Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hillan's Character

Jonas Shinra

"When in Rome; be a Gladiator."
Standing at 182 Centimeters and a lean 71 kilograms, Jonas is a medium height, very fit young man. Boasting peak physical condition for a man of his age and physical attributes. He has a dirty blonde hair and green eyes, his complexion is fair but tanned thanks to many hours in the sun. His hair is always styled to look like bedhead and he keeps a slight scruff of facial hair on his face, looking rugged while still remaining proper.
When using his powers his skin is covered in a deep orange, almost black energy that burns extremely hot, similar in look to that of the sun's own surface.



Rich or Poor?:


For the Battle or Opposed?

Power Description:
Solar Manipulation:
Able to absorb, store and manipulate the energy from the sun. Jonas is able to instantly combust, granting him the ability of flight, fire generation and limited manipulation as well as increased physical strength and durability. His skin burns with a temperature of over a thousand degrees, making him difficult to touch.

Power Weakness
Lack of sunlight as well as Co2.

Weapon of Choice:
Rapier and matching fencing dagger.

Fighting Skills:
He's a world class fencer, having been trained by his father and older brother, both of whom are champions, his father was chosen as tribute in his youth and won. Beyond that, he's a guy in peak physical condition who's done basic gymnastics and trained a little bit of boxing.

He's a absolute jerkoff, elitist and with a superiority complex one could not believe. He is convinced that because he is of a higher class, he's better than others. It's because of people like him the games even exist, as a true sadist, he thrives in the misery of others. His only redeeming quality is his sense of honor, he will always give a adversary a fair fight, he will never strike down a unarmed man, nor will he use his powers against those that don't have powers of their own.

Jonas was born to William "Billy" Shinra and his trophy wife Carolyn. Billy had made a fortune off of his victory in the games many years ago, now being one of the richest people in the world. Billy always envisioned a combatant in his son, Jonas, just like he did in Jonas's older brother, Marcus. Their father trained the two of them to be fierce, graceful warriors who were proud in victory, and would never have to face defeat.

William was a estranged father, to say the least. When he wasn't busy teaching Jonas how to fight with a sword, he was coming up with some schemes to get more wealth and power, something that rubbed off on his sons. Jonas spent his life in luxury, private schooling, private physician, gourmet food, all of it. But, he was also taught him to survive on his own, his father telling him that you never do know when your servants aren't around, and you have to be able to handle yourself. He and Marcus were dropped off in the wilderness once every year for three weeks where they had to survive without any of their luxuries. The goal was to make them apex warriors; and to keep them under their father's thumb.

Jonas bullied, picked fights and abused those less fortunate than him, he lost his first fight at 12 years old, and from then on out only got more ruthless. He broke a kid's neck in a fit of anger, and burned another two to a crips once he developed his powers in his teenage years. Being both feared and revered through all of his childhood, there's never been nothing that he cannot get.

When he was designated to be a leviathan for his sector, he gladly accepted. He had been trained to be a gladiator his entire life, after all.

Scotch, antique swords, South American girls.

Do-Gooders, fanatics and weaklings.

To be inferior.
Phobia of drowning.

While fast and agile, he lacks raw strength, standing at only 182 CM and weighing 71 kilograms, he lacks the mass to pack a real punch. Further more, while he is powered by the sun, he still needs to eat and sleep to a degree.
He is infinite times too cocky than he has the right to be, also being prone to bursts of anger and quick to get a temperament when things don't go his way.

He insisted on fighting in his three piece suit.
He only eats organic food; he's vegan and he believes a dog is worth more than most men.

Theme Song:
Powerman 5000
"Show me What you Got"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lord Wraith's Character

Ewan Alasdair Boyd

"I don't think you're ready to swim in the deep end."

Toned and lean, Ewan has a physique similar to that of an Olympic swimmer. He's approximately 5'-10" in height and weighing in just under 180lbs. Light brown hair filled with flecks of blonde tops his head in an often tousled mop as sea blue eyes stare out and take in the world around him with a keen focus that makes him appear to be very alert. While his body appears generally hairless, Ewan has a light five o'clock shadow most day, shaving only when it starts to become too scruffy. Ewan's clothes often consist of a simple wet suit, although when away from the water he dons jeans, a simple t-shirt and a leather jacket.



Rich or Poor?:
Ewan is part of the upper middle class, while his family is not necessarily part of the upper class, he's not a lower class citizen either.


For the Battle or Opposed?
While Ewan is opposed to going into the Arena, he is not about to lay down arms or surrender. A warrior at heart, Ewan will fight with the zeal to both survive and win.

Power Description:
The ability to control and manipulate water. This allows Ewan to shape and direct water, increasing or decreasing its pressure and collect droplets or moisture into large amounts of water. Ewan can harden and enhance his body by collecting and manipulating water pressure within it. Furthermore Ewan can control all sources of water and collect steam back into its liquid form. This can lead to the creation of Hydrokinetic Constructs, including basic weapons, walls and armor. While he can move ice, Ewan has little to no control over it beyond simple movements unless it melts.

As such, Ewan is able to control ocean currents, allowing him to manipulate tides. This can lead to Tidal Wave Generation or even Waterspout Generation. Ewan is even able to cause currents to move in a rotational faction leading to Whirlpool Generation.

Ewan can walk on water and even slow his fall through the air using moisture in the air if its present. In areas with high humidity or even during rain, Ewan may even be able to lift himself through the air. Lastly Ewan can heal and revitalize his body through water by submerging himself in it or absorbing moisture in the air.

Power Weakness
Ewan can not create water or liquids to manipulate. He has to manipulate liquids from a source such as a body of water or even a puddle of blood. Ewan can not function if he becomes dehydrated and therefore is sensitive to extended exposure to heat.

Weapon of Choice:
Weighted net and spear

Fighting Skills:
While Ewan does not have any direct fighting skills, he has spent numerous years fishing in the ocean and learning to tame and ride creatures much larger than himself. Ewan has wrestled with the likes of crocodiles, sharks and even some orcas. In addition to being used to taking on larger opponents, Ewan is quite skilled with a hunting spear and weighted net.

Ewan has a calm and easy personality, but like the sea itself he can be quick to anger changing from calm to raging in mere moments with the right triggers. Thoughtful and methodical, Ewan will think through his actions before taking them, weighing out the pros and cons of each choice before fully committing to them. Possessing a caring heart towards animals, Ewan will almost always go out of his way to protect an animal or ensure its treatment. He believes in thanking the ocean for the lives it gives so that his people can eat. In contrast, Ewan can come off cold towards people, especially those who aren't from Sector 2. Ewan has a dislike towards outsiders who do not understand the beauty and raw power of the Ocean.

Born in Sector 2, Ewan Alasdair Boyd spent his whole life around the ocean raised by his loving and adoring parents. From the very first moment infant Ewan's toes were dipped in the ocean he fell in love with the sensation of being in the water. With the amount of time he spent in the water it came as no surprise to Ewan's parents when Ewan turned out to be a Leviathan. With the reveal of his gifts, Ewan began to spend even more time in the ocean learning to surf and fish. Becoming quite the provider for his parents, Ewan grew in independence before returning home home day amidst a storm to find his family's floating house gone. The storm had sunk the house with his parents asleep within leaving Ewan as the sole heir to his family's modest wealth.

Out on his own at the age of 18, Ewan began his own fisherman business using his abilities to give him an edge over some of the more commercialized competitors. Becoming a successful businessman, Ewan spent every day at sea, honing his skills and learning to deal with numerous predators as well as the sea herself. As the time of the next Games approached, Ewan began to fill himself becoming more and more anxious. Having never been picked for the games in the last seven years he figured his luck couldn't hold up much longer and feared what the results of the Choosing Ceremonies would bring forth.

Red Licorice

Black Licorice
Fire Arms

Ewan has a fear of dying alone, wishing to live a long and fruitful life surrounded by friends and those dear to him. Furthermore, he has a fear of one day going broke and as such highly values wealth. Due to his connection with water, Ewan has a fear of heat and dehydration specifically in the form of fire. Fire is unnerving to Ewan and can break his focus if he feels it has a chance of consuming him.

Like the ocean, Ewan can be very calm although he has a temper which can be very frightful but leaves him open and vulnerable. Furthermore Ewan is often slow to act and the time he takes to make a decision can be his undoing. Separated from water, Ewan is little more than a fit human being, in a desert he would soon perish. Likewise Ewan may be experience in fighting against wild beasts but he has little to no experience fighting a human opponent.

A fisherman and surfer by trade.
Ewan keeps a pet otter at home.

Theme Song:
"In The Air" by Phil Collins
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mach's Character

Erika Desalle

"There's a bass speaker called a subwoofer. Ever hear one? It hits you right in the stomach. Makes you feel sick. I'm kind of like that."

Erika stands slightly above average height for a woman, at five and a half feet tall. Her build is on the slim side, but not waifish. Erika's skin is light in colour - thanks partially to genetics, and partially due to a lack of excess exposure to the sunlight. Her hair, in contrast is jet-black, and usually worn loose.

Were it not for a severe case of resting-bitch-face, she would likely be quite attractive. But instead, her expression usually seems to linger somewhere between disinterest and distaste. Erika's eyes are her most striking feature. Pale blue-grey irises make her gaze piercing, if not unsettling.



Rich or Poor?:


For the Battle or Opposed?
Neutral. The Battle, while unfortunate, is a fact of life.

Power Description:
When a person envisions air-based powers, their mind pictures the typical. Windstorms. Blades of air. Vacuums that pull the oxygen from a victim's lungs. But air is so much more versatile than that, and Erika's abilities are atypical. An outcast even within her own Sector, she has the ability to manipulate the vibrations that move through the air. Erika's gift is sound.

Heightened hearing: The smallest disturbances in the air can often be heard by Erika's sensitive ears.

Manipulation: With ease, Erika can affect the volume of existing noises. A whisper can carry for miles. A shout is suddenly silenced. With significantly more difficulty, she can warp and change the sounds around her. Sure, John made the attempt to compliment Jane's outfit. But what she really heard him say was more along the lines of, "Fuck off, Jane." Looks like John isn't getting laid tonight.

High Frequency: Erika can create loud tones at both high and low frequency. At a great volume, the audible high frequencies can cause great pain, perforate eardrums, cause tinnitus, and result in hearing damage.

Low Frequency: While the high frequencies are painful, it is powerful ultra-low frequencies that cause real damage. The human body doesn't seem to like subsonic noise very much. And at these wavelengths, a very slight increase in intensity makes the pressure changes shift from barely noticeable to incredibly uncomfortable. Air embolisms form in the lungs, and can be fatal when they reach the brain. The powerful waves of sound are nauseating. Infrasound can also cause a person's eyes to vibrate within their sockets, making it very difficult to see clearly.

Power Weakness:
While it can be uncomfortable, painful, and most definitely annoying, Erika's sonic manipulation is not a power that can kill quickly. At most, she can render a person unconscious, or cause trauma that may eventually be lethal. But in a deadly fight at close quarters, Erika's sound waves won't save her life.

Weapon of Choice:
Knife. It's sharp, it's practical, it doesn't require special instruction to utilize.

Fighting Skills:
While not formally trained in any form of combat, Erika boasts an impressive survival instinct. She can fight viciously, albeit clumsily, when the situation calls for it. Her flight response is as strong as her fight - Erika is all leg, and she can sprint like the devil himself is chasing her.

Erika is not one to be the centre of attention. A lifetime of being labelled as the odd one out has led her to now automatically assume that role. She is a listener, a watcher. She observes situations from a distance, and enjoys trying to read people. How they act, what they are like, they're strengths and their weaknesses.

And when she learns these things, Erika remembers them for later. She is not a fighter, and knows she will need to rely on intelligence and manipulation if she wants to make it out of the battle alive. Erika knows she is not strong, and knows she is not a lethal threat. However, she gives the impression of a person far weaker than she truly is. Erika's quiet watchfulness can be mistaken for timid shyness, and she is careful not to divulge the extent of her abilities if she can help it.

Prior to being drafted into the Battle, Erika was studying structural engineering. She has background knowledge in physics, mathematics, and architecture.

Erika grew up as an only child. She was born into a middle-class family in the heart of Sector 4. Mother was a high school teacher, and father worked for the government. Childhood was uneventful. She attended public school, made a handful of friends, and never struggled.

Two weeks after her twelfth birthday, Erika fell ill. She vomited. She had a fever. Her ears ached enough to make her cry, and she couldn't hear. Finally, her worried parents brought her to the hospital. She was diagnosed with a dual ear infection, and given antibiotics. The infection persisted for weeks before finally fading away.

Only something had changed. After being nearly deaf for two weeks, Erika now felt as though she could hear everything. But this went beyond sensitive hearing. It was as though she could sense the very vibrations moving through the air. She began to spend more and more time alone, unable to stand being around other people. She couldn't tolerate their constant conversation. The constant noise of their breathing. Their never-ceasing heartbeats. As often as she could, young Erika fled to the outskirts of Sector 4, as close to silence as she could get.

Years went by, and she slowly learned to control her newfound ability. First, Erika learned to silence the noise. Sitting in the back of the classroom at school, she discovered she could make the entire room go quiet, by sheer force of will. It was amusing to watch the expressions on everyone's faces, as they all suddenly felt as if someone had placed cotton over their ears. Then, some months later, Erika figured out how to make the noise louder. Whispered conversations could suddenly be heard across the room, which led to many secrets divulged, and many more angry schoolchildren. When they discovered that it was Erika causing this, she was shunned. Not only was her ability atypical for an air leviathan, but no one wanted to be around a girl who could manipulate their words.

As she entered high school, she revelled in her exclusion. The time Erika didn't spend studying, she spent indulging her gift. She learned that with enough effort, she could create sounds, and change the way they reached people's ears. And she learned the wonders of infra and ultrasonics. The effects they had on people.

Currently, Erika is in her second year of post-secondary studies, focusing on structural engineering. However, her studies will be cut short by the events of the Choosing Ceremony.

Sudokus, ciphers, math problems. Anything to stimulate her overactive mind.
Intelligent conversation. Rarely will she talk to others, but if the discussions turns to academics or philosophy, Erika can be roped in.
People-watching. Humans are truly fascinating.

Loud noises. Sure, she can make them quiet, but only if expected. A sudden noise will make the girl jump terribly.
Most types of meat, though she will never claim to be vegetarian.

Death. Who doesn't, at least to some degree? To Erika, death is the inevitable, yet terrifying, conclusion to the Battle.

The Dark. From a young age, Erika's sensitive hearing made her especially scared of the things that go bump in the night. At twenty years of age, she still needs the reassurance of a night light.

Inexperience. Erika was not born into one of the families who trained their children as a Leviathan. She is not a skilled combatant. She's merely a young woman whose life took a rather shitty turn.

Reserved, unapproachable. Her quiet demeanor and reluctance to speak with others will undoubtedly make it difficult to acquire allies. And allies are a thing Erika will probably be needing.

Stature. Erika is not athletic. Innately quick, yes, but not strong or powerful in any sense of the world. She is a woman, and not an exceptionally tall or muscular one. She is only slightly above average height, at 5'6", and her build is on the slender side.

Forewarning: Mach has a weird timezone. Mach is not Asian, but she's currently living in Asia. I'll be UTC+8 for another couple of weeks, and then I'll be changing to UTC+7. So if you're in the Americas, my nighttime is basically your daytime. Have patience when waiting on my posts. Thank ya!

Theme Song:
"Cymatics" by Nigel Stanford
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
Avatar of WhiteStar19

WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fij's Character

Rosi Aioto

(Row-sigh eye-oh-toe)

"I'm kinda hungry guys… Wait, was I supposed to say something cool? "

A short, young man Rosi is blessed with mid-toned skin, Blond hair, and green eyes. He is slightly large looking, though not in a fat way, more like his body has more flesh on it than it should. Rosi has very rough skin that is covered with a few small scars. He has a small amount of stubble on his face which makes him look slightly older than he actually is.

He is usually seen with a big, stupid smile on his face. His mouth seems to extend far further than it should.



Rich or Poor?:


For the Battle or Opposed?
Not looking forward too it, but not worrying a huge amount.

Power Description:
Rosi's air manipulation power is far stronger than anyone he has met with the same skill. Unfortunately; he can only manipulate the air within his body and mere center-meters above his skin. Although he does posses the neat ability to filter out certain gases when manipulating them.

Rosi's physicality is also altered; his blood can carry far more oxygen within it, allowing his muscles to respire much faster than a normal humans. This allows him to move his limbs incredibly fast. And therefore move himself at speeds of up to 65mph in a straight line.

Rosi's bones are hollow like a birds. They contain a vacuum within them which he can fill with lighter gases at will. This means he can make himself up to six times lighter than normal.

Most impressively; Rosi can change the pressure of the air directly around him so as to assist with his movement. This coupled with his extremely light bones allows him to move around while in the air. He can jump up to nine meters high and glide nearly directly horizontally. He can even change direction at will while in the air.

Power Weakness
He cant fly.. only glide.. Kind of like a balloon.

Like most manipulative powers Rosi's air control requires a vast amount of energy, this coupled with his increased respiration means he is almost permanently hungry and requires nearly three times as much nutrition to be satisfied. Without food he will become tired very quickly, start to lose his rational thinking ability and become depressed.

He is also far more at risk of breaking a bone due to their low density. He can hold a broken bone in place with air pressure but it will need to heal before he can use it effectively again.

While his manipulation of pressure is very strong, it is far from precise. Opposite to the rare audio-manipulative leviathans, Rosi can only apply two pressures. Too much and WAY TOO MUCH!

Weapon of Choice:
Does not really know as he has not had much experience with weapons. Would much prefer armour so as to block atacks to his weak bones. It would also be a proffered item as he could support it with his power as it would rest directly above his skin.

Fighting Skills:
Nope. Nothing. Other than play fighting with his siblings Rosi has had zero experience in combat.

Rosi is one of the most layed back people you will ever meet; he has never raised his voice in anger for as far as anyone can remember. This makes him very like-able to most people, bar those who think he's an idiot.

He is perfectly content with lying on a roof watching the clouds for hours on end. Many people say he lacks ambition. He says whats the point in climbing higher, if you never look down and enjoy the view.

Because of his upbeat personality Rosi is very good at comforting and supporting people. People say they feel safe around him and even some anti leviathans have been converted by his well natured charm. He will regularly put others before himself. He seems to find more pleasure from helping others than he does helping himself.

Rosi was born into a large working class family on the lower outskirts of sector four, he had six other siblings (him being the second oldest) which his parents provided for by both working as air taxi drivers for a corrupt, low paying company called 'street fleet'. They were poor, but happy.

Unlike many leviathans Rosi noticed his ability from a very young age. By three his family was well aware of what he was, this caused them some concern and so they tried to keep it a secret. This did not last very long.. as soon as he attended his first school at the age of six he would commonly use his abilities for playing pranks and fooling around. Although the other students mostly loved him, he was shunned by his teachers.

Rosi became very independent at the age of eleven as his younger brother had turned ten and was tasked with looking after the house. He could at this point glide around the city far faster than if he were to ride in a vehicle. He would bust himself by going around meeting people here and there, and generally socializing.

At the age of fourteen street fleet went bankrupt and his parents lost their jobs. Rosi left school to work as an apprentice for a mechanic called ryan. He spent his time ferrying parts from their manufacturing location to the workshop, the pay was good as he got the rates of a lorry driver.

Over time he bumped from job to job. He bought his own small flat in the area above his hometown. Eventually becoming the areas handyman. He became known and respected by most of the locals and they would always have some sort of jobs for him to do.

At this second Rosi is floating home to visit his parents who will be the bearers of bad news for him.

Food: bacillary anything edible is good. He's not very fussy..
Friends/Friendly people: Rosi loves communication.
Goofing off: Wherever possible.

Violence: Rosi detests people who start fights and will avoid anyone like that.
Cruelty: Rosi is very empathetic and dislikes seeing others in pain.
Being hungry or tired: lack of energy in his body.

Claustrophobia (Fear of small spaces).
Fear of fighting.

Overly trusting: Rosi will trust anyone who says they are a friendemployerss lead to him being manipulated by employers in the past.
Overly laid back: Rosi sometimes fails to understand the magnitude of a situation.
Can't fight at all: No combat ability whatsoever, zilch.

Theme Song:
"Orphan" by Savant
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hoppi's Character

Hekat Bakshi

"Out of my way. I won’t say it again."

Hekat stands tall at 5’8”, lean and wiry rather than overtly muscular, but make no mistake, there’s considerable strength in those limbs. Her copper skin is an even deeper brown from long hours in the sun, and her yellow-green eyes are often fixed either in a glare or on some distant horizon. Her masses of dark hair are nigh-untameable, and always seem to be crackling with static electricity; usually, she’ll beat them back into a braid and hope it holds. Wherever she goes, she walks with purpose and intent, head held high and shoulders back, and she holds herself in a perfectly balanced fighter’s posture when still. She carries a strange scent, a mixture of ozone and spice. Hekat is striking, yes; approachable, no.



Rich or Poor?:
Poor. The rich in Sector 5 made their fortunes either from the Battle, or managing the services of those less well off; Hekat is in the latter category.


For the Battle or Opposed?
Hekat never wanted to enter the Arena; the Choosing Ceremony interrupts plans she’d been working on for years, and might have been able to put into motion within a few more. Now that she’s here, though, she’s outside of her Sector for the first time in her life—and she wants to take advantage of any opportunity that offers, including the riches she’d gain from winning the Battle. She’ll fight as hard or harder than anyone else to stay alive.

Power Description:
Hekat is a weather leviathan, which means she has the same basics the other leviathans from her sectors do: sensing weather changes, slightly ‘nudging’ weather the way she wants it, temperature sensing. However, she specializes in:
Electricity Manipulation: Sparks fly around Hekat—literally. She has the ability to generate, direct, control, and absorb lightning and electricity. This includes manipulating electronics and machinery, although her fine control is not as fast as she’d like—she’s more likely to throw a lightning bolt and fry the whole machine than manipulate a turret into swiveling towards its owner, although she could do the latter, with a little more time and focus. She’s also been struck by lightning—more than once—and come out just fine. Usually, she generates her own charges, but if there’s a natural source of lightning nearby, she becomes exponentially more powerful.
Weather Generation: This is the cataclysmic side of being a weather leviathan. It’s not as obvious nor as fast as her electrical manipulation, but calling weather is one of the few situations in which Hekat can be patient. She can let loose tornados (although truly leashing them is beyond her), cloud over a sunny day or chase the rain away, or call down a monsoon. There are a thousand different applications, and all of them take time, but Hekat is nothing if not inventive—if there’s a will, there’s a way, and she most certainly has will. There’s less finesse involved with bringing down the sky, but she tries to control it as best she can. She’s reluctant to do too much with rain, though, due to...

Power Weakness
Water: Water and electricity always makes for a deadly combination; Hekat knows this better than most, as she occasionally fried entire ponds of fish back home. However, because the potency of lightning is so amplified by water, it can easily get dangerously out of her control. When wet, manipulating electricity becomes impossible, and just directing the shocks away from her major organs would require all of Hekat’s considerable skill, and she certainly would not escape unscathed. She prefers not to test her theories, and simply avoids water altogether.
Emotionally Affected: Control of the weather is an inherently emotional pursuit. While Hekat has plenty of power behind her abilities, she’s also worked for more than twenty years to perfect them, and herself. It takes a lot to break her control, but once it’s broken, things get out of hand very quickly.

Weapon of Choice:
Spears and Polearms: Long sticks were easily obtainable on Sector Five plantations, so Hekat began using them as weapons at an early age just to entertain herself. From there, it grew into true skill—she can use all kinds of staves and spears, and has mastered the balance of bladed ones.
(To a lesser extent, Hekat can also use katar, traditional Indian punching daggers. Her family owned a pair, so if she finds something similar, she’ll know how to use it.)

Fighting Skills:
Hekat didn’t train to enter the Arena, but she did train herself to fight—one never knows when such skills will be needed, especially with her goals in mind. She knew she’d be smaller than many opponents, so she taught herself all sorts of dirty tricks, using her unfortunate brothers as test dummies.

As shown above, she’s also proficient with polearms, and will use them to put distance between herself and larger opponents. In Sector Five, she’s most recently used a discarded pipe as her practice weapon, and has perfected electrifying the weapon without harming herself, posing an extra risk to her enemies.

At first glance, Hekat comes across as proud, haughty, and intimidating—and that assessment proves absolutely true. She carries herself regally, sets herself apart from others, and at first glance one can tell she’s dangerous. Mostly, this is her true self. She’s not so much arrogant as reserved, and has few friends, none of them as close to her as her siblings. Hekat keeps a tight lid on her emotions when dealing with strangers, both good and bad—however, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t offend. She does, and easily, but grits her teeth through it and remembers it for later; she’s never forgotten a slight. On the flip side, she values honesty and politeness. Deep down, though, where only her favorite brothers and mother can see, she’s a passionate, driven individual.

Hekat values no one more than her family, and is unwilling to test if that holds true in the face of true friendship, so she simply avoids making friends—she wants to be able to devote her full energy to her kin, rather than being distracted by other bonds. This devotion has shaped her into the loyal, painfully protective woman she is today, and a friend would be wise not to betray that confidence. Everything she does, she does for those she loves—so she has a powerful motivator for winning the Battle. Although she considers herself honorable, she doesn’t truly know the lengths she’d go to to win.

Hekat is the second oldest of five and the only daughter of the large Bakshi clan. She lived in a four-generation home on the outer edges of the Sector City, run down and filled to the brim with loud, nosy, wonderful relatives. Hekat and her older brother, Amar, were the only leviathans to have ever been born in their family. Because of their powers, Hekat and Amar started working as soon as they were able, before either of them hit ten years old—taking long monorail rides out to the plantations or into the industrial centers of the city. Amar was skilled at bringing rain or sun to the crops, while Hekat was more proficient working at power plants wherever she could, carefully moderating her bolts of lightning into the great tesla coils that dotted the sector. Whether working nearby or separated by miles and miles, they always tried to help each other with training as best they could.

These exacting, precise tasks built the foundation for her legendary control; it was cemented by the death of her brother. A twelve-year-old Hekat arrived home from the factories one day to find her family dressed all in white—the monorail Amar had taken home every day for six years had been struck by lightning, and the fourteen year old had reflexively absorbed the energy rather than let the entire car be electrified. From then on, Hekat vowed to learn every nuance and capability of her powers. However, it was the city’s denial of their pleas for compensation that truly galvanized her into action, and put a concrete goal in her mind. After losing a third of their income, the family was plunged even deeper into poverty—she had to do something.

Since she was a girl, Hekat had heard stories of Before. Her great-grandmother and grandparents all remembered the country the family came from, far away and untouchable. They described the glittering of the Indian Ocean, the noise and crowds of the bazaars, even the long plane ride to America (just in time for Before to end). Her great-grandmother had traveled the world from Paris to Timbuktu, and she gave every memory she had to Hekat—and the young leviathan was enthralled. As she grew up, wonder turned to serious thought turned to determination. If she could just get her family past the walls and barbed wire of Sector Five, there must be something better out there.

That ideal has been Hekat’s driving motivation for the training, experimentation, and toil of the last nine years, carrying her through even when circumstances were dire. She passably finished high school, and is in her third year of the community college, by the time the Choosing Ceremony rolls around—most of her time has been taken up with supporting her family or training her powers. Being Chosen was completely unexpected, and has, understandably, completely derailed her long-term plans.

The great outdoors; storms (obviously); has a top secret love of romance novels; high places.

Apathy and laziness; being belittled; cold weather; failure.

Drowning. This fear combines two things she’s terrified of: dying slowly and being helpless.
Refuses to admit the possibility that nothing she does matters, and the world will never change.
Now that it comes down to it, she doesn’t know what lines she won’t cross, and in extreme situations that could cause her to doubt herself.

Water, as mentioned in the ‘Power Weakness’ section.
Betrayal is guaranteed to break through her control in record time. Because of this, she’s also reluctant to ally.
Has a debilitating fear of drowning.
Hekat finished high school and attended community college; she’s never had any high-quality education.

Excellent stamina.

Theme Song:
"Castle" by Halsey
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Stein's Character

Sector 6 Candidate

Vicki Vostrum

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Rich or Poor?:

Vicki comes from a moderately wealthy family who built their fortune procuring and selling forgotten treasures (art, pieces of dead cultures, tomes, etc).


Sector 6 - Light

For/Against The Battle:

Put simply, Victoria is dead inside. She's justified her participation in the battle, seeing it as a chance to feel something or die standing for something. In a sense, she's hoping this Battle will either make her value her life or realize that it needs to be thrown away.

Power Description:

Light Manipulation - Victoria specializes in Hard Light constructs. Her constructs tend not to be overly elaborate as that takes time and effort she can't afford. However, what makes her formidable is her versatility with constructs. Many of her shortcomings (as compared to other members of her family) in her constructs and Light usage are solved by her ingenuity and methods for circumventing things like the inability to create large structures without sacrificing durability or her finite control over her constructs.

She can absorb light from any source that produces (so most notably she uses the sun, but can also absorb the light from light bulbs and etc).

-Her eyes are able to take in light and see in various wavelengths such as ultraviolet and infrared.

Power Weakness:

With most from Sector 6, her power is hindered in the darkness. She can generate her own light, but it comes at a price that has a high interest rate. Constructs she generates from her own light tend to be less durable than they would during the day, unless she focuses specifically on increasing their substance.

Weapon of Choice:

Victoria can generate beams and orbs of light for a variety of purposes. However, for the sake of ease, she tends to stick with a bow and light arrows. Her particular bow has a line of crystal running the length of it that she uses to reflect natural light and make her arrows stronger at minimal cost to her.

She specializes in being versatile with her light constructs, displaying a good amount of control over their shape and appearance.

Fighting Skills:

Victoria is a survivor through and through. The skills she has honed have come from her time in the Sector 6 Underground Fighting Arena, when she started feeling societal dissociation. The Fighting Arena was her first attempt at feeling a semblance of a joy for life. The past 3 years have seen her rise to a slightly notable fighter in the Sector 6 Arena.


To say she is distant and cold would be a severe understatement. Victoria won't speak to you unless absolutely necessary. Her silence carries as much meaning as her words (sometimes even more depending on her facial expression), and when she does speak she will not hold her tongue. Her words and word choice are measured and repeating herself is seen as an arduous task.

However, she's not a bad person at her core. She doesn't go out of her way to maliciously attack others. And though she feels little to nothing for most people, she recognizes the value they hold in their own life. She envies that, but what's more is, she respects it. The young and innocent pain her and motivate her equal parts. Her view on the matter is that if she can't find the meaning in her life or the reason to persevere, then she should at least not hinder someone from living theirs.


From an early age, Victoria was told constantly that she was meant to do something great with her life. Just short of being doted and praised, her family reminded her constantly of the potential she had, noting her apparent natural aptitude. However, Victoria didn't necessarily feel the same. And as time went on, she began to confirm that (in her own mindset, which was slightly biased). There was a nagging fear that followed her throughout her life, telling her that her life was meant as a cautionary tale to others: something to be told around campfires and pitied by 'wise' old men and women.

However, her parents all but ignored the brewing turmoil in their daughter, drilling their craft of light manipulation into her. She spent arduous hours, days, weeks and months learning to craft her constructs to the specifications of a shallow and overbearing mother, fattened from a good life and an even better source of income.

Her uncle seemed to be the only one who took an interest in the person behind the ability, opting to take her on a few expeditions with him. Though they didn't serve to completely relieve the mental ailment she held, it lightened her. The thrill of scouring for small treasures outside of their sector brought the shadows of legitimate smile to her face. Her parents, however, soon put a stop to that, touting that this life wasn't the one they had envisioned for their daughter.

As she grew she began to seek thrills hoping to capture the joy and meaning she found in those handful of expeditions with her uncle. The mundane and ornate life not appealing --even revolting-- to her. Her thrill seeking eventually landed her in the Sector 6 Fighting Arena where she used the training and survival skills from her family and applied it to the ring. Each punch and jab served to lighten her mental load a little. She didn't have to think, she just had to fight. It was a welcome distraction and she became adept in the arena quickly. She was by no means the best, but she was a notable fighter, especially considering her age. It was a life she kept secret, as her family would most certainly disapprove.

However as most highs go, this one she eventually built a tolerance to as well. It was then that she finally turned a wary yet desperate eye to THE Arena: The Battle of the Leviathans. And as luck--or cursed fate-- would have it, she soon found herself actually tossed into the middle of it...


Streams of water, open air and silence. She's an observant girl who processes almost everything around her. When it gets to be too much, she likes to retreat within herself in peaceful surroundings.


Ignorance, loquacious people, aimless people (they remind her too much of her own struggles)


Closed spaces. The future - she's terribly afraid of what it will bring and if the events of the Arena don't finish her off, she might just off herself to save herself from living a life of uncertainty.


Victoria is slight of frame. Though she is much tougher than she looks, her body is still small. She's kept it this way to explore the different nooks and crannies of her sector (along with the ruins her family would take her to, in an attempt to explore and recover artifacts).



Gods and Monsters
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Virani's Character

Meredith Louise Mackenzie

"You don't wanna rile me up"

Meredith is taller than average standing at 5'8 and has a slender but toned physique weighing in at 140 lbs. She has an athletic build with small hips and bust. She is in peak physical fitness for her height and build but this is due to her ability and not from any effort on her part.

Her skin is lightly tanned with a dusting of freckles on her arms and face gained from spending most of her time outdoors, her eyes are an unusual mix of green and gold and are an indication of her feline nature. Her hair is a mass of curly dirty blonde hair that she nearly always wears loose.



Rich or Poor?
Neither. Her family manages well enough though they don't have a lot to spare.

Sector Eight

For the Battle or Opposed?
Both, she agrees that some of the Leviathans need an outlet for their abilities and aggressive nature (her in particular) but she doesn't agree with it being forced upon them. She also hates the fact that they will be battling for nothing more than entertainment.

Power Description:
Feline Physiology - Meredith has the attributes and traits of a feline, this gives her several abilities:

Enhanced Agility/Speed/Strength - Her physical capabilities are stronger than the average human and so she can move faster, lift more etc.
Enhanced Senses - Her senses are much sharper than the average human and she can see further, hear more etc.

Power Weakness
Though Meredith is physically powerful she has some significant drawbacks to her abilities:

Extremely fast metabolism - Meredith's body burns through calories to power what she does and she has to eat a hell of a lot more than most people. If she doesn't she begins feeling weak and dizzy and will eventually pass out.

Vulnerability to loud sounds/bright lights/extremely strong smells - Due to her senses being stronger Meredith can become overwhelmed if a bright light or loud sound happens close to her. She finds them painful and they can stun her or if powerful enough incapacitate her.

Feline behavior - Meredith does not just have feline abilities, she has also inherited some of their behaviors as well. The biggest one being aggression, when she is threatened or someone she cares about is threatened she becomes extremely aggressive and unreasonable. She stops caring about anything, including her own life, and is unable to think clearly until she has calmed down.

Weapon of Choice
Meredith has always used her fists and feet and therefore has no experience with weapons.

Fighting Skills
Meredith has no formal training or fighting skills, her abilities make her naturally good in a fight but only to a point.

Meredith is a confident young woman who is not afraid to speak her mind, in fact she generally struggles not to say what she's thinking and though this often gets her into trouble, she means well. Her philosophy is only ask the question if you want the answer, which sums up her blunt, straight to the point attitude perfectly. This makes her very open and easy to read,and manipulate.

She has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and the more nervous or uncomfortable she is the more sarcastic she becomes. She is quite a fiery person with a temper that is quick to flare up and quick to die down and this can make her unpredictable, she feels strongly and no matter what she is feeling be it anger or happiness it is always passionate. She is also very proud and she is known for her inability to ask others for help even if its obvious she needs it.

She is very creative and views herself as somewhat of a free spirit, she loves nothing better than to sit outside somewhere and draw or paint what's around her. She is often caught up in her imagination and her artwork reflects this showing scenes from her thoughts and dreams. She often draws her favorite subject which is animals and likes to sit and watch them in their natural habitat and then draw what she has seen.

Meredith was born in Sector Eight and as such was around animals from the moment she could walk. She was raised by her father and a steady amount of canine and feline companions. Meredith's mother had died when she was a young child and as such her father raised her alone. She was an only child and so she and her father grew to be close. Not really knowing how to raise a girl he treated Meredith more like he would his son which suited her just fine. She had always been more of a tomboy wanting to be outside amongst nature and not stuck inside doing 'girly things' as she put it. Whenever she had spare time she and her father would go on hikes or sit and watch the stars on the roof of their house.

Her father owned a farm that did well enough to feed him and Meredith but it didn't leave a lot left over for luxuries or comfortable living. But they lived in a farming community which often helped each other out when times were hard. When Meredith began developing her abilities around puberty her father helped her to deal with them. He helped her learn how to handle the sudden increase in her senses, as well as the other physical changes. But over time her aggression and protectiveness began to become an issue as try as she might she couldn't get a handle on that part of her nature.

It eventually reached the point where school became impossible and so she stayed home and learned what she could there. When not learning she helped her father on the farm, she knew that her issues make things harder for him though he never said such, and so she did what she could to make up for it. When her agression became too much she would disappear for a few days and return much calmer, usually with a few dead animals that they then ate for dinner. She continued working on the farm even after she turned eighteen as she was happy and content with her life and didn't want to leave her father alone. He was getting older and his health was failing and so she was taking on more and more responsibilities on the farm.

By the time she turned twenty four she was running the farm herself, with help from a farmhand she had managed to hire. Her father had been forced to retire as his arthritis had become too much for him to manage the physical activities he was used to. The choosing ceremony is close now and secretly Meredith is terrified that she will be picked. Somehow luck has been with her and she has not been chosen before now but each time the ceremony is due she fears this will the time when she is picked. She worries for her father and how he will survive if she doesn't come home.

The outdoors

The cold
Being hungry
People in her personal space
Cruelty - particularly to animals
Loud noises/bright lights

Being caged/trapped - Though not claustrophobic she can't handle being trapped somewhere with no way out.
Fire - Meredith has been terrified of fire for as long as she can remember though she has no idea why.
Leaving her father alone - She is scared she will never see him again and that he will be alone.

Meredith has to eat almost constantly to fuel her metabolism and if she doesn't she gets weak, dizzy and eventually passes out.
Meredith is rash and impulsive, combine that with a short temper and a curious nature and it makes for a very easy target.
She has no experience in fighting humans and therefore no knowledge of the tactics/strategies they could use.

Honest to a fault- She has little experience with deceit or manipulation and can be easily tricked.

She is incredibly curious and cannot resist investigating something even if it's dangerous.

Meredith has two German Shepherd's called Luna and Argent.

Theme Song
"Peacekeeper" by Fleetwood Mac
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

White Star's Character

Ember Wave

"Don't touch me or you might explode. Literally."

Ember is a very lean young woman with medium length, straight dark blonde hair. She has dark, crystal green eyes and a small, square face. She has long, curling eyelashes that are the same color as her hair and dark eyebrows. Her full lips are always slightly puckered in a pout, but she is rarely ever crying or hurt. She has a long, slender neck, leading down to slim, small shoulders that are slightly hunched. She has a long, slender nose that rounds off at the end and average sized ears.

Ember is average height for a woman of her age, around five foot six or seven, and weighs no more than a hundred and twenty eight pounds. Most of that is muscle, as she does not have much body fat, even after having a baby. She has stretch marks along the lower half of her toned stomach. She has long legs with bigger hips and thighs, but small calves and ankles. Her feet are fairly big, but they slender out toward the top. She does not have any scars, but she does have a tattoo of her baby's name along her wrist. She also has a belly button piercing and a nose piercing, as well as her ears are pierced. Her hair always tends to be up in a bun or updo and she tends to wear crop tops and tight jeans outside of the Arena, but in the Arena, she will wear what everyone else does.



Rich or Poor?:
Family is rich. She is middle class.


For the Battle or Opposed?
She is opposed to the Battle because she wants to be there for her five year old daughter.

Power Description:
Explosion Manipulation- She has the ability to create, control, and manipulate explosions, even direct them directly at a person. She has a sonic clap that can knock people off their feet. As well, she can touch something and cause it to explode. She also can fly due to direct jet propulsion. She can also absorb explosions and use that energy to create an even bigger explosion. Most of her explosions are without fire unless there is explosive material nearby that causes fire. Her explosions are invisible super puffs of rapid air.

Burning Kiss- She can kill someone just by kissing them because it is so hot that it is fatal to the human body.

Smoke Aura- She has the ability to project smoke around her in her general area. It mainly absorbs her and anyone standing nearby, giving a cover for her when fighting.

Power Weakness
1) She has to touch something to cause it to explode. She can't just look and it and it goes boom. She can control this though. She has to will something to explode. She can create a time bomb affect, but it rarely works or she has the risk of killing herself with it.

2)She sometimes cannot control her burning kiss, which is why she rarely kisses her daughter. But she does hug her though.

Weapon of Choice:
Bow And Arrows: She has the ability to delay her power, like a time bomb, and this is why she likes the bow and arrow. She can touch an arrow and will it to explode after she fires it and it lands. It is very effective in battle, but again, the time bomb effect does not work as often as others.

Fighting Skills:
Ember does not know any professional fighting styles, but she did take a defense class shortly after she had Ash.

Ember is a typical motherly presence, even if she dresses like her age. She cares a lot for her friends and relatives, especially her daughter. She is haughty and arrogant to men, especially those who just want to use her, but she is very caring and gentle when it comes to Ash. She does not make friends easily and is always mistrusting of people with wrong intentions. She has a very "mother bear" air about her, and she is not afraid to show it, or speak it. Ember always speaks her mind about what she thinks about people, even directly to their face. She does not really have a filter, which means that she has swore in front of baby Ash from time to time. She is wary around new people, especially if they want to interact with her daughter, and she always makes sure that Ash is safe before she ever cares for herself.

Ember was born to a very rich family in the Eighth Sector. Her father was a shape shifting Leviathan, one that could turn into any form of reptile, and her mother was a normal human who was working for the Council at the time. She had two older brothers, Elko and Trey. She was the youngest of the family and the first daughter born, to which her mother was very excited. Both Elko and Trey did not show any signs of Leviathan in them, but Ember knew that they were different, even if they didn't show it themselves. Elko was the eldest, only six years older than Ember, and Trey was three years older.

When Ember was six, Elko started showing signs of being a Water Leviathan. He was able to pull water out of plants, causing them to die, and he could manipulate it, but only for a few seconds at first. Their father was proud of him, but their mother was worried, as, with all Leviathan children, when Elko turned eighteen, he would have to move to Sector Two, with the rest of the Leviathans just like him. Trey, only a year later, began showing signs of being a Light Leviathan, and then their mother was very worried. She had hoped that Ember would not be one and be able to stay with her. She hoped that Ember could follow in her footsteps.

That didn't happen.

Ember blew up the barn when she was only ten years old, after getting into a fight with Elko about him leaving in two years. Everyone, in the only city in Sector Eight, knew that she was a Leviathan then, and so did she. But she didn't know how powerful she was. The rest of her powers, the burning kiss and smoke aura, developed in her teens, after both Elko and Trey were in their registered Sectors, a year after Trey left. She almost killed her third boyfriend, the one who got her pregnant, with the burning kiss, as she could not control it at the time, and whenever she was emotional, smoke began to emit from her and develop around her. She found out she was pregnant, and was excited and scared at the same time. She didn't want a Leviathan child to come into this world, but she didn't want an abortion either. She decided to keep the child and, nine months after putting her boyfriend in a coma with the burning kiss, Ash Julianee Wave was born.

Then the Sixty Third Battle came, only two weeks later. People from all different Sectors could watch the callings of the Leviathans from the different Sectors. Her parents had both Sector Two and Sector Six up on the screen. They held their breath as the male Leviathans were called, and became terrified, as both Trey and Elko were called at the exact same moment. Her mother cried, her father watched in shock, and Ember was stone cold. How could the Council do this to her brothers?

They watched the entire Battle, from training, to the balls, to the field. Both Elko and Trey lasted until the final two, as they had formed an alliance with each other, but as the rules state: Only one is allowed to leave the Arena. Neither brother could come to kill the other, so Elko, before Trey could stop him or convince him otherwise, took his knife, his weapon of choice, and stabbed himself directly through the heart. The Battle was over; Trey had won. But had he really?

Now, separated from her family, with Trey in the Sixth Sector, in his mansion, her parents still in Sector Eight, the fear of the Sixty Eighth Battle looms over her and Ash. Ember prays that she will not get called, for her daughter's sake, but there is something different in the cards for her...

Her Daughter, Ash | Sunset | Stars | Animals

Fighting for Sport | Douchebag Dudes | the Council

Losing her daughter: Ember has a major fear of losing her daughter, either to death or to the Battle when she comes of age, so she does all she can to protect her.

Letting her daughter down - She always worries that she will let her daughter down or her daughter won't know how much Ember loves her.

Her Daughter is a weakness of hers because if anyone attacks her, she will lose her mind. She can be too careful at time and tries to be safe rather than tale risks. She is also doesn't have training, which means she is very uncoordinated with certain weapons or makeshift weapons.

She has a five year old daughter by the name of Ash who she had when she was sixteen years old.

Theme Song:
"TNT" by AC/DC
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dark Light's 1st Character

Levi Duran


Levi; tall, dark hair, often sporting a neat beard.
Sharp features, a toned body and a steely gaze.
He looks after his appearance simply because it is proper to do so.



Rich or Poor?:
Poor, by choice.
He was brought up in the upper district in his sector but when his sister was torn from his protection he abandoned all that he knew and began to sulk around the slums.

7 (shadow)

For the Battle or Opposed?

Power Description:
Levi's power was late to bloom and is still considered to be at a lower level then other leviathans his age but what he has is a deep mastery, control and understanding of his abilities and their limits.

He can create and manipulate the shadows around him, (shape, size, density).

Power Uses:
Dark vision:
Like most from his sector even before leviathan abilities he had good vision in the dark, now he can make it perfect.

Shadow shroud:
Levi covers himself in a wisp of darkness that conceals his subtle moves for a combat edge.

Shadow meld:
Totally covered by shadow his appearance blends into existing shadows causing him to become invisible in darkened areas.

Shadow step:
Once consumed by shadow Levi can skim across the surface of the darkness allowing him to transport quickly over short distances to another shadow.

Shadow lock:
The ability to lock a shadow from moving, physically restraining that which it covers with its touch. The darker the shadow contrast the stronger the hold (works better in light) normal effect is a feeling of quick sand holding back the limb the shadow covers. Good for slowing opponents.

Power Weakness
Weaker when surrounded by lots of bright light.
The darkness constantly threatens to consume him the more he access it and the deeper he digs.
Being magically 'weaker' he has limited access and a shorter duration then other Leviathans.

Weapon of Choice:
A range of daggers and throwing knives

Fighting Skills:
Expertly taught and trained he fights analytically and efficiently.
Levi hasn't get enormous physical strength, instead focusing on speed, accuracy and wit. He has no qualms with being deceptive or tricky and that's why he favours his daggers which he can throw expertly.

Levi is often quiet and distant, he tries to keep himself emotionally detached from people as he sees it as a weakness (his sister exempted).
He is slow to trust and prefers to be alone.

Coming from a rich family with quite a notable hereditary, his interests were put second place to his family's desires and interest in reputation.
Before he was even 18 they had began preparing him as a Leviathan.

His training was often long and painful only stopping for study.
His abilities were late to develop and with his parents refusing to believe he wasn't a Leviathan they only pushed him harder.

His younger sister was the only point of true compassion he had ever known, and when she showed signs of having abilities at such a young age without training he realised she was the exceptional prodigy they had wanted.

Filled with dread and fear that she might have to endure the torment he was put through he forced himself to dig deep and find his powers. It turned out to be too little and too late. She was noticed and sold off into another district. Levi escaped his strict lavish lifestyle and hid in the slums, fighting for survival and looking for a way to find his sister.

Time had eventually run out, there was a choosing ceremony the day after her 18th birthday and deep down in his gut he somehow knew his worst fears would be correct. He knew he could avoid the choosing but since he was trained for it his sister would be expecting him to be there and would probably enter just to see him. Even if that wasn't her plan he also knew that she would think that he was thinking this and enter so he didn't enter in vain.....


Feelings/emotional conflict.
Loud people
Greedy people

Losing his sister
Becoming helpless or needing to rely on others.
Being perceived as weak or useless.

1 Anxiety, Levi knows how to fight people but any other needed interaction can be a daunting prospect especially if it is in a group.
2 Light blindness, bright light can stun and daze him.
3 Darkness consumption, the shadows constantly call to him. Offering to/ Wanting to engulf and consume him in their simple peaceful silence removing all the troubles of the world.

Name meaning = attached

Theme Song:
"Made of Scars" by Stone Sour
"Slept so long" Queen of the damned soundtrack
"Freak on a leash" by Korn
"Down with the sickness" by Disturbed
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dark Light's 2nd Character

Emily Duran (Lilly)

"Those that fear the dark haven't seen what the light can do!"
"Smile, it will all be alright"

Short, pretty with long glowing blonde/white hair and golden eyes. She radiates innocence with the sweetest smile. She is of average physic with soft curves from a lavish easy lifestyle. Smooth soft lightly tanned skin and a gentle touch.



Rich or Poor?:
Very rich and proper.

6 Light

For the Battle or Opposed?
Opposed, although willing to enter to find her brother.

Power Description:
Light manipulation
Lily's power comes from within her and not from her surrounding environment. Besides being able to create light around herself and control that in her close proximity she can also do the following with the right triggers.

Defense: when in danger lily can throw up a powerful sphere of light that acts like a force field.

Sustain: when injuries (her own or another's) are her only concern and she truly wishes it to heal, she can emit a light that will do just that.
The ability is often accompanied by a soft glowing halo that can also remove fatigue, hunger and negative temperature effects.

Last stand: when pushed to the edge Emily can release a blast of light from her hands that is accompanied by a strong concussive force. Also in times, rays or beams of similar light have shot from her hands helping her protect others or herself.

Power Weakness
While highly powerful and full of potential she hasn't mastered technical skills or control, instead more often relying on reactive abilities and luck. Her power is highly emotional based and she can't control it with will.

Weapon of Choice:
Dagger Whip and small sheild.

Fighting Skills:
Very basic self defence and some momentum redirecting martial arts.

Bright, cheerful caring and optimistic.

Emily has always been a bright cheerful optimistic child. Always seeing the good in people and the brights side of any situation.

Her parents were strict but good to her, she was mostly raised by servants and her brother when he had spare time. Oh how she adored her older brother and wanted nothing more than to be like him and spend more time with him, always failing to understand why she couldn't. Instead her own spare time was filled with reading and painting.

Light manipulation came easy and natural to her, at first she was so proud that she was like her brother, little did she realise she had superseded him without trying.
Levi warned her to hide it but it was hard, plus she thought they could train together if she showed everyone she was tough like him.
He never did see her as more then a child, but that was nothing compared to the look of betrayal on her parents faces when she excitedly displayed her abilities.

Her parents shun her severely after learning of her ability and took it as a serious insult. Emily was sent away on a long journey where she met a new family that she slowly came to realise was her new one. They were lovely and she made many wonderful new friends but at night she missed her brother.

Colourful dresses

Nasty people

Being alone
Being trapped

1 Physical prowess, Lilly is small and weak.
2 Trusting, Lilly is gullible, quick to trust and easily deceived.
3 Fear, Lilly is easily scared and not very confident.

Name meanings
Emily- trying to equal or excel rival
Lily- innocence, purity and beauty

Theme Song:
"It's a beautiful day" by U2
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Grenade's Character

Gareth Corrigan

"I’m not going to die here. Not today."

A life spent fending for himself has left Gareth lean and defined. He weighs in at 175lbs and stands at 6’ 1’’, a smile almost always on his face, but the slight slump of his shoulders gives the illusion of a shorter, wearier man. Short, dark brown hair stands disregarded on his head, left in whatever position it finds itself in. Icy blue eyes stare out into the world, his cold gaze taking in every detail; but in rare moments, one can see the warmth he tries so hard to hide sneak back in, if only for a little while.



Rich or Poor?:
Gareth is from the poorer end of the spectrum, having lived most of his life trying to support himself and his younger brother.


For the Battle or Opposed?
Gareth’s opposed, but at the end of the day, there’s nothing he won’t do to get back to his brother.

Power Description:
Gareth has the ability to shape, increase, form, and manipulate ice. He can use this in a variety of different ways: creating cryokinetic constructs, freezing things to the near atomic level, temporarily healing wounds, and even entering into cryostasis. He has some control over water in its liquid form, but rarely does he access this part of his power, preferring ice. The cold never bothered him anyway.

Power Weakness
For his power to work, Gareth needs a source of water nearby. While he can form ice through condensation, this requires a lot more effort on his part, draining him considerably.

There’s also the more obvious issue of heat. If temperatures are hot enough, his ice will melt, rendering his power useless.

Weapon of Choice:
Trident and combat knife.

Fighting Skills:
Life in one of Sector Two’s rougher districts has hardened Gareth into a formidable brawler, able to hold his own and even dominate in a fight, given the right opponent. He’s also quite competent with a trident and a knife, having used both weapons time and time again to protect himself and his brother.

Quiet and reserved, Gareth is a cautious man, made so by years spent in Aquanatic City’s streets. He’s untrusting, always suspicious of one’s intentions, never letting anyone get close; no one but his brother. Pride is something he can’t seem to let go of, never asking anyone for help. The way he sees it, if he can’t do it, no one can. Love is an emotion he rarely allows himself to feel, but when he does, he loves strongly. His brother means the world to him, the only family he has left, and he’ll do anything to protect him, no matter the cost. Hate, however, is something he feels often, and passionately. The Council has earnt his utmost enmity, as he believes they killed his mother, an innocent person, for all the wrong reasons: to make a point. The last thing he’d do is fight for their entertainment. But life, it seems, has other plans.

Gareth Corrigan was a child of Sector Two, born and raised. He and his family lived in one of Aquanatic City’s poorer districts; his father worked a low-income job, and his mother was unemployed, opting to stay at home and raise him. His father, often away at work, rarely had time to bond with Gareth. As such, the boy developed a much stronger connection with his mother.

At the age of six, his brother, Daniel, was born. The moment he saw him, Gareth knew that he’d do anything to protect him. An instant connection was made, and from then onwards Gareth never let Danny out of his sight.

However, while Gareth and his mother felt only love for Danny, his father felt nothing but contempt. One morning, Gareth woke up to find only his mother and brother in the house, his father absent. While this was usually the case, as the nature of his work demanded it, Gareth knew that this time it was different.

His father had abandoned them.

The following years were a blur. His mother had managed to find a job, at the expense of her time at home. To help her, Gareth forsook his education in order to raise Danny, staying at home with him as she worked to keep food on the table. This carried on until he was thirteen. It was then that everything changed.

It was an evening like any other. His mother was due back home in less than half an hour, and Danny couldn’t wait to see her. But half an hour passed, and she didn’t come. An hour, and she was still nowhere to be seen. Another hour. Then another. Before he knew it, a sleepless, worry-filled night had passed, with no mother to show for it. Desperate for information, he switched on their television, searching for anything that might give him a clue to her whereabouts.

Much to his horror, his prayers were answered. On the screen was the unmistakable form of his mother, flanked by two of the Council's enforcers. They were addressing the camera and the crowd beyond it, speaking of a betrayal so huge that she could never redeem herself. She’d been caught plotting against the Council and charged with high treason, punishable by death. Her last words would forever stay in Gareth’s memory.

“Live, Gareth. Live.”

The enforcers pulled out their firearms, firing as one. She died instantly. From then onwards, life was never the same.

Gareth had to act quickly. He knew that within a day at most, the Council would come and reacquire his home, taking him and Danny away. With no time to lose, he packed as many things as he could, grabbed Danny and ran out into the city. They would drift without a home for many years to come.

Life on the street was rough. Days spent scavenging for food, looking for shelter and fighting the other homeless exhausted Gareth, deprived him of hope. But there was one thing that kept him going: Danny. No matter what, he decided, his brother would have a life.

He unlocked his powers one year later, at age fourteen. He’d managed to incur the wrath of a baker, having stolen and eaten some chocolate cake, and fled to the riverbank, diving in to swim to safety. However, the baker was quite the swimmer, and caught up quickly. Enraged, he took hold of Gareth, pushing him beneath the flowing current, depriving him of air. Panicked and slowly losing consciousness, Gareth thrashed out with his hands, hitting nothing; but all of a sudden, the man’s hands felt cold. Freezing, even. Rising above the water, he was shocked to see that the man was frozen from head to toe, just bobbing on the surface, covered in ice. As Gareth quickly swam to shore, a single thought nagged him in the back of his head: he was a Leviathan.

And now, at age twenty-four, Gareth has honed his control over his power, using it to help him and his brother get by. He feels good, for the most part. Danny’s happy, so he’s happy. But the Choosing Ceremonies are getting closer by the day, and two champions need to be chosen… and Gareth hopes to god that it won’t be him.

The quiet.
Spending time with his brother.
Engaging in a conversation; intelligent or not.

Loud/arrogant/mean-spirited people.
Cherries with chocolate.
Living in poverty.
The Council.

Gareth’s brother is all he has, just as Gareth is all Danny has. To lose Danny is unthinkable. To have Danny lose him is unfathomable. Making sure this doesn’t happen is what keeps Gareth going.

Being helpless, just as he was the night he lost his mother. To be unable to do anything, to be deprived of his power, to be weak; that is what he truly fears.

Calm and collected on the outside, Gareth is just a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Years and years of struggle and pain have piled themselves inside, ready to burst in a fit of emotion. The only question is: when?
He only trusts his brother, anyone else be damned. This extends to his next weakness: his pride. No matter what situation he finds himself in, he will never ask for help. If there’s anything life has taught him, it’s that it will never come.
He’s had no education, other than what his mother had taught him before her death.

Like @Mach2, I’m in a weird timezone. Living in Australia does that to you. I’m generally 10+ hours ahead of everyone, so when you guys are having a party in the OOC, I’m sound asleep.

Theme Song:
"No One’s Here to Sleep" by Naughty Boy, ft. Bastille
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haley's Character

Evangaline "Evie" Jasper Clark

"Sometimes I wonder what people assume about my personality when they look at me."
Standing at a total of 5 foot, 6 inches, Evie has light strawberry blonde colored hair that falls down to the small of her back. He frame is lithe with the slightest undertone of muscle. Her eyes are a mix of hazel and gray, giving off one of the most defiant vibes that you could imagine. Long legs and Ivory skin set off by thin, rose-y lips. Her hair is typically left free falling, though when training and other such things, well be seen pulled back into a high-set ponytail.

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Rich or Poor?:
Evangaline comes from the richer side of life, though has had her struggles as well. Nothing comes with out a price.

Sector: 8

For the Battle or Opposed?
The though of the battle and being sent into the arena typically makes Evie's stomach churn with fear and anticipation, and excitement, all at the same time. Fear of dying, anticipation of the battle yet to come and excitement of running from something. An actual opponent. She considers herself a girl with nothing left to lose, though will fight to the death in order to prove herself worthy.

Power Description:
Evangaline possesses the abilities and such of Invertebrates.

Explanation: Considering the fact that invertebrates have no back bone, Evie can move more easily and more freely. In other words, she is super flexible. Invertebrates have a hard exoskeleton, there for Evangaline has hard-ish skin. Thorns upon vines and rose bushes have no effect, however a sharp weapon will hurt her, of course. Due to her flexibility, she can also climb exceptionally well as well as hide in tight places. She requires much less energy to survive.

Power Weakness
Invertebrates are cold blooded creatures, therefor Evie get hot when it hot, and cold when it is cold. She strives in warm weather, but her body moves slower in the cold.

Weapon of Choice:
Evie has trained with a a pair of throwing knives all of her life and that is her preferred weapon. However, she also fights with a long sword.

Fighting Skills:
Evangaline has been training with her throwing knives all of her life and recently -about 3 years ago- began to train with her long sword. On occasion she has been known to participate in hand-to-hand combat tournaments and training.

Evie is a mixture of all sorts of personality traits. She is always on her toes, ready to attack when need be. The girl always makes it a point to be aware of her surroundings, locating the most valuable resources first. Looking at her, you might think that she is flirtatious, and about that you are right. However, she see's it as more of a distraction than anything. A predator and her prey, if you will. Ms. Clark also has trust issues and is typically your laid back sort of person unless you endanger her or her loved ones. Then it's game over. No matter what she is going through she is the sort of girl that is seen with a smile on her face, always keeping her emotions bottled up inside. Another thig having to do with her appearance is that her hair being mainly blonde, people typically think that she is the stereo-typical giggling school girl. Correction: This girl knows tactics and has been studying them inside out for years, always loving a good book. Traps are also part of her expertise. Evie is adventurous, always up for a challenge. She is also a adrenaline junkie.

Evangaline was born and raised in sector two, her parents well known people, her father a past victor. He expected nothing less but perfection from his only child and her mother felt the need that a lady should always know her etiquette. There for, she spent her life going to school, coming home and training with her father, and then at dinner time, being scolded for having her elbows upon the dinner table.

At the age of 8, her trainings began to intensify. Her father hired her a trainer, she learned how to squeeze into the smallest of places. She was expected to be able to look fear in the face and laugh, and so she learned. Always learning. Her father would tell her to walk across the yard to the weeping willow tree, press her back against it, stand up straight and look him right into the eyes. "I'll never hurt you," he would always say, but yet as he threw the knives, she would find herself coming away with scrapes and bruises upon her skin.

At the age of 11, things started to go south in her life. Her mother was diagnosed with cancer and her father, un-able to stand seeing the woman he loved slowly wither away, turned to drinking. The mans best friend soon became the bottom of the bottle. Evie quickly learned how to cook, clean and manage a budget -though her family did not need it. She would constantly argue with her father about his addiction, the arguments ending in either him breaking down and crying, saying that he would never do it again -lies- or her being thrown to the ground in one of the mans violent rages.

"I'll never hurt you," his voice echoed in her head each time.

From that moment forward, Evie began to shy away from people, taking her training upon herself and sitting up at night, looking to the stars as if they were to give a answer. And for her assumptions, she was wrong.

The girl always opposed the council, though kept her words to her mouth as anything horrible said about the government, constantly vowing never to participate in their games. But her fate had already been chosen long before the decision was to be made.

•Night-time/The Stars.
•Anything Physical.
•A good argument.

•The cold.

•Dying young: Evie considers herself a girl with nothing left to lose, but that does not mean that she will not fight to live out the rest of her life to her maximum potential.
•Not being able to see the stars: To Evangaline, the stars mean that she is free. To be in captivity or a area where the stars do not shine, means that her freedom has been taken from her.

•As stated earlier, the cold.
•Not only does Evie like children, she could never kill one as well, thus making it hard to kill someone with a child that they care for. Something about taking or tarnishing a life that innocent makes her cringe.
•Her trust issues.

In Evie's opinion, you have all heard enough.

Theme Song:
"Skipping Stone" by Claire De Lune
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Etain's Character

Raven Lamenti

"The Earth Speaks You Just Don't Open Your Ears To Hear It"
Raven has light brown/blondish hair that trails down to mid back and over her shoulders. Her eyes are a soft green that fit perfectly where they are, she is 5'6 and 122 lbs. She is skinny but not like super skin and bones and she has full brows. Her lips are sorta small but that's okay because that fits her face ship perfectly and her nice soft light toned skin.


Rich or Poor?:
Sarah is part of the middle class. She has money but isn't rich and she defiantly isn't poor either.

Sector 3

For the Battle or Opposed?
She is kind of in between she enjoy's the fact of getting to fight and be rebellious but at the same time hates the fact that she could possibly die from it.

Power Description:
She can make plants do her bidding and example of this would be using vines to tie someone up or moving bushes or tree's in someone's path.

Power Weakness
If the plant's are dead or affected in a bad way she cannot use them.

Weapon of Choice:
Bow and Arrow

Fighting Skills:
Yes, she has some combat skills although she is rather not an expert she does know the regular and standard fighting needed.

Raven has that very smart ass attitude. She thinks she can do everything when of course she isn't capable of doing or knowing everything but this doesn't mean she isn't smart. Problem is she is way to kind or rather tries to be. Raven is always trying to make sure she is doing the right thing and this can cause people to walk all over her and or hurt her. Of course she knows she can't be to nice going into the arena.

Raven born into sector three of course to the Lamenti family her adorable green eyes twinkling brightly at her parent's as they held her. This was the first thing she could remember after that it was just many memories of running around the huts in the tree's being a pesky sweet little girl. By the time she was 10 she was already jumping from limb to limb in the tree's playing with the other children and always being warned to be careful in the trees. Of course she didn't listen though, in fact one day she was playing Limb tag in with the other children, spotting her friend Dante she decided to jump. The problem was the gap was to big and next thing she knew she was falling just as she was about to hit the forest floor she was caught by some beautiful vines; working together the vines carried her back to the top were here worried mother awaited and later a spanking on the bottom. This was how she discovered he power.

Many years have passed and she is still that young girl at heart being wild and rebellious but also with power and control.

Red berries. For some reason she really really likes the color and taste.
Rain, she enjoys the sound and comfort it brings.
Squirrels, she thinks they are cute and fluffy and just adorable creatures.

Anything that involves fire.
Worms. They are really odd and gross to her.
She also really dislikes crows she thinks they bring bad luck.

The loss of her powers.
Death it's self. This is because she enjoy's life she enjoys being able to embrace it.

Fire. Fire kills plants.
Curiosity. Her Curiosity is what drags her down and gets her trouble.

She can be air headed as hell.

Theme Song:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haley's 2nd Character

Alva Jay "AJ" Zolkin

"I'm not random, you just can't think as fast as me."
Standing at 5 foot, 2 inches, Alva weighs a current 105 pounds. Wavy blonde hair that falls right below her shoulder blades frames her face. It is usually left free falling or pulled back into a very tight bun. Her skin is very pale, almost on the edge of sickly looking. AJ's eyes are wide and are the literate color of stormy grey with just the slightest undertone of forest green. Her long legs and arms may look very tiny and frail, but have a very high amount of muscle. Her torso is also very flat, due to once again, muscle.

Age: 21

Gender: Female.

Rich or Poor?:
AJ grew up in a very poor family on the outskirts of the sector.

Sector: 5

For the Battle or Opposed?
Alva is very opposed to ever going anywhere near close to the arena, though will fight to the death in order to prove herself worthy, as well as save her life.

Power Description:
Like her other fellow weather Leviathans, AJ can sense temperature and weather changes however, she tends to specialize in the following.
Air Storm Manipulation: Alva can manipulate air into forms of storms. This means that she can manipulate air in order to create hurricanes and tornados to do her biding. These forms can be used to move, lift, or even break things with enough force.
Thermal Weather Manipulation: So, we all know that weather can be hot or cold, and this has to do with thermal energy. Alva can freeze or burn surfaces upon touching them with her bare hands as well as create small blasts of freezing sleet, considering that it is a sub-category of water and she has the ability to manipulate the cold.

Power Weakness
•If the tornados/hurricanes/gusts get to big, it can literally start to pull the air from Alva's lungs, thus resulting in her passing out or getting very light headed.
•The thermal energy is very hardwired to her emotions, making it hard for her to touch anyone or anything when she is feeling strongly about something.

Weapon of Choice: AJ fights with a short sword as well as a bow and arrows. In her opinion, it is always a good thing to have something long distance and close up.

Fighting Skills:
Prior to being thrown in the arena, AJ trained herself in hand to hand combat as well as hung around the snobby rich kids to see their training sessions. Committing everything that she seen to heart, she would go home and practice each day, only to become lethal. However, on occasion, a trainer would spot her and gesture her over. It was days like this when she was truly grateful and learned the most.

Personality: Alva is one of the most courageous and determined people that you could ever meet. However, she is always the lone wolf of the group, going about her own agenda, giving no second though to communicating with others. If you ever find the small figure staring at you, don't get a big head about it. She stares at people all the time, sizing them up and doing her best to find their weak spots; Call it a survival tactic if you wish. She always has a smart ass comeback for nothing and her brain is constantly going oh-eight-hundred, leaving her to talk to herself the majority of the time about elaborate plans. AJ is a very smart person, both book and street smart on what could be considered an above average level when it comes to the book part. She always says the craziest and most random things, leaving you to think "What the heck does that mean" or "Is she mentally unstable?" Her energy levels are through the roof. Imagine you took a squirrel, gave it a jumbo sized can of Monster energy and then put it into a very small place so it's constantly bouncing up and down trying to get out.

Born and raised in a poor family on the out skirts of Sector 5, AJ is a girl that has went through hard times during her life. Her mother died right after she was born, leaving no memory of herself in Alva's brain. The girls father hardly ever wanted anything to do with her, so she found herself living grandparents. However, her father, of the richer part of the Sector 5 population, sent money every once in a while to take care of her. It was enough to send her to a regular school, keep barely enough food in her mouth and clothes on her back. However, it wasn't enough to feed her grandparents, give her training or give her any advantage in her schooling.

And that was when she decided, at the age of eight, that she would turn to thievery. Her grandparents warned her not to, but she did it anyways. She almost got caught quite a few times, the cops questioning her, but with witty comebacks and quick lies, she managed to scrape by. She would also walk up and down the streets and glance at the sidewalks and what-not for things that she could use. Luckily, walking around the rich part of the Sector, she would find books. High quality books about anything and everything from the most prestigious school in the Sector. And this is how she excelled in math, science, history and english. After going and watching the rich children's training, committing everything to the best of her memory, she would go home and practice herself, always pushing herself to the max. Then, after dinner, she would sit there with her grandparents, constantly studying.

Alva never liked the council and blamed them for the way that the majority of people lived in Sector 5. However, she kept her mouth shut, only ever saying such things at home in private. At the age of eleven, she started to actually train with her powers.

∞To read/write
∞Nature/the outdoors.

∞People who think the world owes them something because of their social status.
∞A broken Promise
∞Wasted Time and Talent.

∞Claustrophobia/Small spaces.
∞Strange people

∞Overly Blunt
∞Very stubborn. This typically get's her into a difficult situation, thinking that she can do anything and can always have her way.
Anything else we should know?

Theme Song:
"Centuries" by Fall Out Boy.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mach's 2nd Character

Ariette Forge

"Fight me."

Ari stands at a rather unimpressive 5'1" in height. However, she is a powerhouse of a girl. Years of training, and an athletic lifestyle, have given her a strong core and powerful arms. Her muscular build, combined with her heavy metallic skeleton, cause her to weigh in at somewhere in the vicinity of 145 lbs. She walks with the confidence of someone far taller than she truly is, seeming to look down on those who stand head and shoulders above her.

She wears her hair short, and messy - strands of dark red often falling into her face. Ari’s expression is usually a smile of easy confidence, occasionally bordering on arrogance. She dresses in comfortable clothing - loose, sleeveless shirts. Pants or shorts a size too large, held up with a belt. Things that she can move in.



Rich or Poor?:


For the Battle or Opposed?
While not particularly impressed at having been chosen, Ari is committed to winning.

Power Description:
Steel Physiology: Ariette's skeleton is heavily imbued with steel. 20lbs of it, to be precise. This grants her certain physical advantages over the average human. She has a higher body mass. Her punches hit harder, and her bones are denser. In desperate moments, Ari can move the steel to the exterior of her body, where it serves as temporary 'armour'.

Steel Manipulation: Ari can telekinetically manipulate steel. She can easily change it's shape, move and levitate it, and form weapons. She cannot create steel from nothing, only manipulate the metal where it already exists.

Power Weakness
While Ari can use the steel within her own body it is painful to do so. To move steel from her bones to the surface of her skin requires the metal to cut through muscle and flesh, and she has no enhanced healing abilities to repair the wounds. As such, it is a move of desperation only.

Ariette's metal manipulation is limited to steel, and steel only. Thankfully, it is a common metal.

Weapon of Choice:
Ari likes close-quarters combat, and favours a set of brass knuckles. The extra weight makes her powerful punches even more forceful.

Fighting Skills:
While she never wanted to be chosen for the Battle, Ari has spent her life training. Despite a seven year age gap, she was wrestling with her elder brother from the time that she learned how to walk. Ariette is fast, powerful, and agile. She has a high pain tolerance, and can take a punch.

Ariette is a confident girl, to the point of arrogance. She tends to overestimate herself, and will take on tasks far beyond what her skills allow her to do. However, she is fiercely determined. In everything she does, Ari holds nothing back, and performs to her fullest. Backing down from a fight, to her, is the most pathetic level of cowardice.

Ari is a social individual. She enjoys talking with others, and has no reservations when it comes to conversation and asking questions. However, she is slow to trust, and generally suspects people of having ulterior motives when they offer help or act kindly.

While clever, she is not particularly intelligent. Ari likes to crack jokes, and is always ready with a biting comeback. She likes to pick a fight against larger opponents, if only to prove that she can take them on. Her fiery temper is easily sparked, and she can hold a grudge.

Some people aren't cut out to be parents. Ket and Jeanine Forge discovered this shortly after the unplanned birth of their first son, Austin. To begin with, they could not afford a child. Jeanine was unemployed, and Ket made very little money as a forester. Secondly, they had no desire for children. Austin grew up neglected, and developed a resentment for his parents that were never there at a very young age.

Seven years later, accidental child number two was born, a girl this time. Her parents named her Ariette, and put a roof over her head. But that was where their contributions to the young girl's life ended. Ari was raised by her elder brother, in one of the poorest villages in the Sector.

But she wouldn't trade her childhood for anything. Ari was forced to learn how to survive, a skill that Austin had already learned and perfected. From the time she was walking, Austin was teaching her how to fight. And she loved it. Both children were Leviathans, with Austin having the ability to cause minor earthquakes and Ari able to manipulate steel, and they knew the inevitable possibility of someday being chosen to participate in the Battle. As the two grew up, Austin was a brother, mentor, and Ari's closest friend. He would stand guard while she snuck into shops and grabbed a little extra food. Whenever one of her impulsive decisions put her in a bad situation, he was always there to back her up.

Ari was sixteen when Austin died.

At the age of 23, he had grown into a giant of a man. In contrast to his sister, Austin was tall, but with the same powerful build. He stood nearly six and a half feet tall, and weighed somewhere in the vicinity of 250lbs. The man could hold his own in a fight, no matter the opponent. However, the Arena is hardly a fair place to fight. When Austin's name was drawn, he made a promise to Ari that he would return.

Ari was glued to the television that year, watching her brother has he battled. She judged every move he made, and gauged his opponents. She yelled at the screen when there was a close call. He knew how to fight, but so did half of the others in the Arena. It was a candidate from Sector Eight, a tiger shapeshifter who was more animal than human, that finally brought him down. Watching on a television as the animal tore her brother's throat out was more than enough to solidify Ariette's phobia of blood.

For nearly two years, she disappeared. Sector Three is large, with countless forests, and villages few and far between. Disappearing is easy. Ariette secluded herself, angry at the world, and lived in the woods. The loss of her brother was the most difficult thing she'd ever been through, and she did not mourn well. Nightmares plagued her for months, and she lost count of how many times she cried. During the sixty-seventh Battle, she was still missing from the world, lost in the forest. But the following year, she turned 18. While disappearing is easy, staying hidden is difficult. Especially when you're eligible to fight.

One week before the Sixty-Eighth Choosing Ceremony, Ariette awoke at the first light of dawn to a small squad of police raiding her camp. She was given the option to either return to the Earth Sector's capital city willingly and stay until after the Ceremony, or to be held in confinement until the Ceremony. Too proud to allow herself to be escorted back as a criminal, she elected to return willingly, with the intention of disappearing again as soon as the Ceremony concluded.

Friendly sparring and other athletic pursuits.
Food. With the exception of most green vegetables, she isn't fussy.
Bending, and occasionally breaking, the rules.

Most green vegetables
The Elite. Blue-bloods. Aristocrats. Privileged. No matter what term is used, Ari harbours an instinctive resentment for the upper class.
Anything to do with hospitals.

Hemophobia: Surprising for one so prone to violence and fighting, Ari has a phobia of blood that is nothing short of crippling. At the sight of blood, especially her own, she instantly transforms from a confident fighter into a scared little child. Something as minor as a deep cut or a nosebleed could be enough to lose her a fight.

Can't Swim: Ari's dense skeleton makes swimming absolutely impossible. No matter how hard she tries, she will inevitably sink.
Electricity: Steel is a conductor of electricity. Ari's skeleton is imbued with steel. As you can guess, this is probably not a good combination.

Theme Song:
"Outcast" by Mike Oldfield

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