
The year is 2157, England. In a lab in the middle of the countryside a well known scientist, Dr. Toni Lari, is in his lab, finally completing the device he has worked the past 7 months working on, the device that will fix the time stream. See, ever since Dr. Lari disrupted the time stream earlier that year by trying to demonstrate his new " Time Machine " ,as the press called it, he traveled back in time to make an example. People were at first amazed by their morning papers going from talking about the recent suicide of Jonah Poinian to talking of how a Dr. was able to tackle the man to the ground before he would jump. At first it seemed amazing, not just amazing but revolutionary. If anyone ever made a mistake they could just fix it. People enjoyed it, and the Dr. had a few guests come up and try it out, however less than 2 hours in things began to happen, small but noticeable things. The ground shook, the air temperature would change, and the lights would flicker. Eventually though it evolved, 3 weeks after the events there were level 3 earth quakes on the Richter scale, power outages all over the world, and entire climate changes. He figured that because of all the traveling, changing, and overall disruptions in the time stream that time itself was going to collapse in on itself.
" Finally " Dr. Toni exclaims " I can finally fix the mess I have made and restore order to the world and to time itself. " As he begins to calibrate the device his robotic friend enters the room and cocks his head at the device.
" Sir, Is that the device you have been working on for the past 214 days? "
" Yes it is Browning, yes it is. " Toni states proudly stepping back and admiring his work.
" I was imagining it would be bigger, sir "
" Alright, Browning " Toni says, ignoring the previous comment " After this there shall be no more time travel. " He smiles and steps forward continuing to fiddle with the device.
" Sir- " Browning begins " If we won't be Traveling through time anymore why did you install time travel capabilities on me ? "
" Oh, right... I did that because I had imagined I might've gotten blown up and I wanted you to come rescue me if I died. " Toni says not looking up from the device. " YES! " He shouts and jumps back " It's finally done and fully calibrated all I need to do now is enter the code an- "
He is interrupted by a sudden explosion from behind as he hears the SAS blow down his door
" ON THE GROUND NOW " One of them shouts as they run in " YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR DESTROYING THE FLOW OF TIME " as they get the Dr. to the ground they belong struggling with browning and eventually he throws them off.
" OPEN FIRE ON THE RESISTOR " they begin to fire, but the bullets do nothing to the bot. A grenade is then thrown causing the device to explode creating a wormhole in time itself. It begins pulling everyone in. The Dr. holds on when browning realizes something. He jumps through and the portal closes. Now, to try to save the Earth, Time, Space, The Universe, Everything he begins to travel through out time gathering all the pieces for the device to return it to the Dr. So he may fix everything. Along the way he begins recruiting people to help find the parts, defeat obstacles, and fight any SAS still after him.

You are visited and join a team to gather pieces and fight bad guys to save time, you can be any age and from any time period


-No killing other people's characters
-No fighting in OOC, if there's a problem please PM me
-Please try not to have multiple people from one time
-If you're going to be gone for a while and can't post please put it in OOC so I don't think you quit
-Have Fun!

Translator Object: (A special object which allows you to speak to and understand others)
Family:( If any )
Date of birth and date of death: