Introduction: Grant Trinity
The wind blew slowly. The windmill's blades were swept into motion as the Autumn breeze filled the village. Each forcefully pushed gas moved in and out between the bricks. Through shattered glass, torn apart roofing and destroyed houses. This was Mydleton now. It was very different to what it used to be. It was not meant to change like this, yet ever since the 'Western Siege' it had become nothing but a tourist attraction. Tourist's never came to visit it often, which made it his ideal spot. He remembered life when he was a child, looking at where the shop used to be. The wooden sign laid on the ground, its paint slightly faded from the colourful beauty it used to be. In strong italics, it spelt out the name. 'Tynko-Tradesmen: Fine Service for Fine People' The slogan was what made him think. Fine service was something that was true, up until it was shut down of course. No one really bought out the building, seeing as not many people would move into Mydleton. It remained a relic, which would sometimes bring a small tear to the eye. Now Mydleton was almost completely reduced to rubble. Bricks and decaying wooden carts laid scattered along the cracked road, whilst only 3 buildings remained intact. The Buta Residence, Howard's Farm and the Trinity Windmill. It was surprising that the tallest building in the village had survived, and it provided a nice home for such a lost and corrupted soul.
It had been a few months or so since he made the dash for the Gate. He had accidentally formed an arm right in front of them, right in front of Yuri. He had been shocked to see it was him all along. Though He didn't understand his own reasoning, the reasons behind his actions. His depression wasn't always noticed and the way he just ended lives, gave his impression a bad toll. He was the Grim Titan. He had to accept it. People had to dislike who he was and fear him, want him dead for the good of mankind. That was the way it was going to be. So now he sits here, alone in the chair of the Windmill-house. This is the Grim Titan. This is Grant Trinity.