Queen Emilia

Emilia was up a bit earlier than usual this morning as it was time for her to departure from her land of Sevaviel and go on over to the lands of Thirmos, to hopefully marry their Crowned Prince, Rowan. Her maidens had already packed her luggage of the things that she will need and loaded them up on a carriage that was waiting for her. She was prepped and dressed and ready to go but of course, her mother wanted to see her before she parted. A male servant came into her room, letting her know that her mother is in the throne room and requesting her presence. Emilia made a slight face then nodded her head, waving the male servant away.
She rose herself up from the bed and walked down the hall then down a few stairs before making her presence felt in the throne room. People bowed down to her and muttered the words 'My Queen' or 'Your Grace' as she walked past them. She stood now just mere inches from her mother, who sort of glared at her up and down. "Look at you, my darling daughter. Off to marry the Crown Prince of Thirmos. Well, I hope you know that I am not sending you there alone." Her words were slurred so Emilia just had to interrupt her mother there immediately. "I know, which is why I already requested that two of my ladies in waiting come along, Princess Elissa, Lord Aldurin Ranold and Sir Lachlan of the Royal Guard." She smiled but soon turned it into a smirk as her mother looked at her. "Oh, so you have it all figured out." Emilia chuckled softly. "I wish to have this argument with you, mother but I must depart as they are awaiting for my arrival at Thirmos." With those words spoken, she turned heel and walked out of the throne room, gracefully.
Emilia had made it outside, where everyone was lined up except her mother, of course and wished her safe travels to Thirmos. She thanked her people then boarded her carriage alone while waving her people goodbye as the carriage took off. Emilia had her sister, Elissa and her ladies in waiting riding in the same carriage behind her and had Lord Aldurin and Sir Lachlan, riding together in the carriage ahead of them. Just in case any problems were to happen on their destination towards Thirmos.
It has been what seemed like years since she has visited the lands of Thirmos and forgotten all about the scenery towards there. Everything was beautiful and green that if she sniffed the air it would not be polluted in any kind of way. Emilia loved that about Thirmos lands that it was clean, breath taking and somewhat inspiring. Though, she did have her father there with her but this time is different. Emilia misses her father deeply and wishes that he could be right beside her right now but something about his death wasn't right. Her mother says that he was killed by someone from Cylla that had crossed their lands but then again, how did that happen. She bit her lower lip, thinking more and more about it now but soon pushed the thought into the back of her head as she saw that they were just mere inches from the castle of Thirmos.
With a breath, she felt the carriage stop and saw the door open. 'Here goes nothing.' She thought to herself while stepping on the steps, grabbing the hand of her rider and walked down the steps. Her eyes went over towards Lord Aldurin and Sir Lachlan with a smile then over towards her Ladies in Waiting and Elissa. She walked over towards the three ladies and squealed then hugged them all. "I am so happy that your parents said yes to my request, Juliet and Melanie." She said with a smile then winked towards her sister before turning her back towards them. "Shall we?" She started to walk up towards the castle but seen people outside as if they were really waiting for her.
Her eyes scanned the perimeter as she saw the King, Queen, Princess, Prince and there he was, the Crown Prince. Her cheeks blushed a bit as she looked towards her companions for this trip then kept on walking up to the hosting family. Emilia curtsied towards them and eyed every single one of them with a smile then stared at the King. "I thank you for allowing me to come and stay in your lands until the wedding day of me and the Crowned Prince, Rowan." Her eyes went towards him then back to the King. "It's been years it feels like since I've been here. Was I missed?" She asked with a chuckle then stopped talking so that the King could have his say.
She waited to hear if he was going to offer his condolences for her father's death and wishes her mother the best. She knew that it was coming because then again, it was a respectful thing to do.