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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

This is the fate that many nations faced, death came to them, and wiped them from the universe. Only a few traces of their once vast civilizations remained, most of it crumbling, to become dust. However as civilizations fall and life fades, so does new life rise and began to establish dominance once more. Civilizations spread out, grow, and become strong. Some are new, having come from their homeworlds and begin to reach out beyond their home. A few come from the, ruins of the old begin to rebuild, using what is left of their ancestors to rise once more. But in time, all shall become ashes.

Ashes to Ashes, is a freeform Sci-Fi Fantasy NRP. There is not a single bit of pre-made history, nor any pre-planned plot lines on my part, besides what I choose for my personal nation. Players have near-unlimited freedom in designing their nations and species.

For those interested, here is a list of rules, general rulings, and a app format.

1.Standard RP rules, no godmodding, powerplaying, meta-gaming, etc.

2.Standard Guild Rules Apply

3. No arguements in the OOC. Any arguments related to the RP should be directed to me in a PM with all parties involved, so I may make a decision.

4.The decisions of my Co-GMs and I are final. If you have a problem with any of my decisions or those of my Co-GMs, please PM and I will hear you out.

5. Four paragraphs per a post minimum.

6. Be respectful to everyone.

7.The Reply Blob is a false god, and anybody caught worshiping him will be labeled as a heretic and stoned to death.

@Wilsonturner You can go ahead and dump your app into the Char tab as I thinks its fine. Also go ahead and prepare a IC post, as I need someone to do the first post because I am busy and wont have my personal nation up anytime soon. Dont post it tell I give the go ahead, but please do begin writing it.

Everyone else, place them in the OOC and then when I accept you may move it to the char.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Your race's flaws aren't really flaws... all it is is a slightly longer reproductive cycle- 12 months rather than 9- which is kinda balanced because it's much less painful, and therefore loss of life isn't nearly as likely (I'm assuming). That kind of balances out... and not being able to smell or taste as well as humans isn't much of a flaw. Humans do not need either to battle effectively- if anything, a lack of taste and smell might actually help human soldiers, rather than hinder. Your race is extra strong and tough, without any notable size difference or anything.

Hocklyns are crystalline and are more powerful- but blunt weapons are more likely to shatter an entire section of their crystal 'skin', leaving them very vulnerable and in considerable pain. They're also much slower- the fastest ones may be on par to an average human. Stronger, but slower. Natural armor, which could deflect bullets at the right angle, or absorb/reflect certain energy weapons, but is vulnerable to blunt force, and breaks in large chunks- not small punctures or holes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Species balance!

Completely irrelevant in a universe where powered exoskeletons, gene therapy, artificial wombs, particle rifles, and hypervelocity slug throwers exist.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Your race's flaws aren't really flaws... all it is is a slightly longer reproductive cycle- 12 months rather than 9- which is kinda balanced because it's much less painful, and therefore loss of life isn't nearly as likely (I'm assuming). That kind of balances out... and not being able to smell or taste as well as humans isn't much of a flaw. Humans do not need either to battle effectively- if anything, a lack of taste and smell might actually help human soldiers, rather than hinder. Your race is extra strong and tough, without any notable size difference or anything.

Hocklyns are crystalline and are more powerful- but blunt weapons are more likely to shatter an entire section of their crystal 'skin', leaving them very vulnerable and in considerable pain. They're also much slower- the fastest ones may be on par to an average human. Stronger, but slower. Natural armor, which could deflect bullets at the right angle, or absorb/reflect certain energy weapons, but is vulnerable to blunt force, and breaks in large chunks- not small punctures or holes.

Wilson, please stop.

I will judge whats overpowered and what isn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Keep in mind that Marauder's are almost similar to Humans in a variety of ways, things that would of harmed humans could easily and maybe more effectively harm Marauder's as well.

That reminds me, would adding poison resistance at this stage be considered OP? Value of 40-60%?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Keep in mind that Marauder's are almost similar to Humans in a variety of ways, things that would of harmed humans could easily and maybe more effectively harm Marauder's as well.

That reminds me, would adding poison resistance at this stage be considered OP? Value of 40-60%?

That be fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sheet in progress, will be up soon (hopefully!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

The Children of the Void

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Now, your nation may have intentionally done this, but traditional ship classes have destroyers as one of the smaller ships, battleships the largest, and cruisers acting as everything in between. The reason being that destroyers were made with torpedoes- powerful anti-ship weapons- that get in close using superior speed and mobility- something that a large ship struggles with. Cruisers, meanwhile, act as anything from larger, better armed and armored destroyers to smaller, slightly less powerful battleships. They're to take down enemy destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft with their moderate AA, guns, and armor.

and Duck, if you get angry at me for disagreeing again, then go ahead and kick me from the roleplay. This is science fiction, and is generally an advanced- type roleplay, based on previous iterations of the series. If you dislike me disagreeing and not accepting everything, and won't put up with it, do tell me now.

Based on factual, modern information of traditional ship roles, this is the sizes of ships from smallest to largest:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadnought (This was the battleship up until America became a world power, in which the 'superdreadnoughts' of the time were renamed to 'battleships')
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 20 days ago

Very much a WIP

Name of nation: The Most Holy Order (An Mala Carac-El)


The Ada are a race of strange "energy beings" capable of taking over an individuals body and manipulating them through electrical signals. Using their abilities, the Ada have established themselves as the dominant force within the Order and are worshipped as gods. How exactly the Ada chooses to present its self depends upon the Ada in question; Some prefer to possess a single sentient as a vessel, some have multiple vessels who they inhabit at will, others simply remain in their natural form and communicate their will through their abilities. The Ada reproduce by splitting into two when they acquire enough energy, creating a new Ada
If a being has been possessed by an Ada for a prolonged period of time but is freed or released, they may acquire weaker versions of the Ada's abilities or have acquired some of the Ada's memories.
Naturally, to some extent the Ada are magically, being essentially sentience bound to a 'body' of energy. Science renders this impossible so its clear that the Ada exist in violation of certain scientific principles. They do, however, appear to be bound by the law of energy conservation.
By their nature, the Ada 'sense' the universe in a way that is drastically different to corporal beings. However, when an Ada possesses a corporal being it inherits their senses. Thus, it is not uncommon for Ada to be stunned for a short time as they adjust to their new perception of the ubiverse after taking a host or exiting a host body.

The Malaburo are a race of sentient quadpedal insectiod creatures who come from a relatively high G world. They are strong and hardly thanks to their thick carapace, and possess startling speed. The Malaburo possess the ability to reproduce through impregnating any subject should said subject have the necessary body makeup to support an infant; This essentially leaves a parasitic child within the victim in question which will be born within the course of 12 to 24 hours. In nature, newborns may devour the surrogates upon birth. Approximately 8% of parents will survive the birthing, however 2% of surrogate parents will survive both the birthing and not be devoured by the infant. This suggests that newborns devour their living parents in approximately 75% of cases. Should the surrogate be dead, they are devoured in 96.2% of cases
In Order mythology, the Malaburo are commonly depicted as being servants of the gods and are occasionally depicted as demigods. It is not unheard of for some communities following the religion to offer sacrifices to bear the Malaburo's young, these communities often indoctrinate their young to believe that this is a great honour rather than something to fear. Those who survive this practice are seen as having been blessed by the gods and commonly spend the remainder of their days in luxury, though it varies by community.

The Andi (sing; Andal) are a race of humanoids that originally hailed from a volcanic world that has since been lost to a supernova. Outwardly, they are anatomically similar to humans (Though with slightly smaller feet), though their skin and hair black as coal (though some have rare genetic disorders that turn their hair and skin pure white), their iris are red and they have thick eyelashes. Inwardly, however, they have oval shaped red blood cells as opposed to round, and they have a second transparent eyelid on the surface of the eye that can be used to remove foreign particles.

Mishaxi The Mishaxi are a race of mammalian creatures who establish their cities on high up mountain peaks or on the edge of valleys. They stand at about 4'5 when fully erect. The Mishaxi have four limbs; Two large wings and two legs with which they manipulate objects while in flight. They mature quickly for they are relatively short lived creatures, living for around 40 Earth years. They also reproduce in large numbers, females commonly giving birth to twins.
The Mishaxi worship the Ada as those who 'fly without air' and commonly join with them to 'fly' through the stars.

Pockets of human beings which worship the Ada as gods exist within the stars; Though usually small communities a few moderately large ones are known to exist.

Description of government: The Holy Order is entirely under the direction of the Ada, forming an oligarchy to direct the efforts of the Order. However, the Ada are not a single united entity and often have their own aims and goals that they will put before group interests. It is not unheard of for them to fight amongst themselves, competing for resources and subjects.

Description of military:
The Pelinal is the militant branch of the Holy Order; The Malaburo have a considerable presence within the Pelinal, however the other species have a larger percentage when combined. They use energy weapons that many of the warriors don't even understand; They know only that their gods made them.

Lord Commander; The Highest rank available and staffed exclusively by the Malaburo, Lord Commanders are the right hand men of their patron Ada. They are viewed as Demigods or Chosen Champions by the people of the Order and are treated as such

Master Commander; Master commanders are composed mostly of Malaburo and typically have 4 or 5 Apprentice Commanders working under them. They usually have decades of experience under their belt and are skilled in both martial combat and command.

Apprentice Commander: Apprentice Commanders are the new bloods in High Command, freshly blessed and still Learning. This does not mean, however, that they should be underestimated. They are still experienced warriors

Crusader: Crusaders are the Elite of the Pelinal, highly skilled operatives with a fanatical devotion to their faith. The leader of a team of crusaders is known as the "Prime" and the second in command is a "Sub-Prime."

Adepts: Adepts are experienced warriors who serve as the Orders equivalent of Non Commissioned Officers.

Apprentice: Apprentices are soldiers who can no longer be considered new but aren't experienced enough to be considered Adepts. They seek to prove themselves in hopes of being promoted to Adept.

Novice: Novices are soldiers new to the field. They are inexperienced by generally zealous and should not be underestimated, for they are ferocious in groups.

Initiates: Initiates are those still in training and do not appear on the battlefield. They spend their days reciting religious texts and learning how to fight and obey orders regardless of the personal cost.

Ship variants:

Adabal Class: The Adabal class is a large ship capable of destruction on a planetary scale. It is a large, monolithic looking starship which is cut in the shape of a pentagon. Several miles long in every direction, these imposing ships may lie dormant at the heart of major Ada cities for years or even decades at a time, serving as a monument to the gods. Aside from the usual point laser defenses and plasma blasters, the Adabal class has an Energy Caster, a large weapon that threads through the center of the ship and is capable of firing out of all faces of the Adabal class ship. This device fires a terrifying bolt of energy that hops from target to target, causing massive damage and often frying electronic systems.

Technological Overview:The technology of the Holy Order is highly advanced, though the common man generally remains in ignorance and believes the technology to be the magic of his gods. Certain technologies of the Order can only be used by a being who is possessed by or who has had prolonged interactions with an Ada due to the way they have been constructed. Although this was initially unintentional, it has came to be seen as a boom to the Ada and as such no attempts have been made to change this. Naturally, the Order has shielding technology as well as advanced energy production methods, as is to be expected when the dominant race leeches off of energy sources to prosper. The following are a few notable or curious devices;

Energy Blade: The Energy Blade is an old weapon that remains in use to this day. It works by creating a magnetic field and trapping superheated plasma within this field. When the 'blade' connects with a target, the trapped plasma cuts through the target with comparative ease. The blade is also equipped with a safety mechanism. When dropped, the failsafe engages by deactivating the magnetic field and thus dispersing the energy in an uncontrolled manner, consuming the hilt of the weapon. The failsafe is included to prevent enemy infantry from acquiring the weapon and using it against it's former owner.

Energy Staff: The Energy Staff is an approximately six foot long weapon made of a dull grey metal. The top of the staff has a focussing crystal on it that directs the energy from the weapons core towards the target. A blade is mounted onto the staff which allows it to double as a close combat weapon, however the staffs size can make it difficult to fight with in tightly packed interiors.
The weapon's energy blasts are made of superheated plasma and thus are extremely powerful and are fully capable of blasting human beings into pieces should it score a direct hit to the targets torso. The weapons blast can be overcharged for greater effect, allowing it to penetrate heavy armour.

Energy gauntlet: In response to the inefficiency of the staff in interiors, a gauntlet was devised that has a built in energy caster. This weapon is capable of producing low powered energy blasts as well as a short energy blade (commonly called an "energy dagger"). It is now standard issue with the Pelinal battle armour and it is not uncommon for a soldier to sling their energy staff over their back and rely on their energy gauntlet when entering tight spaced.

Doom Bracers: Doom Bracers are a piece of clothing that, as the name suggests, are worn around the forearm of an individual. These Bracers are programmed to electrocute the wearer if they attempt to leave a certain area or travel too far away from an individual wearing a linked bracer. They can only be removed with a key, though removing the limb it is attached to also works.

Tablet Reading Device: The Order use what appear to be stone tablets in order to record information, in reality however they are more complicated devices. When a tablet reading device is ran over the stone, it will change the etchings on the stone to reveal the information that is stored onto it, for instance someone who is reading 'page' 2 could go back to 'page' one or forwards to 'page' three using the device

Levitation Field: The Levitation field is somewhat deceptively named, as it can in fact be used to force something to the ground. It works by altering the gravitation field strength within a localised area

Stasis Field Generator: The Stasis field is a device that serves to halt all energy transfers in a location. Thus prevents aging., decomposition, thought processes etcetera. Concordantly, a being affected by a stasis field has had all it's biological processes terminated and is thus dead. The stasis field generator is thus coupled with a "Resurrection Seal", a device which saves the information of all transfers within the field at its activation and then jumpstarts the energy transfers again upon field deactivation, thus "resurrecting" the person in question. Naturally, this is used as a device to imprison individuals by the Ada.

Resurrection Stone: The Resurrection stone is a seemingly monolithic obelisk that at first glance appears to be decorative. Upon activation, however, it opens up to reveal a small cylindrical chamber within it. This Stone will heal almost any wound, no matter how grevious, and can even resurrect the deceased provided the remains are in a reasonable condition. However, should it be used to resurrect someone who is deceased, they will likely suffer massive memory loss. The exception to this is the recently deceased (within 30- Minutes)

Cultural Overview:

Culture is extremely diverse within the order, partly as the order prefers to adapt new members customs rather than compete directly with them. This means that some areas can seem extremely backwards in their methods of thought (Some remain almost medieval or even tribal.) The unifying aspect, however, is the Carac-El. The teachings of the Order state that the Ada are Gods who will protect the faithful from harm; The Order teaches that the Malaburo were chosen by the Ada and infused with divine power so that they might help the Ada to guide the sentients of the universe on their course.

The five tenants of the order as as follows;
Be patient for foolish are they who act without thought
Be diligent for a moment of laxity spawns a lifetime of ignorance
Possess great wisdom for it matters not what one knows if they can not apply it
Restrict your anger for he who strikes without true purpose shall be judged unworthy by the Ada
Be truthful, for a lie is a spark and one spark can burn an entire house to the ground

Outside of these core teachings, religion and practice varies wildly by ones location and consequently ones patron Ada.

The Order teaches that the optimal time to call upon an Ada is on their "Day of Summoning." According to the Order, while the Ada are capable of appearing on days that are not theirs, they are less likely to. Each Ada generally has a different offering required for their summoning which range from the mundane to the exotic.

The semi-recent conversion of some human communities has led to the humans of the Order having a larger degree of variety as old human customs haven't yet been seamlessly blended with Order principles; As such, there is a large amount of difference between humans who predominantly worship Asha-El and those who predominantly worship Mogon-El. There are no human communities who have Karactus-El as their patron Ada, mostly stemming from distance from human communities to the holdings of Karactus', who has always held more prominence with the Mishaxi than any of the other Orders faithful races.


The Ada were born from a dying star in days that have long since passed; For millennia, the Ada were sustained by the energies of this dying star until it finally collapsed and became a black hole. The Ada fled, learning that even they were subject to destruction in the devastating black holes. Realising that taking from stars not only rapidly accelerated the decline of said stars but was also dangerous to the Ada themselves, they collectively agreed that new sources of energy were needed.
they came across space faring races who were far from enthralled with the idea of their energy sources being consumed by a race of energy vampires. The Ada eventually came to the concusion that rather than expending energy to fight themselves, it would be best to find a race to fight for them.
They found the Malaburo, and elevated them from being a tribal race to being spacefaring, arming them with technology that they had learnt about from their time fighting other species. The Malaburo inevitably came to the conclusion that the Ada were gods and worshipped them as such.
With their new found servants, the Ada conquered and slowly converted more beings into believing that they were gods. Thus, an Mala Carac-El was born.

The Major Ada:

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Now, your nation may have intentionally done this, but traditional ship classes have destroyers as one of the smaller ships, battleships the largest, and cruisers acting as everything in between. The reason being that destroyers were made with torpedoes- powerful anti-ship weapons- that get in close using superior speed and mobility- something that a large ship struggles with. Cruisers, meanwhile, act as anything from larger, better armed and armored destroyers to smaller, slightly less powerful battleships. They're to take down enemy destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft with their moderate AA, guns, and armor.

You are quite right, looking back I did accidentally get cruisers and destroyers mixed up (I blame exhaustion) As for the battleship/dreadnaught classifications, that is how they are classified by the Void Children.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Final judgement on all apps is to be reserved until they are completed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 16 days ago

Nowhere near done, still very much a WIP. Just wanted to put it here so y'all know I'm totally going to be in this.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


I present to you my app, as it feels and looks complete. Sorry it took a little bit, wanted things to be right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

@Urukhai Ur good, I am assuming though with technology you won't jump scare us when you say there are other things.

Edit:By that, I mean hope you don't pull out some uber-weapon of death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 14 days ago

Would it be alright if I play as an interstellar megacorp?
Basically I'd less of a civilization and more like a corporation of great number of companies that are present in at least hundreds of different civilizations.
I may be the largest shareholder in these corporations but my holdings would be subject to the local laws in general.
I'd only own a single planet which would be also the megacorp's headquarters.
As for tech it'd be technically a mish-mash of anything which can be traded for in the galaxy along with the company's own researches and improvements.

So yeah, basically a galaxy-wide megacorp which would trade with nearly anyone else.
Capitalism at its purest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Urukhai Ur good, I am assuming though with technology you won't jump scare us when you say there are other things.

Edit:By that, I mean hope you don't pull out some uber-weapon of death.

Nah, I was talking mainly about armor and little things (was acctuLly adding somethig)
Besides spent their bfg points on the memories main guns :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 14 days ago

Now, your nation may have intentionally done this, but traditional ship classes have destroyers as one of the smaller ships, battleships the largest, and cruisers acting as everything in between. The reason being that destroyers were made with torpedoes- powerful anti-ship weapons- that get in close using superior speed and mobility- something that a large ship struggles with. Cruisers, meanwhile, act as anything from larger, better armed and armored destroyers to smaller, slightly less powerful battleships. They're to take down enemy destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft with their moderate AA, guns, and armor.

and Duck, if you get angry at me for disagreeing again, then go ahead and kick me from the roleplay. This is science fiction, and is generally an advanced- type roleplay, based on previous iterations of the series. If you dislike me disagreeing and not accepting everything, and won't put up with it, do tell me now.

Based on factual, modern information of traditional ship roles, this is the sizes of ships from smallest to largest:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadnought (This was the battleship up until America became a world power, in which the 'superdreadnoughts' of the time were renamed to 'battleships')
That sounds like old WW2 classification system. Granted, since then many of these classes kinda became obsolete.
Modern naval terminology also rather adapted a hull classification system with 1-3 letter anagrams showing the ship's role.
Also in modern naval terms Frigates are much smaller than Destroyers, the latter are sometimes even becoming pocket battleships in terms of role. Take the Zumwalt-class destroyers, for example.
But like I said there's so much confusion over the use of old school ship categories that they partially reforme this into a new system.

On the other hand sci-fi battle are often WW2 in space so in this sense your terminology is absolutely right. Well, save for the Dreadnought which is often use for superheavy battleships because their name just sound cooler and more threatening.

Anyways, settling down on an uniform ship classification system would be great. Otherwise it leads to confusion.
Alternatively just separate escorts from warships in your fleet. Escorts will imply they are weaker ships used for screening and as force multipliers while warships would imply independent vessels with competition grade protection and/or firepower. This simple distinction may be all we need and leave ship classes as flavor texts.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Would it be alright if I play as an interstellar megacorp?
Basically I'd less of a civilization and more like a corporation of great number of companies that are present in at least hundreds of different civilizations.
I may be the largest shareholder in these corporations but my holdings would be subject to the local laws in general.
I'd only own a single planet which would be also the megacorp's headquarters.
As for tech it'd be technically a mish-mash of anything which can be traded for in the galaxy along with the company's own researches and improvements.

So yeah, basically a galaxy-wide megacorp which would trade with nearly anyone else.
Capitalism at its purest.

A few things

While I am going with the assumption that there is quote a few minor space-faring

Second I need all technology out before me even if its a mish-mash. This is for balance reasons.

That is all.

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