Avatar of The Slenderman
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    1. The Slenderman 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Gonna be a good SAO RP coming up!
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i honestly don't think it's active anymore, you could ask the GM for a better evaluation though when they are on.
Banned for being a nerd Lord.
Erina raised her hand and glared at her hand as she tensed it closed and then looked toward the sky. She had to face her judgement sometime and she felt this was really her moment. She had some times that fire girl who she always spoke and trained but now is not the time to be thinking about them right this second. She was brought back to present by a flicker of wind against her face and at that moment, she would decide to fight to right all wrongs that she had done in the past, they were all a distant memory and she had to accept that and just move on. Even if she did learn to turn off her emotions.

She stepped forward after hearing the order to take a step. She rested her hand on her gunsword at her side and just breathed in slowly as she steadied her heartbeat.

"I choose to fight to right all the wrongs I did. If you would have me, I'd be honoured to serve."

She was the most skilled of the Aema, she had pushed past their limits, she had lost her former powers though but still had a skill unmatched by other Aema. Her name was Erina Palmer, a name lost to the ages and forgotten by some tongues. She had done enough chaos with her inherent power. The curse of bad luck, yes, that was the most draining of all her abilities. She had to toughen up and not anyone die this time around...
Name: Erina Palmer

Age: 21(1,000)

Alias: White Ghost

Race: Human(Aema)

Appearance: Timeskip: While retaining many parts of her original look, this time Erina is seemingly sporting some more powerful sets of gear. She retains the light-pink-ish hair and her normal physical look, but this time she's wearing some sort of revealing black armor and leather around her body, with a fancy neck cloth to go along with it. She also has what appears to be a weapon on her right arm, possibly being her sword and this is way after the Resort Incident.

Powers/Skills: Master Arc Proficiency: Being trained by a deity grants many benefits, one of them being that Erina is able to control and use the Master Arc, a gun sword which she uses surprisingly well. Like many hybrid weapon types, the gun sword is the one she excels in, being able to infuse her bullets with fire and be quick enough to use the momentum to land really heavy blows. Along with this she shows great speed and skill with it, being able to efficiently hit certain areas of opponents to cripple them, making this a deadly combination of her and her weapon.

Supernatural Reflexes: Erina has a unnaturally strong sense of reflexes due to her intensive training. With these sorts of relfexes Erina has shown that she can avoid bullets and most attacks at super and hypersonic speeds. Naomi and her and her military training taught her well since she is more focused on quick speed and skill to defeat her enemies.

Weakness(es): Erina's Curse: One huge downside to being the way she is, with her mental state, Erina causes immensely bad luck for those around her, at least those who can be affected by it including monks and everyone she is around. While it may not cause huge mass death or any bad luck like that, Erina's luck does affect people in battle and in general populace.



I'm liking the concept of this RP, I might make a character.

I'm interested in this.

[ Genre: Fantasy, Magic, medieval/Modern esque , maybe romance
A secret order of immortal beings. A safe haven away from the subjugation or enslavement of their I'll. Vampires, golems, automatons with free will. Any being that can not die with old age are called monsters. Hunted, killed, captured, and forced to serve beings who by all accounts should be weaker, yet they fight and they win. So the Sanctum was formed. A place to train, a base to stage a war from, and a home for those without. Now, whom will enter and fight for their life? ]
That cosmic resort that was the station for all things that were powerful and skilled, that's the place Erina came from and she had to leave unfortunately. She had been banished yet again and now to train even more before she even hoped to come back to the resort. She was skillful already and the reason why he was kicking her out of the resort had made her a little angry at him. She knew better to display her emotion though and thus had to go willingly and not kick up a fuss in front of him otherwise that would be a fatal mistake.

God dammit Aylex, next time I'll get your place as warden of the resort."

She though to her self and then just strapped her sword to her hip and then shook her head thus accepting the whole situation for what it is. Even though Naomi would probably convince Alex to bring her back.

The Palmer took a step toward the portal and looked behind to all of the people she had knew and that was the hardest thing to do right now and having to look at Riya's face on the matter was extremely painful, she had been her student.

After stepping through the portal Erina found herself in a Maze and that was a very mysterious place to be teleported at. This was very wrong, had his portal malfunctioned. She looked around for any sign of life that had probably teleported to. By Erina's logic no place was ever emptied and thus had some civilisation...
Name: Riya Larson

Age: 22

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Profession: Rogue/Assassin



Skill Of The Assasin: Moving silently through the shadows, even broad daylight, Riya is able to find a target of her choosing and quickly, along with efficiently, and take them down without anyone noticing. Not being the straight forward brute force user, Riya prefers to use her complexity and high finesse proficiency in stealth to appear, and then disappear just as quickly. She often checks her target as well to make sure that they are criminalized, making sure that she the swiftly kills them by usually stabbing a vital area.

Expert Assassin Accuracy:
Due to her skills as an assassin being so good at assassination work, Riya has been shown to have a very scary degree of accuracy. She's been known to use ranged weapons with scary efficiency. She can take any sort of arrow, dagger, dart and throw it incredible distances to hit a target. Most of the time, whenever she's bored, she'll usually just fire an arrow or one of her knives off the direction of the target, killing whoever it is without so much of a struggle. Along with that her weapons don't have any signs of usage so if the bodies are found, they can't identify who took the person down.

Fears/Weaknesses: She fears strength users thus has a weakness when fighting against them.

Personality: Riya's personality can be described as "on fire." This means that she's always fired up and is always looking for a challenge. Due to the gaining of power that she has over time, Riya has become more confident in herself, and had decided to focus on the battle at hand rather than just winning or losing. She's strong headed, good willed and level-headed.

History: TBR IN RP.
A mage
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