Hello, I'm new to the site but not to play by post. Although it has been some time and I'm a bit rusty, but that's exactly why I'm here. I've recently started roleplaying again about a year ago after close to a decade off the hobby. I started playing when I was very young, maybe seven or eight. It was just AD&D at first but I played a long list of systems and settings all through high school. At the moment I am running a Star Wars EotE game for a group of friends, all of them are new to roleplaying and initially got me back into it by expressing interest in trying D&D. My campaign is going well and one of the players has now game mastered his fourth session of a Force and Destiny campaign with a second player expressing interest in running a third. With three games going what am I doing here? Well I've still got the bug and a lot of lost time to make up for. Since I work overnight I tend to have a bit of free time late at night while the city sleeps so posting regularly won't be a problem. I am moving at the end of November but that shouldn't affect my internet access.