Made in the western side of Tokyo, Japan, Mizuno Academy was made by supernatural creatures for the sole purpose of teaching teen supernaturals how to control their powers. Overall the school has an excellent reputation, which is well-deserved, not everybody knows what the school holds inside, as no humans have dared to even enroll at the school. The school year groups are from grade 10 to grade 12, but the real age of these students may even be older. The aim of this school is to raise awareness of supernatural attacks throughout the country, and that there are other solutions besides attacking in case you need blood e.g.
If you're lucky enough, you have the chance to be in the Elite Class, where certain people from different grades are placed into the class. If you start in the Elite Class in your first year of school, the next two years you will remain in the Elite Class unless you have broken the rules of the school. E.g. Attacking another student, disobedience to teachers. In the Elite Class you are served better food, and have better accommodation than to the other school students. In this roleplay, you will be in the Elite Class from displaying your skills during the entrance exam, getting a whopping 95% or higher, then getting interviewed by the school.
With the Elite Class, before you graduate you must have learned to fight, if not you will be rendered useless in the class and be demoted. Which is why most of the Elite Class members have extra powers.
CLASS SCHEDULE It is the same for everyday Monday-Friday, no lessons take place on Saturday and Sunday. 7:00pm - Homeroom 7:30pm - Gym 8:30pm - Powers 9:30pm - Mathematics 10:30pm - Lunchtime 11:10pm - Species 12:10am - English 1:10am - Art 2:10am - Recess 2:50am - Return to Dorms
Species: (Vampire? Werewolf? Demon? Fairy? Alien? All are accepted, please give a brief description of what your species is in case I need to understand what it is. I will accept half-humans the mix between two supernaturals I will not accept :c)
Appearance: (Images and descriptions are both accepted.)
Nationality: (Which country is your character from?)
Personality: (What do they act like? What is their behavior?)
Bio: (Give a description of your character e.g. backstory)
Weapon: (If your character has a weapon please explain in detail, even bring in a picture for appearance if you'd like)
Equipment: (Do they have anything they bring along with them?)
Skills: (E.g. Family line skills.)
Abilities: (Magic? Supernatural abilities must be put here as well.)
Other: (Anything the above didn't already cover.)
- No Godmoding
- No OOC fighting
- Be reasonable when fighting IC (no auto hitting/ infinite dodging, no killing/ harming someone else's character without their permission and all that)
- Be cordial. Respect other people and you will be treated equally, not and we're will have to ask you to leave, kindly.
- Please respect all of the GMs. We should be the final arbiters of any dispute.
- Follow the Guild's rules for content/language. Take any improper material to PMs, please.
- Keep your IC posts at a minimum length of one paragraph and please try to write as well as you can. We know that English is not everyone's main language, but that's no excuse to being negligent.
- Although there is no posting order, please do not spam post. Wait at least until two people have gone before you before posting again.
- If you're going to leave for an extended period of time, or drop the RP, please let us know. We might be become a little sad because of it but we will respect your choice, but leaving without prior notice causes unneeded distress for all the other players.
- Everyone will be allowed a maximum of 2 characters.
- And finally... Have fun! Because that's what we are here for, right?
Species: Black Dragon, Acid spitters come from the swamps and wastelands and are often necromancers and killers, they are considered evil and hated by most other Dragons and many human types as well.
Nationality: German
Personality: Black dragons are vile, evil tempered, and obsessed with death. They live in fetid, swampy habitats. They find comfort in the sickening-sweet aroma of drowned, rotting carcasses. The black dragon's domain is the swamp and the jungle. They are abusive, quick to anger, and malevolent. Their hearts are as black as their slimy scales. They are extremely intelligent sometimes dangerously so, and are masters of necromancy and enjoy toying with black magic and the souls of mortals. Because he is young Isroc has very little control over himself and is going to the academy to learn to coexist with humans.
Bio: I would like to reveal this as a series of Flashbacks...
Weapon: A sword that reeks of poison and soul crushing evil. In truth mortal souls are trapped in the blade that constantly want to escape making a wound from the blade also do horrible spiritual damage.
Equipment: A grimoire containing his magic and many dark spells.
Skills: master of swampland survival,
Abilities: Master Necromancer, Master of black magics, Breathes Acid and can swim in swamp water and fly.
reserving a spot (depends if the possible complications come up, should know by end of the day since I'm supposed to be receiving the phone call today)