Ah, the lovely stereotypes. They seem to follow you everywhere. Either you're called "emo" or "scene" or whatever these people have come up with to bring you down. The only thing they don't know is that you just as normal as them. Just because of your clothes, your music taste, and looks are different, they seem to treat you as outcasts.
You're finally out of the prison they call "high school". You think the judgment is over, but you still get looks. It doesn't matter what they think. It only depends on how you feel. If things get to you, just remember; darlin', you'll be okay.
>First off, don't be rude. This roleplay is for fun and entertainment, this isn't to be taken seriously. Don't take anything personally if someone insults your character.
>If you aren't joining and plan to judge the people who do, go ahead. Things are meant for other people, not necessarily you.
>Watch what you say. Some people can take meanings and make them hurtful.
>NO anime characters. We can't have real life humans and an anime character running around in the city.
>I don't mind how many lines you post, just don't post one line.
>Be active please. I don't want this rp to die like all of my others. I understand that school is back for some of you and others have work, but still try to post at least once a week.
>All sexualities are accepted. It makes things better than just average, normal couples. Bring something better in it.
>Dont' have your character walking around where no one else is. Make sure they run into someone so you're included.
>Keep Swearing to a minimum.
>Fade to black for those scenes.
>No one is perfect, alright?
>Do not post until I accept your form.
>Don't go to far without me.
>Have fun! c:
Nickname(if any):
Relationship Status:
Pets(If any):