There wasn't much I could find using Google concerning this topic, so I figured I would ask directly.
I'm trying to compile a list of fun roleplay writing games/challenges. I have no idea what the official title is for what I'm referring to or if there even is one, but surely some of you will know what I'm talking about-- interesting challenges involving characters or players (or both) that serve the purpose of either providing greater insight or simply being fun. These challenges usually take place in the OOC, from my understanding.
In the past, I've done them in the form of surveys asking for opinions on how the plot is progressing. I've also heard of a challenge where everyone writes a paragraph or two about how their character would perceive each of the other characters of the roleplay just based on appearance only.
I find that they're particularly useful during waiting periods. They keep the roleplay fresh in everyone's minds while a certain key player is on a week's leave or while waiting for the roleplay itself to begin.
I'm sure there must be other and more fun and interesting challenges/games out there, though?