The entire time she'd been traveling, Alice had hardly been in any situations like this. Stowing away on a boat to reach the continent? Nightmarish, but at least she was good at keeping herself hidden. She certainly wasn't lacking in coin; a fact she kept well-hidden in case muggers begun to act a bit too "friendly". Even trekking across towns was simple enough if she kept her face hidden. No, Alice was absolutely drenched. A storm had been ravaging the lands for the past hour and it was well into the evening. Alice underestimated the amount of time it'd take to travel to this remote estate and the consequences were, quite literally, raining down upon her. Even the garments under her hooded robe weren't safe from the deluge.

Fortunately for her, though, her journey would hopefully come to a close. There were lights in the distance; Probably that of the sorcerer's abode. Her legs felt like pudding, but the spark of hope re-lit in her eyes. She only prayed that he would offer her shelter for the night at the very least. It probably wouldn't be wise to pile up her requests if she was unsure whether or not she'd even get a bed to sleep in. If this journey taught her anything, it was humility. Asking him to train her would have to wait until tomorrow, but she was overjoyed that she wouldn't have to be in the storm for much longer. She slowly, yet surely, dredged over to the sorcerer's home. It was far too stormy, and she was way too tired to make out any details of the home. Her eyes were set on the door. She mustered up any strength she could and began to knock.

"Hello? Is anybody home? Please answer, I beg of you!" She desperately called out, hoping the man would answer.