Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

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He had had enough, first he was openly disrespected by a newbie member to the camp, then his methods, which had yet to fail once where being questioned, and he was being threatened. If he was anything, he was angry. But Riley became very cold angry, he wasn't the type to explode or start screaming, but he spoke in a manner that felt as if daggers were coming from his mouth. Lowering himself to floating just above the ground, he spoke.
"Deny him his training if you must, but know that it will be you nailing shut his coffin, not I."
He stated lowly, ice forming under the spot he was floating above, then he touched down.
"The river would have turned to a light snow, had you fallen into it, the worst damage you would have sustained would have been a slight chill. If you wish to be weak, so be it, but I could make you a rival to Odin."
He said directly to Rayon, then with a flash of his hand, he turned to Victoria, and with a wave her gun had several inches of ice in her barrel.
"Please, I beg of you to face an immortal with a weapon so easily dispatched, I think you all forget who we are up against, and an example is needed."
He growled lowly, his voice harsh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Victoria stared at him. "You just did that." She apparently calmly set her rifle down on a table. "That was my mother's. Her father's before her." She smiled at him, a smile bereft of any warmth. "You're an imbecile. I met you five minutes ago. In that time you randomly attacked Ephraim, scared the shit out of another kid, and, oh yeah, you damaged my weapon." In a single blindingly fast movement she quickdrew her pistol and put a bullet in his foot, then leveled her weapon at his forehead. "You're quickly proving yourself to be a liability."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"There are more options than no training or throwing him into a river. You could teach him gradually as most teachers and trainers would do. Few use total immersion and expect positive results." Johnny replied, smiling at the others seeming attempt at intimidation. He wasn't particularly intimidated by the ice magic, knowing he wouldn't try anything too overt and if he did he would end up having everyone else attack him. So freezing a gun and speaking low and venomous had the opposite effect. It was then that Victoria shot him in the foot. It was then he looked dead serious.

"He may have frozen your gun and endangered a comrade, but actively harming him is a step too far." He said sternly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 5 days ago

The area was becoming tense again. Least Adrian could do was attempt to defuse the situation. He began to approach Riley. "Don't start, Rie. They get it, you're powerful, and we could use the training, but even you can't help but think your methods are a bit unethical-" BANG! Victoria acted much faster than Adrian could, simply popping the cryomancer in the foot. Naturally, this surprised Adrian.

"AHH! FUCK!" He yelped and flinched on instinct. "Victoria! Really?! Jesus!" That shot was much much closer than he'd like to admit, and sent his ears ringing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

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Despite the screaming pain in his foot, he managed to maintain a semblance of his composure. Having suffered far worse wounds, a peek under he shirt could tell you that, he had developed quite the pain tolerance, even in the worst of situations he could manage to stay composed. As blood began to pour from his foot, the entire surface of his flesh was covered in a layer of Ice, different densities forming the intricate muscles and veins, essential repairing his foot for the time being. He was more than capable of turning his whole body into ice, but it ate up a lot of his power, so it only really worked in cases that he needed high defense. Which was rare.

Facing the gun raised at his head, the pieces clciked together in his head, and he smiled softly.
"Strike Two."
Was all he said with a whisper, before turning and walking, thinking as he went.

He was a powerful ally to have in battle, but an even more powerful enemy, she had was near to making an enemy, and if she did, one day, she would suffer ten-fold the damage she had done unto him, he was sure of it. He would destroy her pride, perhaps by breaking her fingers, so she can never fire a gun, or perhaps have her paralyzed, leaving her a useless vegetable for the rest of her days. But, she still had one strike, perhaps she would justify herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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"What a bitch." She said as she holstered her sidearm. "So anyway, what was I saying?" She looked over her rifle. "Fuck, this isn't good." She drew her kukri and began cutting the ice off. "So anyway, we're going to need a lot of guns." And a knife. She flicked her head up. That was a weird thought. A single knife? Why did she need a single knife? She had a knife.

Weird day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 5 days ago

Adrian showed off a pretty good grimace as Riley did his best to patch up the grievous wound inflicted upon him. What was left of his foot was encased in ice...or turned into ice? Adrian couldn't really tell. "I'm not sure feet or ice work that way..." He mumbled, looking on as he hobbled away. "Or maybe they do. I don't know how that guy works..." "He should probably see a actual doctor or something..." He thought aloud, reproaching Victoria...who had gone back to their previous branch of conversation with nary a hitch. She seemed more excited after the event than before. Adrian sighed, grasping for his forehead.

"Typical morning at the Refuge..." He sighed again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"We can go over the details for such a thing once I can actually purchase them. For the time being, it would mostly be just talking about which guns we like the most. For now though I think I'd like some breakfast, and the grove has plenty of fruits and vegetables ready for picking." He replied to Victoria. Giving a slight bow as his father had taught him before walking away. The sight of two demigods getting into a fight with one or both being very much injured was almost mundane. Mixing various gods and pantheons was bound to cause problems.

"If anyone would care to join."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Victoria ejected the magazine from her Colt and began slotting replacement bullets into the mag before slotting it back in and working the slide, then slid it into her hip holster. "Sure, what the hell. I already did PT this morning, I was just showing off for the Bow fanboys."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 5 days ago

Seeing it as an opportunity to finally exit the scene, Adrian was eager to follow along with Johnny. "YES! Yes. Please, breakfast would be the best right about now." He replied, quickly taking up the rear. "I'm gonna have to meditate on this, after all's said and done...lord have mercy." He was gonna have a headache. He was never a fan of swiftly escalating confrontations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

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Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Ephraim attempted to calm himself. His hands trembled, and Nycteris's words once agains sounded in his mind. You know as well as I do that a little R&R can do wonders for soldiers. He was losing his cool, and he desperately needed a break. However, his idea of a break was a lot different from everyone else's. Carefully putting away his newly-strung bow, he buckled on a sword and went into the woods, to an area that few dared to venture.

Drawing the sword, Ephraim closed his eyes and waited. Then he roared and whirled on a target, cleaving it in two. None of the targets or dummies in his personal training area survived. Usually, decimating the many targets in his clearing would cool his head. Not this time.

Gods, he hated the powered ones. So often, they acted as if their superpowers made them somehow better than the rest of them. Ephraim's skills in war didn't come from any fancy blessing or magical power. He had to work for it, and work hard. Anuke was a loving mother, but demanding. Her son would not be allowed to slack. Breathing hard, he waited until his heart rate settled, and went off into the woods. This wasn't something he did often, and every time, Nycteris somehow found him and dragged him back to camp and to the nearest healer.

Sword in hand, a grimly determined look on his face, Ephraim went in search of monsters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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Michael practiced with the others at archery, he was average and had an okay shot, but he was more better at just relying on the power of his Holy Ghost. Ephraim gave a little speech about how they needed to learn the weapons of mortals to defend themselves. Michael then had to listen to them squabble about methods of training and he rolled his eyes, this is why God is the most worshiped today, he doesn't argue because is the only deity of his faith, no childish and ruinous fighting like these Pagans, he thought to himself. Riley seemed to get aggressive when Rayon approached while invisible. The boy looked rather upset at what was done to him and Michael almost used his Holy Ghost to restrain the demigod if necessary, but he didn't when Riley apologized.

Then the fight broke and Riley ended up getting shot. This pissed Michael off even and he unleashed his Holy Ghost. The divine spirit flew right up to Victoria and punched her hard in the face, thanks to her sins of unneeded violence his ghostly punch would burn red hot and leave a burn as well as a bruise.

"That's what a heathen like you gets for shooting an ally!. Fight all you want you pagan barbarians, but shoot each other or draw needless blood and I'll show you the power of God!!!" he shouted at them with a vengeful fury and his divine spirit flashed brightly. Like with God himself, Michael had a righteous wrath inside of him and detested senseless violence and so he dished what he saw was just punishment. Michael then proceeded to just float in the air watching the others to see if more fighting would break out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Victoria reeled back from the strike, then spitted him with a stare. She gave him a good couple seconds, then set her rifle on the nearby table and set it down, then drew her sidearm and set it down next to it, then drew her kukri and set it down beside it.

"Alright, you piece of waste, let's get a few things straight." She opened and closed her hands twice. "One: Don't put your hands on me, spiritual or otherwise." She walked towards him. "Two, don't get self-righteous with me when you claim to be the son of Yahweh, which is such an obvious lie I don't even really need to go into it. And three, I'm not a Pagan, you imbecile. I'm Jewish. Prometheus is my father, not my God." Prometheus wouldn't take well to worship anyway."

"Oh, and four? Ice Boy's literally insane, if you were paying any attention." She ran a finger across the mark on her cheek. "So do you want to do this, boy? Do you really want to fight? Because you've got my blood up, I'm ready to go."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh please Hachiman grant me the strength, and Omoikane grant me patience." He muttered as he simply ignored the child of god and kept walking back to the grove. He wanted no more part in this foolishness, instead merely wanting to eat his breakfast and possibly enjoy tea and prayer in peace.

"If you are going to fight, please keep it out of the grove. We don't need blood sullying the holy land." Johnny said simply as he continued into the outskirts of the grove. This one styled in a forest not uncommon to northern New York state, heading towards the center where the shrine to his father could be found. Part of him wanted to make a crude joke involving shedding blood on holy soil but he held his tongue. Merely grinning instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yorutenchi
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Yorutenchi Pirate Buccaneer Privateer Scalawag For Hire

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Beanna watches on with care as many individuals seem to start in on an argument. She signs slowly before opening her own mouth.
"Hey. I know that he went overboard slightly with the kid but at the same time you have to see his point. This isn't a god-damned game anymore. This is real. People without powers from their herritage are going to have to work double time to keep up and stay alive." She rubs the temples of her forehead as her increasing agitation builds up again. "But also it often takes life or death situations to help trigger their power that they didn't know they even had. Lets push but with a saftey net. So put away the guns and put away the ice unless we use them to make our total forces more threatening to the enemy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 5 days ago

...And the situation heated back up again, just as it had managed to cool down. "Nope, I ain't getting involved with this one." Adrian groaned, keeping up with Johnny. "I'll let the child of God sort that out himself." He was kind of surprised Michael would instigate a fight like that. Adrian figured the boy would be almost entirely peaceful, given his usual disposition and...peculiar attire.

"If you are going to fight, please keep it out of the grove." Johnny mentioned, with Adrian agreeing. "Please, just keep it here on the range..." He sighed, and rubbed his temples. He continued to grumble as he followed Johnny into the massive gardens. "I knew I should've mediated before I left my room. This is what I get for trying to switch up my morning ritual." He sighed again.

As the two travelled to the center of the grove, Adrian could only look on as he watched Johnny admire the shrine of his father's. "Is this where you usually come to pray?" He lowered his voice, to pay some respect to the area. "It's peaceful enough, I could definitely reflect here. Lord knows I could use the peace and quiet."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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Michael's ghost glared at Victoria angrily and crossed his arms.

"So freezing your gun justifies you shooting him?! In the name of God your mad! Why Ephraim would allow you to carry a gun like some school-shooter is beyond me. I say you only use rubber bullets when there's not real battle going on" he said with a voice full of power. He then heard her talk about fighting and he snorted in disgust.

"I've already given just and fair punishment. I will not lower myself to violent barbarism with a sinner like you" he said turning his back on the girl, no wonder gun-control is becoming a thing, he thought to himself as he floated over to Ephraim.

"I think Victoria should be only allowed rubber bullets while in training, someone who shoots a fellow ally like that shouldn't be carrying real bullets" he said to the demigod and then his Holy Ghost returned to his body and he walked away annoyed at the situation. Even though he didn't show it, he didn't feel all that good giving in to his righteous wrath, but it was a trait of God to be vengeful as well as merciful. Michael saw Adrian and Johnny in the grove and went over to them. The place seemed peaceful and he wanted to apologize for his actions.

"I'm sorry for that little show of force, my wrath got to the better of me. I'll try as best as I can to make sure no violence comes into this peaceful place of yours" he said to Johnny.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yes, I helped design and build this grove with the help of the various children of nature gods. My father and his family hold some natural places of exceptional beauty sacred. I wanted to honor them and make a space for all the children whose gods respect nature. It's actually where I spend most of time." Johnny said with a full smile as he entered the shrine and lead Adrian to a room designed for meetings, two paper doors opened to allow an uninterrupted view of the outside grove.

"The demigods have arguments like any other group. You have no reason to apologize to me, you kept to my request." As he calmly walked over to basket containing various fruits he continued speaking.

"Please either of you feel free to take a seat, I can switch out the table and add some chairs should you be unused to the traditional method of sitting in Japan." He offered.

"I do not know whether a child of a monotheistic god particularly needs to eat or drink, but I'm sure he would at least have given you the ability."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Michael almost laughed at Johnny talking about whether or not he needed to eat since he was the son of a monotheist god.

"I may be a son of God, but I still need to eat" he said as he took a seat at the table. The basket of fruit looked delicious and he had figured out a way to sit at the Japanese style table without being on comfortable.

"The fruit looks good, what kind are they?" he asked. His mind felt more at peace knowing that his fellow demigod was not mad at the argument earlier. In truth Michael still needed to find a way of keeping his temper in check since wrath was a deadly sin and someone with his kind of power would do better to not give into sin. Compassion and humility are virtues that would do well for him to keep inside as much as possible and share it with others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 5 days ago

Adrian had expected Victoria to enter the room, and prepared to greet her in kind. Instead, the child of God Michael entered instead. As he apologized and helped himself to the fruit, Adrian could only shrug and join the two on the floor. He was gonna cross his legs for meditation anyway, he had no need for a chair. He wasn't planning on immediately starting his mantra, though. "I'm still kinda surprised you threw the first punch, Mike." Adrian addressed the boy, helping himself to a few of the figs on offer.

"I figured you'd be more pacifist than anything. Y'know, "he without sin cast the first stone" or something. Or maybe you can hit first because you're sinless...? Because you're a child of the holy trinity?" He was trying to figure out just how Michael worked as a both a person and a child of the "uppercase G" god.
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