Mercenary Companies

The Black Banner
Lord Hagar VjarsonThe Black Prince
Combat Bonus
5000 Soldiers
Minimum Price of 2000 gp plus a seasonal stipend of 500 gp

Descended from the frozen kingdom of Norsia, destroyed during the Great Cataclysm, Hagar leads what is left of his people as a cutthroat mercenary company, holding no ideals other then gold. (wip)

Scorpion Ghazis
commanded by

Ghazi Al'fa Arshad
Combat Bonus
3000 Soldiers
Minimum Price, 1000 gp plus a seasonal stipend of 300 gp

A diverse banner of mercenaries led by the descendants of the lost kingdom of Mutikibir. Arshad is a man who claims to be beholden to certain ideals, and dreams of bringing about a return of Mutikibir, but despite his claims, Scorpion Ghazis is a mercenary company and nothing more. (wip)

The Deepwood Retinue
Thera Qylan Fre'Essa
Combat Bonus
10 000 Soldiers
Minimum of 5000 gp plus a seasonal stipend of 1000 gp

Known throughout Crypso as perhaps the greatest and most preciously sought mercenaries, the Deepwood Elves trace their lineage to a mighty Elven kingdom that carved out an empire on old Pangea known as Galad. Unwilling to submit to any of the reigning kingdoms, Qylan instead lives as a mercenary, leading his people to wealth through military might. Though his headquarters is unknown, he has agents in every capital looking for contracts. Much of his army is believed to reside in the Ryukyu Empire, awaiting their Thera's call to form the banners.