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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the headmaster stared at his desk on the very top of the Headmaster's Tower he thought to himself, I hope we get more than we did last term. Then he head lots of talking which made him get up seeing as no voice should be able to reach all the way up to his tower. He moved towards the window, looked down and smiled, there were well over 500 people down there talking to each other. This was going to be an exciting term indeed, He got into his robes and went downstairs organizing some of the professors to go down and bring the newcomers into the grand main hall.
Professor Haelstorm, Professor Hillbury and Professor Finch and Thoth walked down to the gates, Professor Thoth used a spell to make his voice sound like he had a very loud microphone in front of his mouth and started issuing instructions. The big group of people slowly started making their way through market square, past tournament alleyway and into the main school building which was a bigger building than any of them had ever seen before. The headmaster was waiting in the hall they were arriving in with a smile on his face.

*Max* He and the other 1st termers were hanging around in one of the towers looking down at the stampede of people walking in. Max's dark cat purred and rubbed his head against Max's leg. Max obliged the silent request and stroked his head. Aleesha, a storm mage looked down at the vast crowd and spoke, saying "That used to be us, I wonder how they will get on with this school." The rest nodded their heads saying they wondered too but Max just stared seeing many people with powerful auras and he thought to himself, This terms gonna be tough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Adam leaned against the wall, observing the hundreds of students roaming in the school. He always found it kind of funny, the way people got frustrated and anxious; they were all running up and down or trying to catch a good spot for listening better. His eye caught a few smarter people, some casting some hearing spells, and others just waiting for the whole crowd to calm down before they would find a good spot. Adam himself simply didn't care that much. His left hand was holding his cigarette, swinging it to his mouth and away, with pauses for him to blow out the smoke in rings. Adam was waiting for Ruby; he met her at the train station at the homeland, and they travelled together all the days until the arrived at the academy. They had become good friends, although neither of the two would trust someone easily.

Ruby Gibson came in the crowd pacing slowly, looking around carefully ready to respond in any situation. She didn't know the place, she didn't know the people. Surely she looked suspicious. Ruby payed some attention to the event, keeping in her memory all the information she found useful, and then moved on to look for Adam. He was a good friend, and it would be good for both of them to have someone, just in case anything happened. People are often harsh at starts, she wouldn't be surprised if someone wanted to kill her for her money or even for fun, so she preffered to be prepared.
She was wearing that pine green cape of hers, that kept her warm. She caught some eyes looking at her weirdly, but the old fashioned way she dressed was something she had long ago accepted. She kept looking for some minutes, until she found Adam, walking slowly and stopping next to him. Ruby needn't look at him, just kept looking forward, letting a faint smile appear on her face. Adam did the same, only giving a crooked smile instead.

"Hello Ruby girl!"
"Salute captain." Added Ruby, while nodding lightly.
Adam turned his gaze upon her, and grinned. "Girl, are you sure you want to draw all that attention to you? You could draw some enemies and my cigarette is not even halfway over to get into a fight." He said, letting a laughing tone out at the end of his sentence.
Ruby let out a light laugh. "I'm a big girl, I tie my own shoelaces and everything." She looked at his almost finished cigarette, still smiling. "If I had to catch you without a cigarette I'd die trying. You always have one in your mouth." Adam laughed as he lit another one. "See?" She turned her head to the crowd, waiting for the announcement, still smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@AlicePleasanceLiddell The head master started to speak:
"WELCOME!!! I greet you to the school of magic! You all have been called here because you have magical talent. We do not know yet where your true talents lie but I sense a great future whichever way you would like to go." Suddenly lots of black holes in the walls formed and all kinds of members of staff stepped out. "You will be shown round in threes by one of my staff members. Feel free to ask them any questions you would like. Now Off You Go! Next time I see you your training will have started!"

Professor Rockehorn walked up to Adam, Ruby and another boy called Gary. He had brown hair, brown eyes, deeply tanned skin, was 6 ft 6 tall and was a very big man. He was wearing brown suit with a sword made of stone in a stone scabbard at his waist and a small bag hooked onto his brown belt. "I will be giving you your tour of the area today. We will start at elemental street. If you have any your can ask questions on the way" He said in a gruff but friendly voice as he started walking out of the main building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Adam flashed an upward nod at Professor Rockehorn as a greeting, with his cigarette still hanging from his lower lip. He then left the wall on which he was leaning on and stood before Professor, waiting for the tour to start. He seemed like an interesting man; Adam was curious.

Ruby Smiled gently at Gary and Professor Rockehorn. She extended her right hand towards him, offering a shake.
"My name is Ruby Gibson, and this is my friend Adam." She said as she pointed at Adam with a slight tilt of her head to his direction. "It's a delight meeting you." She smiled lightly, her petite hand still waiting for a shake.

Adam looked at the man with the edge of his eyes when Ruby offered him her hand, giving him a smooth warning. He thought of her as his good friend and sister.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@AlicePleasanceLiddell Gary sneered at the two and said "Why do i have to be toured with losers like you?!"
The professor raised an eyebrow at Gary but otherwise ignored him. He then turned to the other 2 students. Getting smoke in his face he coughed and waved his hand. The cigarette turned to stone and Adam couldn't lift it and it fell on the floor. "No smoking in the school building thank you very much." He smiled at Ruby and shook her hand "Nice to meet you too" he nods to adam and aknowledges him saying "Adam."
He then turned around and exclaimed "LETS GO!!!".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Adam made a step towards Gary when he heard the comment, but Ruby placed her hand on his chest and pulled him back gently, giving him a serious look.
"Don't cause trouble already. You're a big boy, so act like it." She then gave him a light smile, and turned her gaze upon Gary.
His attitude make her laugh, and let a smirk on her face after that. She was ready to start moving when he saw Professor Rockehorn turn Adam's cigarette into stone. She couldn't help but laugh, she found him very amusing. Adam pinched his nose bridge with his thumb and index fingers and closed his eyes, letting out a frustrated sigh. Ruby could hear him murmuring and complaining during the whole tour, occasionally swearing at random things that they passed, like a vase or a wall painting. He was rather amusing as well. Ruby thought it would be a fun year.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The prof smiled as they walked down the steps closer to the earth which he drew power from. Outside the door he turned left down a small alleyway. They thrn entered elemental street. They were on top of a hill that led down to elemental street and they could see it all. It seemed more of a big park like area than a street. Split into four areas one full of fire fountains snd sand, the other with blue pepples and lots of ponds, the third with cliffs, mountains and crags and the last full of low clouds where the trees were being blown very hard in one area. The most noticable features however were the towers, 4 in the corners and one in the middle " This is elemental street explained the professor. This is one of the stops on the tour because there sre so many scenarios where you will have to come here for. Now the 4 corner towers are the main buildings of the fire water rock and air schools and the middle one is the weaker but more varied school of elements. Although rock is obviously the best" he smiled at the students "but then again im biased" he added. "Any questions?"
Gary said "Yeah, when are we going to finish this stupid tour and get on with the magic!" Gary scoffed under his breath.
The prof however had sharp ears and picked it up.replied. "I find your lack in patience disapointing Gary. Be like that to me again. me again and you will not get away with it so easily." Gary made an angry sigh and looked away.
Shaking his head at him he then turned to the other two. "So then, any questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Ruby looked around for a while, she found the landscape magnificent. A water mage herself, she found the water square very nice.
"No questions." She said, but Adam talked before she got to finish her sentence. His eyebrows came closer in the middle, giving him a look of curiosity.
"What does the middle tower represent?" He asked in a flat cold voice, his arms crossed before his chest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@AlicePleasanceLiddell The prof nodded it was a decent question. "The school of elements is the place where 'elemental' magic is taught. People their learn aspects of fire rock air AND water spells but due to their power being diluted like this their power of each is much less that that of others snd often they cant use some of the more powerful spells of each, the gave up strength for variety." He replied "does that make sense?" He asked.

If yes: "Well then! Any other questions?"

If no: will try to get to bottom of why alan doesnt understand and will try to explain it more clearly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Adam nodded as he was paying attention to what the Professor said.
"Everything is clear. Thank you. No questions from me." Adam took a step back and looked around, gazed at the strange towers. They indeed looked very.. interesting maybe.

Ruby found the information useful. She really liked the atmosphere, it was something special, she felt the place was made for her, like she belonged. She looked back at the Professor, noticing she was daydreaming for a while, lost in her thoughts, that travelled to foreign worlds and ages.
"No questions monsieur, you were crystal clear. Like the water." She added and smiled lightly.

@Minimum (Btw is Adam, not Alan :p )
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(OH. lol ok)

"Alright then!" The professor exclaimed. "The next stop is the library, please follow me..."

When they got to a small clearing half way down an alleyway the prof stopped. "There are many different ways into the library" he explained. "It is one of the safest places in the school if an emergency ever happens and there must be many entrances around the school for speedy entrance. I came to the nearest one." Closing his eyes the ground in front of them parted and steps appeared in the rocks. "There we are!" Walking down further towards his source of power as they got to the bottom of the gloomy stairs they walked into a gigantic room. Lines of books down the sides, desks, charm halls artefacts and more lit up by multicoloured lights. The professor let the view sink into the new students.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Ruby was speechless by the room. As a great book lover, this would surely be her spot. There books everywhere, old ones, new ones, in various colors and sizes. She spotted some books put in special places, like in glass projections and also some red velvet curtains in some spots, she assumed that there were secret chambers or maybe more important books. On the other hand maybe not. She walked around for a bit, stroking the lines of books with her fingers as she walked by them. The smell of all these books was truly magnificent.

Adam seemed not so excited, but that was nothing new. He paced a bit back and forth. All he really wanted to do is light a cigarette. He got curious though.
"Who runs this library?" He asked the Professor. "And what about the ancient books or the really important ones? Does anyone guard them?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Professor watched Ruby, delighted that she thought it was interesting.

Hearing Adam he turned around "The Librarians run the library Adam. They are granted certain magical rights and abilities. At the moment there are only twenty librarians ranging from the rank of Head Librarian to novice librarian. As you go through the term Librarian is a job you could take up. The librarians guard the powerful books and artefacts but it is mostly magical wards, the librarians do rounds to see everything is in order and if the wards are still holding and if the wards are breached a warning is set off and the librarians run to defend the thing." After finishing explaining to Adam he looked around and saw Gary wasn't there. After some scans of the room he finally saw him frozen on the spot trying to push a big Oak door with a big golden lock open. He gestured to Gary and turned to Adam "See what I mean?" Walking over he put his hand on the new students head and Gary moved and blinked. "Gary there are places students shouldn't go. That is one of the many."

"Well then!" He said addressing the group "do you want to explore more of the library or move on to another area?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Adam was surely ready to go, as Professor had answered his question, but Ruby was not there. Adam went to look for her, walking in the books maze. It didn't take long. He found her in at a wooden desk, reading a red book. He walked to her and poked her arm, that seemed to startle her.
"It's a book about water spells!" She said enthusiastic.
"Sounds like awesomely fun, but we shall be going now. You can return later. The sooner we finish the tour, I'm gonna smoke." Adam added pointing at the exit with his thumb.
Ruby stood up stubbornly, just like a child that has to leave the park, and put the red book back on the shelf. She walked to Gary and Professor Rockehorn dragging her feet.
"Mission accomplished, sir. She is back. We're good to go." Adam said and nodded grinning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 1 day ago

Theodore and Lucas

The academy grounds were cluttered with students and teachers alike, bustling past each other with urgency as they began the tours for the new term. Lucas was attempting to grab one of the professors attention, to no avail, whilst Theodore lounged on a stone bench in one of the schools courtyards. The younger Blackwood brother stared at his sibling, frustration plastered across his face.
"I would appreciate some assistance, Theo." Lucas' mannerism of speech were very polite and formal, even when speaking to Theo. It was something that had always bugged his brother, since Theo thought that the two of them should be more casual with each other.
"What's the point? Let's just chill, I'm sure it'll all work out." He spoke in between yawns, resting his arms behind his head as he let the warm sunlight lull him to sleep.

The two brothers had arrived late and hadn't been partnered with a professor to show them around. Whilst Lucas desperately tried to fix the situation, Theo didn't seem to care about the predicament they had been put in. Lucas, unable to be patient with his brother anymore, delivered a swift and heavy stomp onto his sleeping brothers stomach.
"Ow! What was that for?!" Theo stood up, clutching his stomach in pain as Lucas began lecturing him.
"We're already late as it is, Theo. How about we don't push our luck and at least try and find where we're supposed to be?" The two had a brief stare off, but Theodore didn't have the energy to argue with his goody two shoes brother.
"You're a pain in the ass." With that final word from Theo, the two set off through the campus.

After a brief walk through the school, they found a building that looked like it could be a library with a small group of students and a professor walking out from the building. One man was quite large, clad in a brown suit with a stone weapon. The other three seemed to be students, including a red headed girl around Theodore's age and a taller guy with black hair.
"Yo, we were late. Can we join this tour group?" Theodore asked casually.
"We're very sorry for our tardiness, it won't happen again." Out of force of habit, Lucas found himself saluting the professor. It was a bit embarrassing, but he'd become accustomed to addressing superiors in this way during his time at the military academy. The two brothers were even dressed in their cadet uniforms still, since it was the nicest clothes they owned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Ruby heard footsteps, and turned automatically to the two newcomers. They looked a lot like eachother. Still with her hand crossed before her chest, she let them fall down on her sides, in a delicate posture. She looked nice in her old fashioned clothes. Well at least, she looked nice to her. She was about to introduce herself to the brothers, but Adam got in front of her and between her and the guys.
"You don't have to do that." She whispered to Adam and walked next to him, facing Theodore and Lucas.
Adam got irritated by her, and on top of that he couldn't smoke. Those two guys were making the waiting even longer.
"Just hurry up." He said adressing the newcomers, with his hands in his pockets.
Ruby gave Adam a scolding look, and then turned her gaze upon the brothers. She examined them for a moment, and nodded as a greeting, keeping her serious face on.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Leslie Hall@AlicePleasanceLiddell
"Dont worry its fine" he said in answer to their question about joining the group. Waving his hands at the salute he said"you really dont have to do that. Well at least not to me." Wondering why Adam was so impatient he realized but decided to stay quiet.

Gary walked up to them snd said "hey there its nice to have two more girls in the group!" He laughed at himself and the professors expression turned stony. Suddenly a clump of rock rose from the ground and hurled itself at the back of Gary's head and promptly sunk back into the floor. Gary clutched his head and looked round trying to see who threw whatever it was. Not seeing anyone he gained a worried expression and slowly walked backwards. "Well lets go then! Next is the Arena grounds and then onto the Woods." The prof said walking in a fast pace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 1 day ago

Theodore and Lucas

@Minimum | @AlicePleasanceLiddell

Theodore leaned against Lucas, resting his elbow on the shoulder of his younger brother; which wasn't hard considering their height difference. The older brother was scanning the uniquely dressed girl that stood before them in the group. He'd thought that he and Lucas would be the ones standing out with their neatly pressed uniforms.
"It's quite rude to stare, Theo." Lucas scolded his brother, as if reading his thoughts. As if on cue, the scary looking guy that was with the girl placed himself between them. Theodore didn't say anything to the stranger, but rather just stared him off with a look of annoyance. Lucas tilted his head in his brothers direction, and then at the stranger. The silence was broken by an obnoxious voice; the third student who decided to make a comment about the brothers' appearance. It was true that the two were born with very feminine features, so it's not as though Gary was wrong in his statement. Still, Theodore didn't take too kindly to the insult.

"You looking to die early, punk?" He clenched his fists at his side, but was stopped by a rock smacking Gary in the back of the head. In a moments notice, Theodore's serious, fearsome expression softened into a fit of giggling at the professors display of power.
"Why must you look to start fights, brother?" Lucas spoke, referring to his brothers threat from earlier. "All it does is imply that you care enough to react."
"Got it, Mister Buzz kill. It was only a joke." Theodore laughed, patting his brother on the back. Lucas rolled his eyes, before his gaze met with the young girl as she nodded towards them. Taking a small step forward, Lucas held his hand over his chest and bowed to her.
"Please pardon my brother. He tries to act tough, but he's just an idiot." Straightening up with a smile, Lucas ignored the evil eye his brother was giving him at his comment and continued to talk with Ruby. "My name is Lucas, and my brother is Theodore."
"Call me Theo," Theodore interjected, nodding towards Ruby and Adam. "You and Mister cigarette breath over there got a name?" Theo jerked his head in Adam's direction; making a blunt comment on the stench of tobacco lingering around him.

While the brothers waited for them to respond, they overheard the professor talking about visiting the arena next. Theodore's face lit up with excitement, and Lucas could only imagine what trouble his brother could get into in a sparring arena at this school.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlicePleasanceLiddell


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

~Adam and Ruby~

Ruby smirked at all the boys fighting with eachother. Childish, she thought to herself. Lucas seemed very elegant and polite indeed, but Theodore at the other hand had that look of otherness, something that made Ruby interested. Nevertheless no one seemed mature enough. She felt like she was in a park where 4 boys were teasing eachother. Ruby nodded again as in acceptance of Lucas' apology for his brothers manners, and payed a look to Theodore afterwards. She didn't like Theo, Theodore sounded much better to her.
"Lucas, Theodore, I am Ruby. It's a delight seeing that the year will be fun. You are all very amusing." She said and gave them a faint smile nurtured with mystery.
Adam didn't share the same amusement Ruby did. He rather got irritated by the brothers, yet decided to not start a fight.
"The name is Adam. The rest you needn't know." He turned his gaze to Lucas. "Lucas, you seem younger yet you hold more potential, for your brother Theodore..." He looked at Theodore. "...he will not accomplish much. Arrogance shall not gift you much.. 'Theo'. " He added in a rather serious tone.
Ruby didn't like it when Adam got in his serious mode, she knew this couldn't be good. Having two hotheaded men insulting eachother could only lead to a fight. She put her big smile on and dragged Adam towards Professor Rockehorn by the arm.
"Professor, shall we continue our tour? Everyone is looking forward in meeting the rest of the school." She flashed him a meaningful smile, hoping he'd understand the need of leaving before things got too serious.
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