Greyhawk Adventurer's Guild

Welcome Adventurers and Heroes, to the Greyhawk Adventurer's guild. In this roleplay you will be the Members of the newest guild to greyhawk city.You will begin as lowly beginners in the world of adventurering and help the guild grow just as you and your power grows. No matter your previous backgrounds or histories you all one way or another found yourself in need (or want) of fame and glory and have seen the profitability of using your skills in acting as mercenaries and adventurers, But the path you wish to explore is not a simple one like the paths of as the guild of lamplighters nor as profitable at times as the union of moneychangers and pawnbrokers. It will get messy and dangerous at times but in this world one must get dirty before they can acheive greatness.
Will you follow the path of the adventurer or scummb to its many dangers and risks.
We will be using AD&D 2nd edition rules for this game.All characters shall start at level 1. all classes and races in the base game (those included in the player handbook and dungeonmaster guide. the game will begin with a starting quest and the actual game shall branch off from there. unlike most D&D game quests will nto be given by the DM (least not in a conventional sense) but will be choosen by the players themselves from the Adventurer Guild's to do list (which I shall post once enough interest is generated). eventually a actual plot (asides from the basic your adventurers go out and make money) will develop through the players deicisions and actions in the end creating a cohesive begining middle and end to the story of the adventurer's guild.
As you adventure for the guild you will gain in ranks (bestowed upon you by the mysterious head of the adventurer's guild) allowing you to help in your own ways to improve the guild (wither it be through physical improvements to the guild house or increasing the guilds reknown and fame). In the end through shrewd business sense and brave heroism you can make the guild one of the most powerful factions in all of Greyhawk.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Guild's To Do List (TDL)
Case of the Missing magician: the court magician Zando the Great has gone missing and the Lord of Castle Greyhawk has tasked you with finding Zando.
Journey to Rootroost: you are tasked to take a journey to Rootroost guarding a small caravan along the way.
Watchmans worries: The local night watchmen's guild is looking for assistance and has contacted the adventurer's guild to help.

Welcome Adventurers and Heroes, to the Greyhawk Adventurer's guild. In this roleplay you will be the Members of the newest guild to greyhawk city.You will begin as lowly beginners in the world of adventurering and help the guild grow just as you and your power grows. No matter your previous backgrounds or histories you all one way or another found yourself in need (or want) of fame and glory and have seen the profitability of using your skills in acting as mercenaries and adventurers, But the path you wish to explore is not a simple one like the paths of as the guild of lamplighters nor as profitable at times as the union of moneychangers and pawnbrokers. It will get messy and dangerous at times but in this world one must get dirty before they can acheive greatness.
Will you follow the path of the adventurer or scummb to its many dangers and risks.
We will be using AD&D 2nd edition rules for this game.All characters shall start at level 1. all classes and races in the base game (those included in the player handbook and dungeonmaster guide. the game will begin with a starting quest and the actual game shall branch off from there. unlike most D&D game quests will nto be given by the DM (least not in a conventional sense) but will be choosen by the players themselves from the Adventurer Guild's to do list (which I shall post once enough interest is generated). eventually a actual plot (asides from the basic your adventurers go out and make money) will develop through the players deicisions and actions in the end creating a cohesive begining middle and end to the story of the adventurer's guild.
As you adventure for the guild you will gain in ranks (bestowed upon you by the mysterious head of the adventurer's guild) allowing you to help in your own ways to improve the guild (wither it be through physical improvements to the guild house or increasing the guilds reknown and fame). In the end through shrewd business sense and brave heroism you can make the guild one of the most powerful factions in all of Greyhawk.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Guild's To Do List (TDL)
Case of the Missing magician: the court magician Zando the Great has gone missing and the Lord of Castle Greyhawk has tasked you with finding Zando.
Journey to Rootroost: you are tasked to take a journey to Rootroost guarding a small caravan along the way.
Watchmans worries: The local night watchmen's guild is looking for assistance and has contacted the adventurer's guild to help.