Cabal: An Old Kingdom RP
A century has passed since the Destroyer was once again sealed, its resting location now a well-hidden secret only passed down from Abhorsen to Abhorsen-in-Waiting at the time of their death.
The bloodlines have separated again; the descendants of Lirael, once the Abhorsen-in-Waiting to Sabriel, carrying on her work while those of Sabriel and King Touchstone became the Royal line proper. The family has become numerous enough to have a Head family and Branch families but now there is no direct heir to the ageing Queen.
The Branch families vie for attention and power, putting forward their best candidates with the most substantial claims, and the most favourable virtues, to be declared heir but the Queen shows no appetite to declare for any of them so far. The families gather power from the guilds and other influential factions in Belisaere, and outside of it, ready for the struggle that seems inevitably violent.
The Old Kingdom itself has recovered well, guided by the stability of the Royal Line and the renewed dedication of the Abhorsens. Its cities have been repopulated and its towns grown, especially those long-since abandoned closer to the wall which have benefitted from the influx of refugees still fleeing wars racking the continent beyond Ancelstierre.
Belisaere itself has seen expansion beyond anything before in its long history. The old city which had been left to the Dead was torn down and built from scratch with the newest architectural techniques as well as plenty of running waterways. Although safety and security had returned, memories of the centuries of neglect had been raw leading to extensive measures being taken to prevent such a catastrophe returning.
But all is not well, beyond the squabbling of the Royal Family, looking set to continue for many years as the old Queen remains healthy and sound of mind. Relations between the Old Kingdom and Anclestierre are at their lowest point ever known, animosity embedded by the Destroyer's pawns in the Ancelstierre government bringing about a cultural shift in the modern country. To the people, The Old Kingdom has become a place of nightmare horrors, ruled by a tyrannical monarchy set in the ancient past of elitist rule with their necromantic servants, the Abhorsens, putting the fear of the Dead into any opponents to silence them.
For their part, the people of The Old Kingdom struggle to keep up with the thousands of refugees still funnelled onto their lands by Ancelstierre, pleas and requests for better planned relocations ignored by the government who move any undesirables out of their borders and prevent them from returning.
As if this crisis reaching its peak were not enough for the strenuous recovery of The Old Kingdom, rumours of a Cabal of Necromancers have spread. Little is known and the rumours originate from all over the Kingdom, the Necromancers apparently operating independently but with one cause. What the cause is, little is known and they have yet to move directly against the Abhorsens or any other servants of the Charter but the threat of their existence hangs heavily over the Kingdom.
Greetings and welcome! Some of you may have seen the interest check and come here as a result of it and will already have a good idea of what I intend for this RP. For others, here are a few notes:
This is a high-casual or casual-advanced RP. I don't expect lengthy posts but I do desire quality and thoughtful writing. By all means, don't avoid writing a lengthy post if there is a purpose to it; I don't want to stifle your creativity!
I would also like to encourage collaborations where suitable (often where dialogue between two/three characters takes place) to prevent stilted posts of question and response which can kill off even the best RPs very quickly.
The usual rules take place and I'd like to think everyone is familiar with them so I shan't waste time typing them up. I'm fairly relaxed about people introducing lore they wish to but if it's substantial I'd prefer it to be run past me - nine out of ten times I'll support it but I'd just like that check first to make any tweaks should it interfere with any of my planned plot lines!
Any questions then fire them at me by PM or posting down below. I'm at work seven until six most every weekday and most Saturdays (GMT) but I've got my phone on and check it at lunch times, the journey in and the journey back so I can respond to any queries pretty rapidly when I'm not sleeping (we can't be perfect, sadly).
Below is a Character Sheet skeleton with some guidelines but by all means add/edit as you wish. I'll be reading through all sheets before I accept them anyway so it's just there to provide the usual structure should you need it.
Finally, I don't expect or require you to have read and know off by heart all of the Old Kingdom books (Clariel, Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Across the Wall and Garth Nix's most recent novella the name of which escapes me) but if you have not read any/all of them I would like you to brush up on the lore so as not to ruin the experience of those who have.
A good source I've found is here which also has a very handy map of The Old Kingdom!