Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

10 am
"Welcome Campers!" Excitement could almost be physically seen bursting from Amber as the campers filed out of the bus. "Welcome to Camp Turtle Shell! I'm Amber and we are all so happy to have you guys here!" She grabbed a large handful of leaflets from her tote bag. "Take one and pass it along please. These are to help you learn the rules, regulations, and safety tips so that way each and every person can have the best time possible!" Getting to see their faces for the first time was her favorite part of the job. "I know everything might seem a bit confusing at first, but I just know we are all going to get along super well! I'm sure you are all tired from the bus ride, but don't worry, we have you up and energized in no time!" Amber gestured to the large field on the left. "That is the sports field where we'll be holding a small kickball game in an hour if anyone's interested. For now though go ahead and get settled in your cabins and feel free to explore! I have taken the liberty of posting who goes where on the bulletin board in the main building to my right and the cabins are on the pathway behind me. Everyone's dismissed!" That went smoothly, i'm so good at my job!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

When Darren had stepped of the bus, he was busy playing super smash bros on his Nintendo DS. Little Mac was his favourite and he was right in the middle of an awesome combo when the head of the camp started talking. He sighed as he turned off his DS and shoved it into his pocket before listening to Amber. It's too early for her to be this happy... or was it late? Darren forgot the time. He shrugged at the thought before taking the leaflet. He did indeed take one and passed it on as he began reading it. His ears perked at the sound of kickball. That sounded fun, was it like rugby? Might be worth a try. He looked around and saw the building that supposedly had the bulletin.

After Darren finally got to look at the board, he discovered he was in Cabin 10. Sounds fun. He followed the signs to the cabin and stepped inside. Darren just picked the first bed he saw and began unpacking. In retrospect, this place might not be so bad after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Around One Year Ago
The Wilson Ranch

Ian straddled 'Dollar' his prized horse into the stable as he fanned himself with his hat. He dismounted and closed the gate behind him as he exited the stable and headed towards the large wooden house that drifted to the right ever so slightly with the wind. The house was built by, Ian's great grandfather in the early 20th century. Of course, the price of owning, let alone building a 2 story house back then was much less than what it was today. And the mere fact that it had stood this long was a testament to the old guys skill as a craftsman.

He entered the house, wiping the sweat from his brow and moving into the kitchen, stopping slowly in the door way as he met his parent's gaze from their chairs behind the dining table.
"Take a seat, Ian" Spoke his mother, in a surprisingly calm voice for such a highly strung woman. This was what really got Ian's suspicions aroused. The only time he'd heard his mother speak in a tone even close to calm was during Christmas, and even then she was flustered over getting Christmas dinner ready. He sat opposite his parents, setting his hat down on the table.
"What's happened?" He asked, expecting the worst.
"Nothings happened, son it's just we have some" His father glanced at his wife, a twinge of confusion spreading across his brow. "News..." There was an awkward silence as Ian's mother regained her composure and began explaining things.
"I've been offered a job in America, Ian and I'm taking it" She said in her regular stern voice, a stark contrast to the false calm one she had put on previously.
"You're leaving?!" He practically shouted, almost jumping from his chair in shock. Another look between his parents told him there was much more going on than he was lead to believe.
"Well, that's not all I'm afraid, son" spoke his father. "You're going with your mother to America, to get a proper education." His voice was as serious as he could make it, but any detective worth his coin could hear the sadness in his tone.
"What?!" Yelled Ian, shooting up like a bullet and almost knocking his chair over. "What about Dollar? What about my mates? What about the ranch?!" His questions flew out like a machine gun, one after another never being answered until he finally stopped.
"I'll be taking care of Dollar and the ranch, Ian, I've already hired a new stable hand to help with the workload. And you'll just have to make new friends" Ian clenched his fist in a mixture of rage, shock and fear.

10 Am
Camp Turtle Shell

Ian brushed his long blond hair out of his eye as he hopped off the bus, spreading a tiny shock-wave of dust outwards as he landed on the beaten path. He carried a sports bag over his shoulder with everything he needed. He patted his pocket, checking the packet of cigarettes was still secure. He had no clue how he'd survive this place without his cigarettes. School was one thing, but a camp with an overtly joyous and bubbly councillor was another. She also seemed to be a few years older than Ian himself as well, a small smile crept over his lips at the thought of himself doing the same job in just a few years.

'Kickball' sounded alright. Ian was a bit confused as to what it was though as he thought Americans called Football soccer. He wondered if it was a different sport altogether. Nevertheless, he found his cabin number and headed there, being sure to check out any secluded areas on his way there. The camp didn't even allow mobile phones, he highly doubted they'd be alright with smoking. He opened the cabin door to see his new cabin mate. He hesitated a second, swinging his band from his shoulder and onto the nearest bed before speaking.
"Here, you don't know what kickball is do you?" He said, small talk was never one of his strong points. He unzipped his bag and began unpacking as he went on.
"Is it just football or is it like what rounders is to baseball?" He quickly grabbed the anti depressants from his bag and shoved them into his bedside cabinet, hoping that his new cabin mate hadn't seen them. As much as he bigged himself up to be someone who didn't care about appearances, he did, in fact, care about if people saw his 'medication'. He stayed in the crouched position he had taken to open the bedside cabinet and emptied a few of the pills out into his hand before pouring them out into the empty space within the cigarette packet in his pocket before returning to his regular stance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dee
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dee Who is in control?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eli shifted the duffel bag on her shoulder to a more favorable position before she stepped out of the bus. Excited chirping from someone who seemed to be in charge of this circus caused Eli's brows to furrow. She ticked another item on her mental pros-and-cons list of coming to this godforsaken camp. Excited chirping: Definitely a con. Some of the other campers that had exited before her began passing out the leaflets this Amber person handed out. It was the same generic crap she knew camp like these would spout. Another tick on the cons list. And what? She'd have to share a cabin with people she didn't even know? She knew that was the whole point of this camp, but it didn't mean she had to like it. That goes to the cons list too.

She eyed the field Amber had gestured towards. Kickball sounded like it could be fun. She could definitely use it after having sat stationary for what felt like forever, but she'd have to wait another hour for the game to even start. An almost childish urge rose up to stick out her tongue but she buried it.

"Guess I should just settle in the cabin for a while," she muttered to herself as she headed towards the bulletin board. The list wasn't that long and she found her name easily enough. Cabin 5. She'd be sharing it with a Dawn Kingston and a Dolce Parker. "Great," she drawled, her eyes rolling in their sockets. She headed towards the cabin, spotting the five easily enough. It wasn't all that horrible, she had to admit. It had a rather homely feel to it and reminded Eli of barracks. At least she'd be sleeping somewhere comfortable. She ticked that on the pros list.

She was the first to arrive in the cabin, surprisingly enough. She dropped her bag on one of the beds in the back of the cabin. A little privacy that she could afford herself. She plopped down on the bed and began to tap her finger rhythmically on the bars, drumming up a tune in her head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For Kalliades the ride to the turtle shell was surprisingly fast. he thought it will take them a whole day to get here. As he exited the bus he was immediately handed a leaflet of the camp. He tried to tune out the loud lady, also he wanted to ask her to talk a little slower. But by the time he thought about it the little lady was already done talking.

For starters he decided to go check the main building and the bulletin board. As he slowly walked, allowing others to go forward, towards it he was a little confused. Most were small and looked allot like they came from a middle school. He was hoping he could meet someone like himself here, but realised he wont. He entered the main building, and was relieved when he didn't need to search for the bulletin board. "Ah there i am, in the same room as Ian Scott-Wilson and Darren Jones. I hope they're nice fellas." As he was talking to himself, he decided not to go to the cabin just yet. Thinking the other two boys, have mostly likely already gone there it might be crowded if he would intrude as well. Deciding to look around the camp, he began with exploring the main building. First he went to the cafeteria where he dropped his bag, put on his doop skates, took his suitcase and put on a bright red cowboy hat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Anddddd we're here!" Dawn nudged the person she was sitting on the bus with, with not much more of a grunt in return by the sleepy and probably aggravated seat mate. "Well, see ya later!" Dawn called after him as he scurried off the bus away from her.

Grabbing her backpack she fastened it safely on her back and strolled down the aisle, her bright green eyes were glancing out every window as she passed; gathering only the last bits and pieces of the happy counselor's speech. As the petite girl hopped off the last step she was given a leaflet similar to the one they had sent out originally but this one contained a little bit more information. "Cool" Dawn cooed excitedly as she took off towards the bulletin board to see where she would be staying and who she'd be staying with.

She wasn't too interested in kickball, but intended on joining anyways.

Her pixie cut of bright pink hair (originally blonde) was cocked to the side as she read the cabin information. "Cool!" she exclaimed again. Dawn wasn't the brightest of girls, but she made up for it with creativity and silliness. Without much hesitation Dawn made her way towards cabin number five, hoping the two other girls she had been assigned to room with, weren't too bad.

Bursting through the door, Dawn met eyes with her first cabin mate of the summer, "Yooo!" Dawn called enthusiastically as she removed her backpack and waddled over to the middle bed. Laying her bag down upon it she quickly climbed up into the bed and began pulling out her items very messily. With quite the mess on her bed now, she turned to the other girl with a cheeky grin, "So, hey. I'm Dawn. Dawn Kingston. Are you Elizabeth or are you Dolce? I think you're an Elizabeth cause you don't very much look like a Dolce." Dawn's eyes went up and down the girl's body, "Well.. maybe." she thought, her tongue slightly sticking out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sitting all the way in the back was Dan or Dead Dan as his friends like reefer to him had during his time on the bus had let his mind slip away, all the while he bopped his head and quietly rapped along with Danny Brown well he was doing that when he noticed that the bus had stopped. so he pressed the pause button his I-Pod "Where already here? i thought the drive would have taken at least two hours" he said as he stood up then picked up Monk's cage and put it under his arm, he then grabbed the rest of his stuff and cane.

as he stepped out of the bus he was handed a pamphlet and what it said about the camp made it look pretty fucking sweet, but he had to groan at the mention of kickball while he knew it was optional and he had no problems with physical activity, No it was just he had really shitty luck when it came to games involving balls because people tended to think because of his great height he would make excellent goally or a good basketball player, also his sunglasses aren't cheap.

but he just tried to ignore his annoyance and tried to find his cabin which according to bulletin bored he was shearing it with three other dudes 'i wonder if someone here plays dungeons and dragons' he thought as headed towards his cabin
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

When some guy with an Australian accent walked in, Darren was already busy punching Kirby off of the stage. He flipped down the DS and sat up as he asked about kickball. "I'm not too sure myself pal." He said as he stood up. He walked over and held out his hand. "I'm Darren, gamer and massive nerd, you?" He asked. This guy seemed cool enough, very quick to hide something and shove it in his desk but hey, who is Darren to judge? Darren hoped kickball would be fun, and not something dumb like baseball or football. Soccer would suck too, especially if there was anyone from Britain like him when he come over from America, which was evident in his own accent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 "Cabin 10 well this must be the right place Huh Monk?" Dan was bit nervous to be honest 'what if they don't like me?' Dan's Smile faltered a little at the thought but it quickly returned when he shook away such thought.

Then he noticed something he his hands were full so he couldn't open the door, so he just knocked on the door with his foot "Uh is someone in there? If so could you open the door for me? my Hands are kind of full here dudes" Dan said then he proceeded to wait for response
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ian's eyes glanced at, Darren's game system. Ian was never really a fan of video games, but he did find it surprising that he had thought of sneaking his cigarettes in, but hadn't thought of sneaking his phone in or other electronics like the lad in front of him. He was kind of surprised when the guy got up and gave him a straight up summary of who he was.

Ian scratched his wrist, staring at the hand for a second before shaking it and moving his hand back into his pocket.
"Uh" He stammered "I'm Ian, I suppose I like the footie and that, I ride horses sometimes too I guess but not so much now since I moved to America" He explained, scratching the back of his head. He glanced at his watch, he hoped he wouldn't have had to make small talk much longer. Just then, the door knocked and a voice called out from behind it.

Ian moved over to the door, opening it and staring at the goliath of a man standing behind it. He took a second to register what was happening and then moved to the side to let him in. He regained his composture and introduced himself.
"Alright mate, I'm Ian and that's Darren." He closed the door behind the giant before leaning against the wall.
"So do you lot want to do anything? We've got an hour to kill so we may as well take a look around the camp if you lot are up for it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Mr_pink "Well Uh its Nice to meet you both, my name is Danial Mortcraft but most of my friends call Dead Dan which i got because of my habit of playing Necromancers in our D&D Campaigns or whenever its an option in video games" Dan said as he placed his bag on the top bunk and Monks cage on the nightstand.

he then picked up the aforementioned tarantula and showed him to Ian "And this Monk he's my best bro you wanna pet him?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ian opened the door slightly, peering out of the crack and out into the outside world. He was itching to get out and do something, he couldn't stand having to wait an hour in a stuffy cabin like this. He shook his other hand, turning to 'Dead Dan' with a slight grin. He was holding back his laughter to be honest.
"I think I'll just call you, Dan to be honest" He said, turning back to the crack in the door. His eye glanced down to the spider before his full attention was turned to it and he backed up slightly against the wall.
"If you put that anywhere near me we're going to come to hands, mate, just saying" He spoke, his tone entirely serious. His brow furrowed as he stared into the outside world once more. He scratched his forearm before turning back to the two.

"I'm gonna head outside for a bit, I'll see you at the 'kickball' game if I don't see you before" He explained before opening the door wide and exiting out into the world. His eyes scanned the area like a meerkat would scan the Savannah. He patted his pocket before checking left and right and breaking into a slow jog. He checked around the cabins for a bit, before taking his place in between two of the cabins and retrieving his cigarettes from his pocket.

So far, he had met one extremely loud and bubbly counsellor, one strangely outgoing nerd and a giant who kept a spider as a pet. Suffice to say he didn't exactly know how he was going to survive in a place like this. He raised the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, but kept checking the corners for any wandering staff members who could potentially get him into trouble for smoking of all things. He stared back down into the packet of cigarettes and at the two pills that sat in the space between two cigarettes. He stuffed the box back into his pocket and kept checking his corners, now wasn't the time for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dee
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dee Who is in control?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eli looked up when she'd heard the door slam open and bit back a groan. Pink hair and a bright smile, the girl that entered the cabin looked exactly like a person Eli never wanted to share an enclosed space with. Then again, with her dyed blue hair and attitude, she couldn't say much. Still, it only pushed her point. Her and this girl? In the same cabin? Nope, nothing good could come of it.

When the girl dumped her things on her chosen bed, Eli took to ignoring her. Obviously, that wasn't going to work as the girl - who'd so enthusiastically introduced herself as Dawn - began to strike up a conversation with her. With an audible groan this time, Eli turned to Dawn with a withering glare. "Eli. It's Eli, not Elizabeth." She almost rolled her eyes but refrained. She prayed to whoever was listening that their other cabin mate would be more... docile.

With a long, drawn out sigh, Eli stood from her bed and wiggled out of her shirt - not caring at all that another person was there. Tossing her shirt on the bed, she dug through her things and pulled out a white tank top. When she was done changing, she turned back to Dawn. "Look. I'm not planning on hanging around here and playing twenty questions or whatever. If I'm going to be stuck in this camp, I'd better know the area." She shrugged as she walked past Dawn and to the door. "If you want to stay here and wait for the other girl to make sure she looks like a Dolce and not an Elizabeth, then feel free. I'm going to explore."

She paused with her hand on the door and looked over her shoulder at her cabin mate. Perhaps she hadn't made a good first impression - pushing her displeasure on being manipulated to go to the camp on the unsuspecting girl - and had been rather rude. "You can join me if you want," she added almost offhandedly before tossing a wink towards Dawn. With a light chuckle, she headed outside.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Eli. It's Eli, not Elizabeth."

Dawn stared, her tongue slipping quick into her mouth and parting to speak, "Well that's not what the paper on the bulletin board sa-" she began before stopping mid sentence. Her mother had told her multiple times that things often weren't always the way they appeared to be.

Turning her head quickly not to be too rude as the girl changed, it wasn't long before Eli began speaking and Dawn returned her deer in the headlights gaze as the girl began, "Look. I'm not planning on hanging around here and playing twenty questions or whatever. If I'm going to be stuck in this camp, I'd better know the area." Dawn watched from her bed as Eli got up and walked towards the door, she continued speaking before Dawn could get another word out, "If you want to stay here and wait for the other girl to make sure she looks like a Dolce and not an Elizabeth, then feel free. I'm going to explore."

Dawn's mouth was agape as she was struck speechless for one of the first times in her life. This girl was definitely not a Dolce after all. Unbeknownst to herself she was clenching the bottom of her grey and white striped tank top nervously. Most people ignored her silly antics, it wasn't often she was greeted with such confrontation.

"You can join me if you want." Eli added before stepping outside the door. Had that been a wink? Perhaps the girl had been kidding after all! Without hesitation Dawn bolted from her bed, leaving some of her clothes dropped to the floor. "Wait for me!" she yelled and followed quickly behind Elizabeth.

A puff of air escaped her soft pink lips as she took pace with the girl, walking away from their cabin. Dawn shoved both hands into the pockets of her dark washed skinnies, her white plain tennis shoes kicking up some rocks before she began blabbering again, "I'll remember to call you Eli from now on. I'm sorry." she commented harmlessly, side glancing at the girl before continuing, "Do you think they sorted us by hair color?" Dawn asked letting out a snort, laughing at her own terrible joke. "I'm just teasing you know, I don't think they'd do that, but I guess we will see!" she chuckled again softly, hoping Eli hadn't regretted inviting her with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Russell rushed out of the stable He had hoped to be finished before the kids got here, but he figured better late than never. He regularly looked down at his clipboard Amber gave him. It was pretty useful since it listed all the activities and had a roster of the campers on it. As he jumped up to cabin 10 he heard people talking. Russ took a minute to catch his breath then he opened the door. As he entered he rubbed then back of his head and said "Hey guys, sorry i'm late!" A grin spread across his face "I'm Russell, Counselor for cabin 10, how are you guys doing?" He stuck out both looked like good kids.

With today's lunch finishing up in the oven and a bit of time to kill, Erick decided it was break time. He meandered his way into the cafeteria. Shaw took out a cig and lit up. Luckily Amber was busy down at the lake front today, so she wouldn't be here to tell him off. He glanced up to see someone sitting in the room already. Noticing the luggage he had to assume he was a camper, thought he was a bit taller then most. "Hey, it's still awhile until lunch." Shaw went at sat with him. "Everything alright?"

Olivia was finishing up setting the bases at the sports field. She looked up at the cabins and saw two girls coming out of cabin 5. One with bright blue hair, and one with bright pink hair. "Great...I'm going to be spending my summer entertaining the cotton candy crusade. I'm going to need a drink later." She casually tossed the ball somewhere in the middle of the field and flopped on the ground. And there she would wait for campers.

-to no one in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After Kalliades made couple of small turns on his skates, he realised not everything is set to his current shoes. Letting out a long sight he sat back down, took of the skates, hoping all they needed was a quick fix, so he could be on his way rushing through the camp. Just as he managed to put off both skates someone approached him. "Hey, it's still awhile until lunch. Everything alright?". This made Kalliades jerk a little. He was surprised that someone came and started a conversation with him so casually. Since at his previous schools most people avoided him as much as possible.

"Yeah im fine, just wanted a place to put my bags for the moment. Didn't want to make the cabin too crowded." He said as he stood up. "I'm Kalliades." He extended his hand, and a big smile grew on his face. Since it seems people here are nice kalliades didn't want to offend anyone neither have any bad relations. "im guess you are one of the campers as well?" Though he asked that he was not too sure about it. This person did casually walk to Kalli, and had a cigarette, but at teh same time he was small and looked very young.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So that's a no then?" Said Dan who was a bit miffed by Ian's reaction but let it slide and Sat down on the lower bunk which was across from Darren's bed and tried he tried to relax but he couldn't for he noticed that Monk was attempting to climb up his owner's arm, but he was having little luck in the said task. So Dan the ever helpful to those smaller than him picked up the spider and moved him to his desired location, Dan's head.

Monk proceeded nuzzle himself into a Comfortable position much like a dog would. Dan Chuckled at his Pet's behavior and stood up then proceeded to head towards the door but stopped when it opened up reveling a dark haired man in his Early Twenties who introduced himself and asking how they where doing. "Pretty fucking good Bro, But could you perhaps move. me and Monk want to get some fresh air" doing as asked Russel moved to side to let the giant Teen pass, Dan grabbed his cane and headed out the door
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 28 days ago

"Sierra? Sierra! Wake up! We're here!"

The annoying hissing in Sierra's ear came from her sister Chloe, who was announcing that they had arrived at Camp Turtle Shell. Begrudgingly, Sierra opened her eyes, only to see her sister already halfway down the aisle of the bus, dragging her huge pink and white polka dot suitcase behind her. Chloe, ever the diva, had packed as much of her summer outfits as she could, resulting in her bringing a suitcase of clothes and beauty products, along with a matching duffle bag filled to the brim with footwear. Sierra'd had a field day of laughter at what she thought was Chloe's exaggeration, but had to swallow her words when her own luggage didn't fit into just one suitcase. With a deep sigh, Sierra got up from her seat, grabbed her dark red suitcase and duffle bag and followed her sister out of the bus.

This whole summer camp thing had taken the twins by surprise. Going to camp had been something they looked forward to every year; but then they became teenagers with close-knit groups of friends, and suddenly leaving the comfort of their homes and not seeing their friends for more than a month wasn't a very fun way for Chloe and Sierra to spend the summer. The summers after their thirteenth birthday were now spent in constant sleepovers, parties (in Chloe's case), rock shows (in Sierra's case), vacationing with friends or just staying inside all day watching series, movies or playing video games. Much to the twins' dismay, Mr. and Mrs. Jameson got tired of their daughters being more out than inside the house and being sedentary when they were in, so they decided to send them away to camp as a sort of punishment and way to make them connect a little more with nature and others. When they heard the news, Chloe threw one of her drama-queen tantrums in attempts to make her parents change their minds, but it was time wasted. Sierra, on the other had, had simply trudged back to her room and sulked quietly until it was time to go.

When the twins were out of the bus, they were greeted by an overly enthusiastic counselor that made Chloe raise her eyebrows and Sierra to roll her eyes in annoyance. A fellow camper passed them a flyer before walking away to the bulletin board to check his assigned cabin like the rest of the campers. When Chloe scanned the flyer's contents, she let out a little shriek.

"'No electronics allowed?!'" she said in a high-pitched voice, looking at her sister with her mouth open. "Do these people really think I'll go that long without Twitter or Instagram?! I'll lose all my followers!"

Sierra scowled at her sister. "Chlo, did you really think you'd be allowed to have your cel here?" she asked her in a bored voice. "I bet there's not even signal here."

Chloe closed her eyes and held a hand to her heart as if Sierra had said something hurtful. "Si, don't say things like that! You can't lose faith yet!"

Sierra sighed again. "I lost all my faith when my parents decided to send me away from my PS4 and all the horror movies I'll be missing out on. Do you know how much it hurts that I won't be able to find out what happens in my Until Dawn game play for more than a month? THAT is painful."

Chloe gave Sierra a disbelieving look. "Seriously? You're worried about a stupid game? How about you worry about something more critical, like, I don't know, staying in contact with the rest of the world?!"

Sierra rolled her eyes again. "Give it a rest, Chloe. The cheerleading team isn't going to kick you out for not posting enough selfies during the summer. Now let's move on to see where the hell we'll be sleeping here."

The girls made their way to the bulletin board and scanned the papers, checking to see to which cabin they had been assigned to.

A smirk crept up on Sierra's dark red lips. "Well, at least we have one thing going for us: we won't be sharing cabins for a change."

Chloe smiled at her sister. "A Sierra detox... I guess things won't be so bad after all."

They both giggled, exchanged hugs and separated to walk to their respective cabins.

When she opened the cabin door, Chloe's heart sank. There was no air conditioning, no full-length mirror, no TV and no queen-sized bed. To try and raise her spirits, she decided to choose the bottom bunk of the bed that was furthest from the door. She set her bags in the floor next to her bunk and softly threw herself backwards on the bed. She got her phone out of her pocket in the hopes that Sierra had been wrong about not having signal in the camp, but had her hopes crushed when she read the haunting words "No Service" in the screen. She was busy trying every possible way to get some signal on her phone when the distinctive smell of cigarette smoke filled her cabin. She made a disgusted face. If there was something she hated, it was having whichever room she was in stinking of something that wasn't fruity, sweet or floral. With an annoyed sigh, Chloe got up from the bed and searched her bulging suitcase until she found a bottle of body splash. She drenched the whole room in a coconut-scented mist, but the stubborn cigarette scent wouldn't go away.

'This has got to stop.' she thought in frustration as she walked out of her cabin and began to look around for the culprit. It wasn't long before she found herself facing a man's back right in the space of trees that separated her cabin from the next one. Smoke was rising from where he stood, and the smell intensified at Chloe's every step towards him.

When she was right behind him, Chloe deliberately tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, but can you perhaps try to smoke that damn thing somewhere else?" Chloe asked the male in a snobby voice. "It's filling up my cabin with that disgusting smell." She crossed her arms in front of her and began to tap her feet against the ground, waiting for an answer, her pink lips pursed into an adorable pout that contrasted with her scowl. @Mr_pink

Meanwhile, Sierra made her way to cabin, surprisingly starting to see the potential in her surroundings. As she walked, she made sure to look around for secluded spots she could run off to for the company of some good music. She was about to reach her cabin, but was stopped short at the sight of a huge, muscular pale kid leaving the cabin next to hers. The guy had to be more than seven feet tall, with brown hair pulled into a pony tail, a short goatee, purple skeleton print hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, and underneath it a white wife-beater with a Red Hatchetman printed on it. He reminded Sierra of a biker, and the sunglasses covering his eyes only added to that.

And then her eyes fell on the insect on the guy's head.

"Oh my God, is that a fucking tarantula?!" she exclaimed, unable to mask her excitement with the usual nonchalant attitude. She dropped her suitcase and duffle bag and ran in the guy's direction. "Duuuuuuuude, I've always wanted one of those!" @Billsomething
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ian's cigarette was about halfway done when he peered back down into the cigarette packet and at the pills yet again. He stuffed them back into his pocket and pulled out his old, rusted zippo lighter. It was a memento from his grandfather who had served in the military long ago. It used to have an inscription, but it had long since faded, a few words could be made out here or there, but it was largely unintelligible. He tossed it in the air in the hopes of being able to catch it.

A cog was thrown into this plan when he received a tap on the shoulder. It startled him slightly and he ended up brushing the lighter with the hand he intended to catch it and was forced to trip forward and do a sort of defacto juggling act to catch it. He turned, a grimace having grown on his face as he pushed some hair that had gotten misplaced in the act out of his face. He soon regained his composure though, and stuck his hands in his pockets, lighter still in hand as he walked back to the girl who had tapped his shoulder.

Surprisingly enough to him, she wanted him to smoke his cigarette elsewhere. A slightly confused look flashed across his visage for a second or so before he turned his head to look at the open window that his smoke was lightly drifting into. A smirk grew upon his face, he took out his cigarette between his finger and blew what smoke remained in his mouth out the side of said mouth.
"I mean I suppose I could" He spoke, his voice as monotone as ever. "But you could also close that window up there" He explained, pointing to said window with the hand he held his cigarette in. "Or alternatively just enjoy the fresh alpine breeze mixed with the heavenly scent of nicotine" He joked, a grin replacing the cocky smirk. He scratched his nose with his thumb before speaking for a last time. "That being said, I'm nothing if not a dandy old gentleman. Care for a cigarette yourself? Or must I put out this wee thing?" His masquerade of being posh had been blown by that small synonym of 'little' at the end, he hoped it hadn't been noticed. Staying true to his word, Ian retrieved the packet of cigarettes from his pocket, flipped the lid open with his thumb and offered them to the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Billsomething
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh my God, is that a fucking tarantula?!" she exclaimed, unable to mask her excitement with the usual nonchalant attitude. She dropped her suitcase and duffle bag and ran in the guy's direction. "Duuuuuuuude, I've always wanted one of those!"

Dan was just Chilling by Rapping Along to Juggalo Island By Insane Clown Posse "I got my dick in you're Hot-dog Bun" well he was until he heard someone shout about Monk. So he Paused his Tune and saw some chick run towards him, She seemed pretty excited About monk

"Really i thought i wouldn't meet another person who would like spiders" Dan was pleasantly surprised at finding someone who enjoyed spiders like he did. he especially liked the fact that was a chick "Yeah spiders are awesome and this bro name is Monk" Grabbing the aforementioned Tarantula and holding it out to her "you wanna pet? also my Friends call me Dead Dan"
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