Thunder's Whisper

Information collected by the civilian questioning"To defy this one's will is to occur nature's wrath."| Birthname: |
Thunder's Whisper
| Alias: |
Whisper, The Whisper in the Branches
| Sex: |
| R a c e : |
Eiren: The eiren blend nature's patience and power with the ambition and agression of the humanoid races. They resemble half-elves, and males and females alike average about 5-1/2 feet in height. They mature quickly being full-grown by the age of 10, and live very long lives, hardly changing at all in appearance for their first century. Eiren have green or tan skin the texture of a soft, young leaf, and their limbs are unusually long and slender when compared with those of the humanoid races. An individual eiren's hair and eye color depends on which aspect of nature the eiren is currently manifesting.
| Age: |
217 (Appears to be 35-40)
| P r o f f e s i o n : |
Whisper is highly ambitious in his goals and meticulously methodical in their achievement. He is motivated by adventure and a sense of heroism. He travels far and wide looking for the lost places of the world that may be harboring aberrant monstrosities or malevolent curses, so that he may eradicate them and protect the natural order.
Psychology & History
From detailed eye-witness reports and visitations“.”| Personal biography: |
While they are rare, there are some eiren that are the product of the wrongful deaths of other fey. When fey die, their remaining magical energies coalesce into a humanoid form and become the eiren, imbuing it with a deeply-rooted hatred for those who wronged it in its previous lives; the instruments of revenge for the natural world. This same event resulted in the birth of Thunder's Whisper.
Whisper traced his blood and breath back through legend and myth to the elven people. There, he was born under a lunar eclipse to a man and woman who called a stretch of plains their home. Their tribe, a strong, spiritual people, practiced a faith that revered the energy of nature. They believed that the spirits of the soil, the sky, and the trees blessed their flesh and allowed them to survive where other living creatures could not. In a way, this faith was true, as each member of the tribe possessed innate spiritual capabilities beyond that of most elven.
An elder of the tribe had once foretold the arrival of a spiritual envoy, a bridge between the corporeal world and the mystical forces of nature. The blood-red moon, a product of the lunar eclipse of the elf's birth, fulfilled this prophecy. With the dreams of his people heavily invested in the words of their elder, the young boy was deemed a gift from the spirits, and he was separated from his family to undergo special training less than a day after his delivery. The elite warriors of the tribe devoted themselves to him, focusing his impossibly prodigious gifts into weapons that were meant to purify the world of corrupt the spirits of nature. In the end, it produced an elite man who felt no fear, had a genius intellect, and possessed spiritual powers beyond that of most of his people.
What the others could not have known was that the elf had a corrupted heart, and that his lust for power and perfection would eventually lead him to destroy the rest of his people in an effort to annihilate what he had judged to be a group cursed by weakness. In their last effort to rid the world of an evil that they had created, the elders of the tribe sacrificed themselves to kill the elf.
In result, Whisper was born. Yet, the ways of the elf hadn't totally corrupted his heart. He saw the world's many blights as a weakness of nature, in order to perfect it, they had to be removed. Thus this ideology led Whisper on a mission to Adarla, to investigate it's curse of perpetual winter, and return it's lush green beauty.
| P e r s o n a l i t y r e p o r t s : |
Just like there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every person. Whisper's duality comes in the form of how the public perceives him and who he is on a personal level. Furthermore; Whisper, like all eiren, has three sides dependent on what aspect they are manifesting. Not truly three distinct personalities, nevertheless most eiren have three ways of looking at things: contemplative, direct, or dubious.
As a primal being, Whisper has ties to nature unmatched by most of the common people, but unlike other beings of nature, he is not content to wait in the dark recesses of the dwindling forests. For example: Whisper has no concept of land ownership, rather he believes land belongs to nature itself. He is an aggressive, ambitious manifestation of nature’s patience and power, and is able to walk through the cities of man as easily as he can meditate in the glades of a verdant forest.
His emotional set consists of a phlegmatic disposition, generally unemotional and stolidly calm. Which usually leads to assumptions of a depressed, cynical man, but bitterness and hate has yet to taint his soul. He still has an optimistic view of the world, harbors idealistic dreams, and naively believes that people can be trusted. Whisper maintains no disillusion about the state the world is in, however. But it’s a testament to his integrity and nobility, how he has remained an honest and responsible person.
In combat, Whisper is: controlled, focused, steady, and conscientious of his surroundings. Every decision is made cautiously and pragmatically; he's vigilant in his efforts and never impulsive. He strives to apply the same manner of thinking to every facet of his life. This is why he doesn't interfere in every dispute and is content with watching until needed.
When it comes to Whisper's ability to handle sudden changes and disagreement, his open-mind enables a high degree of adaptability. Because of that, he's able to be tolerant and forgiving of ignorance; whether he's willing to, differs from scenario-to-scenario. But to avoid any interactions outside of his guardianship, he projects a rough, cold exterior. He even goes as far as exiling himself, which further lends to the mysterious lone wolf persona he has adopted. This facade is obviously a guise however, as evident in his altruistic behavior. Once his icy shell has been broken, his warm nature will shine through and the courteous, cultured individual with a unique sense of humor and charm will be revealed.
| A p p e a r a n c e : |
Amongst his people, Whisper is an abomination. His abnormal growth and muscle mass has corrupted the standard long, slender frame of the killoren into a hulking giant of 5'8" ft -- 5'11" when in armor -- with an astonishing weight of 200 lbs exactly. His monstrous body is wrapped in soft, earthy toned skin, like brown autumn leaves during fall. Coincidentally, there is further similarity between Whisper and leaves present within the linear patterns in his skin and the veins in a leaf. These lines form intricate designs that cover his entire body, converging at a single point to form a Strange Symbol on the back of his neck. Though you would never know it, for the symbol is always obscured by dreaded locks of brown hair, which fall just passed his shoulder blades. His face has long since been a victim plagued by these obstructions. Often, stray, rampaging lochs will seek to interrupt the world seen through Whisper's deep brown eyes, which discern that he has seen much more than his youthful features let on. This fact is reassured after hearing his voice that is filled with the certainty of knowingness from experiences passed.
Combat Reports
From detailed reports and completed files| P h y s i c a l a b i l i t i e s: |
- Hand-to-Hand Combat: Although proficiency is diminishing due to lack of practice, Whisper does have training in hand-to-hand combat. The martial art he learned makes use of grapples, holds, and turning your opponents force against them. At its core, it’s a defensive style created for just that purpose.
- Melee Combat: While he knows how to use a variety of weapons, experience is primarily applied to one-handed bladed weapons, like knives and daggers. Mastery has only been achieved with swords, specifically dual wielding.
- Armed Combat: There is only one ranged weapon that Whisper has skill with, and that is the bow and arrow. Long, short, or cross; he has precision aim with them all, but prefers to use traditional bows.
- Mounted Combat: Its only natural that knight know how to ride and fight from the back of animals. Andre's particular focus in this area is with his bow and maintaining his precision aim.
- Woodland Stride: The ability to move through any terrain-preferably the forest-comes naturally to Whisper. He can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him. He also, innately leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked.
- Guerrilla Tactics: As a master strategist of guerrilla tactics, which is a form of irregular warfare. Whisper employs the use of: ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, the element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility to harass a larger and less-mobile traditional army, or strike a vulnerable target, and withdraw almost immediately.
| M a g i c a l a b i l i t i e s: |
Manifest Nature's Might: Eiren are forever bound to the primal forces of nature itself, manifesting this bond even in their physical form. But, only one aspect of natures might can be manifested at a time. To change which aspect is manifested, a ritual that takes one minute is performed. Consisting of a rest period where he spends a moment in quiet meditation, filling his spirit with the aspect of nature that is most needed for his current tasks. Once an aspect is chosen, it is manifested indefinitely until deciding again what aspect to manifest.
- Aspect of the Ancient: While manifesting the aspect of the ancient, Whisper embodies the deep and ancient secrets of nature itself. This aspect confers the following benefits: becoming one with nature and attaining knowledge of the surrounding territory. Instantly gaining knowledge of as many as three facts from among the following subjects: the ground or terrain, plants, minerals, bodies of water, people, general animal population, presence of woodland creatures, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, or even the general state of the natural setting.
Manifesting this aspect also allows Whisper to commune with nature as a supernatural ability usable at will. This means he gains the constant ability to speak with plants and animals. Whisper can also improve the attitude of animal, befriend them therefore making them his companion, or outright control them. The range of this ability is 30 feet and takes 15 seconds of direct eye or physical contact to establish a connection, but this can vary depending on the creature. Once a connection has been made, it can only be severed by Whisper or through other magical means. There is also no limit to how many animals Whisper can bond with, it is a testament to his mastery over the form.
- Aspect of the Hunter: The hunt affects nearly every aspect of nature and claims a place of great prominence and importance in the cycle of life. A eiren manifesting the aspect of the hunt is bound to nature’s ancient tradition of the hunt, and his senses sharpen to an amazing degree. This aspect confers the following benefits: dramatic increase in perception, uncanny stealth and acrobatic abilities, and the ability to track and hunt in any terrain. He also gains low-light vision allowing him to see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. With low-light vision, he could read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to him as a source of light.
- Aspect of the Destroyer: Many races revere nature for its power to destroy, but none more so than a eiren manifesting the aspect of the destroyer. Keen predatory instincts guide the eiren attacks to the most vulnerable in his prey's opening. This aspect also confers the following benefits: increase in strength, boost in endurance, and the eiren is encompassed in an aura of intense intimidation. An attack modifier is bestowed as well when facing bloodied foes that are undead, constructs, or without nature origin.
- Timeless Certainty: When Whisper feels an external influence press upon his mind, his mind immediately and swiftly begins fighting the invasion with the ancient secrets of his primal soul. As a result, he is immune to the effects of mind control, mind-reading, etc.
| E q u i t m e n t : |
- Gaia's Defenders: Many, many, years ago... Whisper bought this pair of swords from a traveling trader, who swore Whisper would never lay his eyes, let alone his hands on a better weapon. The trader called them, Gaia's Defender, which he thought was another marketing ploy to target the high concentration of rangers and elves in the area. But true enough, the weapons were superior in their creation. Not once have the blades ever failed him in combat. Aside from reinforcing enchantments which ensure its effectiveness, Whisper hasn't made a single modification.
Whisper still uses these blades as his primary weapon. Their name coincides with his occupation, making them very befitting for his ownership. At all times they are firmly placed in a custom sheathe that is also part of his armor: one is located on the left side of his back while the other is strapped to his left hip.
- Sacred Root:This was a gift bestowed upon Whisper by the Father of of Tallgrass for his impressive bravery and numerous feats accomplished. Once manifested, the Sacred Root is no different than your average bow. What’s remarkable, is how the bow itself comes to life, literally. By taking a twig or any stick, branch, or tree root; Whisper can turn that ordinary piece of timber into a fully fledged bow. He only needs to recite the secret words taught to him by the Father of Tallgrass and the ancient magic will begin changing and twisting the simple stick into a living weapon. The stick then becomes its own life form, like any other plant or tree. He can then choose to discard the weapon and pick up a new one when convenient, however if chooses to keep the same weapon, nurture and caring for it, will make it stronger and more lethal.
The Sacred Root still has a long way to go and could go through many metamorphoses depending on how Whisper treats her. But, manifesting isn't the only thing the Sacred Root can do. She can also conceal herself, by changing into a simple vine that wraps around Whisper arm. Or she can be planted and become full grown tree of whatever species she may be. The Sacred Root can also produce unique arrow types, three of which Whisper is aware of:
Poison: An arrow once shot, can deliver poisonous venom which can kill a man in minutes if the arrow is not removed immediately; effects vary.
Growth: An arrow once shot, instantly grows and wraps around the target on impact.
Splinter: An arrow once shot, breaks apart into numerous, sharp fragments that are capable of penetrating leather and some weak iron armor.
- Avatar of Pan-Elora: Despite being his armor, it’s also a costume designed to resemble Pan-Elora, the god of nature, avatars. Who are humanoid elk creatures tasked with protecting nature and all wildlife. Taking on such an identity is perfect for his occupation and being recognized as a friendly presence. In addition to being a disguise and armored protection, it is also a highly capable ghillie suit composed of wood and leaves from the Ironbark tree. When paired with Whisper's camouflage magic, it can take on the appearance of any terrain.
When it comes to clothing, Whisper dresses for the occasion and keeps things simple. His outfits are often made from furs or other fabrics acquired from animals. When not armored, he will wear a simple leather vest with cloth trousers, and a light or heavy fur cloak depending on weather.
- Gurkha Blade: This is a curved knife, similar to the machete, used as both a tool and as a weapon. It is symbolic amongst the eiren when used as a weapon, signifying the courage and valor of the bearer in the battlefield. The blade's distinctive forward drop is intended to aid the cutting action by having the edge maintain an angle (rather like a guillotine) rather than just have a straight edge at right angles to the target, this angle provides a more "slicing" action similar to a draw-cut with a machete or saber. The Gurkha Blade is effective as both a chopping and a slashing weapon. In combat, it is used in two different styles: stabbing with the point, slashing or chopping with the edge. Because the blade bends towards the opponent, the user need not angle the wrist, which makes the Gurkha Blade more comfortable as a stabbing weapon than other straight-bladed knives. Its heavy blade enables the user to inflict deep wounds and to cut through muscle and bone. As a tool, its use has varied from building, clearing, chopping firewood, and digging to cutting meat and vegetables, skinning animals, and opening tins.