
I call all ye gathered here under our sacred banner,
As our hearts and souls pound to the beat of war,
To fight for our cause, to fight for our people!
For if not now, then when?
Heroes of Altrania, HEED THE CALL OF YOUR KING!
We march unto the sacred land we call home, to reclaim what is ours.
There is no question of why we fight-
The question is: Will we be standing after the storm?
Is the calm proceeding the storm as inevitable as the thunder itself?
Our ancestors long before us fought for the calm for our parents and ourselves,
Now, the time has come for you to fight.
We fight for our descendants, for our kingdom, for our home.
Let no man be led astray, as surely as the tides coming,
Our heroes are left to decide our fate.

Gyriel is in turmoil. It is the responsibility of each of you now to come to the defense of your world.
Palekks of Ycpik! ,
Jotnar of Francrun! ,
Trolls of Vyrdgard! ,
Stoutfolk of Hypak! ,
Pygmies of Oirus! ,
Draugar of Arkanum! ,
Lowdwarf of Spilwiner! ,
Treefolk of Sumplinder! ,
Manticore of Scratind! ,
Harpy of Suthruk! ,
Satyr of Ilvfyre! ,
Cenatur of Lyderif! ,
Pixiefolk of Faederum! ,
Halfdragonfolk of Ashkrin! ,
Naga of Undjil! ,
Gorgon of Temwyld! ,


The War of the Shards follows the World of Altrania and it's spawned entities at the time of the shattering of Daerun. To understand the setting, a brief history of the world is needed.


Altrania was created within one of many universes parallel to our own. It is spawned through the whims and fantasies of the many worlds. At each stage of creation the world saved itself and populated itself according to the laws by which it was created. Altrania is one of those stages.

It is a stage in which a single globe surrounded by a dome of stars is the entirety of the universe, and the twin lights, Gol'aesi the White Light and Lon'aesi the Black Light orbit the world of Altrania, and the 16 Peoples assemble by their own kind into primitive cities. Within the dome of stars are the 6 Kyrif, each patrons of their own plane that hold a different reality of Altrania. It is these conditions that the World of Altrania progressed in.


The planes of Altrania are versions of the most basic form of the World of Altrania before the continents drifted apart. As such, each is a single landmass surrounded by a sea of void.
The planes of Altrania are:

Svartalfheim, The Shadow Plane

This plane is a large region of featureless terrain, excepting a few mountains and valleys corresponding to the World of Altrania, made up of solid stones. The plane also features a single giant helical staircase leading to a point very near to the core of the world, which emits no light. The entire plane is covered by large clouds of breathable smoke that blot out all sunlight. There is next to no breathable air, and the entire plane is made of black and hardened rock which consumes all light that touches it. Within the underground, the residents of the plane have carved out homes with the material. The residents of the plane are ebony-skinned, bald, short, and yet stout creatures who spend their days forging on great anvils to turn the rock of the plane into a fine steel. This black steel is extremely dense, and very valuable. It is said that those who offer gifts of blood may receive this steel. However, they will incur a terrible wrath upon you if they find a deserter of an army, or a coward of any kind. This wrath has been known to take the form of cursing a blade or other weapon to cause it to act against your wishes in battle.

Alfheim, The Ether Plane

This plane is a fairly lush landscape seemingly frozen in time. The air always smells faintly of ripe peaches, and there are always pleasant aromas. It is said that small, child-like and ghostly spirits roam the plane, and will sprinkle charms of good luck onto the corresponding point in the World of Altrania. Below the surface is a series of small burrows where the spirits make their homes, usually decorated with elaborate yet childish carpets, dressers, bedding, and the like. It is said that if you fell even he smallest piece of shrubbery, walk on anything other than the illuminated brick path, or eat anything other than the silver berry bushes, then you will anger the spirits and they will scream a terrible banshee-like screech that echoes through the forest and causes the plane's guardians, the Od'Kune, who take the form of a white, illuminated stag. However, in exchange for good deeds such as liberating captive beasts. While in the World of Altrania, similar deeds of respecting nature versus sacrificing it for your own needs to excess will either make the crops be plentiful and rivers pure of rally the beasts and contaminate drinks.

Vanaheim, The Wild Plane

Vanaheim is a very lush and exotic plane covered with tall, indomitable trees and countless manners of savage beasts. Various manners of hawk, wolf, saber, bear, fish, stag and insect have been known to wander the woods. Among the highest ranks of Vanaheim is the Mog'Duul. They tend live between the tree roofs to avoid the hawks, above the water to have the fish guard them, and feed the stags to keep the bears and wolves away. They ride the sabers as their dominated, if respected, steeds. They hunt with the bones of the wolves and bears they skin, and throw javelins with the heaviest of rocks at great distances. They are known to ward off and even hunt planar travelers that come unprepared to be one with the true spirit of the wild. Their grace is earned by exercising brutality and commanding the wilds to serve their true master. They are known to give their followers command over the wild around them, whereas the cowards and those who hide behind masks to rule are sometimes seen being turned into brain-dead pack animals.

Jotunheim, The Freezing Plane

The freezing plane of Jotunheim is known for it's rugged and icy terrain. The surface is made of pure ice, dotted with pockets of snow. Unlike the World of Altrania, however, the ice is far stronger, about the equivalent of steel. As such, the citizens of Jotunheim, or the Yd'Lef, have had to make use of they're immense strength to carve caves into the mountainside. The residents are large and muscled figures, noted for wielding frozen axes and ice crown depending on their social status. They are led by the Ice Chiefs, who are signified by full Ice body plate, greatsword, crown, as white fur cape. The cape is skinned from the elders of the noble bear race that inhabits the land after the elder's natural or battle-caused death. These bears are known as the Kord'Yc, and serve as both steeds and companions for the Yd'Lef. These beings are pleased by a mortal's show of just rule, and exacting equal revenge on offenders. They also reward protectiveness of one's people. In exchange for these acts, they are known to reward mortals with divination, particularly of the death of their people or themselves. However, they repay injustice and corruption sternly. They have been known to imprison criminals and corrupt officials in ice shards until they repent, at which poin they feel the fll weight of their crimes. Other times, they haunt morals with visionsof death and destruction until they go mad.

Muspelheim, The Molten Plane

The Molten Cores of Muspelheim are covered in a sea of lava, populated sparsely with islands of ash and black rocks. Flame jets spew out of the the lava seas at unpredictable intervals, and the Ash Islands periodically rise and sink. In correspondence with the plane's theme of constant change, the inhabitants have adapted. Beings of pure flame that swim through the Molten Seas as if they were breathable water known as the Flaespel'Iv roam the isles, bending their essence to form grand citadels made of ashen rock, flowers with lava fountains and pools. When the island sinks, they flock to the next island and rebuild, changing the design in different groups a bit every time, or sometimes dramatically if a situation calls for it. These beings value changing tides, and even chaos if the situation calls for it. They believe that the present time is the only time be in. They reward mortals who do not bind themselves to the past, but present new ideas and hopes. They are known to reward such mortals with guardians made of flame to spread the visions of the pioneer to his disciples, and in some cases he ability to call on the guardians to aid in the pursuit of a better tomorrow.

Niflheim, The Misty Plane

The plane of the tall mists is aptly named, for it's dense and icy fogs cover even the highest peaks. The black sun, which spreads only cold and darkness, revolves around the planet until finally the Blue Moon makes it's ascent. Upon the Moon's rise, the sky turns to a very light blue, and then a darker one as the moon reaches it's peak and descent. Due to the limited sight, the burly and pale-skinned Kon'Thraeg employ their glowing silvery and misty eyes to see through obstacles and into whatever object they wish. Their pointed ears are attuned to the movement of the mists, telling them which way they must travel. They generally live on large contraptions of smoky alloys that float just above the lower mountains and move with the slow pace of the mist. They are expert craftsmen, and are known to shape their instruments using a force that is emitted from their palms. They generally use the rock, crystal, silvers, and steel of the mountain to forge some of the most ornate and beautiful works of art, as well as immensely effective weapons, notably hammers and maces. They are known to appreciate fine works, and ornate artwork and weapons placed at their altars serves well to gain their graces. They are known to award talented mortals with the talent of using the force they emit from their hands to sculpt their own weapons and plates. This very force itself can also be used to call upon gifts from the Kon'Thraeg armories, especially when disarmed or stranded. When they are displeased, usually due to a disrespect for artisans, they summon Aexiv. These Aexiv invade your mind and weave fabricated and ultra-realistic nightmare-stories in which you are a peasant oppressed by a tyrant, and spend years in a paralyzed state state trying to learn the lesson to overthrow the Aexiv to be free again.


After the creation of the planes, various forces were caught up in the center of the planar action that harnessed the power of all 6 planes. These newly-sentient beings were called Aegin. In total, 16
Aegin existed, and were sent to the World of Altrania to each become the patron of a race. These demi-god-like beings took the form of the races we know today.

After Formation

After the Great formation of the Races, a device capable of restoring complete order to the world by re-originating it was created with the powers of all Aegin and Kyrdif. It took the form of the blade. It was buried deep within a vault that rested in a secret location in the World of Altrania, the same location that holds the gates to the six planes, and the urns of all 16 Aegin. The prophecy inscribed on it's pedestal was: When this blade draws the blood of but a single pure soul, beware the consequences; for if this blade is a friend to evil, it will then become the world's foe.

After the formation of the world, a new Aegin was created. Instead of fostering a new race in the manner all previous Aegin had done, he was instantly resentful of the power the Kyrdif had to disrupt the intentions of his new race, the Daemons. He as such sought more power, and using his powers, located the vault. Unwary of the pedestal, he drew the sword and sought to execute every 'impure' being in the World of Altrania, and then breed his Deamons into legions capable of taking the planes by force. During is conquering, a event now known as 'The War for Altrania', warriors of all races rose against the Dark Aegin, Sifelo. The spirits of the 16 Aegin gave each of their races a weapon, which was given to a chosen warrior of each race. These weapons were blessed by all 6 Kyrdif, and the chosen warriors who wielded them became the commanders against the Daemons. After years of conflict, a battle took place. This battle was on the Isle of Desigir, now revealed to be the location of the vault. The 16 Supreme Commanders rode in on their steeds, and rallied the Altranian Legion. They had occupied the mountain that overlooks the Great Valley. The Great Valley was the host of the World Sanctum, which led to the Great Vault. The valley had become the Daemonic base of operations, and the Altranian Legion had led a small force to storm the area, and win the Great War. They charged down the mountain, and hacked their way to the Sanctum. The Sanctum rejected the entry of all but the 16 Chosen Warriors. The events after this are not well documented. It is said that a blade inscribed with the 6 Sigils of the Kyrdif, entwined in olive branches, and with a golden hilt blasted above the sanctum and destroyed itself in a massive energy storm, seen across both the entire world and every plane. beyond this, it is said that it's shards were scattered across the World, and that even know, they yield unimaginable power. As the hearts of the races darkens, and the hunt for power begins, these shards have become vital. It is estimated that each race has most likely already located a fragment, each with an amazing ability. It is for these fragments that a war between the races has begun. While a few call for unity against the remaining Daemons, and the foretold coming of an invigorated Sifelo, most have descended into war. The Kyrdif themselves have taken to disputes, and the whole of creation threatens to tear itself apart. The War of the Shards has begun.