Height 5'6"
Slightly below average bust size
Pale ashen skin
Heterochromia right eye blue left eye red. This is due to the augmentation experiments she had done to her, which mutated her eyes' colors.
Her hair is normally black, but changes colors based on what aspect of her augmentation she is using. Because her body is immune to the heat it exerts and the heat absorbed to make things cold, this naturally includes her hair. When absorbing the energy from things to make them cold, her hair becomes frosted with ice making it white in appearance. When she is exerting heat, her hair becomes orange with embers of flame.
She wears a black body suit made of thermo resistant nano fibers, allowing her to use her augmentation without damaging her clothing. She also has a thick knee-length white coat made of the same fibers, but does not wear the coat into combat for fear of ruining the notes she has in the large interior pockets.
(Armor class is 5 + 2 + 0((dex)))
She wears a beacon necklace with a rift shard embedded in the silver control frame setting. This necklace is a link between her unique storage device thet she invented and her current location. It allows her to teleport inorganic items to and from the ship to her necklace. This makes it possible for her to not have to carry weapons on her person. The storage device on the ship has a limit to 45lbs of items that can be stored. However, any new items must be synced with the necklace, back at a terminal. So, the necklace cannot actively store items on missions, and must be synced with new items between missions. She takes her storage device with her where ever she goes and keeps it in her personal quarters.
Vector of her:
Weapons: High-frequency plasma sword 1d8 damage
Personality: Carina is a silent, reserved individual. She obviously has hatred and anger just below the surface of her reserved facade, and this comes out easily in conversation. She is strongly convicted on her revenge against those who killed her father and stole his research. Even with her hard, stoic outward attitude, she has the ability to be happy at certain times, and can ignore her rage and depression if she is with people she cares about. Because of her past failings in protecting those she loved, she has done all she can to train herself to become stronger so that she can save thoes in need. She is highly intelligent from the years of assisting her father who was a scientist. Her intelligence, even though it is grand, prevents her from being charismatic. The best possible solutions she finds to problems end up being immoral more often than not. She doesn't quite grasp the concept of morality, and therefore is hard to get along with. She is an expert with her Plasma Sword, using her intelligence to think her way through battles, finding weaknesses and exploiting them.
Strength ~ 7
Wisdom ~ 14
Intelligence ~ 18
Dexterity ~ 11
Constitution ~ 10
Charisma ~ 7
1) Scientist's Daughter -Combat- Passive
Carina gains a +2 to hit with energy weapons
2) Nobody Blamed the Plasma Sword -Combat- Passive
Carina's melee based energy weapons' hit roll scales off of INT mod
3) Augment: Energy Defence -Combat- Passive
Carina's kinetic energy augment makes her much less susceptibe to energy weapon attacks but the constant heat she exudes makes it hard for her to wear any armor besidesher nano fiber body suit. +5 Armor rating against Energy weapons -2 armor raiting against Physical weapons
4) Augment: Harden -Combat- Encoutner
Carina uses the moisture in the air to harden her body suit +5 armor rating to Physical attacks -6 to Energy weapon attacks. Ability lasts 5 turns or until an energy weapon attack is used against Carina twice.
5) Augment: Metabolic Healing -Encounter-
Carina increases her metabolic rate to heal herself. Gains 6 health over 3 turns but cannot attack during the useage of this ability.
6) Augment: Icicle Spear -Encounter-
Creates an icicle above the head of a single target droping on the target. Apply INT bonus to hit die. Deals 1d6 + INT mod
7) Augment: Pyromania -Mission- (cannot activate during Harden)
For 4 turns Carina becomes engulfed in flames, that she turns into projectiles. Each turn for 4 turns she can choose a target and deal 1d6 + INT mod. Apply INT mod to hit die.
8) Unstable Augmentation -Combat- Involuntary
Cannot be used at will. Must be activated by overexertion. Carina has built up too much raw energy, and has not released it, causing her to undergo a molecular breakdown. This incredibly painful and dangerous process allows Carina to use raw energy in its purest of forms. Her body begins to glow, her hair and eyes turn golden, and glowing cracks begin to form on her skin. If she does not rid herself of the energy she will breakdown at the molecular level and cause a massive damage explosion, killing herself in the process. Apply INT bonus to hit die, Explosion deals 2d8 + INT mod to all enemies. Unstable Augmentation explosion only occurs if her health drops to 0 because of the health decay from Unstable Augmentation. If she dies by enemy attack, the explosion does not go off. Her health drops sequentially while this is active
1st turn ~ -1 hp
2nd ~ -2 hp
3rd ~ -2 hp
4th ~ -3 hp
5th ~ -10 hp
While unstable augmentation is active, Carina gains the ability Plasma Bolt. Plasma Bolt is a single target damage ability. Apply INT to hit die on Plasma Bolt, 1d8 damage per Plasma bolt. Carina can use this ability 3 times to expend her excess energy. After her excess energy is expended, she becomes comatose for the rest of the mission, and must be placed in her incubation tank, that she has in her personal quarters, to stabilized her molecules. Carina hopes to either harness this ability or rid herself of this imperfection but has not done enough experiments and does not have the knowledge to do anything about it at this moment. As she grows as a character, she may be able to do something
about it.
Lore WIS 2
Terrestrial Vehicle Piloting INT 0+4
Ship Piloting INT 4+4
Pickpocketing DEX 0
Stealth DEX 0
Alien Tongues WIS 2+2
Athletics DEX 0
Acrobatics DEX 0
Flight DEX 0
Climb STR 0
Bluff CHA 0
Diplomacy CHA 0
Disguise CHA 0
Disable Device DEX 0
Escape Artist DEX 0
Handle Animal CHA 0
Survival WIS 0+2
Swim STR 0
Sleight of Hand DEX 0
Sense Motive WIS 0+2
Perception WIS 0+2
Perform CHA 0
Intimidate CHA 0
Heal WIS 0+2
Craft INT 2+4
Hacking INT 1+4
Height 5'6"
Slightly below average bust size
Pale ashen skin
Heterochromia right eye blue left eye red. This is due to the augmentation experiments she had done to her, which mutated her eyes' colors.
Her hair is normally black, but changes colors based on what aspect of her augmentation she is using. Because her body is immune to the heat it exerts and the heat absorbed to make things cold, this naturally includes her hair. When absorbing the energy from things to make them cold, her hair becomes frosted with ice making it white in appearance. When she is exerting heat, her hair becomes orange with embers of flame.
She wears a black body suit made of thermo resistant nano fibers, allowing her to use her augmentation without damaging her clothing. She also has a thick knee-length white coat made of the same fibers, but does not wear the coat into combat for fear of ruining the notes she has in the large interior pockets.
(Armor class is 5 + 2 + 0((dex)))
She wears a beacon necklace with a rift shard embedded in the silver control frame setting. This necklace is a link between her unique storage device thet she invented and her current location. It allows her to teleport inorganic items to and from the ship to her necklace. This makes it possible for her to not have to carry weapons on her person. The storage device on the ship has a limit to 45lbs of items that can be stored. However, any new items must be synced with the necklace, back at a terminal. So, the necklace cannot actively store items on missions, and must be synced with new items between missions. She takes her storage device with her where ever she goes and keeps it in her personal quarters.
Vector of her:
Weapons: High-frequency plasma sword 1d8 damage
Personality: Carina is a silent, reserved individual. She obviously has hatred and anger just below the surface of her reserved facade, and this comes out easily in conversation. She is strongly convicted on her revenge against those who killed her father and stole his research. Even with her hard, stoic outward attitude, she has the ability to be happy at certain times, and can ignore her rage and depression if she is with people she cares about. Because of her past failings in protecting those she loved, she has done all she can to train herself to become stronger so that she can save thoes in need. She is highly intelligent from the years of assisting her father who was a scientist. Her intelligence, even though it is grand, prevents her from being charismatic. The best possible solutions she finds to problems end up being immoral more often than not. She doesn't quite grasp the concept of morality, and therefore is hard to get along with. She is an expert with her Plasma Sword, using her intelligence to think her way through battles, finding weaknesses and exploiting them.
Strength ~ 7
Wisdom ~ 14
Intelligence ~ 18
Dexterity ~ 11
Constitution ~ 10
Charisma ~ 7
1) Scientist's Daughter -Combat- Passive
Carina gains a +2 to hit with energy weapons
2) Nobody Blamed the Plasma Sword -Combat- Passive
Carina's melee based energy weapons' hit roll scales off of INT mod
3) Augment: Energy Defence -Combat- Passive
Carina's kinetic energy augment makes her much less susceptibe to energy weapon attacks but the constant heat she exudes makes it hard for her to wear any armor besidesher nano fiber body suit. +5 Armor rating against Energy weapons -2 armor raiting against Physical weapons
4) Augment: Harden -Combat- Encoutner
Carina uses the moisture in the air to harden her body suit +5 armor rating to Physical attacks -6 to Energy weapon attacks. Ability lasts 5 turns or until an energy weapon attack is used against Carina twice.
5) Augment: Metabolic Healing -Encounter-
Carina increases her metabolic rate to heal herself. Gains 6 health over 3 turns but cannot attack during the useage of this ability.
6) Augment: Icicle Spear -Encounter-
Creates an icicle above the head of a single target droping on the target. Apply INT bonus to hit die. Deals 1d6 + INT mod
7) Augment: Pyromania -Mission- (cannot activate during Harden)
For 4 turns Carina becomes engulfed in flames, that she turns into projectiles. Each turn for 4 turns she can choose a target and deal 1d6 + INT mod. Apply INT mod to hit die.
8) Unstable Augmentation -Combat- Involuntary
Cannot be used at will. Must be activated by overexertion. Carina has built up too much raw energy, and has not released it, causing her to undergo a molecular breakdown. This incredibly painful and dangerous process allows Carina to use raw energy in its purest of forms. Her body begins to glow, her hair and eyes turn golden, and glowing cracks begin to form on her skin. If she does not rid herself of the energy she will breakdown at the molecular level and cause a massive damage explosion, killing herself in the process. Apply INT bonus to hit die, Explosion deals 2d8 + INT mod to all enemies. Unstable Augmentation explosion only occurs if her health drops to 0 because of the health decay from Unstable Augmentation. If she dies by enemy attack, the explosion does not go off. Her health drops sequentially while this is active
1st turn ~ -1 hp
2nd ~ -2 hp
3rd ~ -2 hp
4th ~ -3 hp
5th ~ -10 hp
While unstable augmentation is active, Carina gains the ability Plasma Bolt. Plasma Bolt is a single target damage ability. Apply INT to hit die on Plasma Bolt, 1d8 damage per Plasma bolt. Carina can use this ability 3 times to expend her excess energy. After her excess energy is expended, she becomes comatose for the rest of the mission, and must be placed in her incubation tank, that she has in her personal quarters, to stabilized her molecules. Carina hopes to either harness this ability or rid herself of this imperfection but has not done enough experiments and does not have the knowledge to do anything about it at this moment. As she grows as a character, she may be able to do something
about it.
Lore WIS 2
Terrestrial Vehicle Piloting INT 0+4
Ship Piloting INT 4+4
Pickpocketing DEX 0
Stealth DEX 0
Alien Tongues WIS 2+2
Athletics DEX 0
Acrobatics DEX 0
Flight DEX 0
Climb STR 0
Bluff CHA 0
Diplomacy CHA 0
Disguise CHA 0
Disable Device DEX 0
Escape Artist DEX 0
Handle Animal CHA 0
Survival WIS 0+2
Swim STR 0
Sleight of Hand DEX 0
Sense Motive WIS 0+2
Perception WIS 0+2
Perform CHA 0
Intimidate CHA 0
Heal WIS 0+2
Craft INT 2+4
Hacking INT 1+4
More characters coming soon?