Hello. I am new to role playing. I am open to role play about Steven Universe. You can be a fusion or a single gem, I am also open to gem theories and if you choose to be a fusion, you can split it up and role play as both.
The crystal gems were just playing a game of cards, when the whole town started shaking like an earthquake. From the corner of your eye, you see Malachite emerging from the ocean. Malachite gasped for air and was washed onto the beach, as your eyes meet, she glared and snarled, alerting you that lapis was not in control anymore.
@JellyPudding A good thing to do is make a Character sheet and some rules here in the OOC. Once you have enough characters made by people make the first post in the IC section and do all rp stuff there. Just a bit of advice.
@NekoJordan Oh, thank you for reminding me. I will take note of that in my next role play. This role play is actually based off a series and all the characters are already made, I have no intention of adding new characters here. Thanks for the advice !
@RhineQueen I would love to make another Steven Universe OC roleplay, you can bring your own fusions or gemsonas there too. But I'll need to make time for that. Do you have any currently open role plays?