The sounds from outside, soldiers on and off duty as well as the various other camp workers quickly faded. It wasn't until her candle burnt out that Maggie looked up from her reading. She yawned and stretched, hands brushing a wetness on her cheek. Odd, when had she been crying? The thought was dismissed quickly as it had come.
"Well Vivian," She said placing the over sized firearm on the bench, followed by her uncovered feet, "welcome home."
Equipment: A single-shot pistol of her own design, affectionately named Vivian, nearly the size of her forearm. It has remarkable accuracy considering alternatives available, but a meager range of 9 feet, limiting it's usefulness in Maggie's ranged combat style.
Her 'tool belt' which, when not in the workshop, holsters not only her gun but half a dozen grenades and an assortment of other powders.
Ability/Magic/Technology: High intelligence in sciences and engineering, no magical aptitude.
-Grenades; self explanatory. For practicality the ones carried on her person need to be lit rather then being pressure sensitive, though she can produce land-mines and other varieties.
-Smoke powder; what it sounds like, stored in vials which release thick smoke making it difficult to see and breath. Released by breaking vials.
-Incendiary powder; similar to the gunpowder used in the grenades without shrapnel and saturated with other ingredients allowing it to burn for much longer. Works as the grenades, requiring flame to start.
-Corrosive powder; toxic powder which can dissolve flesh, wood, and tempered fabrics. Released by breaking or opening vial.
Name: Gideon Falreach
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall, thin young man with a shock of dark hair. His eyes a brilliant blue color, and stare out from behind heavy lenses. He's obviously a mage, down to strangely dirty nature of his clothes to the constant aura of iron powder settles in his hair if he stands still for too long.

Kingdom: Sky
Persona: A harried young man who stresses over the well-being and mental health of his teammates. Despite this, he’s secretive when it comes to his own issues, feeling that he doesn't want to bother anyone. He's also a miser, and quite adept at dodging around paperwork.
A staff, made of pure iron and set with an amber colored focus near the end. Two dozen knives of the same metal, along with six silver rings carried in his pockets.
Steel and Silver, taller than an elephant when standing straight up and several times as heavy. It's a masterwork of enchantments and craftmanship, only able to stand up under its immense weight due to the sheer number of spells in its potently magical frame.
Soul-Bound Weapon 'Clamour': A literal ton of silver metal, complete with an amber sphere the size of a smile child. It is capable of metamorphosing into a variety of forms without Gideon's direct intervention, and when under his direct control it can contort itself into a huge number of fantastic shapes.
Ferrokinesis: His most basic and consistently utilized spell is the absolute control over metals with his range. Within several limitations that include: He cannot control alloys, he cannot control objects enchanted by someone other than himself, and that upon reaching a set range or weight limit, the power required grows exponentially to the point of exhaustion or death. This power is the basis for which nearly all of his other spells are based on.
His most complex and complete spell is the one pertaining to the 'Rook'. A series of unfortunate happenstances ended up with him transmuting half of his soul in the gigantic puppet. The seventeen foot avatar of hulking metal that is known as the Rook is the key to the young Drake’s offensive talent. Made entirely of folded steel shot through with silver veins(Making it the sole violation to his 'no alloys' limit), the massive frame operates like a battering ram, its joints worked by Gideon's magic. Spells that a multitude of masters have placed make the giant surprisingly agile, along with a series of arcane foci located inside of the head for a nasty surprise. Despite the seeming advantage this iron giant gives him in long-range engagements, the limits of his accidental sacrifice show as the Rook moves away from him. Gideon suffers immensely as the Rook passes more than seventy feet from him, with any larger ranges usually resulting in a rapid and exponential increase in damage followed swiftly by death. Addtionaly, at these ranges, the Rook becomes sluggish and predictable, often halting movement entirely as Gideon is forced to move closer.
Arcane Ray: A rather simple spell, direct in both its function and power. Out of a properly attuned focus, it launches a bolt of raw mana at high speed at the target
Scale: A spell that Gideon is particularly proud of, and one that doesn't utlize his mastery of metal. It allows him to take matter, organic and inorganic, and use it to create a real-time diorama of a set area of terrain. If he's looking to create an organic model, he needs a sample of their DNA(Skin, hair, fur, scales, bark, etc) to act as a stand in.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall, thin young man with a shock of dark hair. His eyes a brilliant blue color, and stare out from behind heavy lenses. He's obviously a mage, down to strangely dirty nature of his clothes to the constant aura of iron powder settles in his hair if he stands still for too long.

Kingdom: Sky
Persona: A harried young man who stresses over the well-being and mental health of his teammates. Despite this, he’s secretive when it comes to his own issues, feeling that he doesn't want to bother anyone. He's also a miser, and quite adept at dodging around paperwork.
"One staff with assorted enchantments, one battle-fitted golem with assorted enchantments, one golem-sized halberd with assorted enchantments, five hundred pounds of iron, silver, and other assorted metals, twenty pounds of assorted footstuffs, and a golem-drawn wagon." The gate guard looked up from the scrawling parchment in front of him to observe the man who had just declared his cargo. He was tall and thin, with blue eyes set behind a fringe of black hair and a pair of black-framed glasses. He was obviously a mage, an oddity in these parts. If the bladed staff set with the large amber gem wasn't a giveaway, he wore dark, flowing clothes plated with various rare metals. The guard kept his thoughts about the usefulness of such garb in a battle to himself as he continued: "Anything else to declare, Mr.... Falreach?"
The man known as Gideon Falreach was currently debating his options. He smiled nervously, trying desperatly to hide the fact that his palms had suddenly broken out in a cold sweat. Behind the thick lenses of his glasses, blue eyes darted around, looking desperately for an escape route at he sound of the guard's inquiry. He held up both hands, attempting to show his lack of armaments. "Well, see, I can't exactly... pay the tax right now."
The guard stopped his scribbling on the parchment, his eyes barely angling upwards as he glared over at the iron-reinforced cart that the massive golem was hauling. "You can't... pay. Really."
Gideon nodded, completely missing the disbelief in the other man's voice. He rocked back and forth on his heels, the nervous smile still plastered across his features. "Yeah."
The guard sighed, put down his quill, and reached for his sword, not paying attention as Gideon stepped back and the golem straightened up to its full height. "Look, sir, I'm going to need you to-grnk" Whatever the guard was going to say was cut off as the golem reached out one massive finger and tapped the man on the skull.
Still nodding nervously, Gideon awkwardly patted the unconscious man on the head. He reached over to the parchment, picked up the quill and wrote a messy 'I owe you money' on the bottom of the page. The magi stepped over the prone form and nodded to the nearest flabbergasted bystander, before breaking into a trot that took him away from the city limits, the hulking form of his golem rumbling after him.
The man known as Gideon Falreach was currently debating his options. He smiled nervously, trying desperatly to hide the fact that his palms had suddenly broken out in a cold sweat. Behind the thick lenses of his glasses, blue eyes darted around, looking desperately for an escape route at he sound of the guard's inquiry. He held up both hands, attempting to show his lack of armaments. "Well, see, I can't exactly... pay the tax right now."
The guard stopped his scribbling on the parchment, his eyes barely angling upwards as he glared over at the iron-reinforced cart that the massive golem was hauling. "You can't... pay. Really."
Gideon nodded, completely missing the disbelief in the other man's voice. He rocked back and forth on his heels, the nervous smile still plastered across his features. "Yeah."
The guard sighed, put down his quill, and reached for his sword, not paying attention as Gideon stepped back and the golem straightened up to its full height. "Look, sir, I'm going to need you to-grnk" Whatever the guard was going to say was cut off as the golem reached out one massive finger and tapped the man on the skull.
Still nodding nervously, Gideon awkwardly patted the unconscious man on the head. He reached over to the parchment, picked up the quill and wrote a messy 'I owe you money' on the bottom of the page. The magi stepped over the prone form and nodded to the nearest flabbergasted bystander, before breaking into a trot that took him away from the city limits, the hulking form of his golem rumbling after him.
A staff, made of pure iron and set with an amber colored focus near the end. Two dozen knives of the same metal, along with six silver rings carried in his pockets.

Steel and Silver, taller than an elephant when standing straight up and several times as heavy. It's a masterwork of enchantments and craftmanship, only able to stand up under its immense weight due to the sheer number of spells in its potently magical frame.
Soul-Bound Weapon 'Clamour': A literal ton of silver metal, complete with an amber sphere the size of a smile child. It is capable of metamorphosing into a variety of forms without Gideon's direct intervention, and when under his direct control it can contort itself into a huge number of fantastic shapes.
Ferrokinesis: His most basic and consistently utilized spell is the absolute control over metals with his range. Within several limitations that include: He cannot control alloys, he cannot control objects enchanted by someone other than himself, and that upon reaching a set range or weight limit, the power required grows exponentially to the point of exhaustion or death. This power is the basis for which nearly all of his other spells are based on.
His most complex and complete spell is the one pertaining to the 'Rook'. A series of unfortunate happenstances ended up with him transmuting half of his soul in the gigantic puppet. The seventeen foot avatar of hulking metal that is known as the Rook is the key to the young Drake’s offensive talent. Made entirely of folded steel shot through with silver veins(Making it the sole violation to his 'no alloys' limit), the massive frame operates like a battering ram, its joints worked by Gideon's magic. Spells that a multitude of masters have placed make the giant surprisingly agile, along with a series of arcane foci located inside of the head for a nasty surprise. Despite the seeming advantage this iron giant gives him in long-range engagements, the limits of his accidental sacrifice show as the Rook moves away from him. Gideon suffers immensely as the Rook passes more than seventy feet from him, with any larger ranges usually resulting in a rapid and exponential increase in damage followed swiftly by death. Addtionaly, at these ranges, the Rook becomes sluggish and predictable, often halting movement entirely as Gideon is forced to move closer.
Arcane Ray: A rather simple spell, direct in both its function and power. Out of a properly attuned focus, it launches a bolt of raw mana at high speed at the target
Scale: A spell that Gideon is particularly proud of, and one that doesn't utlize his mastery of metal. It allows him to take matter, organic and inorganic, and use it to create a real-time diorama of a set area of terrain. If he's looking to create an organic model, he needs a sample of their DNA(Skin, hair, fur, scales, bark, etc) to act as a stand in.
Name: John Reynolds
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: He stands at about 72 inches tall and weighs in at 180 lbs, he has a somewhat athletic build. He also wears light metal armor under his coat. Disregard the bow and mask on this one, just look at the face and outfit.

Kingdom: Originates from the Sky Kingdom.
Persona: Kind of an all around type of guy. John will often take things a little too seriously, but he also enjoys joking around. He's not always the happiest camper, yet you'll rarely see him depressed or enraged. He's also a bit of a hopeless romantic at times, and you might even hear him sing or play an instrument...but how well he does this is debatable. In a fight he is determined and will throw everything he has at the opposition, though retreat is most definitely always an option.
Post Example: Birds chirped and flew amidst the trees, the forest secretly alive just beyond sight. John walked along a dirt trail, smiling to himself at the thought of forest creatures watching him curiously...hidden among the foliage. He continued up the path, seeing smoke up on the horizon. There was a house there, one that John had known for a while...his sister's house. He thought for a moment about her choice to leave the sky kingdom...her secret marriage, her secret life...their parents never knew what happened to her. But John did, and he had left the Sky Kingdom a few years later.
But John froze when he saw that the smoke was not coming from a lit fireplace, and instead from the charred remains of the wooden house. He rushed over to the front doorstep to see that there were a few bodies laying in and around the house, burned beyond all recognition. He stepped inside the house and the floor immediately gave way, so he hurried back out and stood in front of the house. John was scared...he was sad...he was worried. There was no way that he could confirm or deny his sister's death...or the death of her husband. He reached down and picked up a curious medallion, clutching it tightly as he surveyed the area. He could only hope that his sister's illusion magic had protected her...but, if so, then where could she be? John held back a few tears as he put the medallion in his pocket, not only a reminder of what he saw...but as a promise to discover what really happened.
John prayed for his sister and her husband, then left along the same path that he came. And when he was long gone, a deer crept out from the forest. It walked along to the start of the path that had seen John come and go, staring off into the distance before a 'cracking' sound was heard and the deer leaped into the nearby foliage. A moment later, the house collapsed into a pile of charred wood.
Grappling Chain-blade Gauntlets

Just look at the gauntlet. John wears one on each arm that contains one chain blade each, capable of use as a weapon and somewhat as a grappling hook. One is needed to pull an object to John, both are needed to move John to a location or pull a person to John. These chain have a maximum grapple range of about 8 meters, but are generally only extended up to 4 meters when used as weapons. The gauntlets are mostly leather with metallic internal components, and a thin metal chain. Most replacement parts are rather cheap, aside from the slightly more expensive internal components and sheer amount of metal needed for the chain.

Just look at the blades and imagine them being smaller. Like...half that size.
Dual Sickles

Ignore the rust/bloodstains, John exercises better maintenance.
These can be grappled by John's whips to slightly increase the range and lethal power of the whips.
Dual Revolvers
John has control over lightning, and a weaker control over ice.
John can do just about anything short of conjuring thunderstorms with his power over lighning.
He can send volts of electricity coursing through his veins in an attempt to stun anyone he touches, but not in lethal amounts.
His most common use of lightning is to send out bolts of lightning at targets, or call lightning down from the sky.
John also will often charge his sickles with electricity, and while charged his sickles can be thrown like boomerangs. Yes, that means they return(Only safely so long as they remain charged. They lose charge for contacting enemies).
He can coat areas in ice, chill an area around him, or create small ice shards in time. The extent of his control over ice is merely acting as a water cooler or a catalyst for amplifying the power of his lightning.
Ice is also generated for and used by his projectile weaponry.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: He stands at about 72 inches tall and weighs in at 180 lbs, he has a somewhat athletic build. He also wears light metal armor under his coat. Disregard the bow and mask on this one, just look at the face and outfit.

Kingdom: Originates from the Sky Kingdom.
Persona: Kind of an all around type of guy. John will often take things a little too seriously, but he also enjoys joking around. He's not always the happiest camper, yet you'll rarely see him depressed or enraged. He's also a bit of a hopeless romantic at times, and you might even hear him sing or play an instrument...but how well he does this is debatable. In a fight he is determined and will throw everything he has at the opposition, though retreat is most definitely always an option.
Post Example: Birds chirped and flew amidst the trees, the forest secretly alive just beyond sight. John walked along a dirt trail, smiling to himself at the thought of forest creatures watching him curiously...hidden among the foliage. He continued up the path, seeing smoke up on the horizon. There was a house there, one that John had known for a while...his sister's house. He thought for a moment about her choice to leave the sky kingdom...her secret marriage, her secret life...their parents never knew what happened to her. But John did, and he had left the Sky Kingdom a few years later.
But John froze when he saw that the smoke was not coming from a lit fireplace, and instead from the charred remains of the wooden house. He rushed over to the front doorstep to see that there were a few bodies laying in and around the house, burned beyond all recognition. He stepped inside the house and the floor immediately gave way, so he hurried back out and stood in front of the house. John was scared...he was sad...he was worried. There was no way that he could confirm or deny his sister's death...or the death of her husband. He reached down and picked up a curious medallion, clutching it tightly as he surveyed the area. He could only hope that his sister's illusion magic had protected her...but, if so, then where could she be? John held back a few tears as he put the medallion in his pocket, not only a reminder of what he saw...but as a promise to discover what really happened.
John prayed for his sister and her husband, then left along the same path that he came. And when he was long gone, a deer crept out from the forest. It walked along to the start of the path that had seen John come and go, staring off into the distance before a 'cracking' sound was heard and the deer leaped into the nearby foliage. A moment later, the house collapsed into a pile of charred wood.
Grappling Chain-blade Gauntlets
Just look at the gauntlet. John wears one on each arm that contains one chain blade each, capable of use as a weapon and somewhat as a grappling hook. One is needed to pull an object to John, both are needed to move John to a location or pull a person to John. These chain have a maximum grapple range of about 8 meters, but are generally only extended up to 4 meters when used as weapons. The gauntlets are mostly leather with metallic internal components, and a thin metal chain. Most replacement parts are rather cheap, aside from the slightly more expensive internal components and sheer amount of metal needed for the chain.
Just look at the blades and imagine them being smaller. Like...half that size.
Dual Sickles

Ignore the rust/bloodstains, John exercises better maintenance.
These can be grappled by John's whips to slightly increase the range and lethal power of the whips.
Dual Revolvers
(Model 1901)

This weapon fires shards of ice instead of bullets, and can be charged with electricity to increase damage. This weapon can shoot single shards of ice(More accuracy and range) or multiple shards of ice(Like a shotgun) with each pull of the trigger. These weapons are holstered backwards on the belt, concealed by John's coat

This weapon fires shards of ice instead of bullets, and can be charged with electricity to increase damage. This weapon can shoot single shards of ice(More accuracy and range) or multiple shards of ice(Like a shotgun) with each pull of the trigger. These weapons are holstered backwards on the belt, concealed by John's coat
John has control over lightning, and a weaker control over ice.
John can do just about anything short of conjuring thunderstorms with his power over lighning.
He can send volts of electricity coursing through his veins in an attempt to stun anyone he touches, but not in lethal amounts.
His most common use of lightning is to send out bolts of lightning at targets, or call lightning down from the sky.
John also will often charge his sickles with electricity, and while charged his sickles can be thrown like boomerangs. Yes, that means they return(Only safely so long as they remain charged. They lose charge for contacting enemies).
He can coat areas in ice, chill an area around him, or create small ice shards in time. The extent of his control over ice is merely acting as a water cooler or a catalyst for amplifying the power of his lightning.
Ice is also generated for and used by his projectile weaponry.
Name: Ijo Tsuya
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: Stands at about 75 inches tall and weighs about 200 lbs. Nothing to disregard about this picture.

Kingdom: No allegiance.
Persona: Stoic. Ijo loves to look up at the stars that are sprinkled across the night sky and longs to join them. For so long, it seems, the stars have been invisible and unknown to him...but now he wishes to walk among them and learn their secrets. He can kill another man without showing hesitation or remorse, yet he is very defensive and will refuse to remove his mask under almost any circumstance. He is a very secretive person who is hesitant to trust anyone due to a history of betrayal. And though he is an excellent gunsmith, he has never enjoyed creating weapons of war...not until now.
Post Example: The room was musty and dim, lit only by a small candle on a desk against a stone wall. There were no windows to speak of; the only portal being a single metal door positioned on the wall across the room from the desk. There were two wooden tables in the center of the room, with various tools and parts laid out on them. On one table there was a model of a cannon and several parts that could be identified as some of the larger scale counterparts of the model, and on the other table laid various and incomplete assemblies of handheld guns.
There was only one man in the dimly lit room, and he sat in a chair at the desk that was against the far wall. The candle there illuminated a metal mask, resembling a skull, that laid on the desk just a few inches away. The man simply sat and stared at the mask, as the candlelight flickered and was reflected by the eyes of his otherwise unlit face. He moved a hand to grab the mask, and moved his scarred face into the light.
"Tonight..." He started in a weary yet gruff voice. "Tonight, I'm getting out of this prison..."
Putting the mask on, he got up to search though the many containers in the room until he had found everything he needed. By now he had collected a number of schematics, a large handheld cannon, a lever-action shotgun, and a handgun. He moved the desk from the wall to use as cover, as he pulled the cannon out and fired an explosive round at the door. The room shook as the door was blown off of it's hinges, and the man stood up and looked in awe at the destruction.
"It worked..." He stated simply, putting the cannon away as he moved out into the hallway. "Now...I should be below ground level...I need to find my way up..." The man whispered to himself as he hurried through the hall and tried to keep his head down, but as he rounded a corner a group of guards caught sight of him.
"Hey! Look there! Ijo's escaping!" One of them shouted, getting the others to stop.
"Let's kill the bastard!" Said another as he pulled out a cannon like the one that the man, Ijo, had used to escape.
"No! Put that thing away, you're inside! You could kill us all!" Shouted a third, who was surprisingly a woman although she wore the same sized armor as the other men.
"We have to catch him alive, he's no good to us dead!" Shouted a fourth guard.
"I've had enough o' this little bastard's shit, I'm shootin' 'im now! If he's still breathin' after that, you can have 'im back." The second guard said as he took aim, and fired the cannon.
Suddenly, just as he pulled the trigger, Ijo fired his handgun dead through the cannon barrel causing it to explode in the guard's hands, killing many of the other guards nearby while causing a few stones in the ceiling to crack and fall. The rest were lying unconscious or were too injured to get back up, but one was trying to crawl away while calling for help. Ijo walked over to the injured and terrified guard and kicked him over on his back, pointing the shotgun down at his face.
"Where is the exit?" Ijo asked blandly, looking down at the man through the cold lenses of his mask.
"D-Down th-this h-hall...t-take the...f-first l-left...u-up the stairs...a-and u-uh..." The man was now crying as he raised his hand up as if to shield himself from the impending blast of the shotgun. "L-Look f-for...u-uh...b-big w-wooden d-door-"
"The rear exit" Ijo demanded, waving the shotgun barrel around in the injured guard's face.
A few moments later more guards arrived on scene to find that much of the hallway had collapsed with only one survivor; the man whom Ijo had interrogated. He told the other guards about the backfiring cannon, and about how Ijo used the shotgun to finish collapsing the hallway. The rest of the guards searched the perimeter and found only the lever-action shotgun...and Ijo was long since gone.
Amplifier Gauntlets
The "Handheld Artillery" Cannon

More of a trophy than anything else, this weapon rarely accompanies Ijo on a mission due to it's awkward size and low rate of fire. The firing chamber holds one 40mm cannon round.

Handgun chambered to fire 7.62mm spherical lead pellets. One shot chamber, similar overall to the "Handheld Artillery" Cannon.
Platinum Hammer

A rather simple and well made two-handed hammer.
-Ijo can manually overheat his gauntlets to deal more melee damage and burn enemies with each hit from his fist for a short time.
-Ijo can charge up heat energy in his hand and release a beam of solar light to vaporize a hole through his foes, instantly triggering the gauntlet's vent cycle. This attack can be reflected off of mirrors or generally any curved, shiny, metallic surfaces.
-Ijo can, with a great deal of pain, charge up heat energy in his eyes and project beams of solar light through the lenses of his mask. This causes a great deal of pain, but is more powerful than the beams fired from his gauntlets.
-Ijo can call down a solar storm that rains down beams of light to eradicate his foes, causing a great deal of pain and effort while generating more heat the longer the storm remains.
-Ijo can create a flash of light that blinds anything that looks, including allies.
-Ijo can also emit a small jet of solar flame to use as a blowtorch.
-Ijo can bend gravity with his hands to repel objects away, or pull them closer. This could potentially break ribs if the activating hand is on a target's chest, but deals very little direct damage at further distances.
-Ijo controls gravity in an area around him, increasing or lowering the forces of gravity for a short time. This can also just affect specific targets if intended. Using this ability does not generate much heat when lowering gravity, but tends to generate more when increasing gravity.
-Ijo can lift objects into the air and hurl them at his foes.
-Ijo can create a strong gravitational shield that defends against anything solid, while magic can pass through. The shield is only enough to defend himself while using one hand, but can create a dome of shielding when using both hands.
-Ijo can create a radial shockwave that knocks back everything in an area around him by forcefully clapping his hands together. Using this twice in a row will reach max heat for both gauntlets.
-Ijo can create a vortex that sucks in nearby objects so long as they are under 200 lbs, and implodes after a short time. This ability reaches the gauntlets' max heat instantly.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: Stands at about 75 inches tall and weighs about 200 lbs. Nothing to disregard about this picture.

Something like this.

Kingdom: No allegiance.
Persona: Stoic. Ijo loves to look up at the stars that are sprinkled across the night sky and longs to join them. For so long, it seems, the stars have been invisible and unknown to him...but now he wishes to walk among them and learn their secrets. He can kill another man without showing hesitation or remorse, yet he is very defensive and will refuse to remove his mask under almost any circumstance. He is a very secretive person who is hesitant to trust anyone due to a history of betrayal. And though he is an excellent gunsmith, he has never enjoyed creating weapons of war...not until now.
Post Example: The room was musty and dim, lit only by a small candle on a desk against a stone wall. There were no windows to speak of; the only portal being a single metal door positioned on the wall across the room from the desk. There were two wooden tables in the center of the room, with various tools and parts laid out on them. On one table there was a model of a cannon and several parts that could be identified as some of the larger scale counterparts of the model, and on the other table laid various and incomplete assemblies of handheld guns.
There was only one man in the dimly lit room, and he sat in a chair at the desk that was against the far wall. The candle there illuminated a metal mask, resembling a skull, that laid on the desk just a few inches away. The man simply sat and stared at the mask, as the candlelight flickered and was reflected by the eyes of his otherwise unlit face. He moved a hand to grab the mask, and moved his scarred face into the light.
"Tonight..." He started in a weary yet gruff voice. "Tonight, I'm getting out of this prison..."
Putting the mask on, he got up to search though the many containers in the room until he had found everything he needed. By now he had collected a number of schematics, a large handheld cannon, a lever-action shotgun, and a handgun. He moved the desk from the wall to use as cover, as he pulled the cannon out and fired an explosive round at the door. The room shook as the door was blown off of it's hinges, and the man stood up and looked in awe at the destruction.
"It worked..." He stated simply, putting the cannon away as he moved out into the hallway. "Now...I should be below ground level...I need to find my way up..." The man whispered to himself as he hurried through the hall and tried to keep his head down, but as he rounded a corner a group of guards caught sight of him.
"Hey! Look there! Ijo's escaping!" One of them shouted, getting the others to stop.
"Let's kill the bastard!" Said another as he pulled out a cannon like the one that the man, Ijo, had used to escape.
"No! Put that thing away, you're inside! You could kill us all!" Shouted a third, who was surprisingly a woman although she wore the same sized armor as the other men.
"We have to catch him alive, he's no good to us dead!" Shouted a fourth guard.
"I've had enough o' this little bastard's shit, I'm shootin' 'im now! If he's still breathin' after that, you can have 'im back." The second guard said as he took aim, and fired the cannon.
Suddenly, just as he pulled the trigger, Ijo fired his handgun dead through the cannon barrel causing it to explode in the guard's hands, killing many of the other guards nearby while causing a few stones in the ceiling to crack and fall. The rest were lying unconscious or were too injured to get back up, but one was trying to crawl away while calling for help. Ijo walked over to the injured and terrified guard and kicked him over on his back, pointing the shotgun down at his face.
"Where is the exit?" Ijo asked blandly, looking down at the man through the cold lenses of his mask.
"D-Down th-this h-hall...t-take the...f-first l-left...u-up the stairs...a-and u-uh..." The man was now crying as he raised his hand up as if to shield himself from the impending blast of the shotgun. "L-Look f-for...u-uh...b-big w-wooden d-door-"
"The rear exit" Ijo demanded, waving the shotgun barrel around in the injured guard's face.
A few moments later more guards arrived on scene to find that much of the hallway had collapsed with only one survivor; the man whom Ijo had interrogated. He told the other guards about the backfiring cannon, and about how Ijo used the shotgun to finish collapsing the hallway. The rest of the guards searched the perimeter and found only the lever-action shotgun...and Ijo was long since gone.
Amplifier Gauntlets
Having been grafted into his flesh and originally designed to suppress his powers, these gauntlets have been embedded with magic crystals imbued with enough energy to almost completely reverse the effects of suppression. The gauntlets build up heat each time Ijo uses his powers, and when they reach maximum heat the gauntlets shut off Ijo's magical powers to vent. However, while these gauntlets themselves cause harm to Ijo, Ijo's powers are unstable without them and can cause even more serious health complications(Namely Solar).
-The heat generated by these gauntlets increase the damage that Ijo can do with his fists, and while at max heat he can somewhat burn the enemies he hits until the gauntlets have cooled off.
These are safety mechanisms originally designed to keep Ijo from using his powers while he was imprisoned, but have been modified to amplify his powers. However, the overheating failsafe is still active and restricts the usage of his powers. These gauntlets have been welded into the flesh and bone of his forearms.

-The heat generated by these gauntlets increase the damage that Ijo can do with his fists, and while at max heat he can somewhat burn the enemies he hits until the gauntlets have cooled off.
These are safety mechanisms originally designed to keep Ijo from using his powers while he was imprisoned, but have been modified to amplify his powers. However, the overheating failsafe is still active and restricts the usage of his powers. These gauntlets have been welded into the flesh and bone of his forearms.

The "Handheld Artillery" Cannon

More of a trophy than anything else, this weapon rarely accompanies Ijo on a mission due to it's awkward size and low rate of fire. The firing chamber holds one 40mm cannon round.

Handgun chambered to fire 7.62mm spherical lead pellets. One shot chamber, similar overall to the "Handheld Artillery" Cannon.
Platinum Hammer

A rather simple and well made two-handed hammer.
-Ijo can manually overheat his gauntlets to deal more melee damage and burn enemies with each hit from his fist for a short time.
-Ijo can charge up heat energy in his hand and release a beam of solar light to vaporize a hole through his foes, instantly triggering the gauntlet's vent cycle. This attack can be reflected off of mirrors or generally any curved, shiny, metallic surfaces.
-Ijo can, with a great deal of pain, charge up heat energy in his eyes and project beams of solar light through the lenses of his mask. This causes a great deal of pain, but is more powerful than the beams fired from his gauntlets.
-Ijo can call down a solar storm that rains down beams of light to eradicate his foes, causing a great deal of pain and effort while generating more heat the longer the storm remains.
-Ijo can create a flash of light that blinds anything that looks, including allies.
-Ijo can also emit a small jet of solar flame to use as a blowtorch.
-Ijo can bend gravity with his hands to repel objects away, or pull them closer. This could potentially break ribs if the activating hand is on a target's chest, but deals very little direct damage at further distances.
-Ijo controls gravity in an area around him, increasing or lowering the forces of gravity for a short time. This can also just affect specific targets if intended. Using this ability does not generate much heat when lowering gravity, but tends to generate more when increasing gravity.
-Ijo can lift objects into the air and hurl them at his foes.
-Ijo can create a strong gravitational shield that defends against anything solid, while magic can pass through. The shield is only enough to defend himself while using one hand, but can create a dome of shielding when using both hands.
-Ijo can create a radial shockwave that knocks back everything in an area around him by forcefully clapping his hands together. Using this twice in a row will reach max heat for both gauntlets.
-Ijo can create a vortex that sucks in nearby objects so long as they are under 200 lbs, and implodes after a short time. This ability reaches the gauntlets' max heat instantly.

Evelyn Cheyne
Twenty two
Evelyn never really grew up. In a way she's still a curious and almost naive child. Sweet and quirky, its hard to take the small woman seriously when she wants to be. Life has always been a big adventure for her and that's her reason for joining the war. Evelyn has a natural high about her, always with a smile plastered on her face. Her curiosity and bright attitude has a tendency of being endearing or just plain out annoying. She takes judgement pretty hard although she'll act as if its okay and can be overly sensitive.
Post example:
"Land hoooooooo!" A giddy squeal filled the air. It was a bit unnecessary since the whole crew had known well ahead of time that it was only about an hour's time before they were to port, but they'd entertain the idea that Evelyn's words were relevant. A smile lit up her face as she tossed herself over the crow's nest edge and began her descent with ease. 'Well, this won't help much with getting rid of these damn callouses now, will it...' the thought crossed her mind before she simply shrugged it away. Maybe she'd care a little more when they docked and she'd actually have to look a bit more presentable. The people on deck were like her family and she couldn't care less what they thought of her rough "man hands". Hell, most of them had it six or seven times worse to think of it. Soon enough, she was lost in her own world and before she knew it, her feet landed on the shiny wooden deck with a quiet thud. Turning her face skyward, she breathed in the deep salty ocean air with a dreamy sigh. The sun warmed her face and only broadened her smile even more. The sea felt like home and it was nice to appreciate it every once in awhile.
"Stand there too long and someone oughta be boun' to push yeh down soon enough missy." The first mate Wilson scowled at her.
He had never been very found of her "dilly dallying all day long" has he had put it. Wilson was an older portly man, the gray very apparent in his thinning black hair and beard. He walked as if he owned the ship and was quick to put anyone in their place if he saw them so much as even look out of it. But Evelyn still forced a smile for him and tried to be her absolute politest, despite wanting to throttle him around occasionally.
"Sorry Wilson, didn't mean to get in your way..." She apologized, quickly scurrying away in the other direction without another glance. "What a cranky old man..." She muttered. It wasn't like there was much even happening on deck. A quick glance across it and she could see how little activity there was. A curt hmph was the only other sound she made as she straightened out her clothing a bit more, making her completely oblivious to the sailor scrambling her way with a mile high mountain of boxes in his arms.
Thunk! Thunk!
"Oh no no no no nooo! I'm so sorry let me help please I'm sorry!"
"I've got it! I've got it!"
Evelyn and the sailor, both diving for whatever they could catch in time exchanged a look. One of the boxes had fallen overboard. She swallowed what seemed like her heart back down her throat as she set down whatever she had gotten down, slowly creeping towards the edge of the ship. Peaking one eye open with a hand over her face, she almost whimpered at the big "CAREFUL! FRAGILE!" scribbled across the side of the now halfway sunken box.
"Welllll, this can't be good..." An awkward giggle escaped her throat as she cast a rueful grin over towards the poor sailor's terrified face. "I'll tell my dad for you?" She offered, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.
At least it wasn't like last time...

A small pouch that she keeps in her shirt, full of different types of herbs.
Evelyn is an amazing navigator and sailor, having spent many years apprenticing on her father's ship. She's also a great swimmer and gifted fisher. With limited medical knowledge, Evelyn knows the basics of first aid. She can stitch up wounds, set bones properly, and knows a thing or two about bandaging and herbs.
"Healing Hands": Evelyn can accelerate the healing process of wounds as well as draw out toxins, disease and infection by infusing mana, water, and her own energy with this spell. While it doesn't work on herself, she can heal moderate to severe wounds of others. It leaves her drained the more she uses it.
Water Embodiement: This spell allows Evelyn to turn into a physical manifestation of water itself. She's a walking body of water. Under this spell she can manipulate water to some extent and isn't solid enough to be hit, subsequently meaning she isn't solid enough to hit something else either.
Flyrogenesis: A spell that Evelyn can use to summon a somewhat stable force field(s). The spell keeps an invisible wall as strong as a thick glass window up from anyway from a few seconds to two minutes up. It can be broken from outside force if it's strong enough.