The silence of the town so late at night was a relief, but the incessant buzz of the other Midnighters in Danielle’s cafe was irritating. Rubbing her temples she was ear phone free. Having to need them less and less.
I'm pretty sure Ayla put all the midnighters in your cafe. I think...
Hey guys, I would have cleared this up earlier, but I've been sick in bed for the last twelve hours or so and am finally feeling better. Everyone was at the Cafe aside from Tyler. Dark Light requested not to be there. But! Now that Danielle is out that means she can get caught on the road when Midnight arrives! -gasp!- We're all going to have to save them both now!
Alright I'm back, (still trying to wake up) what's happening? @Kaalee maybe we could edit to still being at the station that way we still need rescue. (I could put in that Tyler was too hard to move and needed to sit it out for a bit.)
@Dark Light Well I could easily edit and say they just went up to her apartment, then you don't need to edit. She wouldn't risk being out for too long so close to midnight lol