Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
This is a free RP, meaning that anyone can jump in and out as they wish and as different characters if they so desire without asking permission.


The reboot of The East Market is beginning at this post. Feel free to jump in again with a fresh start! All past events are finished, and new interactions are welcome!

TFFN- External Locations
(The Free Form Network)

The East Market || The Tavern || The 'WOLF' Wastelands || Fight Club || The Basement

Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Humphrey opened the shutters on his storefront, breathing in the fresh morning air and feeling the warmth of the rising sun on his face.

He smiled. He loved working in his trinket shop in the East Market. It was his home. The sandstone bricks on the storefront clashed with the various other shops he shared a wall with, but he liked the variety. Some of the newer cities he had seen when he was adventuring were so uniform and boring compared to this chaotic-yet-comfortable place.

Walking back to the desk where he sat every day, his wooden leg clunked dully on the smooth gray stone that tiled the floor. He had been building a wind-up toy of a horse and wanted to make sure the spring mechanisms were still connected properly. Maybe when he finished, he'd go greet his neighbors, but for now, he was focused on this task. It was a gift for his nephew's 6th birthday, and he wanted it to be perfect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Cork takes an other look to a lady that he began to follow a few minutes ago. They are in the East Market and it's early morning and for that reason there aren't a lots people. So he can follow her without give suspect.

GENCLY: Oh, come on Cork. Stop to follow that girl, what do u think to do with her?
CORK: I want to give to her this blue rose. For a beautiful lady like her, i want to give her a special gift. (He says pulling out the blue rose from the pocket)
GENCLY: Waaauuuh you're a fucking genius, Cork. A completly strange that try to flirt with a woman. You're a casanova.
CRAPSY: And come one, dont tell us some bullshits like this, we know that you want to give to her something of more special. Or i should say MORE HARD!!
CORK: SHUT UP ALL TWO!!! (He cries)

Crying, attracts the attention of the lady but first that she could see Cork, he hid behind a barrel. The lady gives a look around and then rebegins to walk.

CORK: Godamnit, that was close.
CRAPSY: Because you have a fantastic voice. You should do the Opera singer with a high voice like yours.
CORK: Shut....You know... i don't care, i will give my gift to her. At any cost.

He begins to follow her again.

GENCLY: Seriously Cork, we must do some work, we aren't here for a damned lady!
CRAPSY: And with a nice chest i must say and that sexy outfit eh eh.
GENCLY: Thanks Crapsy, you're helping us in a good way.
CRAPSY: No problem bro.
GENCLY: However Cork, the mistress could become angry, so stop please.

But Cork ignores Gencly and continue to follow her until that moment, on which she enters in a pawn shop.

CORK: Ok ok ok ok, now or never more.
CRAPSY: Yeah, go rapist. Goooooooo.
GENCLY: Oh god why am i here with some idiots like you?

And so, Cork enters in the pawn after her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina strolled around and took in the view that overwhelmed her. She had never been to places like this, A marketplace full of people, she gasped and put her hand over her mouth to conceal the gasp, knowing people had already heard it, She walked to past some shops and smiled " Damn This is big!! " She shouted a bit louder than usual
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago

But Cork ignores Gencly and continue to follow her until that moment, on which she enters in a pawn shop.

And so, Cork enters in the pawn after her.

Humphrey was so focused on setting the last spring in the wind-up horse that he didn't hear the chime of the shop's bell as a pretty, young lady in a royal blue dress walked in and began perusing the shelves. The second chime snapped Humphrey out of his focus, and the spring shot up and away from his tweezers.

"Drat!" he muttered, wiping his sweat-dabbled forehead with his sleeve. He looked up and saw the lady and a man dressed in bright colors and a Jester's cap staring at her from the door.

"Ah, welcome! How can I help you two today? I just put out a lot of stuff last night. A group of adventurers came through and had quite a lot to sell!" Humphrey said, standing up from his chair.

At the sound of the phrase "you two", the lady looked around, uncomfortable, and, spotting the man in the door, walked a little bit deeper into the little shop, putting some more distance between herself and the man. Humphrey narrowed his eyes, thinking he might understand what might be happening. He clomped around the desk and moved to put his large body between the man and the lady, but kept a warm smile on his face directed at the man.

"Looking for anything in particular?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Looking for anything in particular?"

LADY: Ehm...yes i wanted to see if you had a silver ring, thanks. I want to do gift to a my friend.[/b][/b]

Then, she takes an other look to Cork with an suspect expression and in that moment, see the blue rose in his hand.

LADY: Sorry, but why do you have a rose in your hand, jester?

Cork, took by the panic, doesn't say nothing but then when he tries to open the mouth, Gencly stops him.

GENCLY: Oh nothing milady, this is only a gift that i'm bringing to my girlfriend. She loves the blue rose, if you want to know it.

The lady begins to laugh. LADY: Your lady must have some very particular tastes to love a rose with a horrible color like that.

GENCLY: Question of tastes, miss.
LADY: Sure, jester.

After that she turned again, Cork became sad.

GENCLY: Did you see? How i said before, this was only a waste of time. (He says with low tone)
CORK: Sorry. (he too)
CRAPSY: I know that she was a bitch. (he too)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Humphrey saw the jester shrink, clearly embarrassed by the lady's disgust and his expression warmed toward the jester.

"Hmm, a blue rose is a rare find, young lady! You should look past the color and see it for how special it really is." Humphrey grinned back at the lady.

"Now, a silver ring, eh? We have a small case of rings over by the desk. Lots of very finely crafted silver. How elaborate of a ring are you thinking of getting for your friend? Any special properties you'd like it to imbue?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The lady snorfs.

LADY: Maybe for a few people but not for me. That color reminds me the death. However for the ring, i wanted to buy a pretty ring but not too much expensive. Ok that i want to do a gift but i don't want to drain myself. (She begins to laugh)

CORK: The death? How can she think that? (low tone)
CRAPSY: Because she's a bitch? (too)
CORK: Stop to be offensive. (too)
CRAPSY: Fuck off (too)
GENCLY: (Stop to speak normally, speak mentally!!! Do u want to attact the attention?! Godamnit, shut up!!)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago


"Blue as the color of death, eh? I wonder where you're from... Anyway, no need for stories right now! I think I have just the ring for you!" Humphrey clomps to the case beside the desk and opens it up, revealing rows of rings made of various precious metals glinting in the morning sun. He pauses for a moment, stroking his beard with one hand and scanning the rings with the other, before letting loose a small "Aha!" and grabbing a large, silver ring with ornate spirals around its outside.

"Here we are! This ring isn't just pretty, it's imbued with some simple magic that lets it automatically size to the wearer's finger! It's a perfect gift for anyone, especially if you don't know their ring size!" Humphrey beamed, holding the ring out the lady in his palm, "What do you think?"

Humphrey glanced at the jester, still standing in the doorway, when he thought he heard him muttering something under his breath. He shook his head slightly and looked back at the lady, deciding to focus on the sale rather than a customer not completely committed to entering the shop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


LADY: That ring is perfect, i will buy it.

The lady gives to Humphrey the money to pay for it and then without looks Cork, exits from the pawn shop. In that moment, Cork gives a final look to the lady with an angry expression.

CRAPSY: And so that bitch, is gone. (low tone)
CORK: Yeah. (low tone)
CRAPSY: Don't be sad, you can find other girls to stalker. (low tone)
CORK: Ah ah ah, very funny. (low tone)
GENCLY: (Ehm guys, do u know that you are still in the pawn shop and that the owner is watching you, right?

Cork gives a look to Humphrey. CORK: (Shit.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Humphrey eyed the jester compassionately.
"Don't look so glum, my friend! What can I help you with today? Or were you just here for the lady as I suspect?" Humphrey winked.

Humphrey was a little bit unsettled by the jester's appearance and the way he spoke to himself, but he always tried to look past these things and hope people were just as in need of friendly conversation as himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina looked at a building which had Pawn Shop written on its banner, She gazed at it some more and reached for the handle and twisted it open and walked into the Shop, her first sight was a jester of sorts and a plump shopkeeper.

She pulled down her hood as she was wearing a hooded cloak. She went closer to the where the shopkeeper was and detached a small sword from her waist and lay it on the counter, with it still in the sheath, " How much will I get if I sell this Sword. " .

She asked knowing full well the price of a legendary Sword like that. Another Sword was on her back sword sheath though and that cost even more than the one she just lay down. The Sword on her back was Durandal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago

She pulled down her hood as she was wearing a hooded cloak. She went closer to the where the shopkeeper was and detached a small sword from her waist and lay it on the counter, with it still in the sheath, " How much will I get if I sell this Sword. " .

"Oh! Excuse me here, sir," Humphrey spoke out the side of his mouth to the jester, gesturing toward the woman, "Got another customer. And customers get preference over friendly conversation," He said as he clomped behind the desk to take a look at the sword.

Humphrey squinted down at the sword, bending forward to get a closer look.

"Hmm, hmmmm.... Well miss, there's some magic in this sword. I can tell just by looking at it." He lifted it up, still sheathed, and examined the ornately designed scabbard and hilt, studded with small gemstones and gleaming with a pristine polish in the sunlight, "It's very light! I can't tell what it's made of, but it looks different than anything I've ever seen. Care to tell me the story behind this beautiful weapon?"

He set the sword back on the desk as carefully as he could manage and looked into the swordswoman's eyes. Or at least he tried to look—her hood was pulled down so far that her eyes were completely hidden.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

CORK: Well, more or less... (He says sheepish)

But in that moment, Cork sees something that attracts his attention: a wind-up toy of a horse.

CORK: (But that is beautiful, the son of the mistress could be very happy with a toy like that!!!)
GENCLY: (Yeah, you're right. I didn't expect to find a good gift for him here. We were lucky.)
CRAPSY: (In reality, i wanted to buy a cannon for him. The explosions are very funny.)
GENCLY: (Yeah yeah, very...funny. Ok take that damned toy and let's go from here. I'm very tired of this situation.)
CORK: Ok i will do it.

Cork gives an other look to the shopkeeper.

CORK: Ehm...but now that i'm here i would want to.....

First that he could complete the sentence an other lady enters in the pawn shop, attracting the attention of Cork and of the shopkeeper. When this one sees her, ignores Cork and begins to speak with her.

GENCLY: (Ehi! We were the first! Why the hell did he choose to serve her first of us?!)
CRAPSY: (Because she have the boobs and we haven't them?)
CORK: (........)
GENCLY: (..........Seriously man. You're very annoying when you speak. Shut up!!)
CRAPSY: (Ehi don't be angry, don't tell me that you are omo?)
CORK: (Shut the fuck up!!!!)
GENCLY: (Listen guys dont worry, we can wait. Calm down.)
CRAPSY: (Ok, but however that shopkeeper is a dick.)
CORK: (Yeah!)
GENCLY: (You're right but stay calm.)

When the lady pulls out a big sword to sell, Crapsy takes the control and begins to smile.

CRAPSY: Ehi miss, do you really like the big swords, right?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" All I really need to say is the sword comes from The Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japan, which was sometime around the Sixteen Hundreds to the Seventeen hundreds, It was kept in brilliant condition" She spoke to the shopkeeper and then put her hands to her hood and slowly pulled it down revealing a beautiful face and cascading blonde hair ands sapphire blue eyes and full lips, She turned to the Jester and looked him up and down. Then walked over to him " What is your name, if I May be so inclined to ask?" She outstretched her hand as an invitation to shake it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

GENCLY: (Stop Crapsy.)

Crapsy ignores him. CRAPSY: My name's Crapsy to your service my lady. I saw that you have a beautiful and big sword, so i imagined that you must be a strong woman for manage a big one like that and if i can say it, i like the women like you. Very strong and proud. Ah ah ah.
However, seriously, i'm interested for that sword and i can pay the double of any price that this shopkeeper could pay for it. Trust me.
(Take this fucking bastard of a shopkeeper! You can't ignore in this way without conseguences)

In that moment, he pulls out a gold coin and show it to the girl.

GENCLY: (What the fuck are you doing?!)
CRAPSY: Baka nima sipa ne...ku. (He says with a low tone)

After spelled that magic, he smiles to her.

GENCLY: (No! Not again!! He used the spell for block us, so we can't speak.)
CORK: (Why?! We had agreed to don't use it anymore!!)
GENCLY: (Cork, this is Crapsy. We can't do nothing about him. I hope only that he doesn't do nothing of terrible.)

CRAPSY: See? And i can give you more than one coin and for more i mean very very lots gold. Or better, my mistress could do that, she's very interested in things like that. Especially if it's ancient. What do you think about it? Are you interested?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina tilted her head slightly and let out a small giggle, she turned to the shopkeeper and then smiled " Whoever correctly guesses the swords name and who ever gives me the highest bid, But if you can correctly guess the swords name, well that's bonus points for me liking you, I'll give you a small clue, Its first letter is E. " She softly crossed her arms and waited, but then walked over to the shopkeeper and leant on the counter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Hrmm... I've encountered so many named swords in my lifetime that this is going to be a bit difficult..." Humphrey said, stroking his beard in thought and completely unbothered by the jester's competition, "Would this sword happen to be the Edo Masuna? Because if it is, I don't think I could ever offer a fair price for such a priceless blade! The Edo Masuna belongs in a museum!"

Humphrey looked back down at the swordswoman, eyebrows raised inquisitively, "And if it's not, the most I can offer is the equivalent of ten thousand gold coins, though I would certainly love to know more of its story before dropping that much on it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina looked down to the counter and looks up to the shopkeeper again " [color=00aee]I'm not really good at stories but it's not the Edo Masuna, It's the Eucildator, The reason why I am not really good at stories is a personal problem. But since I am going to be staying in the East Market, you can have it for Eight Thousand, Five hundred gold coins. Also do you require a shop guard?[/color] Akkina reached out her hand again and softly pushed the sword towards the shopkeeper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Akkina looked down to the counter and looks up to the shopkeeper again " I'm not really good at stories but it's not the Edo Masuna, It's the Eucildator, The reason why I am not really good at stories is a personal problem. But since I am going to be staying in the East Market, you can have it for Eight Thousand, Five hundred gold coins. Also do you require a shop guard? Akkina reached out her hand again and softly pushed the sword towards the shopkeeper.

"Hmm, the Elucidator. Interesting... That sounds like a fair price to me, but we oughtn't ignore our friend here! Uh," Humphrey raised an eyebrow at the jester, "Crapsy was it? Do you have a better offer for our lady?"

And looking back at the swordswoman, he said, "As for your offer, The East Market is a pretty safe place. At least it has been for me and my shop. But I certainly wouldn't mind some extra company. I can't pay you very much, but you could have your pick of the items here whenever you want or need. And maybe I can help you get better at telling stories." he winked at her, "If that sounds interesting to you, then you've got yourself a job! Most important thing, though, is what should I call you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Crapsy begins to think about it.

CRAPSY: Wait my lady, i can offer you more gold ones for that sword. 800 coins and if you accept my rose for your fantastic beauty i will give u also 200 more coins. So in total 1000 gold coins.

GENCLY: (Pathetic.)
CORK: (Yep.)
1x Laugh Laugh
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