The Heroes
Knight-Captain Evelyn Sunderland

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Rank: Knight-Captain
Denied of any real bond her parents, Evelyn tends to put the needs of others above her own. In some situations she's gone so far as to risk her own life to protect the innocent, an ideal she adopted after spending her first months in the order patrolling the less protected regions of the kingdom. However that does not mean she is a naive, overly optimistic individual. In fact Evelyn is quite a focused and composed individual with genuine care for those under her command. Above all things she hates those who prey upon the innocent however she does tend to offer them mercy as her ideology follows closely the teachings of Altaia, the goddess of compassion.
First born and only daughter of Lord Theran Sunderland and Lady Irea of House Naermont, Evelyn Sunderland would know only adversity throughout her life. From birth it was fated that she'd inherit her father's title as Wardeness of Southern Farendar. All the land from The Red Shores in the South to The Southern Mirastian Mountain Pass further north would be hers to rule upon her father's death. With such responsibility to be bestowed upon her from the time she could walk Evelyn was trained to take on the mantle of Wardeness. Her entire childhood would be comprised of training in court etiquette, trade, politics, warfare strategy, combat, all the qualities need for a Lady of the South. Ever since its founding House Sunderland has defended the Southern half of the kingdom from countless Nalrokar incursions along with various Talmer bandit raids. The Great War proved to the realm that House Sutherland was more than just a shield for as the Nalrokar advanced inland along the eastern shore, southern Farendar held for the entirety of the war.
Evelyn knew not what it meant to be a child, to enjoy the company of other children and the joys of youth. Her whole life was for the realm and her life's purpose was taken from her upon the birth of her younger brother, Lord Damen of House Sunderland. Evelyn's birthright had been stolen from her, her purpose for being was wiped from existence. As a result, Evelyn was left to be used in the more traditional fashion, a bride to secure an alliance with neighboring lords. For years she argued viciously with her parents and it wasn't until she was nineteen was her salvation realized. Evelyn had an affinity with magic, because of this her parents revoked their original plan of marrying her off. Instead they gave her to The Order of The Dawn Covenant in the hopes she'd bring honor and glory to her house.
In truth The Order was anything but a gilded guild of warriors. These brave men and women fought, some their entire lives, in defense against the numerous abominations across the continent. If not battling monsters The Order would protect the innocent from those who'd do them harm, care for any unfortunate soul in need or aid, investigate any magic related crime, and so much more. When Evelyn arrived at The Order's Fortress, "Starwatch", she was immediately thrown into training. Fortunately her childhood being spent practicing such things gave her an edge and by the time she was twenty-one she had completed her training a year ahead of her peers. At first she was merely an acolyte but after years of service Evelyn would reach the rank of Knight-Captain at the age of twenty-seven. Recently she'd been the Knight-Captain of The Gate, commanding a force of several hundred Templars stationed at the central Mirastian Mountain Pass. Currently her position is at Starwatch in the north where The Order prepares for war.
Evelyn knew not what it meant to be a child, to enjoy the company of other children and the joys of youth. Her whole life was for the realm and her life's purpose was taken from her upon the birth of her younger brother, Lord Damen of House Sunderland. Evelyn's birthright had been stolen from her, her purpose for being was wiped from existence. As a result, Evelyn was left to be used in the more traditional fashion, a bride to secure an alliance with neighboring lords. For years she argued viciously with her parents and it wasn't until she was nineteen was her salvation realized. Evelyn had an affinity with magic, because of this her parents revoked their original plan of marrying her off. Instead they gave her to The Order of The Dawn Covenant in the hopes she'd bring honor and glory to her house.
In truth The Order was anything but a gilded guild of warriors. These brave men and women fought, some their entire lives, in defense against the numerous abominations across the continent. If not battling monsters The Order would protect the innocent from those who'd do them harm, care for any unfortunate soul in need or aid, investigate any magic related crime, and so much more. When Evelyn arrived at The Order's Fortress, "Starwatch", she was immediately thrown into training. Fortunately her childhood being spent practicing such things gave her an edge and by the time she was twenty-one she had completed her training a year ahead of her peers. At first she was merely an acolyte but after years of service Evelyn would reach the rank of Knight-Captain at the age of twenty-seven. Recently she'd been the Knight-Captain of The Gate, commanding a force of several hundred Templars stationed at the central Mirastian Mountain Pass. Currently her position is at Starwatch in the north where The Order prepares for war.
- Sword of The Knight-Captain
- Shield of The Dawn
- Dagger of Justice and Mercy
- Electromancy/Chain Lightening- When cast causes a surge of electricity to leap from one enemy to another, amount of jumps depends on magicka reserve levels.
- Restoration Magic/Healing Hands- Heals the damaged area of wherever the caster has placed their hand.

Post Example
The sun had just risen over the horizon when Evelyn finally finished collecting her possessions. Her life, who she was and where she'd come from, had to fit all in one pack. Traditionally there'd been a feast the night prior to wish good fortune to the departing but for Evelyn there had been no feast. The halls of her family's castle were silent and echoed only the footsteps of the guards on patrol. Yet for Evelyn, she felt no sorrow as she watched the sun rise with its blood orange rays streaking across the partially cloudy sky. Instead she felt a sense of hope amidst the fear that was forming in her heart. "This will most likely be the last time I see the sunrise from this window...", she spoke but there was no one to hear, there never was anyone to hear. Just then the door to her chamber slowly swung open to reveal a young boy with tears rolling down his face.
"It's my fault you're leaving...", he said as he tried to hold back further tears from being shed. Evelyn quickly walked over to her brother before wiping away the tears from his cheeks. "Who fed you such lies little brother?", Evelyn hugged Damen hoping to comfort him in their last moments together. It only made Damen cry more as he sensed this would be the last time they would see each other. Though he struggled, the young lord managed to control his sobbing long enough to speak, "I heard Master Oeric last night, he said you were to be Wardeness until I was born. He said I stole your birthright and now you're being sent away because of me". At this point Damen as once again on the verge of tears but before he could continue Evelyn hushed him before hugging him again once more.
"Master Oeric is not one to think before he speaks. Remember when House Lorinth visited us and what Oeric said to the lord's son?"
Damen smiled slightly through his tears as he answered, "He said he looked like a half shaven boar"
"And father spent the rest of the night convincing Lord Iedan that Oeric was drunk. Keep that in mind next time you hear him say things like that"
"Why are you leaving then, Evey?"
There was a momentary pause as Evelyn thought of a reason other than the truth. The truth was that Damen did steal the throne from her and it was true that she was being sent away to be of some other use to the family. "Father and Mother want me to join the Templars so I can protect our family", Evelyn answered trying to sound genuine in her response.
"Why can't you protect us from here then?", Damen asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"Because then I could only protect you from bad men nearby, those we already know about. What happens when bad men from far away come to hurt our family? We won't see thm till it's too late. That's why I'm leaving to join the Templars, so that I may protect you till you become Lord of House Sunderland"
"I don't want you to go, if you go then I won't see you..."
"Fear not little brother, we'll see each other again", Evelyn hugged her brother one last time before heading down to the courtyard where her Templar escort awaited.
Theme Song: Agent of Justice
Kaathe Oolacile

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Rank: Knight Templar
Personality: In a word: Pessimistic. Due to a traumatizing experience earlier in his life, he had forced almost all sense of caring out of his mind. Though he thinks logically, and would still attempt to help someone when needed, he has resigned himself to allowing fate to go whichever direction it wishes. The deaths of others-and even the thought of his own demise-slightly amuses him, as it only proves to him that he may have been right to discard that caring.
Bio: Born in one of the cities of the larger islands of Nalrokar, Kaathe was expected to grow to become one of the strongest in their city. Unfortunately, that was not what he was. Physically, he was weaker than most, and as such, he was constantly berated and beaten. More than once, he found himself in a dispute that left him limping and bleeding after it's resolve.
When he was younger, he tried to get stronger. Learning all that he could in order to prove that he was strong. Of course, his losing streak would not be deterred by this determination. Still, he continued to move forward. Going on with his futile goal.
Eventually, he had gotten into such trouble that he was dying on the ground, a failure. It was at this moment, where he took a look at his life. What had he done? What was the point? Why was he so afraid to lose? Was it death? Was it because he would find himself in a situation just like this one if he hadn't gotten stronger? Well, there he was, and he didn't care.
It was all idiotic anyway. Why try to do something when fate clearly meant for you to do something else? It was a waste of time. His life had been a waste of time.
He survived that little experience, but now he had lost all manner of caring. He would do whatever would normally do, only this time just on a whim. He accepted anything that happened, and simply moved on. It was in the Past anyway. It wasn't his problem anymore. The next time he found himself in a fight, he won. Apparently his new outlook on life had granted him a calmer mind, and a clearer sight. He easily overpowered his opponent with what he learned. Funny how fate works. When he wanted to win, he lost. Now that he could care less, he tastes victory...and it tasted like the air he had been breathing from the moment he was born.
As all others from his near-death experience onward, he joined the covenant on a whim. It was because of this, he had never gone up in rank. Not that he would care, anyway.


- Illusion/Nostalgic Moment (Creates an illusion out of the memory of the user. It lasts for a maximum of two minutes)
- Cryomancy/Freezing Imbuement (imbues an inanimate object with freezing properties)
- Cryomancy/Liquid Tendrils (Creates up to 4 tendrils of water that extend to a maximum of 7 feet, provided there is a significant source of water nearby to craft them out of)
None yet!
Post Example:
The squires, the pages, the initiates...they walked onward in the light of day, going about their training and duties. As one would expect, a majority of these youths were excitable, and fantasized about slaying beasts and monsters becoming heroes and legends. How innocent of them. Even when enduring their training and lessons, they dream of how they would earn such titles.
One of these youths was simply making her way, when she had noticed a Dark Elven knight, sitting alone. Curious, she approached him. Her curiosity only grew when she noticed that the knight had a conflicting look on his face. His eyes were half-closed, with a look of melancholy shadowing over them. However, his mouth was slightly curved into a small grin. The girl was confused, as the two expressive looks seemed too incompatible to simultaneously exist on the same face.
Intending to satisfy her curiosity, she looked at him and asked,
"Excuse me, milord. But may I ask you something?"
"What is it?" replied the knight.
"It's just that, you seem to be hiding your sorrow. Why is that? What happened?"
The knight looked at the girl for a moment, and then chuckled quietly.
"You think yourself a good judge of character, child? You seem to have missed your mark this time."
The girl was even more confused.
"It's just these new knights I had passed earlier. They were talking to each other about how they were looking forward to combating strong monsters...How inexperienced. They'll likely meet their deaths once they find how powerful beasts can be. It's a shame really. They might have been dreaming about a chance like this all their lives. Oh well. Whatever happens to them happens, and they will return different than when they leave."
"Sir, why would you say such things?" said the girl, astonished.
"Because it is the truth. There is no guarantee of safe return, and dreams of glory will only hinder them in their little battle. Dreams have no place where they will go. Still, the inexperienced and the foolish will go. Some will die, and others will be broken, but they will move ever onward, I suppose."
The girl looked down. She was regretting ever coming into contact with this knight. The dark elf saw this, and spoke again.
"If you wish to be a knight that survives battles, you must accept the fact that you may die. You must take on the gravity of every battle you have fought, are fighting, and will fight. You will be hurt, placed in bleak situations, and even face your death, but this is a given. Accept them, and you may live through your battles. Cast a blind eye, and you will certainly meet some sort of end. Whatever the case, it matters not to me. Do what you will. Whatever happens will happen. It's no concern of mine."
The girl, now with something to think on, thanked the knight for his time. As she began to leave, she had found that she had not asked his name. So she returned to him and did just that.
"Does it really matter? I'm one of the less memorable knights...fine. My name is Kaathe."
The girl tilted her head at the strangeness of his name.
"Now go. I've a headache from this one-sided conversation."
The girl nodded, and walked off, back to her duties. Kaathe simply continued to look down, and think to himself once more.
One of these youths was simply making her way, when she had noticed a Dark Elven knight, sitting alone. Curious, she approached him. Her curiosity only grew when she noticed that the knight had a conflicting look on his face. His eyes were half-closed, with a look of melancholy shadowing over them. However, his mouth was slightly curved into a small grin. The girl was confused, as the two expressive looks seemed too incompatible to simultaneously exist on the same face.
Intending to satisfy her curiosity, she looked at him and asked,
"Excuse me, milord. But may I ask you something?"
"What is it?" replied the knight.
"It's just that, you seem to be hiding your sorrow. Why is that? What happened?"
The knight looked at the girl for a moment, and then chuckled quietly.
"You think yourself a good judge of character, child? You seem to have missed your mark this time."
The girl was even more confused.
"It's just these new knights I had passed earlier. They were talking to each other about how they were looking forward to combating strong monsters...How inexperienced. They'll likely meet their deaths once they find how powerful beasts can be. It's a shame really. They might have been dreaming about a chance like this all their lives. Oh well. Whatever happens to them happens, and they will return different than when they leave."
"Sir, why would you say such things?" said the girl, astonished.
"Because it is the truth. There is no guarantee of safe return, and dreams of glory will only hinder them in their little battle. Dreams have no place where they will go. Still, the inexperienced and the foolish will go. Some will die, and others will be broken, but they will move ever onward, I suppose."
The girl looked down. She was regretting ever coming into contact with this knight. The dark elf saw this, and spoke again.
"If you wish to be a knight that survives battles, you must accept the fact that you may die. You must take on the gravity of every battle you have fought, are fighting, and will fight. You will be hurt, placed in bleak situations, and even face your death, but this is a given. Accept them, and you may live through your battles. Cast a blind eye, and you will certainly meet some sort of end. Whatever the case, it matters not to me. Do what you will. Whatever happens will happen. It's no concern of mine."
The girl, now with something to think on, thanked the knight for his time. As she began to leave, she had found that she had not asked his name. So she returned to him and did just that.
"Does it really matter? I'm one of the less memorable knights...fine. My name is Kaathe."
The girl tilted her head at the strangeness of his name.
"Now go. I've a headache from this one-sided conversation."
The girl nodded, and walked off, back to her duties. Kaathe simply continued to look down, and think to himself once more.
Theme Song:

Name: Glodin Stonequarry
Age(20 and up): 75 (equivalent to human age of 20)
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Rank:(No rank higher than Knight-Lieutenant): just plain Knight
Personality: Hard headed, gruff, strait to the point.
Bio: The Stonequarry family were esteemed blacksmiths, some say they were the best in the land before Torin, Glodin's eldest brother, became head of the clan. He took the clan in a more mercantile direction and made the clan pretty wealthy, at the loss of the prestine craft of their forefathers and the secret of runic smithing. Before Glodin's father's passing, he passed down the clan and house to Torin, but he passed down his hammer and journal to the very young Glodin.
Years later after the forge in his home was converted into an oversized stove/heater, Glodin stumbled upon his father's journal once again and decided to read it. Using his father's forge, tools, and notes his father left; he learned how to smith metal into weapons, armor, and jewelry. Without the guidance of his father or a mentor, his skill has only just reached a point above standard. Since his start at smithing he had been trying to regain the former reputation of the clan and it's skill in crafts. He had joined the Knights with the hope of making a name for himself and reviving the old ways of the Stonequarry family.
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): Glodin's main weapon is his father's trusty Dwarven Thrower, its a warhammer that returns to the owner after it is thrown. His secondary is of his own handiwork, his heavy pick that he keeps on his back.
Other:Glodin is an above par and self trained blacksmith and has been practicing his trade for the past thirty years.
Post Example:
Glodin sat down on the bar stool still in his full plate with his hammer on his hip. "Give me yer strongest drink." His voice was deep and failed to hide his disgust. "I need it after dealing with my good-fer-nothin' brother..." As he spoke he dropped the coins on the counter, not bothering to count if he had overpaid. It was all he had left before he was paid at the end of the week but he didn't care that all of last weeks pay went to nothing but alcohol. Not only was his family pushing him away for sticking to the old ways, but he knew he would never climb in ranks because of his tendancy to be too stubborn to listen to some orders. Glodin was stuck in a rut that he felt he would never climb out of.
Theme song:

Age: 47
Gender: Male
Race: dwarf
Rank: Templar
Ah Argus Star crusher what can you say about him? Well first of if there is a bar fight you can be 100 procent certain that Argus is in it. Fighting exploring and drinking are these dwarfs favorite things to do. However being a Templar has made the first two a bit harder to do. Something which annoys him to no end. And when he gets the change will complain constantly complain about. He has great respect for those who can Prove there worth and if you befriend him. He would follow you to the gates of hell if need be. He is however a tad arrogant and likes to really show-off. Which is basically the reason why he gets in bar fights all the time. Argus
Can also be somewhat greedy sometimes. He also has the same beliefs as his people.
Argus was born in an old dwarven ruin. This was because his mother and father where one of the most bravest explorers there where. And just as his Father and mother. Argus was just as much an Explorer as them. However It would be some time before Argus would see the old ruins again. This was Mostly because his parents wanted him to have a normal upbringing. In the years that followed Argus would learn everything about his race and culture. He also realized that he loved fighting. So most of the time you could find him practicing his skills with his hammers,axes,spears and morning stars. When he turned 18 it was his first time to go Explore the ruins of old. For months they traveled through caves and old dwarven cities. And then One day while Argus was doing some exploration of on his own. Argus found an ancient armory untouched for centuries. He found a beautiful hammer which was enchanted with powerful runes. He called his hammer star crusher in honor of his family name. He also found a small dagger which seemed to be crafted from strange metals. This dagger was Not enchanted. Overjoyed with pride he ran back to his parents to show the things he had discovered. But when he had reached the campsite. He was horrified to see the mutilated remains of his parents. This enraged Argus into a fury and for months he tried to track down the killer. He then finally found the murdered which seemed to be a cave troll. He killed the beast which such
Ferocity that after the battle was done nothing but pulp remained. Argus them tried to find his way home which took him a year because the maps they had used where partially damaged. He then returned tired and broken. He did not feel at home anymore. The memories where still to fresh. So Argus sold the house in which he was raises bought some armor and set of to explore the world outside of the mountains. He did this to try to forget his parents death. And to maybe make a discovery that would do his family honor. Needles to say he did not come very Far. When he had come out of the mountains he saw a different world. His mind was somewhat at peace
Until he was knocked unconscious by a group of bandits. Rather than robbing him on the spot they used him as a slave to work for them. This went om for at-least 13 years. Until one day when he was saved by the knights of the dawn covenant. He was
So thank full of this that he offered his services to the order. Before taking back his weapons and armor from the bandits. The order accepted this and soon after Argus was a Templar. He would never move from this position mostly because he was horrible at leading.
. The star breaker. Is enchanted with powerful fire runes. That can melt peoples skin of. However if the user of the hammer gets very angry. The better the runes will work.
. The dagger of fury. The dagger is made out of an ancient metal that makes it almost unbreakable.
. Pyromancy. The hammer is enchanted with fire runes.
Other: none
Post example:
He was running through the snow small branches wiping him in the face. He could hear them howling in the distance. He was surprised how fast they had caught up with him. He could already see flickering shadows coming closer and closer. The snow was knee deep yet he was able to outrun them. He just needed a clearing. Somewhere where he could use his hammer. He almost fell over a fallen tree and
Narrowly escaped on of the dire wolfs attacks. He then finally made it to a small field. He ran to the middle and catches his breath. He then looked around him and saw that the dire wolfs had surrounded him. Argus grabbed his Hammer and awaited the first attacked. His hammer had a dim reddens to it. Like a campfire that was almost out of wood. Then the first dire wolf attacked. Argus readied himself and as the dire wolf jumped at him he swung his hammer and hit the monster in the face. The dire wolf flew a few meters away before crashing into the snow. Its face was half on fire and small bone parts stuck out of his head. Argus then looked at the other dire wolfs who readied themselves. "COME ON THEN YA MONSTERS!!"
Theme song:

Age: 47
Gender: Male
Race: dwarf
Rank: Templar
Ah Argus Star crusher what can you say about him? Well first of if there is a bar fight you can be 100 procent certain that Argus is in it. Fighting exploring and drinking are these dwarfs favorite things to do. However being a Templar has made the first two a bit harder to do. Something which annoys him to no end. And when he gets the change will complain constantly complain about. He has great respect for those who can Prove there worth and if you befriend him. He would follow you to the gates of hell if need be. He is however a tad arrogant and likes to really show-off. Which is basically the reason why he gets in bar fights all the time. Argus
Can also be somewhat greedy sometimes. He also has the same beliefs as his people.
Argus was born in an old dwarven ruin. This was because his mother and father where one of the most bravest explorers there where. And just as his Father and mother. Argus was just as much an Explorer as them. However It would be some time before Argus would see the old ruins again. This was Mostly because his parents wanted him to have a normal upbringing. In the years that followed Argus would learn everything about his race and culture. He also realized that he loved fighting. So most of the time you could find him practicing his skills with his hammers,axes,spears and morning stars. When he turned 18 it was his first time to go Explore the ruins of old. For months they traveled through caves and old dwarven cities. And then One day while Argus was doing some exploration of on his own. Argus found an ancient armory untouched for centuries. He found a beautiful hammer which was enchanted with powerful runes. He called his hammer star crusher in honor of his family name. He also found a small dagger which seemed to be crafted from strange metals. This dagger was Not enchanted. Overjoyed with pride he ran back to his parents to show the things he had discovered. But when he had reached the campsite. He was horrified to see the mutilated remains of his parents. This enraged Argus into a fury and for months he tried to track down the killer. He then finally found the murdered which seemed to be a cave troll. He killed the beast which such
Ferocity that after the battle was done nothing but pulp remained. Argus them tried to find his way home which took him a year because the maps they had used where partially damaged. He then returned tired and broken. He did not feel at home anymore. The memories where still to fresh. So Argus sold the house in which he was raises bought some armor and set of to explore the world outside of the mountains. He did this to try to forget his parents death. And to maybe make a discovery that would do his family honor. Needles to say he did not come very Far. When he had come out of the mountains he saw a different world. His mind was somewhat at peace
Until he was knocked unconscious by a group of bandits. Rather than robbing him on the spot they used him as a slave to work for them. This went om for at-least 13 years. Until one day when he was saved by the knights of the dawn covenant. He was
So thank full of this that he offered his services to the order. Before taking back his weapons and armor from the bandits. The order accepted this and soon after Argus was a Templar. He would never move from this position mostly because he was horrible at leading.
. The star breaker. Is enchanted with powerful fire runes. That can melt peoples skin of. However if the user of the hammer gets very angry. The better the runes will work.
. The dagger of fury. The dagger is made out of an ancient metal that makes it almost unbreakable.
. Pyromancy. The hammer is enchanted with fire runes.
Other: none
Post example:
He was running through the snow small branches wiping him in the face. He could hear them howling in the distance. He was surprised how fast they had caught up with him. He could already see flickering shadows coming closer and closer. The snow was knee deep yet he was able to outrun them. He just needed a clearing. Somewhere where he could use his hammer. He almost fell over a fallen tree and
Narrowly escaped on of the dire wolfs attacks. He then finally made it to a small field. He ran to the middle and catches his breath. He then looked around him and saw that the dire wolfs had surrounded him. Argus grabbed his Hammer and awaited the first attacked. His hammer had a dim reddens to it. Like a campfire that was almost out of wood. Then the first dire wolf attacked. Argus readied himself and as the dire wolf jumped at him he swung his hammer and hit the monster in the face. The dire wolf flew a few meters away before crashing into the snow. Its face was half on fire and small bone parts stuck out of his head. Argus then looked at the other dire wolfs who readied themselves. "COME ON THEN YA MONSTERS!!"
Theme song:
Name: Karl Shadowthorn
Race: Wood elf
Personality: Karl is as good hearted and caring as you can get. He will help anyone and everyone if he can as long as their intentions are not for evil. Karl only talks when talked to or if he gets completely smashed off his arse. But like all good people Karl has a dark side, if any of his fiends are killed in front of him Karl loses all sense of control going into a berserk rage.
Bio:Karl's past is dark and terrible. His parents killed while he was young, leaving him orphaned and alone. The orphanage Karl lived at was horrible, he and the other kids where worked, beaten, and starved. One day at the age of 13 Karl being one of the older kids in the orphanage watched as a group of drunkards wandered into the orphanage and in a drunken stupor raped and killed three eleven girls, outraged Karl attacked them, but his attempts to fight he was beaten,knocked down,and nearly killed, but in his rage and a termination to avenge those girls he rose and tackled one of them men grabbing a broken bottle that had been dropped by one of the drunks Karl stabbed the man he had tackled until the man lay dead, the other men saw this and ran terrified by what this malnourished half dead child was able to do. After that Karl was kicked from the orphanage forced to live in the streets, found by a kind old lady Karl war nursed back to health. After living with the women for seven years Karl had heard about the Order and made it his goal to join and become a force for good and right. It took him three years but finally Karl was able to reach the rank of Templar although it was the lowest rank Karl knew he was on his way to becoming that which he wanted most to be, a solider for good.
Weapons: Long sword, Short sword, Crossbow.
Magic: Restoration
Other: Karl gets nervous to women he finds attractive, especially red heads.
Theme Song: N/A
Race: Wood elf
Personality: Karl is as good hearted and caring as you can get. He will help anyone and everyone if he can as long as their intentions are not for evil. Karl only talks when talked to or if he gets completely smashed off his arse. But like all good people Karl has a dark side, if any of his fiends are killed in front of him Karl loses all sense of control going into a berserk rage.
Bio:Karl's past is dark and terrible. His parents killed while he was young, leaving him orphaned and alone. The orphanage Karl lived at was horrible, he and the other kids where worked, beaten, and starved. One day at the age of 13 Karl being one of the older kids in the orphanage watched as a group of drunkards wandered into the orphanage and in a drunken stupor raped and killed three eleven girls, outraged Karl attacked them, but his attempts to fight he was beaten,knocked down,and nearly killed, but in his rage and a termination to avenge those girls he rose and tackled one of them men grabbing a broken bottle that had been dropped by one of the drunks Karl stabbed the man he had tackled until the man lay dead, the other men saw this and ran terrified by what this malnourished half dead child was able to do. After that Karl was kicked from the orphanage forced to live in the streets, found by a kind old lady Karl war nursed back to health. After living with the women for seven years Karl had heard about the Order and made it his goal to join and become a force for good and right. It took him three years but finally Karl was able to reach the rank of Templar although it was the lowest rank Karl knew he was on his way to becoming that which he wanted most to be, a solider for good.
Weapons: Long sword, Short sword, Crossbow.
Magic: Restoration
Other: Karl gets nervous to women he finds attractive, especially red heads.
Theme Song: N/A
Name: Kylie Bronzeblade
Age(20 and up): 27
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Rank: Knight-Sergeant
Personality: Always wearing a smile, and always ready to fight, Kylie is the very model,(of a modern major general.) of kindness, mercy, and loyalty. Very rarely does she rise to anger, which most people mistake for her being soft, and everyone of them has been "dead" wrong. Kylie is like a mother bear, kind and gentle with her "children",while still viscously protective of them.
Bio: From a young age Kylie always dreamed of joining the Order. And her dream was brought to fruition a lot sooner than she had planned, when a kest hive decided that it wanted to live in the town where she did. So at the age of 10 Kylie was rescued and unofficially brought into the Order. After going through the rigorous initiation process, and becoming a Templar Kylie rose through the ranks and became a Knight-Sergeant. Many years pasted and Kylie was leading her small group through to Thanamere Keep, but she never reached it. Ambushed and barely escaping with her life, Kylie lost her self in the nearby woods, when she saw the fires coming from the direction of Thanamere she knew she had to find her way back to a place where there was some semblance of The Order left.
Weapons: Runed War-Axe, Runed Two Handed War Hammer, Runed Shield.
Magic: Uses armor enhancing runes on herself and others. Most of the runes increase the durability and sturdiness of the armor worn by the person the rune is used on. She also uses runes that can silence the noise made by armor, to allow for stealth tactics. She also has runes that will increase the magical resistances of armor.
Other: Loves kittens. Is a really good armor smith, but she doesn't work the forge near others.
Post Example: "Now when forming a shield wall you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow soldiers, and keep your shield held...", a quick tap from the haft of her hammer pushes the tower shield up and level with the other shields in the line," Level with the others in the line." The short blonde, smiling dwarven woman shakes her head lightly at the templar whose's shield she had to push into place."Sergeant Kylie, a word." Turning the dwarf looks at the Templar who just ran up behind her,"Yes what is it? I've got training to do.","That will have to wait message from the Knight Commander all members of the Order, to report in at Thanamere." "Well looks like we'll be moving out. Let's go soldiers, best no to keep the Commander waiting." The trek to Thanamere was long, but not that difficult for Kylie and her troops. Upon reaching the forest around the Keep, Kylie sensed something was amiss. Her suspicions confirmed when her and her troops are ambushed by cultist, Kylie never said word but her troops knew what she wanted forming a circular shield wall around the archers. What feels like hours pass, and there standing alone amongst the fallen bodies, of her troops and around a hundred cultist, turning her gaze towards Thanamere where smoke can now be seen in the far off distance. Swearing under her breath Kylie turns towards to where the Capital is, making it her mission to find what Templars are in the Capital and inform them of what she had seen.
Theme Song(optional): N/A
Age(20 and up): 27
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Rank: Knight-Sergeant
Personality: Always wearing a smile, and always ready to fight, Kylie is the very model,(of a modern major general.) of kindness, mercy, and loyalty. Very rarely does she rise to anger, which most people mistake for her being soft, and everyone of them has been "dead" wrong. Kylie is like a mother bear, kind and gentle with her "children",while still viscously protective of them.
Bio: From a young age Kylie always dreamed of joining the Order. And her dream was brought to fruition a lot sooner than she had planned, when a kest hive decided that it wanted to live in the town where she did. So at the age of 10 Kylie was rescued and unofficially brought into the Order. After going through the rigorous initiation process, and becoming a Templar Kylie rose through the ranks and became a Knight-Sergeant. Many years pasted and Kylie was leading her small group through to Thanamere Keep, but she never reached it. Ambushed and barely escaping with her life, Kylie lost her self in the nearby woods, when she saw the fires coming from the direction of Thanamere she knew she had to find her way back to a place where there was some semblance of The Order left.
Weapons: Runed War-Axe, Runed Two Handed War Hammer, Runed Shield.
Magic: Uses armor enhancing runes on herself and others. Most of the runes increase the durability and sturdiness of the armor worn by the person the rune is used on. She also uses runes that can silence the noise made by armor, to allow for stealth tactics. She also has runes that will increase the magical resistances of armor.
Other: Loves kittens. Is a really good armor smith, but she doesn't work the forge near others.
Post Example: "Now when forming a shield wall you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow soldiers, and keep your shield held...", a quick tap from the haft of her hammer pushes the tower shield up and level with the other shields in the line," Level with the others in the line." The short blonde, smiling dwarven woman shakes her head lightly at the templar whose's shield she had to push into place."Sergeant Kylie, a word." Turning the dwarf looks at the Templar who just ran up behind her,"Yes what is it? I've got training to do.","That will have to wait message from the Knight Commander all members of the Order, to report in at Thanamere." "Well looks like we'll be moving out. Let's go soldiers, best no to keep the Commander waiting." The trek to Thanamere was long, but not that difficult for Kylie and her troops. Upon reaching the forest around the Keep, Kylie sensed something was amiss. Her suspicions confirmed when her and her troops are ambushed by cultist, Kylie never said word but her troops knew what she wanted forming a circular shield wall around the archers. What feels like hours pass, and there standing alone amongst the fallen bodies, of her troops and around a hundred cultist, turning her gaze towards Thanamere where smoke can now be seen in the far off distance. Swearing under her breath Kylie turns towards to where the Capital is, making it her mission to find what Templars are in the Capital and inform them of what she had seen.
Theme Song(optional): N/A
Name: Aundair Ivellos
Appearance: Slightly above average height, Aundair boasts fair skin, strong jaw and a built frame. This is quite deceiving as he is quite young. Dark blonde hair cut thin on the sides and longer up top match well with his storm gray eyes. Considered handsome, but not as much as to send people swooning. Broad shoulders and arms move with a flowing grace, strange as he tends to be quite clumsy when not fighting. He has a loud but light voice. His armor is humble but efficient. Dark leather jerkin and legs with steel strips across the upper chest. A gray hooded cloak and a black belt grace this ensemble. His helm however is quite the opposite of humble. When his father died, Aundair took his meager fortune and commissioned himself a helm to be remembered after a battle. Bright, burnished steel with a round back and top, the faceplate is the most impressive (for lack of a better word). The large eye holes exhibiting his grey eyes, are emblazoned with celtic style knotwork. Below this is a solid piece of metal sliding down and ending just after his jaw at a point. The helm face has a crest that begins at the point so that the middle of the helm's front is a vertical ridge. (I found a picture of what I wanted for the helm, not sure how you wanted the image given, all rights reserved, i claim no ownership for this in any way shape or form.)
Age(20 and up): 20
Gender: Male
Race(Human, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf): Human
Rank:(No rank higher than Knight-Lieutenant): Initiate
Personality: Jolly and always ready to crack a joke, Aundair is rarely seen without a smile. He is bold, brash, eager to prove himself, and dedicated to upholding his family's honor. He is the first to grab a beer and the last to surrender. Almost to a point of fault.
Bio: Born in a small human town, he was always a happy child. His mother died in child birth of his younger brother Ricard, so the brothers grew up with only their blacksmith father and the town to raise them. Aundair grew up on tales of heroes and maidens. Kings and queens. Chivalry and honor. At a young age, Aundair decided to become one of the many men that he had heard of. "Some day, songs will be sung about me!" He would always say. He was quick to make a friend and held onto them for a long time. His brother Ricard was .... less inclined. Ricard was always looking for a fight and this got the two into a good number of scraps. Mischief turned to misdemeanor as Ricard took bigger and bigger prey and, as always, Aundair would bail him out. More than once Aundair caught himself dueling a noble who felt slight after Ricard caught the fancy of a handmaiden or two. After a while Aundair became quite well known in his small town as a champion for those who couldn't defend themselves. Unfortunately Ricard became worse and worse until he fell into a debt that he couldn't repay. When the men came to collect, the only one at their family's cottage was their father. Upon returning home, Aundair and Ricard found their father slain upon the floor. The two brothers set upon the group of men and got their revenge but at a terrible price. Nearing the end of the fight, Ricard was shot by a crossbow bolt and died on the spot. Engorged with rage, Aundair hung the archer from a nearby tree and left his home, never to return. Soon after leaving, he found the Knights of The Dawn Covenant and joined up with little questions. He has been a part of them ever since
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): He has a long steel (similar to a rapier, but thicker) with a swept hilt sitting on his left hip and a short steel with a crossguard on his left, common in dueling communities. A throwing dagger is in a sheath on his right boot.
Magic: He has never had much interest in magic and instead throws himself wholly into sword play
Other: A recognized bard, he plays his lute around fires to warm the hearts of his friends
Post Example: A group of initiates were telling ghost stories around a campfire when they heard the sound of a cracking branch behind them
"Umm what was that?" asked Rune, the youngest of the group
"That isn't cool. Don't play games with me right now." replied Burke, the oldest of the initiates. "I'm trying to tell a story, and you're freaking me out."
"OOGLY BOOGL...!!" A hooded figure jumped from behind a tree and began to shout but apparently his trick surprised Burke more than he had expected. The wildly swinging fist crashed into his stomach and the hooded man crumpled to the ground momentarily
"Holy heck, you've got an arm" laughed the hooded form
Burke rocked back on his stump roaring in laughter and the other initiates joined him soon after "Aundair, you must know that sometimes I really hate you." Burke managed between gasping for breaths and expelling huge hearty laughs "I nearly spilled my ale"
"Oh shut up, you were telling the tale of Grimwald, there was no way that I could let that opportunity pass" Snorted Aundair, pulling his hood down and standing up. He nodded to the new initiates and brushed off a snowy log to sit down. "Besides, you're telling it wrong. This, is the right way to tell it." He smiled as he leaned in and began to talk. The wind howled through the trees, but kinship and joy were the only things felt at that fire on that night.
Theme Song(optional):
Appearance: Slightly above average height, Aundair boasts fair skin, strong jaw and a built frame. This is quite deceiving as he is quite young. Dark blonde hair cut thin on the sides and longer up top match well with his storm gray eyes. Considered handsome, but not as much as to send people swooning. Broad shoulders and arms move with a flowing grace, strange as he tends to be quite clumsy when not fighting. He has a loud but light voice. His armor is humble but efficient. Dark leather jerkin and legs with steel strips across the upper chest. A gray hooded cloak and a black belt grace this ensemble. His helm however is quite the opposite of humble. When his father died, Aundair took his meager fortune and commissioned himself a helm to be remembered after a battle. Bright, burnished steel with a round back and top, the faceplate is the most impressive (for lack of a better word). The large eye holes exhibiting his grey eyes, are emblazoned with celtic style knotwork. Below this is a solid piece of metal sliding down and ending just after his jaw at a point. The helm face has a crest that begins at the point so that the middle of the helm's front is a vertical ridge. (I found a picture of what I wanted for the helm, not sure how you wanted the image given, all rights reserved, i claim no ownership for this in any way shape or form.)
Age(20 and up): 20
Gender: Male
Race(Human, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf): Human
Rank:(No rank higher than Knight-Lieutenant): Initiate
Personality: Jolly and always ready to crack a joke, Aundair is rarely seen without a smile. He is bold, brash, eager to prove himself, and dedicated to upholding his family's honor. He is the first to grab a beer and the last to surrender. Almost to a point of fault.
Bio: Born in a small human town, he was always a happy child. His mother died in child birth of his younger brother Ricard, so the brothers grew up with only their blacksmith father and the town to raise them. Aundair grew up on tales of heroes and maidens. Kings and queens. Chivalry and honor. At a young age, Aundair decided to become one of the many men that he had heard of. "Some day, songs will be sung about me!" He would always say. He was quick to make a friend and held onto them for a long time. His brother Ricard was .... less inclined. Ricard was always looking for a fight and this got the two into a good number of scraps. Mischief turned to misdemeanor as Ricard took bigger and bigger prey and, as always, Aundair would bail him out. More than once Aundair caught himself dueling a noble who felt slight after Ricard caught the fancy of a handmaiden or two. After a while Aundair became quite well known in his small town as a champion for those who couldn't defend themselves. Unfortunately Ricard became worse and worse until he fell into a debt that he couldn't repay. When the men came to collect, the only one at their family's cottage was their father. Upon returning home, Aundair and Ricard found their father slain upon the floor. The two brothers set upon the group of men and got their revenge but at a terrible price. Nearing the end of the fight, Ricard was shot by a crossbow bolt and died on the spot. Engorged with rage, Aundair hung the archer from a nearby tree and left his home, never to return. Soon after leaving, he found the Knights of The Dawn Covenant and joined up with little questions. He has been a part of them ever since
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): He has a long steel (similar to a rapier, but thicker) with a swept hilt sitting on his left hip and a short steel with a crossguard on his left, common in dueling communities. A throwing dagger is in a sheath on his right boot.
Magic: He has never had much interest in magic and instead throws himself wholly into sword play
Other: A recognized bard, he plays his lute around fires to warm the hearts of his friends
Post Example: A group of initiates were telling ghost stories around a campfire when they heard the sound of a cracking branch behind them
"Umm what was that?" asked Rune, the youngest of the group
"That isn't cool. Don't play games with me right now." replied Burke, the oldest of the initiates. "I'm trying to tell a story, and you're freaking me out."
"OOGLY BOOGL...!!" A hooded figure jumped from behind a tree and began to shout but apparently his trick surprised Burke more than he had expected. The wildly swinging fist crashed into his stomach and the hooded man crumpled to the ground momentarily
"Holy heck, you've got an arm" laughed the hooded form
Burke rocked back on his stump roaring in laughter and the other initiates joined him soon after "Aundair, you must know that sometimes I really hate you." Burke managed between gasping for breaths and expelling huge hearty laughs "I nearly spilled my ale"
"Oh shut up, you were telling the tale of Grimwald, there was no way that I could let that opportunity pass" Snorted Aundair, pulling his hood down and standing up. He nodded to the new initiates and brushed off a snowy log to sit down. "Besides, you're telling it wrong. This, is the right way to tell it." He smiled as he leaned in and began to talk. The wind howled through the trees, but kinship and joy were the only things felt at that fire on that night.
Theme Song(optional):
Name: Tabetha Lockwell [human], Sindri Thalawen [Elven]

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Half-elf (human father)
Rank: Knight-Corporal
Personality: A gregarious and chatty lady, she enjoys exploring what lies beyond the horizon. Though she knows that as a Templar she must conduct herself accordingly least the Templar's name be sullied, she is more than willing to dirty her hands to get things done. Her experiences in Talmir taught her that sometimes it is a necessary evil to break the rules even if the act itself is just.
Bio: Tabetha was born to an elven mother and a human father. According to her mother, a geomancer of some reknown, her father died soon after the day of her birth. She grew up in Kal'ras, a city-state of Talmer. It had no laws forbidden inter-marriages but such an act was looked down upon by the community at large. As a child born from this marriage, Tabetha grew up ostracized from her fellow peers. To remove herself from this pain, she immersed herself in books, a number of them dealing with the world outside.
At the age of 10 she, like all other children in Kal'ras had to learn basic self-defense courses as well as navigation skills needed to move around the densely forested areas of Talmer. To the surprise of herself and those of her peers, she was exceptionally competent at this endeavor. When it came time to learn magic, she demonstrated an affinty with geomancy. It was decided then that her mother would teach her geomancy as she was the best in the city.
Tabetha made her first friend who was impressed by her abilities. The elf girl was named Leande, the daughter of a statesman. As part of the elite, Leande was top of her class and she found it amusing that Tabetha was able to best much of the class despite being a half-elf. Her curiosity stroken, she decided to stick around her to observe her. However, Tabetha was none the wiser and was simply glad to have someone her age to talk to.
This unlikely friendship grew and Leande came to admire Tabetha's resiliency and strength; that despite all the harassment Tabetha received, she always managed to crack a smile and move foward. Likewise, Tabetha came to admire Leande's confidence and was striven to be more confident and assertive in herself.
The next 10 years were the better part of Tabetha's life. She wasn't looked down by others anymore (for the most part) and she had people that she could call dear friends. Graduating from her studies of self-defense, she continued her training into the arts of war, hoping to be one of the Wrenvelin. However, on the eve of her 21st birthday there was a major incident with regards to Leande. To save her dearest friend's honor she became the willing scapegoat. This caused her exile from Kal'ras.
Though she was still free to go to other city states in Telmer, painful memories lingered within these borders. As such, she left the forest and went to the lands her father once hailed from; the Kingdom of Farendar. It was here as a starving vagabound that she was picked up by the Order. Given a choice to stay or continue on her way, Tabetha chose to stay for where else can she call a place home?
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): Spear, Short-sword, Bow
Magic: Geomancy - To call upon the power of the Earth requires one to attune oneself to their surrounding and draw upon the power of the land. With elvish blood on her mother's side who herself was a geomancer, Tabetha Lockwell has an affinity with the Earth. She has acquired the ability to "hear" the voice of the earth and to call on it to aid her in times of need. Currently, her magic allows her to call forth an earthern barrier to shield herself or to use it to impede or even hurt her adversary. She has imbued her spear so that it can never break nor dull (or so she hopes). A particularly high skilled magic she hopes to master and is currently learning is to create earthen copies of any persons.
Other: She does not subscribe to the Order's belief, rather she chooses to stay as it is currently the only home she knows and it is a sort of replayment for taking her in. Though she has learned some things about the outside world with the help of the Order, she is not as well versed in social ettiquetes of humans as she'd like. She can play the flute.
Post Example:
Theme Song(optional)
Name: Tabetha Lockwell [human], Sindri Thalawen [Elven]

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Half-elf (human father)
Rank: Knight-Corporal
Personality: A gregarious and chatty lady, she enjoys exploring what lies beyond the horizon. Though she knows that as a Templar she must conduct herself accordingly least the Templar's name be sullied, she is more than willing to dirty her hands to get things done. Her experiences in Talmir taught her that sometimes it is a necessary evil to break the rules even if the act itself is just.
Bio: Tabetha was born to an elven mother and a human father. According to her mother, a geomancer of some reknown, her father died soon after the day of her birth. She grew up in Kal'ras, a city-state of Talmer. It had no laws forbidden inter-marriages but such an act was looked down upon by the community at large. As a child born from this marriage, Tabetha grew up ostracized from her fellow peers. To remove herself from this pain, she immersed herself in books, a number of them dealing with the world outside.
At the age of 10 she, like all other children in Kal'ras had to learn basic self-defense courses as well as navigation skills needed to move around the densely forested areas of Talmer. To the surprise of herself and those of her peers, she was exceptionally competent at this endeavor. When it came time to learn magic, she demonstrated an affinty with geomancy. It was decided then that her mother would teach her geomancy as she was the best in the city.
Tabetha made her first friend who was impressed by her abilities. The elf girl was named Leande, the daughter of a statesman. As part of the elite, Leande was top of her class and she found it amusing that Tabetha was able to best much of the class despite being a half-elf. Her curiosity stroken, she decided to stick around her to observe her. However, Tabetha was none the wiser and was simply glad to have someone her age to talk to.
This unlikely friendship grew and Leande came to admire Tabetha's resiliency and strength; that despite all the harassment Tabetha received, she always managed to crack a smile and move foward. Likewise, Tabetha came to admire Leande's confidence and was striven to be more confident and assertive in herself.
The next 10 years were the better part of Tabetha's life. She wasn't looked down by others anymore (for the most part) and she had people that she could call dear friends. Graduating from her studies of self-defense, she continued her training into the arts of war, hoping to be one of the Wrenvelin. However, on the eve of her 21st birthday there was a major incident with regards to Leande. To save her dearest friend's honor she became the willing scapegoat. This caused her exile from Kal'ras.
Though she was still free to go to other city states in Telmer, painful memories lingered within these borders. As such, she left the forest and went to the lands her father once hailed from; the Kingdom of Farendar. It was here as a starving vagabound that she was picked up by the Order. Given a choice to stay or continue on her way, Tabetha chose to stay for where else can she call a place home?
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary): Spear, Short-sword, Bow
Magic: Geomancy - To call upon the power of the Earth requires one to attune oneself to their surrounding and draw upon the power of the land. With elvish blood on her mother's side who herself was a geomancer, Tabetha Lockwell has an affinity with the Earth. She has acquired the ability to "hear" the voice of the earth and to call on it to aid her in times of need. Currently, her magic allows her to call forth an earthern barrier to shield herself or to use it to impede or even hurt her adversary. She has imbued her spear so that it can never break nor dull (or so she hopes). A particularly high skilled magic she hopes to master and is currently learning is to create earthen copies of any persons.
Other: She does not subscribe to the Order's belief, rather she chooses to stay as it is currently the only home she knows and it is a sort of replayment for taking her in. Though she has learned some things about the outside world with the help of the Order, she is not as well versed in social ettiquetes of humans as she'd like. She can play the flute.
Post Example:
Theme Song(optional)

Marcus "Dead-eye" Kiln
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Rank: Knight-Lieutenant / Watcher Hierarch
Personality: Born and raised in the swamplands he is a quick judge of character and has a foul mouth. Disagree with his opinion you had best be ready to pay the consequences or have a strong and well thought out explanation to your own actions. Though he sticks to the rules of the Dawn Covenant almost to the letter there are times when his judgement must be called into question for some truly do not deserve the fates written for them. Prove your worth and you may earn your life, but betray your brothers and the only thing you will earn is the blinding flash of light that ends your existence for good.
Valorous is a word some have coined for his actions when it comes to his party, or traveling companions, who serve him with integrity and loyalty. His job is taken seriously, every peasant or king under his care is given the same respects.
Though that does not mean he is without a thirst for vengeance. Every death under his care fuels a need to send those fallen souls to heaven with a taste of it on their lips. Ten dead foes for one life lost is the price, and he never fails to pay.
history:Born and raised a scholar, Marcus was quick to abandon his family and seek his fortunes in the wider world. Exploration yielded him little in terms of monetary value beyond access to the dawn covenants records of the swamplands that he called home. Years of wandering turned him to a solitary wanderer and found him with a mercenary company known as the 'Shining Silvers' so named for their ornamental silver weaponry.
Marcus earned his keep with his hunting skills and deadlier aim, often finding heavy targets right in the eye at astounding range with just a longbow. He was nearly 25 when the shining silvers found disaster in a long abandoned dwarven home. Not a fancy temple or a grand kingdom but a settlement with the most unusual of prizes. During some routine scouting he'd fallen into a cavern that housed dozens of houses, and a fair share of angry denizens. Luck found Marcus alone in one of the houses laying low in the form of a hidden cellar that had gone untouched for an unfathomable amount of time. Deep in the cellar was peculiar texts of rune augments and a strange weapon, its handle was was made of polished metal and curved at the handle, wrapped in unblemished leather despite the dust. The tomes explained it was capable of firing magic via runestones inserted into the weapon.
Almost a week after his ordeal, Marcus had escaped the cavern to find he had been left for dead by his mercenary crew.
They had proven to be a good trial run of his new weapon.
Each time you activated it, the weapon fired a concentrated beam of light that seared a hole through nearly anything in its path. So ended the Shining Silvers.
So began the tale of Dead-eye Marcus.
Not long after his ordeal with eradicating the mercenary company he began his new career as a member of the Dawn Covenant, forgoing the standard initiate phase by besting the trainers in single combat along with completing many other tasks in an alarmingly short time. His time as a knight was a short lived experience as the upper crust decided his skills at combat and tactics were being wasted serving others instead of others doing as he said but even that proved of no challenge to the capable fighter. His quiet recruitment by the watchers was not unexpected. Kidnapped in the middle of the night and dumped like refuse in front of yet more tasks to complete, Marcus rose above and beyond his station once more within the Dawn Covenants elusive Watchers. It only took him a few years to earn their trust and loyalty and was given 'the test'. Poisoned, sent on a nigh impossible task fated to fail, but snatched victory anyways, he was reborn as one of the elite members gifted with powers beyond his own. His was the path of revenants, information gathering had been his strongest asset and the gifts granted his ascension made him doubly so.
Though he is still a high ranking member of the Watchers he maintains his recently renewed service to the Dawn Covenants military operation as a promise to keep the order pure and free of outside dominance that might risk its foundations. Only those of high rank know for sure if Marcus Kiln is a Watcher or not. Others find out in the dead of night as he ends their life.
For the Order.
Magic: Marcus is possessed with the skill of the Revenant from his completion of the watchers test, allowing him to possess another creature and subject his will upon them. Those who fail to break free are forced to do as he tells them. He is also capable of turning to smoke and teleporting short distances and rendering himself invisible from sight thanks to the Watcher Revenant teaching. Though he will rarely use these skills in combat or otherwise.
Other: Possesses both a strong distrust and affection for Lady Tyr.

Name: Landeel Forossa
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Rank: Knight-Lieutenant
Personality: Landeel still struggles between the Pantheon of old gods and the ideals of the Dawn Covenant. This struggle eats away at him at times, causing him to appear distant and stoic. His often calm demeanor is usually broken in combat in which he fights with vicious, dogged determination.
Bio: Landeel joined the order with his sister, Khana, when both of them were 16. They had been nothing but street urchins before, with no knowledge of their parents or a home for shelter. The two of them proved to be an effective pair achieving the rank of Knight-Lieutenant at the ages of 30 and 32 respectively. They served under an ambitious Knight-Commander Ghislain who dreamed of the return of the old gods. Ghislain convinced Landeel, Khana, and most of his command to join him against the Dawn Covenant and restore the old gods. Landeel and Khana were among Ghislain's best officers during the rebellion, as two of the three "Dread Lieutenants".
The rebellion was leading a rather successful campaign, holding an even footing with the Dawn covenant. However, Landeel and Khana had begun to get doubts about their cause, about following Ghislain. These doubts continued to grow until they turned away from the rebellion and turned on Ghislain. Their betrayal lead to the rebellion's defeat. Landeel and Khana returned to the Dawn Covenant to seek redemption for what they had done. Fortunately they were seen as valuable and their defection was enough for their plea to be answered. The two were split up with Landeel being sent to Thanermere keep

Tertiary: N/A
-Mana Purge: Landeel releases a pulse that negates and supresses magic in an area around him
-Anti-Arcane Aura: Landeel can sape magic from people and objects he touches and can easily break through Arcane barriers. This aura can be extended onto his Greatsword.
Post Example:
Landeel stood upon a hill overlooking the aftermath of his latest conflict with the Dawn Covenant's forces. He watched as his troops, Templars with darkened armor and sashes bearing the sigil of Ghislain's rebellion, picked over the battlefield bringing their wounded to the healing, looting things of value, and either rounding up surviving enemies or executing those to wounded to move. The tip of his greatsword was embedded in the earth and his hands rested upon the hilt. He remained in his silent overwatch until a voice came from behind him. "Do you not revel in this victory?"
Landeel did not even turn his head as a woman in armor similar to his walked up beside him and looked over the scene before them. "you know i take little pleasure in this war"
"and yet i saw you so Jovial earlier"
"Am i meant to look crestfallen and lost in front of the men?"
She turned her head slightly toward him and gazed at him from the corner of her eyes through her helmet "What is it that ails you brother?"
he cast a short glance in her direction "i've had...doubts, dear sister, we have turned against our comrades and for what?" he paused for a moment "what is it we fight for?"
Khana turned toward him now "we fight with Ghislain"
"but are the old gods he cheers for worth following?"
Landeel did not even turn his head as a woman in armor similar to his walked up beside him and looked over the scene before them. "you know i take little pleasure in this war"
"and yet i saw you so Jovial earlier"
"Am i meant to look crestfallen and lost in front of the men?"
She turned her head slightly toward him and gazed at him from the corner of her eyes through her helmet "What is it that ails you brother?"
he cast a short glance in her direction "i've had...doubts, dear sister, we have turned against our comrades and for what?" he paused for a moment "what is it we fight for?"
Khana turned toward him now "we fight with Ghislain"
"but are the old gods he cheers for worth following?"

Name: Marco Du Montagne
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Rank: Knight-Sergeant
Personality: Marco is a cheerful man, it's fairly difficult to get him down and he has quite a bit of patience when dealing with taunts or insults. He's very trusting, almost to a fault. He inherited his father's sense of strategy and may occasionally play loose with orders or use an unorthodox method to achieve his objective, though he is not above outright disobeying an order if he thinks it necessary.
Bio: The third son of Jean-pierre, Marco joined the Order by the time his father was a Captain and even trained alongside Landeel for a time. The revolution had started soon after he'd achieved the rank of Knight-Corporal, instead of joining it however he remained with the covenant. He led his team rather effectively, performing hit-and-run attacks and engaging in light skirmishes most of the time. He was promoted to knight-corporal after playing a pivotal role in the defense of a fortress from Sir Arko's company. He is still know as one of the only three Knights to have held their ground against Sir Arko one-on-one, the others being Landeel and a man named Wledic. It was him that Landeel surrendered to when he defected. After Ghislain retreated into hiding and his rebellion broke he was tasked with hunting down the remaining rebels, he was reassigned in the wake of the Defeat at Starguard and Sar'than's attack.

Marco wears one of these weapons on each arm. When they retract a blade can come out to be used as a claw weapon
-Illusion: aside from decoys and causing hallucinations in his enemies, He can become temporarily invisible.
The Emperors Blade
Name: Taegan Skalanis
He stands at about six feet and one inch, with a strong athletic body worn by decades of war, and fighting. Scars crisscross his body though he has managed to keep them away from his face. He is also missing his left pinky.
Age(20 and up): 132
Gender: Male
Race(Human, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf): Wood Elf
Rank:(No rank higher than Knight-Lieutenant): Knight Lieutenant
Personality: Passionate, brutal, merciless, these words can all be used to describe Taegan as he takes much pride in the work he does, and does it without question as he fights against the darkness and evil that corrupts the world. He feels only a loyalty to the Covenant and that of the light, as he places a strong emphases on purging evil at all costs. He also has a thing for birds. He loves birds. He is also haunted by his past as the people he killed in the past rise up from the dead to meet him constantly whispering in his ears and speaking to him.
Bio: Taegan has seen and lived through many things others might have lost their minds doing. He grew up in a rather small wood elf village, and when he came of age joined the Ranger Scouts so as to help any time he was needed to help his people. It was during this time he moved to a village closer to human civilization and met his wife a human woman by the name of Nirna. He loved her and treated her like she was the most valuable treasure in the world. Several years after their marriage they had a daughter, Taegan named her Kasaya after a flower that grew wild around his village that was used in festivals.
He spent the years with his wife and child well loving them daily when he could, and going out on patrols with his elven brethren for days on end at times. It was during one of these outtings he found out Nirna was sick. Hurriedly he returned home to find that she had contracted a virus that caused the blood to build up iron to incredible levels and slowly suffocate the veins. It was called the black veins for the coloration the veins took on as the virus spread more and more. He held her hand tightly as her skin got more and more pale, her eyes becoming bloodshot as veins burst from the strain of the virus. He kissed her lips as they turned black her body covered in swirling black lines that were once pumping such precious lifeblood. It was later he found out that this virus was actually created by a necromancer and released upon several elves who then spread it around to other villages including to Nirna and several others in the village they lived in. That was when he decided to join the Dawn Covenant.
He spent plenty of time in the Dawn Covenant fighting the darkness back from mankind, but with each mission each monster, or being set on a evil path he became more jaded. The care for life that used to reside in him began to fade and was replaced with a care only for the retaining civilization and the light. He began to feel the need that any life was expendable if it was for the greater good. After a mission he returned home, to find his house a mess it had only been a month but it looked like it had been overgrown for a year. Upon entering the house he found his daughter sitting at the kitchen table a strange growth throbbing from her ear, and a witch he had been hunting for the better part of a year. The witch made Kasaya attack him and without hesitation he removed his daughter’s head from her body. “The evil within you was not your own doing.” he said softly to her, and as he descended on the witch her screams could be heard for what seemed miles in every direction.
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary):

A base weapon for any elf on the field of battle, with a distinctive reach, and a blade sharper than a razor when used by a dextrous warrior it can slide in and out of the smallest unprotected areas on a enemy, with more than two feet of blade to pierce the enemy with, this weapon is extremely deadly when used as a slashing and stabbing weapon.
The elvish broadsword is the go to back up weaponf or a elvish warrior, it is sharp durable and light, letting a user make constant success with his dexterity to move the blade around a opponents defenses and if not out right kill them with a slash, slowly wear them down with a thousand until they die of blood loss.

This bow is made from the antler of a Hokka a beautiful white stag that is not allowed to be killed and is only able to have it’s antlers harvested when it has died of natural causes. Bestowment of a weapon made from Hokka antlers is extremely rare and usually considered a sign of great respect.
Magic: Cryomancy, specifically in creating temporary walls, or projecting his freezing abilities through his spear and into impaled enemies to finsiht hem off. He is also capable of making spikes of ice rise from the ground in a defensive measure.
Other: He rides upon a giant bird known as a “Kawika.” it’s flightless with long legs colorful feathers and sharp talons. Mostly resembling a Cassowary.
Taegan wears his old armor from when he was a Ranger and scout warrior for the Wood elves, the green light plate armor that overlaps better complimenting his fighting style than the heavier armor of the Templars. Although he wears his old armor he does wear the templar cloak so that he can pay homage to the order.
Post Example: Leather boots clad gently in a light dark green plate sloshed through the muddy streets of the village, small bits of wet dirt strewn to harden upon the shin guards of Taegan. He stopped next to two others of the Covenant who were at the moment executing a pair of women they had found hiding in a cellar. He watched as blades plunged into their chests and their bodies began to shake before suddenly stopping as the blade was plunged deeper and pulled out with a spray of blood. “Good work men. We do the work of the light here, we cannot allow the curse to spread, and so any who live here must die. Their very presence in this village may have claimed their soul for the darkness.”
His head turned to look at a door that was guarded by two more covenant members and moved easily across the mud towards it his hand on the grip of his sword as he pushed the door open with a creak. Inside the house was barely lit with only a few flickering torches. His eyes flicked over to where a man and woman were tied to chairs, their naked bodies glistening with blood and sweat as a torch hissed above them as it ate away at it’s fuel. He stopped in front of them and looked to the soldier who had been acting as torturer. “Have they spoke yet?”
“Yes they have Taegan. It seems that a witch came here and offered to cure several ill children in exchange for them taking upon a task for her which included them taking on a curse that would cause many of them to change into dangerous beasts.” He stepped slowly away from the Elder and his daughter to allow Taegan closer inspection.
Taegan tilted his head slightly as he looked into the eyes of the Elder and then into the eyes of the daughter. “Where is the witch now?” He as he picked up a fork off a table and began to slide it through the flesh of the elder’s hand between his fore and middle finger knuckles, twisting the utensil back and forth the scraping and cracking of bone audible throughout the home.
The agonized scream that erupted from the elder’s throat made Taegan wince visibly, but even in his pain he managed to speak. “I don’t know! She went west! Her name is Serana! That’s all I know I swear!” The grind in the knuckles suddenly stopped, but the feeling of the fork stuck in the elder’s hand was still there while Taegan had walked over to the elder’s daughter. “Don’t touch her! She didn’t do anything wrong! She’s not even cursed! It was a condition of the pact!” Then he couldn’t speak any more the slash of the blade had been so quick it was barely a glimmer of metal in his eyes, but he felt his own blood running down his chest from his throat. The blade had cut deep and as he coughed for air his head tumbled backwards hanging on a few strands of straining flesh before toppling to the floor with a thud as blood poured down the dead elder’s body the folds of fat flesh catching the crimson liquid and causing it to rivulet down to pool under his body in the chair.
Taegan’s attention turned back to the daughter and stared at her as well. “You remind me of my daughter. Young, beautiful, vibrant, full of energy and life. It was a rather hard day when I had to kill her, but there can be no hesitation in the face of evil.” He grabbed her jaw and lifted her head back looking her over. “Is what your father said true? Are you not cursed?” She nodded into his palm and he gave a sigh. “Then if that really is true.. I am sorry about this.” A gasp was all that was heard as his sword slid into her stomach, right above the navel and slide upwards under her ribcage, he knew he had hit her heart, as the blood poured more steadily around his blade than before. Slowly he removed the sword and stood up. “Burn this village… And all the bodies. We head west after Serana.”
Theme Song(optional): Theme Song

He stands at about six feet and one inch, with a strong athletic body worn by decades of war, and fighting. Scars crisscross his body though he has managed to keep them away from his face. He is also missing his left pinky.
Age(20 and up): 132
Gender: Male
Race(Human, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Dwarf): Wood Elf
Rank:(No rank higher than Knight-Lieutenant): Knight Lieutenant
Personality: Passionate, brutal, merciless, these words can all be used to describe Taegan as he takes much pride in the work he does, and does it without question as he fights against the darkness and evil that corrupts the world. He feels only a loyalty to the Covenant and that of the light, as he places a strong emphases on purging evil at all costs. He also has a thing for birds. He loves birds. He is also haunted by his past as the people he killed in the past rise up from the dead to meet him constantly whispering in his ears and speaking to him.
Bio: Taegan has seen and lived through many things others might have lost their minds doing. He grew up in a rather small wood elf village, and when he came of age joined the Ranger Scouts so as to help any time he was needed to help his people. It was during this time he moved to a village closer to human civilization and met his wife a human woman by the name of Nirna. He loved her and treated her like she was the most valuable treasure in the world. Several years after their marriage they had a daughter, Taegan named her Kasaya after a flower that grew wild around his village that was used in festivals.
He spent the years with his wife and child well loving them daily when he could, and going out on patrols with his elven brethren for days on end at times. It was during one of these outtings he found out Nirna was sick. Hurriedly he returned home to find that she had contracted a virus that caused the blood to build up iron to incredible levels and slowly suffocate the veins. It was called the black veins for the coloration the veins took on as the virus spread more and more. He held her hand tightly as her skin got more and more pale, her eyes becoming bloodshot as veins burst from the strain of the virus. He kissed her lips as they turned black her body covered in swirling black lines that were once pumping such precious lifeblood. It was later he found out that this virus was actually created by a necromancer and released upon several elves who then spread it around to other villages including to Nirna and several others in the village they lived in. That was when he decided to join the Dawn Covenant.
He spent plenty of time in the Dawn Covenant fighting the darkness back from mankind, but with each mission each monster, or being set on a evil path he became more jaded. The care for life that used to reside in him began to fade and was replaced with a care only for the retaining civilization and the light. He began to feel the need that any life was expendable if it was for the greater good. After a mission he returned home, to find his house a mess it had only been a month but it looked like it had been overgrown for a year. Upon entering the house he found his daughter sitting at the kitchen table a strange growth throbbing from her ear, and a witch he had been hunting for the better part of a year. The witch made Kasaya attack him and without hesitation he removed his daughter’s head from her body. “The evil within you was not your own doing.” he said softly to her, and as he descended on the witch her screams could be heard for what seemed miles in every direction.
Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary):

A base weapon for any elf on the field of battle, with a distinctive reach, and a blade sharper than a razor when used by a dextrous warrior it can slide in and out of the smallest unprotected areas on a enemy, with more than two feet of blade to pierce the enemy with, this weapon is extremely deadly when used as a slashing and stabbing weapon.

This bow is made from the antler of a Hokka a beautiful white stag that is not allowed to be killed and is only able to have it’s antlers harvested when it has died of natural causes. Bestowment of a weapon made from Hokka antlers is extremely rare and usually considered a sign of great respect.
Magic: Cryomancy, specifically in creating temporary walls, or projecting his freezing abilities through his spear and into impaled enemies to finsiht hem off. He is also capable of making spikes of ice rise from the ground in a defensive measure.
Other: He rides upon a giant bird known as a “Kawika.” it’s flightless with long legs colorful feathers and sharp talons. Mostly resembling a Cassowary.
Taegan wears his old armor from when he was a Ranger and scout warrior for the Wood elves, the green light plate armor that overlaps better complimenting his fighting style than the heavier armor of the Templars. Although he wears his old armor he does wear the templar cloak so that he can pay homage to the order.
Post Example: Leather boots clad gently in a light dark green plate sloshed through the muddy streets of the village, small bits of wet dirt strewn to harden upon the shin guards of Taegan. He stopped next to two others of the Covenant who were at the moment executing a pair of women they had found hiding in a cellar. He watched as blades plunged into their chests and their bodies began to shake before suddenly stopping as the blade was plunged deeper and pulled out with a spray of blood. “Good work men. We do the work of the light here, we cannot allow the curse to spread, and so any who live here must die. Their very presence in this village may have claimed their soul for the darkness.”
His head turned to look at a door that was guarded by two more covenant members and moved easily across the mud towards it his hand on the grip of his sword as he pushed the door open with a creak. Inside the house was barely lit with only a few flickering torches. His eyes flicked over to where a man and woman were tied to chairs, their naked bodies glistening with blood and sweat as a torch hissed above them as it ate away at it’s fuel. He stopped in front of them and looked to the soldier who had been acting as torturer. “Have they spoke yet?”
“Yes they have Taegan. It seems that a witch came here and offered to cure several ill children in exchange for them taking upon a task for her which included them taking on a curse that would cause many of them to change into dangerous beasts.” He stepped slowly away from the Elder and his daughter to allow Taegan closer inspection.
Taegan tilted his head slightly as he looked into the eyes of the Elder and then into the eyes of the daughter. “Where is the witch now?” He as he picked up a fork off a table and began to slide it through the flesh of the elder’s hand between his fore and middle finger knuckles, twisting the utensil back and forth the scraping and cracking of bone audible throughout the home.
The agonized scream that erupted from the elder’s throat made Taegan wince visibly, but even in his pain he managed to speak. “I don’t know! She went west! Her name is Serana! That’s all I know I swear!” The grind in the knuckles suddenly stopped, but the feeling of the fork stuck in the elder’s hand was still there while Taegan had walked over to the elder’s daughter. “Don’t touch her! She didn’t do anything wrong! She’s not even cursed! It was a condition of the pact!” Then he couldn’t speak any more the slash of the blade had been so quick it was barely a glimmer of metal in his eyes, but he felt his own blood running down his chest from his throat. The blade had cut deep and as he coughed for air his head tumbled backwards hanging on a few strands of straining flesh before toppling to the floor with a thud as blood poured down the dead elder’s body the folds of fat flesh catching the crimson liquid and causing it to rivulet down to pool under his body in the chair.
Taegan’s attention turned back to the daughter and stared at her as well. “You remind me of my daughter. Young, beautiful, vibrant, full of energy and life. It was a rather hard day when I had to kill her, but there can be no hesitation in the face of evil.” He grabbed her jaw and lifted her head back looking her over. “Is what your father said true? Are you not cursed?” She nodded into his palm and he gave a sigh. “Then if that really is true.. I am sorry about this.” A gasp was all that was heard as his sword slid into her stomach, right above the navel and slide upwards under her ribcage, he knew he had hit her heart, as the blood poured more steadily around his blade than before. Slowly he removed the sword and stood up. “Burn this village… And all the bodies. We head west after Serana.”
Theme Song(optional): Theme Song