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Name: Veridian Vesuvius
Nicknames: Veri (Sounds like Very)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Color: Green
Team: N/A currently
Affiliation: Beacon
Occupation: Hunter-in-Training

Symbol: An explosion

Fighting Style: Veridian specializes in traps and zoning. Before and during a battle she would set up various arena hazards with her weapons from floating mines to time bombs that would destroy a strategic location. She has a wide variety of bombs as well, not just explosive: She has smoke bombs to remove viability, flash bangs to stun and deafen her opponents, sticky bombs which not only stick onto an opponent, but when they explode they cover everything around them in a strong web, rooting them to the spot, and much more. Typically she fights from a distance, but she can handle herself in a melee as well, as she's quite resilient and tough. For her, a suicide bombing actually isn't a bad idea, as she'll survive the explosion more likely then her opponent would. So not really a suicide bombing.

Weapon: Bomb Voyage - Instant Explosive Materialization Gauntlets

A pair of gauntlets with wrist compartments meant for storing dust charges, they take a sample of dust and use them to figure out what the explosive properties of Verdian's bombs would be. Additionally Veri can use these gauntlets to create her bombs instantaneously, and more then just one type: she can make bombs that explode into smaller bombs, bombs that stick onto enemies, ones that explode on impact, others that only explode after a certain time, some that are proximity based, some that can be throw very far very fast, all that and more. She can even combine these traits, though it takes a bit longer for her to make them if she's combining more then two traits together. If she has to she can also make the explosion simply occur on the top or palm of her hand, ensuring that she has a way to fight in a melee as well.

Semblance: True Sight - Veri is cable of removing obstruction from views, even if she becomes physically blinded. Additionally True Sight allows her to "see" whatever she wants, even if it's her opponent who has gone into hiding, or a foe who is trying to move faster then the eye could see. She becomes aware of all around her in existence, choosing to ignore some or focus on others.

Appearance: Veri is a short, plump girl (5'4" and weighing at around 189lb) with olive skin and black hair. Casually she dresses in whatever is cheap but trendy, often casual and conservative. However she has a specific set of hunting gear which appears to be a large bomb suit, though it's actually highly advanced armor meant to maximize both Veri's protection and mobility. She could fight just fine in the suit, and is well protected against her own explosives.

Personality: Veri's crazy. Sure, she's a sweet enough girl on her own, kinda preppy and can be understanding. But don't forget that she's crazy, murderously so. If she doesn't like you, and it's not that hard for her not to like you, she totally will send you a bomb. If you're lucky it won't be lethal, but that depends on what sort of explosion would entertain her the most. But aside from her madness, Veri's very outspoken and doesn't stand idly by when she see's something she disagrees with. She has a very forceful personality which can grate on others and she's almost the textbook example of a "Social Justice Warrior", though occasionally her craziness can actually help make her less annoying by simply not caring about whatever travesty is happening to someone.

Bio: Veri's folk were very hands-off with her, what with being hunters and all. She grew up with her uncle, who himself was a bit of a nut case. Her uncle, by the way, was also a faunas; an honorary uncle really, he was a former member of her patent's hunting team before he took an injury that took him out from the business. He's the one who taught Veri the joys of explosive. He taught her how to make fireworks at first, and then eventually started to teach her about the glories of controlled explosives. He was very professional about all of it and Veri never touched an actual bob until she was 13, but by then she already knew how to assemble a high grade explosive using recycling, and how to dismantle a tank shell into a pile of organized scraps.

When Veri did become older, she started to get rebellious. Her parents tried to be more involved in her life, but at this point Veri wanted to be recognized by everyone, not just her parents. She wanted her uncle to see how much better she was at using and making bombs then he was. She wanted to show her school friends what sort of power she had in her hands. To her teachers, the sort of control she has over the forces of explosions. Her enemies, the reason why they should all fear her.

And what was worse was that she was succeeding. Thanks to an early education, dedication, and a (un)healthy dose of insanity, Veri was a master of all matters of explosives by the time she was 15. If it was boom, from the smallest bullet to the biggest nuclear weapon, Veri knew what to do with it. She knew how to get her hands on it. And it was her power to control.

Veri joined with Beacon not so much for the ideals of being a Hunter. She simply sees it as a productive way to express her one true desire: Boom.

Other: Veri has a secret side business where she sales pirated CD's and cheap imitation SCROLLS in the downtown areas of Vale. She actually has this business organized by a couple of old friends of hers, and she gets a nice fat cut every week to ensure that she has money to spend. Has very little interest in boys, thinking they're nothing than macho angst, though she doesn't like girly girls who can't appreciate her crude humor and violently visceral means of entertainment. Quite a masochist though.
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Name: Gren Orchid

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Boar Faunas

Weapon: The God Eater - A Bifurcated Weapon (Meaning that is has two forms). Terror form is akin to that of a chainsaw and an Axe, due to it's capability of shredding and tearing with the bladed teeth, as well as hacking and slashing motions of an axe. Additionally it can create a blast of heat and flame using the Dust, entire engulfing the target in an fiery explosion or igniting his own weapons for additional mayhem. It also has a Destroyer form, which in appearance looks to be like that of a Gatling Gun, but it is also capable of launching Rockets as well as use it's Dust to either emulate a Flame Thrower or giving the bullets Incendiary properties. The weapon's weight and durability also allows it to be handled as a heavy bludgeon suited for tanks, or in this instance, Gren. The weapon itself is made of a Carbon-enhanced metal, allowing it to resist overheating and making most of the weapon black. When possible however, Gren gives it a shiny chrome finish.

Specialty: Gren is a tough guy, but he's more of a meat shield than a bonefide tank. He draws fire from foes by being the biggest, easiest threat to hit (Though perhaps not to damage), as well as ensuring that his foes cannot escape from him. His Destroyer form of God Eater is perfect for dealing with large waves of enemies and can do some serious damage if focused on a single, fast moving target. His Terror form is best in 1-on-1 situations at close range thanks to the shear damage output from the chain blade as well as the force behind each swing. Gren is understandably quite sluggish when he comes to battle however, lacking the sheer agility to keep up with faster opponents who will try and pick him apart of overwhelm his defenses with attacks. But don't mistake that as slow; if need be he can be quite creative on how he transports himself across the battlefield, often employing The God Eater as his vehicles in such ways that can only be seen to be believed. And that's before he starts using his Semblance to further augment his mobility, or shut down the mobility of his foes, thus removing their only strength against him.

Semblance: Friction - Malakaus can control the level of Friction he's putting onto an object or objects that touch him. This allows him to do such things as slide across rough terrain, walk on walls and water, and more importantly, keep himself rooted when he's using his weapon. He can extend his Friction to other thing's hes touching to an extent.

Personality: While his weapon makes him seem rather blood thirsty and he likes a good fight, Gren has learned to not try to violently kill everything and found new hobbies, like picking up his mother's interest in flowers and herbalism and cooking. Because sometimes Gren get's hungry, and he likes to eat tasty things. Gren see's himself as a sort of protector/apex predator who reserves the right to enforce his authority on others, but worries about people's well-being first and his authority second. He can get very sadden when he thinks that he did something wrong, or simply didn't do something enough. He cares about things under his protection a lot, even when they don't need his protection or what his concern. In a fight he can lose himself easily and once he gets going he's hard to stop. He likes tinkering and has a natural ability to put together ramshackle machinery that by all rights shouldn't be working. Gren has a problem dealing with authority however; as previously mentioned he has a tendency to throw his own weight around even if he isn't the one in charge. While he can follow directions easy enough, he's just as capable of taking over an operation without even considering how it would undermine the efforts of everyone else involved.

Color: A vibrant verdant color like that you'd see in a grassy field one summer's day.

Emblem: Like his surname, Gren's emblem is an orchid. The petals appear more axe-shaped however.

Appearance: (you may use an image if so inclined, but even if you do, I'll still probably make one for you.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Name: Karnage Sunder-Skull
Level: 10
Class name/description: Berzerker

Strength - 15
Agility - 5
Endurance - 10
Focus - 2
Wisdom - 5
Charisma - 3

Metal Head - The part of Karnage from his shoulders up is harder than steel. Those attempting to strike it even while Karnage is unarmored will find it very resistant to blows. Additionally, Karnage’s head is so tough, physical weapons that strike it will be damaged, and if Karnage strikes objects with his skull, he will break them.

Splitting Maul - A mighty but mundane cross between a battleaxe and a war hammer. One side is a chopping blade, and another is a heavy bludgeon. Too top heavy to be used with one hand.

Full Plate - Thick metal armor befitting a man of Karnage’s size and strength, this armor of steel protects him from most forms of physical harm, with his joints protected by mail and the rest in plate.

Karnage Shatter-Skull leads the Green Tide Warband, a group of goblinkin, orcs, trolls, and a few ogres. That being said, they don’t really follow him out of any sense of loyalty or even tactical genius; he’s simply stronger than them, and thus they follow him out of fear.

Karnage is the vessel of Lust, a lust for carnal pleasures, of glory and honor, of blood and battle. He has no greater aspirations of dreams than to satisfy his own desires and indulge in his creature comforts, regardless of the well being of others.

Name: Briar, Knight of Thorns
Level: 10
Class name/description: Knight

Strength - 7
Agility - 7
Endurance - 15
Focus - 1
Wisdom - 1
Charisma - 1
Wicked Wound - Injuries caused by Briar cannot be healed by either mundane or magical means, and can only be healed after the death of the victim or Briar.

Barbed Longsword - A longsword coated with disease, this blade’s edge consist of many sharp, serrated points that cause bloody wounds and could pierce through thick hides.

Spiked Shield - A shield covered in blades, which can be used to not only defend from attacks but also strike opponents and create gaping wounds.

Thornmail - This armor is covered in thorns and blades, allowing even a gentle brush to leave behind cuts. This armor allows Briar to strike his opponent with any part of his body and cut them upon the spikes, or catch their blades within the thorns.

Other: Briar is an undead creature, and thus does not feel pain nor emotions. However due to his undead nature, he cannot be healed by normal means. Though not intentional, the souls of those who die near him are absorbed into his body for an unknown reason. Perhaps it is because of these souls that he cannot be cured of his undeath...

Briar is the vessel of Sloth, passive and ultimately apathetic to his fate or actions. While there is the possibility of escaping his fate is there, Briar lacks the will to pursue it and has resigned himself to his position. His potential to do good is override by the despair about his current situation.

Name: Ashelia Maetharanel, Queen of Eluvian
Level: 10
Class name/description: Enchanter

Strength - 2
Agility - 7
Endurance - 3
Focus - 5
Wisdom - 5
Charisma - 10

Empathy - Ashelia is capable of sensing, and thus manipulating, the true or current emotions of others. Subtle methods take a longer time to perform but are more reliable, while forced empathic changes can be resisted or are short lived. She is able to sense others regardless if she can actually perceive them physically.

Estoc - A thrusting sword similar to a rapier, but longer and with a stronger blade. While capable of cutting, it’s main purpose is to pierce through the folds of armor, or even the armor itself. As the weapon emphasis finess, Ashelia can use her agility to do damage instead of her strength.

Spell Bell - A hand chime that can be used as a catalyst for spellcasting. Ringing the bell allows those who hear it to become a target of Ashelia’s spells, as well as her magic being more effective against them.

Umbra - Ashelia’s pet crow. Very intelligent, smart enough to follow complicated commands by Ashelia. The two are linked together by magic, allowing Ashelia to perceive her senses (Including her Empathic ability) through Umbra.

Other: Once a naive but benevolent queen of a small elven kingdom called Eluvian, when a profane darkness overtook her lands Ashelia was left one of the few survivors, but the abyss had corrupted her into a cruel and spiteful mistress. Wanting to force the darkness out of her kingdom, she seeks to defeat this unknown foe with evil magics, and has amassed a group of warriors to gather resources for her war, at any cost.

Ashelia is the vessel of Wrath, blindly seeking vengeance against a foe simply to spite them. She would be willing to curse entire nations to the same fate as her own to destroy her enemies, even if it will never give her back everything she has lost.

Name: Feiya of the Great Swamp
Level: 10
Class name/description: Witch

Strength - 1
Agility - 5
Endurance - 2
Focus - 10
Wisdom - 9
Charisma - 3

Hexes - Feiya is capable of casting deadly hexes onto her foes, which can harm or debilitate them in unexpected and/or horrible ways. Feiya gains two more hexes each time she empowers this ability.
Soul Binding - Using her hexes, Feiya casts a necromantic curse upon her foe and slow drains them of their soul. Their physical abilities slowly drain until they die, either through the binding or other means. Upon death Feiya can harvest their soul for various purposes, from creating undead or temporary empowering weapons with negative energy.
Hellfire - Feiya is able to channel the flames of the underworld into the world around her, burning foes or setting things on fire. She can shoot a gout of flame at foes, leave a candle-sized flame that would explode into a much larger ball of fire when enemies are near, or give weapons flaming properties.

Witch Rod - Feiya’s magic staff, which allows her to channel her spells more effectively. While she can use her spells without her staff, with it they are more powerful and/or less draining for her. With her staff she can shoot bolts of fire with her Hellfire hex.

Dagger - A humble small blade capable of stabbing or slicing a foe. Simple but efficient.

Soul Gems - The physical manifestation of souls. On their own they’re little more than pretty crystals, but with the right magics they can be used to empower one’s spells or grant strength to a person’s equipment.

Other: A witch who was banished from her coven after she protested against a dark ritual. Now living secluded in her lair, Feiya stockpiles her supplies to undo the ritual her coven has performed. She created Briar, Knight of Thorns, to collect souls in preparation to undo her mistakes.

Feiya is the vessel of Pride, believing herself to be right and her opponents wrong. Staunch in her belief and unshakable in her faith, even if the path she follows will lead to ruin. While she may be willing to face off against a greater evil, she would overlook the ones she would preform for the sake of her goals.

Name: Syndere
Level: 10
Class name/description: Samurai

Strength - 7
Agility - 11
Endurance - 5
Focus - 3
Wisdom - 1
Charisma - 3

Eyes of Direction - This ability allows Syndere to predict movements at any speed, be it her foes, herself, or anything else in motion. Focusing on a target allows her to react fast enough to interact with said target as well.

Nodachi - An eastern style blade roughly five feet in length. Despite it’s appearance it requires some strength to wield, but dexterity to master. It’s sharp but fine edge is capable of leaving clean cuts through most foes, but is much more easily damaged.

Composite Bow - A short bow that utilizes one’s strength for a stronger draw. But with agility, one can also unleash a rapid, if inaccurate, burst of arrows.

Hedge Knight Armor - A set of armor consisting of a breastplate, full helmet, gauntlets, and greaves, with the rest merely being padded cloth and leather. While not as fully protective as full plate, it offers decent protection without being heavy.

Hollow arrows - Arrows with hollowed shafts, allowing them a lighter weight and thus longer range. However due to their extremely lightweight they are more easily affected by outside conditions such as weather, and lack the mass to pierce through armor.

Broad Arrows - Arrows with a larger, broader arrowhead. This allows them more weight to penetrate armor, however it also limits their range to relatively close distances.

Other: Syndere awoke in a dark abyss, with nothing on her person. No clothes, no weapons, not even her memories. After fighting her way out of the darkness she thought she was going to die naked and alone before she was found by a passing warrior, who took pity on the stranger. This warrior trained Syndere to become a fighter, equipping her, and now she follows the warrior as a self-proclaimed squire. Occasionally she would leave for her own adventures, either by her choice or the command of the warrior.

Syndere is the vessel of Envy, desiring the life and strength of others. She emulates those she believes are better than herself, but secretly desires to replace them and have what they have for herself, as she started with nothing.

Name: Dohn Yi Kain
Level: 10
Class name/description: Hunter

Strength - 5
Agility - 8
Endurance - 7
Focus - 3
Wisdom - 3
Charisma - 4

Sleight of Hand - This ability greatly approves Dohn’s dexterity, allowing him to perform a variety of tricks using his hands that would seem impossible to everyone else but him. This includes such things as firing a bow with only one hand, throwing things not meant to be thrown, harmlessly breaking his hands, or even cutting his foes with a chop.

Whip - A fifteen feet-long leather cord. It can leave painful wounds even on tough flesh, but even the lightest of armors can foil any harm this weapon can do. However with finesse, one can use this weapon to bind, trip, or even disarm foes.

Sawn-Off Shotgun - A double barrel shotgun with it’s barrels and grip shorten into a pistol sized weapon. It’s recoil is typically too strong for those without sufficient skill or strength, but it packs much power despite it’s small size. Can shoot one or both barrels at once, but shooting with both barrels create much more recoil and thus a much less accurate shot.

Kukri - An inward curved dagger to provide greater cutting power. Despite it’s small size, it is fully capable of powerful chops like that of an hatchet.

Noble Hunter’s Attire - A garb meant for hunting beasts and monsters for nobility. Lightly armored and sturdy, providing some protection while allowing the hunter to remain swift and mobile.

Buck Shot - Ammo for Dohn’s shotgun. It fires a spread of pellets, highly effective at tearing apart flesh and knocking a foe back or off their feet, but tends to do poorly against proper armor.

Slug Shot - Ammo for Dohn’s shotgun. A single large caliber slug capable of punching a hole through armor and with a far better range than buckshot, but create much more recoil.

Fire Bombs - Crude grenades filled with gunpowder that explodes upon impact when it’s fuse is pulled. It’s blast radius is relatively small as it lacks projectile shrapnel, but quite capable of setting objects and enemies on fire.

Smoke Bombs - Sophisticated bombs capable of unleashing a large cloud of thick smoke. It’s pungent odor also throws off scent based tracking and could cause nausea in those with weaker constitutions.

Flash Bombs - Devious explosives capable of overwhelming the senses of others through sound and sight. Flash Bombs not only released a violently powerful blast of light that not even covering one’s eyes would be able to protect against, but also a sonic boom to destroy the ear drums of those with keen hearing.

Weapon Blanche - Alchemical oil used to coat weapons to bypass certain resistances.
Silver Blanche - Gives a single weapon or a handful of ammunition silver properties. Useful against undead or demonic creatures. Lasts for a minute.

Adamantine Blanche - Gives a single weapon or a handful of ammunition Adamantine properties. Makes the objects nearly indestructible, and more capable of bypassing hardness.

Potion of Unnatural Lust - A powerful, mind controlling potion that makes those who drink it fall madly in love with the first person they see for the first few hours. Depending on the exact nature of the relationship between the one who drinks it and the first person they see, this potion may help create a friend or foe.

Other: A bounty hunter for hire, occasionally an assassin, though typically a pro-bono murderer. While money is always an incentive for what he does, he accepts marks on whimsy as well. Currently employed by Ashelia for whatever nefarious purpose she’s up to.

Dohn is the vessel of Gluttony, living a fulfilling and profitable life, but taking more than his fare share simply on a whim. Be it money, attention, or power, Dohn takes more than he needs and in fact more than he could handle. He can never truly utilize everything given to him and often leaves behind his excess in his waste.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 27 days ago


Malkai is fairly short, five feet by six inches, and not particularly muscular despite his heritage. His hair is long and braided into dreadlocks, but he's otherwise clean shaven. His body is decorated in scars and tattoos, most of them animal imagery but also words written in Druidic. One word on his right arm spells out "Wild" and another on his left arm is "Fury". While Malkai's attire tends to change based on the situation, he's rarely seen without his mask. It's a "Totem Mask" made of Iron Wood, adorned with horns and tusks. It's a magical mask which alters with Malkai's appearance when he wild shapes (if he do desires), and allows him to communicate in his animal form using the languages he knows.

Malkai's standard dress is hide armor adorned with bones to provide a bit of extra armor. He typically goes shoeless, though he does wear fur-lined leggings to keep his lower body warm. His main weapon is a magic staff. The staff has a spell storing enchantment on it: He can cast one spell on it that he can activate at anytime after it's been cast, however he can only store one and once it's used, he has to store another spell into it to use the enchantment again. He also has a dagger made from the talon of a large beast and three shortspears that he uses for range combat.

Name: Malkai Orchid

Age: 27

Race: Half-Orc

Class: Druid

Biography: Malkai was left in the forest as a child. His mother was a prostitute who had serviced an orcish warrior, and so she left her bastard son to the wilds. The cries of the young babe attracted the attention of wild creatures, and wild elves. These wild elves were a forest people, druids, but not keepers of harmony. No, they were a force of nature. Where some kept peace in their land these elves sought to spread the natural fury of the world upon those who would challenge it. And they sensed that fury within the infant child, who's cries were like a roaring wind; loud and powerful.

Malkai's early childhood was spent as little more than an animal. He learned how to hunt and survive instead of how to read and write. While he eventually learned his naive tongue, he rarely used it to communicate with others, and his charm would leave much to be desired. But he grew strong and tough, at least enough to survive in the wilderness on his own. As he grew older, the druids came back to Malkai, and taught him to tame the beast within him. The druids taught him their ways, their tenants and their powers. Unlike other druid circles they were not bound to nature nor did they fear civilizations; they held no sway over them than they could the winds or storms.

As Malkai grew older and stronger, he too eventually chose to leave the forest and mountains he called home and explored the land, as other druids of his circle often did. He would see the world, both in it's natural and man-made form, and learn that the chaotic forces of nature often manifests itself in strange ways. He gathered fortune and renowned, but in the grand scheme of things he was naught but a single drop in the ocean of the world, a single leaf in a grand tree. So Malkai sought greater challenges, seeking quests and tasks which his skills could conqueror. He wanted to shake up the world.



As befitting of someone of celestial blood, Veridis seems to have an unnaturally attractive look about him, not to mention his time as a bard has allowed him to hone his appearance to be more conventionally attractive to others. Veridis stands at a tall six feet and ten inches, a slim and lanky body that shows that he's more interested in making himself look good rather than making it fit. Veridis tends to keep his hair boyishly-short and cleaned, though his celestial nature already makes it hard to dirty himself. Most filthy and stains tends to just fall off his skin or hair, though his clothes still get dirty. Veridis's eyes are a dark blue, typically described as sapphires. When he uses magic they glow purple, making them look like amethysts.

While Veridis isn't afraid to show off his body (To the point that he's totally fine with being nude in public), he tends to wear many layers of clothing. Most of them are clothing he has a special attachment to; his scarf was a gift of his mother, his shawl (The black and gold cloth) was a gift from his favorite teacher back in bard's college, and his poncho he received from some villagers after his first quest. He's learned how to mend these things by hand should they ever get damaged. Veridis also wears magically reinforced mythril chain mail underneath his clothing for protection. He's rarely seen without his lute: this, along with his shawl, was a gift from his favorite teacher. For protection Veridis has a rapier, dagger, and whip.

Veridis main weapon, to the surprise of some, is actually his lute. It is a magical lute capable of "shooting" magic arrows made of sonic energy, making it into something akin to a longbow. Instead of relying on his marital ability however, he can use his performance skill with a lute to strike his foes.

Name: Veridis Quo

Age: 107

Race: Aasimar

Class: Bard

Biography: Veridis grew up thinking that he was just a normal human boy. Both his parents were human, albeit his father was a paladin and his mother was a lay sister, who often helped their church with whatever tasks needed. Veridis often worked alongside his mother in the church, sometimes lending a helping hand, but more often than not he was leading the other children. He did not bully the children as some would, even if he was taller than them. Instead, Veridis was friendly to the kids and used kind words, but wasn't afraid to speak up against ruffians or give a stern word to troublemakers. He was well-liked by most of the church for being a good child, though some felt he was too much of a goodie-goodie to be much fun.

Much of that changed as he grew older. It first began when his father, a fairly mighty paladin and champion of the church, wanted to train his son to also become a paladin. Veridis was willing to learn from his father, who taught him the basic use of various weaponry such as swords, halberds, bows, and maces, however Veridis lacked the physique to make use of such weapons. While he was athletic and healthy, he was weaker than his mother when it came to using his strength. So instead he was trained to use his fineness, employing lighter weapons such as rapiers and daggers. This pleased his father well enough, but Veridis had no interest in becoming a paladin. While he had faith in Shelyn, their goddess, Veridis did not really want to seek out evil. He wanted the life of an bard.

His mother and father had their doubts. While his mother was largely accepting, as art and music was one of the portfolios of Shelyn, his father felt that his son would be better served as a holy warrior of good than a traveling mistral. But Veridis was firm: while he was willing to fight the good fight, he would do so his own way. His father reluctant for the longest time, but ultimately accepted his son's decision. Using his connections, Veridis's father helped his son find a reputable Bard's College for his son to train. Thanking his mother and father, Veridis left his home to become a bard. But the Bard's College was just a stepping stone for his true passion: Adventure.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 27 days ago

UserName: Lucius Cypher

Character name: Tyrael Marchosias (His current alias), Karnage Urabrask Vorinclex (His true full name), Master Demonology Professor (College Title), Forge Master (Occupation Title)

Age: 361

Mageblood type: Obiligatio

Favoured Magic Class: Demonmancy

Previous Magic training: Currently the Demonmancy Teacher

Race: Fallen Orc


[b]Short Bio:[b] Karnage was once an orc who was part of a great roaming clan, Clan Vorinclex, in times long ago. The son of the clan's forge master, he took up his father's craft at a young age to succeed him when he dies. Karnage was skilled starting out, but took many years before he could even begin to emulate some of his father's more decent creations. His father could create powerful weapons from simple iron, and could turn sticks and bones into weapons that would put the fear into even the most powerful warriors. His skill was unparalleled in all the clans, and Karnage sought to do better than he could. His father approved of this. But he didn't simply live his life as an armorer; in orc culture, an aspiring smith must gather his own materials until he's proven worthy or having others work for him. This meant that Karnage couldn't even buy metals to work with, not until he's proven himself by gathering and making a worthy weapon or armor. And since Karnage didn't really begin his training as a smith until he was twenty, he had muchg more experience gathering his materials.

Materials that were guarded by either enemies of his clan, or some of the most horrific beasts he does his best to forget. His adolescence was spent as a hunter, using his own weapons to gather necessary materials while also fending off beasts who sought to use him as a quick snack. Should he manage to slay the beasts, he would also drag their bodies (If possible) back the the clan for meats and materials. After time he had to do this alone though, due to his status as the son of the best armorer of the clan. His own fame fueled the irrational rivalry he had with others he didn't even know. He just wanted help. Alas, in the end while everyone else began to begin their training thanks to their teamwork, Karnage couldn't begin his training until he was twenty two. And that was only out of necessity rather than any effort on his part.

War broke out among the clans. His own made alliances with long time friends and former enemies, while he and the other orcs of his age were either shipped off to battle or sent to the forges to supply those sent to war. His own father made sure that his son worked along side him in the forge, confident in his skills, but Karnage always heard whispers of how he was saved by nepotism. This petty rumor soon began to grow, and soon orcs who learned that Karnage forged their weapons and armors discarded them, ashamed that their equipment was being forged by a "Pretender" like him. Karnage didn't know how to stop this hatred. All he could do was what his father said, to ignore the words and keep doing his best, and respect should come to him. But Karnage decided that it was time to stop clinging to his father's shadow and out of his protection. Karnage hung up his hammer and traded it for an axe, and went into war as a warrior.

Ten years he's fought, ten years the war waged on. Karnage found alongside his fellow clansmen, who begrudging came to respect his willingness in battle. Karnage fought and killed, took many injuries for his clansmen, and did many things that he'd sooner forget. Entire clans were wiped out. Women raped, children killed, some of them done by him. They even attacked non-orc settlements for supplies and materials, than pinned the blame on an enemy clan so that the other races would attack them instead. Cunning tactics. Karnage gain notoriety as a brutal warrior who preformed vile acts in the name of victory, from sending refugees covered in flaming pitch towards the enemy to desecrating burial sites to use the bones of the dead as arrowheads, nothing was "too much" if it meant winning. Because he was told to do whatever had to in order to achieve victory. So he did.

After sustaining an injury that took him out of the battle, Karnage returned to forging weapons as the war was winding down to an end. His relationship with his father and family was strained at best. Because despite leaving to fight in the war, Karnage chose, on his own accord, to leave the family against their wishes to achieve his own desire. He couldn't live in their family home, wasn't allowed to use their forge, and even some of their family friends had trouble being seen with him. His friends and allies during the war were either still fighting or dead, and soon Karnage was out of a job when it came into light that the clan now had a surplus of equipment, making his job rendered moot. It seemed for all his attempts to find a place among the community, all he's done was improve the way he was alienated from it.

At around thirty years old, Karnage discovered he had the ability of mage blood, specifically Demonmancy. During the time, magic was an unexplored phenomenon, so not many of the orcs knew what to do for him. Only the Clan's Blood Priest had any tangible idea of what to do, being a mage himself, and so he directed Karnage to the College of Aerta, a school for mages. Karnage didn't feel sad to leave, knowing that he had lost his place in his clan. Taking what little he could, Karange set off from his current clan camp ground and headed towards the College... But he never made it.

Along his way to the college, he was in Djarkel. There he found what his Clansmen called "The Ravine of Demons", a realm underneath the ground where the veil between the Inferno and their world was next to nonexistent. He found one of their larger entrances in Djarkel and contemplated entering it. He was at a moment in his life where he had neither the support or love of friends or family, where all his efforts went unnoticed and yielded no benefits, and he was really, really bored. He set up camp that night next to the Ravine, and attempted to use his magic.

He was not prepared for what happened next. He did not expect a demon to show up, but due to being so close to the Ravine he was much easier, but this demon was incorporeal. In order to sustain itself in the mortal realm, it needed a host. It figured that Karnage, being an unexperienced mage, would be more than suitable for a takeover. The demon tried to possess Karnage, but he had the willpower to fend off its mental attacks. During the struggle however, Karnage fell into the Ravine, surviving the fall only because of his armor he had. But the fall itself gave the demon an upper hand in the struggle, and it began to morph Karnage’s body. He began to fuse with his armor, creating a mesh of flesh and steel. Karnage and the demon struggled for control for days, and by the time Karnage had regain control of his body and body, his physical form had been warped to the point that it looked nothing like a traditional orc. When Karnage saw this, he knew he could not return to the surface world without further hatred and alienation from the people there. So he moved into the Ravine of Demon, and settled to live among monsters.

Much of Karnage’s life was spent in the Ravine. He didn’t have a home for longer than a month or so due to its constantly shifting nature, or that it would get raided by other demons when he’s away, or that he gets chased off by monsters and can’t return. He constantly lived on the move, but he did not fret nor feared. In fact, the struggle brought him a sense of pleasure in his life. The new monsters he fought and killed provided him new materials for creating weapons, which he found immensely useful as he continued to live in the Ravine. He increased his skills as a hunter and a smith, using everything he can find in the Ravine, whether it be the tooth of a massive Earth Wurm or a couple of rocks he picked up tied to vines, to even the ever rare catches of Godstone and other exotic ores. He grew close to his creations, often giving those names personalities as he began to slip further into madness. Eventually he began to lead of Legion of weapons. Completely mundane weapons, but he didn’t know that. The demons in his head convinced him otherwise.

During his time in the Ravine, he found himself in the service of an Archdemon. How it came to pass is a bit of a mystery on both their parts. Rumor would have it that Karnage defeated one of the Archdemon's entire Legion, others would say that he bested the Archdemon himself. Some would even say that he worked up from grunt level all the way to the Archdemon's court. These, of course, are all rumors with little basis in truth, or heavily exaggerated in order to perpetuate a fearsome image. If you asked Karnage, he would simply tell you that he proved himself, and that's all. Either way, Karnage found himself working under the Archdemon, making weapons for him. Not entirely out of his own will either; the Archdemon was a master Psychomancer and used illusions to trick Karnage into servitude. Still, Karnage liked the work well enough. It gave him purpose and a permanent place to reside. It also began his training in Demonmancy.

Karnage’s skill in the forge quickly allowed him to rise in the ranks of the Archdemon’s hierarchy, becoming his personal armorer. Karnage was given certain benefits, including education with Demonmancy. This was mainly to allow Karnage to summon his own servants in the forge, but on his own he begun to search into improving his magic. So between gathering materials and creating arms and armors for the Archdemon, Karnage was slowly mastering his Demonmancy. It took him about two hundred years, but by the time he was finished, he could have very well taken over as the new Archdemon (Even though he was a Fallen). Instead however, he simply left after his many years serving the Archdemon. Karnage had raised a handful of highly-skilled smiths to replace him, though the Archdemon was somewhat possessive of Karnage. They managed to strike a deal however, a deal that the Archdemon has yet to call upon though.

Karnage continued to travel in the Ravine, now determined to settle down and make a home for himself. During his travels, he found himself among the Naga. These strange snake people initially were hostile to him, and indeed they and Karnage were rather antagonistic towards each other. But after some communication, they managed to, more or less, get along. He still wasn’t trusted, but they at least stopped trying to kill him, and he to them. He traded and worked with the naga, offering them his services and getting paid through supplies and education of their culture and crafts. Karnage settled down not too far away from one of their villages, and served to help them deal with outsiders either through communication or execution. Soon he began to wonder how things were on the surface, and decided that he would try to ply his craft in mercantile. So he left the Ravine with his Legion, and headed topside.

The first place he really tried to sell to was at the Twilight College, when it came to light that the former Aerta College has long since been reduced to ruins. There he faced his first issue; communication. Most of the demons he spoke to used telepathy, and the naga hardly ever used words. The Twilight College required actual speaking, and he only knew the native tongue of his people, which had been phased out for the common tongue long after he fell into the Ravine of Demons. He spent a good while trying to learn the language first before he eventually got himself an amulet that translated his words into something legible. Around the same time he began to fine tune his magical abilities, and after ten years of both language courses and magical training, he was hired to be the Master Demonology Professor, as well as Forge Master on his off hours. He goes by “Tyrael Marchosias” at the college, mostly to protect his students from his past. Even now he has enemies in the Ravine from Demons he’s dealt with and the sins from his time as an orc still haunts him even now.

Good Attributes:
Master Crafter – After many years of practice and experimenting, Karnage is skilled in a variety of crafting, from tailoring to fletching, armoring and engineering.

Well Connected – Though the Ravine is a hostile place, he has many contacts and allies in there, allowing him to get his hands on some rather questionable goods or services when they’re needed the most.

Perspective – In a physical sense anyways. His prey cannot hide from him; assassins will not ambush him. He has a sixth sense for danger, as well as a seventh or eighth for raw materials. He can tell were someone has gone and who they might be, and he can sniff out gems still in the ground. There’s no hiding for him; it’s not a matter of if he finds, it’s a matter of when he wants to.

Skilled Combatant - Years in the Ravine and years of war before that has turned Karnage into a veritable threat even without his magic. He is skilled in hand-to-hand, and give him a weapon and he's even more of a threat. He's been known to set up traps that could take down even giant monsters, and would do even more harm to smaller opponents.

Demonic - After Falling, Karnage had obtained massive power thanks to his demonic blood, as well as power shared with his Familiars. Super Strength is one notable skill of his, as he could sunder walls and tear apart most mortals. His durability is also another trait of his demonic powers, as he can survive a fall down the Ravine no worse for wear.

Bad Attributes:
Tyrannical – Karnage’s methods can be “Cruel and unusual” if you want it paraphrased. While he can’t be overtly abusive now that he’s a teacher, he can certainly be harsh and sadistic. It doesn’t help that he’s fairly extreme in his teaching methods, with a penchant with dealing with morally questionable demons. It doesn’t help that his own morality is whatever suits him for the moment.

Violent - Working with demons (And those who would control them) is not for the soft or the kind, as death and violence is a common problem and situation when dealing with demons. Even Karnage has been known to quickly resort to violence when dealing with problems, be it rogue demons or troublesome students. As a teacher he can't simply beat you within an inch of your life, he won't hesitate to knock some sense into you or destroy your property. Repeatedly if need be. Of course, he's also always willing to help his students using violence as well, and may even encourage his students to solve their problems through combat and other forms of physical catharsis.

Possessive - Don't touch his things. He doesn't like it when people mess with his things without his permission. This may even include people, if you've somehow managed to get on his good side. This also applies to people on his good side too; even if they mess with his things, expect a stern talking to, and perhaps a beating.

Secret Word: Rebrith
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 27 days ago

While not much different from any other Aron, Gren's eyes are notably green rather than blue. Hence the name Gr(e)en.

Name: Gren
Gender: Male
Pokémon: Aron
Ability: Rock Head
Unique Possessions: Some sort of marble. Feels powerful. Apparently with Gren when he was just an egg. Wears his lucky rock (A Hard Stone) around his neck. It's shaped like a pokeball.
Personality: Gren is a fairly easygoing and relaxed pokemon. He's never really in a hurry to do anything and can come across as lazy, but that's not true. He's simply does things calmly and tries not to let things bother him too much. He can be very helpful in that if you ask him to do something for you, he'll do it to the best of his ability. That being said sometimes he can be kinda annoying when he keeps trying to help you, even if you don't need or want his help. He likes being with people but can certainly enjoy alone time, but more often then not he does try to do things that everyone else is doing. There is a bad side to him: he's very thick-headed and annoyingly persistent. While determination is never a bad thing, there are times were Gren simply won't admit to his faults or flaws and continue on his path, even if it's ultimately self-destructive. Once he starts going, it's hard to make him stop.

Backstory: Gren doesn't know who his true parents are. His mother, a Mawile named Nadeshiko, found him as an egg when she went into the mines to fetch iron to make pots. She found him underneath a pile of rocks, along with a marble. She took him back to her home and kept his egg safe while she continued to do her work in Folio Town, until he finally hatched. The first thing she noticed was that he had green eyes, and thus the baby Aron was called Gren.

Gren worked the mines with his mother. His particularly hard head was very useful at breaking stones that even his mother couldn’t break, and he grew to be able to discern stones and other rocks by scent. It got to a point that, after a while, Gren was a better miner than his mother was. Not only could he find iron deposits deep underground, he could even sniff out stones, plates, fossils, nuggets, and meteorites. He made a lot of money for his mother, but as he grew older he started to wonder who his real parents were. He knew that the Mawile wasn’t his real mother, though he certainly loved her like she was. When he asked her, she was honest and told him that she didn’t know. Only that she found him in the mines and with a unique marble. Gren could tell that this stone was special, but he’s never seen it before.

Eventually Gren made a decision. He was going to find out more about his past. He wanted to know who his parents were, why they left him in that mine, and what this stone was suppose to be. He made sure to make a lot of money so that his mother could live comfortably while he was gone. He promised that he’ll make sure to contact her whenever possible so she wouldn’t worry about him. Once Gren made sure he had everything he could need/carry, he set off on his adventure.

Team: None at the moment
Guild Affiliation: None at the moment


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