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I have been writing as a hobby for longer than you have been alive. I have been a regular member and roleplayer of no less than fourteen different online forums during that time (including the old RPG), five six eight of which no longer exist.

I was previously a regular on the Homestuck forums, but I became so sick of thread turnover there that I asked around and eventually found the Guild. Since joining, I have exclusively only participated in Advanced RPs. Before Mahz gave NRPs their own subforum, I used to be an NRP regular in the Advanced Subforum. I am a Guildfall survivor, and know/regularly write with a few others.

If you ask anybody who has written with me in previous RPs, they should tell you that I have a generally open schedule, I post regularly and in a timely fashion, and I never drop an RP once I join unless the thread dies. Some of them may tell you that I have extensive expertise within the realms of Biology, Psychology, and Physics, which I will make no effort to validate since there is no way I can provide hard proof of aforementioned alleged expertise to anybody over the internet (though I am happy to try and answer any questions you send my way).

My favorite fandom is the Myst franchise, which seemingly nobody other than me has ever heard of.

I was a Contest Moderator for the Writing Contests Subforum for just a little bit over two years. I wrote the Moderation Policy for that subforum and I ran a contest called the Twelve Labours; you can still go there and see all of them and the entries people wrote for them in the Contests Section and the Victory Archives.

I have been quadruple secret banned from the guild discord. That is not a joke.

Most Recent Posts

"Noted. Taking it into consideration. Like to make a note that I'm perfectly capable of listening to what you have to say without shouting."

"You heard them. Do what you can, but don't take any big risks." He confirmed to Ilshar right before the latter started his probes.
Salvator Rasch

“No way above,” he hissed in a stifled voice. A tarrhaidim could not really be out of breath, but he was still partly in the flash of reacquainting himself with his bodily functions. “There’s ether-spawn there, huge ones, a whole pack. The cloak - they felt a disturbance, know we might be here. We need to move forward, fast.”
Ilshar Ard’sabekh

"Rapid maneuvers might tip our hand - if they are already aware of our presence, we should try and distract them without having them follow us or alert other nearby ether-dwellers nesting here in the station." King voiced, turning to both Alice and Salvator.

"If the shroud has already put them on alert, perhaps it can be repurposed? Would it be possible to make a lure that could be ejected somewhere nearby to focus their attention? Something small but enough to shake their notice off of the shroud."

"Be advised, unknown creature spotted. 10-foot invertebrate. Doesn't seem sapient, nor has it displayed hostile actions."

King's translucent form turned to follow Rho-Hux' callout. The hardlight construct somehow managed to produce a sound over the comms equivalent to a sharp, anxiety-laden inhalation.

"...I think I recognize that classification of entity, if not the exact species. It we can generate a node of qillatu and wrap it in a partial baffle cut from this shroud before ejecting it, it should go for the more obvious meal. If we just try to maintain the shroud I think it will be on our backs for the rest of this damn mission. Echo, can your scan give us a read on local atmospherics, partial or otherwise? Chemical munitions might work best here for dealing with this entity directly without raising too much heat."

Alert. Initiating Multi-spectrum scanning. Elaboration. Relevant information to be overlaid on friendly HUD.
Echo Domain

"What?!?" King's disbelieving voice rang out over comms. "Wait, stop! No active scans or pulses! There's no telling if there is any security out there configured to react to unverified frequencies! This is supposed to be a stealth operation!"

"Maintaining a shroud. We're not invisible, but we'll be much harder to detect in the etheric."
Salvator Rasch

"Somehow I am not too worried about all the etheric beasties and a little more worried about about all the extremely obvious and probably conscious sensory growths along with all the automated asset denial systems!" King groaned. "Or competition, for that matter! Can we please stick to passive detection only at least until the AO gets hot?"

He drifted near to the front of the group, his own wavering optical camouflage causing a distinct haze as he appeared to gesticulate wildly at them all while speaking. 'I've been on an operation like this before, and trust me, last thing you want to have to deal with is a station losing superstructure integrity prior to exploding with you in it! You should not need to be an expert or have paid attention during the mission briefing to look around here and know that there are extant etheric-electro automated security measures around, infested by oneiric organisms or otherwise and that they were clearly messing with some deeply ill-advised garbage before everything went straight into the can! If any of you can perform analysis that is a little less overt, by all means, go for it! But otherwise, kindly stop trying to arm the giant bomb we're all standing in!"

King, being a full construct, had no need to suit up in order to endure the pitiable conditions of hard vacuum and cosmic radiation - though whether or not the etheric forces writhing within the Sargasso were of any influence to him was less certain. As it came into view, he actually seemed to *shrink* - literally, hunching over as he eyed the derelict warily.

"Not this shit again." He could be heard to utter quietly. As they all cycled out onto the station exterior, he seemed laughably underdressed for the occasion - but he glided through space with what seemed to be perfect precision, making no evident corrective maneuvers. He simply moved and went exactly how he wanted to, almost as if he had perfect motion control even in hard vacuum.

As the group struck out from the dropship and towards their chosen entry point, King's form shimmered and turned eerily translucent - light from one side of him gliding and being projected back out the other as a form of optical camouflage. Not the most effective at short distances, but from a distance or simply in a very dark space it would likely do the trick. In the shadow of the looming station, he became exceedingly difficult to pick out unless the team checked against any of the signal filters he read as being completely dead on.

"Ingress through the hatch. Others are too suspicious. We'll rotate who's on point as we go through, no sense killing any single one of us from the stress. Rho-Hux, you're up first. Let's keep it quiet as best we can."

“Maybe the hatch is not suspicious enough,” he commented as the squad advanced towards the least ominous of the ingress points, “It’s what thinking, material boarders would use. We might not be the first.”

"I'm uh, with the big guy on this one, chief." King chipped in over comms. His voice was all-but cracking from evident apprehension. "This is a tiny chokepoint, probably booby-trapped, leading into a killbox, and there is some little shit waiting for us to go in so they can seal the way back out behind us." Almost as if his simple utterance would make it come true, King began swiveling about, taking in the immediate surroundings, paying particular attention to anything obstructing line of sight or any corners. He had not put out any active scans or bursts, thankfully.

"Say what you will about the big exposed hull breach; at least we would be able to get back out that way pretty easily. This hatch may as well be a coffin." His camouflaged form was practically rigid now as they came closer to the hatch, in stark contrast to his erratic bout of movement earlier - and his voice had a faint undertone of near-panic to it. Whatever the advantages of his evidently malleable form were - hiding his feelings, if indeed he had any, was not one of them.

"Indeed, I was part of a research team on a ship focused on the Oneiric Chasm and the Abyssical Plane. Already went in quite a few expeditions there... Which only taught me to always be on guard and never consider oneself overly 'familiar' with the Oneiric Chasm or the Abyssical Plane. I only hope the creatures down there aren't particularly troublesome. I have quite a few in mind that would make our life down there a living hell should they be left to roam freely through that maze..."

"Right...I have something of an academic background concerning Ethereal studies myself; albeit I do not have much of a talent for the arts these days. We might want to pair off our composition so everybody who is a worthless bullet-catcher has an Etherealist they can throw themselves in front of for aforementioned bullet-catching. Particularly since our AO is going to have lots of anomalous activity and zone partitioning, yeah?" He flung a lazy salute to Alice before tapping his nose and thumbing in Kleo's direction and silently mouthed: 'Not it.'

"I can attend our self-appointed leader over here..." King decreed with an easy wave while leaning over ever-so-faintly and resting an arm on Salvator's shoulder as the Voidhanger continued their efforts at the workbench - though fittingly enough, Salvator might not even have noticed the posturing, for all that King was evidently utterly weightless. "So somebody had also better go with our mobile artillery and also miss Human Supremacy here. Though speaking of the artillery..."

King did not have any evident devices enabling him to send or receive Echo's technical data, but evidently had not only received it somehow but had seemingly digested its contents almost immediately, as evidenced by his almost immediate response. "I can see why they've requisitioned you...or you are volunteering. Your fabrication manifold should help support get into that control center. Would you happen to have an estimated margin of error for that coordinate tracking?"

Even while King was voicing the question to Echo, he once again stealthily cast another electron-mediated message to Salvator.

'Going to want to give Echo a separate secure communicator our Troubleshooters don't know about. I can give you a distraction or cover if you need it to slip one their way. Signal me three pips if or when.'

King had done little else other than dismissively roll his eyes and pretend to sleep when the team had received the Sargasso briefing - his eyes had snapped open when the Invictoid had indicated that anybody was free to challenge Salvator's de-facto command of their squad, staring at the Invictoid Authority with unmasked distaste. He had sourly gotten up from where he was seated at the table and fallen in behind Salvator almost immediately, the wavering curtain oh photons comprising their visage taking on a shifting quality of camouflage; blending in with the shifting alien corridors of the vessel as the team moved to the armory and making efforts to stay both out of sight and mind, for the time being at least. He followed Salvator over to the workbench and stood by as the Voidhanger began modifying their shotgun.

"You got a name? Designation? Callsign? Or should we stick to calling you 'support'?"
Salvator Rasch

It was then that King reached out and placed a thumb against the Salvator's helmet - and in the next moment King's reverberating, echoing voice resonated in Salvator's ears almost unbidden, seemingly occurring from somewhere inside their own body.

'Better call them 'troubleshooters,' chief. Don't react. I'm hitting your cochlear bone with an electron stream so you can hear this, they shouldn't be able to overhear. This wouldn't be the first time the Intransigence has arranged for inconvenient individuals like ourselves to get stranded and mysteriously vanished around a space station. Can't elaborate just yet, we'll talk more later. Just keep this in mind: Our 'support' are not our friends.'

King retracted his thumb, their active camouflage patterning fading away, leaving them conspicuously opaque and eerily picture-still once more.

"No more of a construct than you are, friend. Though I'm surprised you've been tasked with overwatch for us, given the focus you'll need to get to that control center. Maybe they think we can't get our job done otherwise?" King laughed then, hunching over faintly as they leaned their photo-curtain against the workbench. There was something ever-so-slightly off about their posture - some incorrectness to the curve of their spine and the balance of their frame relative to where their center of mass should have been.

"Anyway - we should talk about our mutual objectives. You've got your own craft but with you moving around inside that station and all the Etheric mess inside, it's entirely possible some of you might get cut off from it. Likewise, with all the automated defenses we'll be dealing with, our own exfiltration craft might be at risk. Might even have to commandeer one of the vessels we're being sent to investigate if things get really bad. What is going to be our exchange protocol for objective assets for when things start going wrong?"

King seemed wholly uninterested in the contents of the armory - though as he had joined the team just a few minutes prior, perhaps he had already outfitted himself for the mission sight unseen? Though by the same token, there was no evidence of any equipment on - or inside - his person. How exactly was the contentious construct meant to fight?

King had paid very little attention to the Invictoid Authority's wheeling and plaintive refrain regarding the stabilization of Zanovia, instead having fallen-in with the rest of the Envenomed and taken the time to give what remained present of the group a good look. The interstellar political jockeying and the attendant excuses and justifications that came with it were scarcely different for the Intransigence than it was for the UCL, it seemed. The only meaningful difference as far as King could discern, was one of scale. The Intransigence was the equivalent of a screaming and flailing infant flinging its own waste against the walls to see what would stick (an observation King had made aloud in the past and was likely to make aloud again in the future - if not right that moment), and all the frontier skirmishing and power consolidation was doubtlessly the result of a need for internal stabilization as anything else. The General butting heads with the Invictoid more or less confirmed that - the Intransigence was suffering from growing pains.

The concern being broadcasted by the other members of the little band King had been foisted upon was a mite annoying however. King found it somewhat bizarre that any of the others should so openly care, or pretend to care. On one hand, it was nice to know some of them might have the requisite critical thinking skills needed to not throw a celebration in order to eat whatever line of bullshit their erstwhile masters might feed them - but on the other, did it even really matter?

They were all just cogs in a vast interstellar machine. They just had to do the work, and look out for their own interests in the time being. The nuanced intricacies of all the petty betrayal and optics was not something they had a hand in. The illusion of meaningful significance being force-fed to them was getting a bit too on the nose though - time to readjust everybody's expectations.

"So if I am assessing these briefings correctly, the 'perceived strategic performance' of this little band of yours has granted them the privilege of being the sacrificial bullet catchers? You do realize my skills do not entail retrieval and exfiltration of corpses, right?" King's overall tone was one of openly contemptuous mockery. As he spoke, he casually folded his hands back over his head as he leaned back against nothing in particular in the air, his projected body seeming to take on a paradoxical angle of balance.

"I suppose you offering to send me to another space station is your subtle way of letting us all know that you intend to fire us at the problem and forget it until either it or us are gone? At least give us the details on the actual teams you are sending to do the real work while we dance a distracting hanged-man's jig for the enemy. It wouldn't do for our dicking around to inadvertently inconvenience them somehow."

From the perspective of the others, the only thing that might have stood out more than King's brazen flippancy and disrespect for the Invictoid and them was the rapidity of the conclusions he had drawn. The Invictoid had scarcely drawn up the dossiers for them to review, and yet King was already speaking as though he was familiar with their contents. Perhaps he had been briefed in advance? Or perhaps he really was truly some kind of artificial intelligence, although no designed intelligence was so likely to be as openly disrespectful as King dared to be.

"Nice to know I can still make all the ladies swoon." King preened where he sat as Kleo was bodily hauled away, not even so much as flinching as the blood she spat all over his shirt dripped down his chest. Abruptly, his entire body seemed to ripple with undulating waves of scintillating, iridescent color - and the blood covering his shirt and boots were both violently flung away from him, some of it even splattering against the Invictoid Authority's own shield, causing it to shimmer once more as it deflected the bloody droplets.

"As for our erstwhile Commander - rest assured sir, protesting frequently and often is one of my most developed skills. I will be sure to forward all of that to you in the future." He flicked a lazy two-fingered salute Salvator's way. He did not otherwise make to move from his seated position, with his boots - or the seeming of them at any rate - still propped up on the meeting table. "Otherwise, I am something of a close-in fire-support specialist. Covering and suppression fire, wide-variety energy frequency munitions, aerial, amphibious, and space-capable environmental maneuvers. All of which will mostly be limited by how slow and inept the rest of you are, but I imagine somehow we will be able to muddle our way to realms of disheartening adequacy all the same."
Everything he did not see was a waking nightmare to him.

The nonsensical paradox was quite literal. The sophisticated mechanism at the core of his body that measured the parameters of his phantasmagorical skin in order to provide him with sensation had a fully spherical field of view and never turned off. Before, when he had still been alive, he could simply constrain his field of view to something Human-adjacent for a more digestible experience.

Now though, dead and buried, if he closed his one third eye even slightly, in the writhing darkness beneath its synthetic eyelids he could instead - see the festering, putrescent, monstrous beings pupating inside what remained of his entombed corpse. He swore they moved. Every time he dared to try and examine them he swore their everting maws and pulsating, grime-lathered ventricular pores had pulsated in some edacious fashion that he could not quite commit to memory.

The alternative of a full field of view without end, warped and blown out of proportion by his limited Human experience, reigned as a seductive siren's call promising an end to the fitful night terrors. He knew, however, that is was but one of the many self-imposed facets and aspects of his new form that if he embraced too fully, all pretense of Humanity would abandon him. He would lose sight of what-was and drown in the metamorphic numen, reverse transubstantiation of the mind and soul to mirror the state of the body - the placid, inert fluid being reshaped and molding to the form of its new container. While that might not have necessarily been a bad thing, per se, there was always then the forlorn, insidious notion: If he adapted too well to his new form, he would never be able to return to what remained of his corpse.

Make a heaven of hell to find damnation in paradise, or endure an unending continuation of freakish misery for the distant promise of far-flung catharsis and absolution? The classic dilemma in a new, modernized experience embodied in an exploration of phantom sensation. In their magnanimity, his current hosts had even arranged his living conditions to neatly mirror his sleepless, daylight horror. The Tarrhaidim​ and Vrexul dominated aesthetics of the vessel he had been reassigned to charming him with its rancid, fungal aesthetic at every turn, as if the whole ship was a corpse with industrial-sleek and glittering mold covering every relevant surface. He was not certain whether the convergent aesthetics on display between the two alien species and his own personal torment were incidental or deliberate - all he knew for certain was that they almost certainly saw him in just a distasteful light as he saw them. The so-called bunking arrangements at general quarters aboard the ship, in particular, were insufferably claustrophobic and altogether too similar to the writhing torment that occupied his blind spot.

It was thus no surprise that he instead spent the majority of his time 'patrolling' his new host vessel for the purposes of finding the single least visually offensive vista where he could ineffectually bang his head against the metallic hydrogen facade of contemplative normalcy he tried to maintain if only for the sake of his own withering sanity. There was no salvation to be found - practically every squirming centimeter of the alien vessel churned and seethed with the rush of biomechanical life. The company he had to keep, of course, was even worse. It was as if every single asshole inside of twelve AU wanted to put their own mutagenic excess on display - that most of them were bent and twisted into rough approximations of Humanoid form almost seemed condescending.

Needless to say, after having run what passed for his mouth a few times, the majority of the crew and passengers had come to view him with precisely the same disgust he held for most of them. He had already been disciplined (Ha! HA! AHAHAHA!!!) multiple times for 'speciest proclivities and discriminatory sentiment.' He could clearly see how indulging in such base and distasteful behavior was hindering his ongoing efforts, but what else could he do? He did not even have the relative oasis of his own body to find respite in - or to find the rudiments of civility in. He needed something to ground his Humanity in, and if it won him no favors from his erstwhile 'allies,' they could go find a large mass of anti-neutronium to kick.


Yes. That was him. The not-name for his body anyway. He shook off the passing, questionable entertainment of his reverie to continue arguing with the bay quartermaster. He glanced off to the side, behind where the Quartermaster stood, to look at the security-feed displaying the counter-side view of the desk and whoever happened to be on the receiving end of it. It was still him he saw. Approximately 1.78 meters in height and still looking a little too thin, even with the bulked-up ballistics suit he had projected over the display for his skin. His auburn-colored hair was presently being worn in a loose ponytail until he could be assed to devise something really eccentric. The expression on the angular features of his face was still one of vague disinterest however - only the deep-green coloration of his eyes really stood out at the moment. Conjuring up a bid of concentration, he managed to twist the external photon-curtain for his face to resemble an approximation of scornful expression.

"That's my name, don't chew on it too much before spitting it out." He retorted.

He was King.

"Your requisition request has - once more - been denied." The Quartermaster wheezed through the biomechanical equivalent of a respirator. Like everything else on the ship, they were a little too tall, spindly, and corpse-like for King's taste.

"What, all six thousand of them?" King asked plaintively as he leaned elbow-first on the commissary counter.

"It was impressive that you had the patience and commitment to press the 'Confirm and Send' button six thousand times. I can only imagine how much time that took you. However, all the duplicates were filtered and omitted by the governing system."

"So why was the one application that got through rejected?"

The Quartermaster leaned down from across the commissary window, practically butting head to head with King in the process before answering.

"I took such apoplectic offense to your attitude from before that I, in my rage, lost your form. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you personally."

"Nothing to it, scatterbrains, pretty sure they make a pill for that." King made a show of gritting the teeth he did not have while locking what currently passed for his eyes with the quartermaster's own beady, optical lens. "Look, I ask for so very, very little. I do not even eat. Is it so much to ask that you actually do your job and requisition the one, singular item that might make abiding your creepy, insufferable countenance otherwise tolerable, which I have been asking you to get for the last fourteen billion cycles?"

The quartermaster leaned back from across the counter again. "Without even having looked into it, you are asking for a form of physical media that could be perfectly viewed digitally. You could even look at it right now, if what I know about your apparatus is right. Obtaining a physical copy is redundant, risky, expensive - and unnecessary. Do not file a similar request again."

"So on top of being lazy, ugly, and dim-witted, we can now add 'inept' to the lengthy list of your many physical failings." King made a concerted effort to twist the photon-curtain of his face to approximate a contemptuous sneer. "I, for one, cannot wait to get to know you better so I can figure out what is also wrong with your personality. I'll resubmit the form another six-thousand times with unique modifications each time if that's what it takes. Just get it for me you complete waste of my time..." He banged on the commissary counter with the project for his right fist before turning around with a somewhat over-embellished sweeping gesture. Then he made to strut away, taking care to make sure his feet were actually touching the floor and to throw in some exaggerated nigh-drunken sway to really sell the picture of barely-contained indignant rage. He had no idea if the alien quartermaster could even read Human body-language, but it was not for his benefit regardless.

The quartermaster threw something wet and viscous at the back of King's head. It struck and splattered itself against the contours of the photon-curtain for King's hair, neck, and shoulders.

'Get mad. Get really mad. Hormonal, impulsive, completely reckless rage. You are incandescent with hate. Let's go. Get mad. Just imagine it as if it had happened to you for real. Get mad. Get mad. Get mad.'

King's form stood still and rigid for several moments, but he failed to properly approximately the still-but-livid shock that he remembered as coming with being struck by something filthy from an unseen angle. He couldn't quite bend the eyes projected by the photon-curtain to swell with visible hate. He couldn't quite get the photo-curtain's skin to ripple with reflexive shock. He couldn't quite get the set of his jaw to broaden and lower in animal ferocity.

Most damningly, though: He also couldn't quite bring himself to care.

King shrugged faintly, and the surface of his entire body shimmered with iridescent waves of scintillating light as his photon-curtain remodulated itself. He applied a faint burst of ablative-kinetic shock to the residue of whatever the Quartermaster had thrown at him and sent it scattering across the walls and floor. Utterly defeated, he then drifted off - literally. His feet did not even touch the ground as he pulled his host mechanism across the bay and to the nearest juncture, ignoring the alien curses the Quartermaster was flinging at his back.

Before he could ruminate for too long on his failings and contemplate jettisoning himself out the nearest airlock to scream in space for the rest of forever, he received a communique from the Invictoid Authority. The strike team was back. Time for mission debrief and introductions. Time to pretend to care about another mishmash of random assholes out here in the back end of nowhere, space, running aggrandized wetwork for the interstellar political equivalent of a howling infant. There was always the possibility some of them might be Human of course. Or at least look passably Human. He could have reviewed the strike team's profiles in advance but had elected to savor the disappointment in person.

As he made to enter the briefing room, resplendent with its insultingly mundane table and chairs, he was genuinely shocked for the first time in months when he heard a Human voice stained with the very indignant rage he had just attempted and failed to conjure up - and then he beheld the frazzled countenance of one Kleo Alves, attempting to chew out the Invictoid Authority as though she did not know it had been dealing with him for long enough that she would be unable to faze it even if she had spat in its face.

He frowned when she visibly coughed blood on the ground. Did she have internal bleeding? Had the medics not tended to her yet? Typical. Still, she was healthy enough to scream at an authority figure, that meant she was healthy enough to humor a little hazing.

"𝙱𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚍, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚍. 𝚆𝚊𝚒𝚝 '𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚊𝚠𝚗 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎? 𝚂𝚑𝚎'𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜. 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖.. 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎."
Kleo Alves

"That..." He said, putting a bit of a spinning, exaggerated drawl in the intonation of his voice as he strutted into the room, "Would be me!"

He made directly for the seat nearest to where Kleo was standing, spun it around, and made a show of heaping himself in it before propping his boots up on the table directly in front of her.

"The name is King, don't forget it." He drew up a hand right beside the temple of his brow and snapped his fingers while twisting the photo-curtain of his face into a familiar, savage smirk. He could not quite manage to perfectly mimic the friction of flesh on flesh to approximate a snapping sound, so he instead emitted the faintest of laser-pulses to generate a plasma-mediated vacuum around the tips of his fingers that would simulate a snapping sound. "And you can checkmate me any day of the terrestrial week you like, Queen, but kindly refrain from coughing blood all over my boots."

Externally, everything about King would have screamed 'civie' to the others looking at him. He was wearing a flagrantly ineffective and eye-catching overcoat over a very light ballistic suit that would not have saved him from a single shot in an actual fight, and he had close to no muscle mass or definition to speak of. He seemed like some 20-somethings spoiled Human brat, for the most part - except...

There was something off about his appearance. An eerie stillness to him - as though he was not breathing. As if no part of him moved unless he wanted it to. More than that, he was a sensory dead patch in the room. Beyond infrared and thermal picking him up as a colder than cold Humanoid-shaped patch, everything else would return a scan of being either completely overloaded just from looking at him, or else make him out to simply not be there at all. To the Etheric sense particularly, it was as though he did not exist.

"Task failed successfully, team?" He laughed.

  • Name : [Redacted] (Answers to 'King')

  • Asset Codename : Apocyan King

  • DoB/Age : Born in 4210. Age 23 years at time of stasis, 27 subjective years presently.

  • Species : Human/Exotic Artificial Construct

Physical Parameters:

Personal History:

Psyche Assessment:

Skillsets & Utility:

Ethereal Capabilities:

Munitions & Armaments:

Stains & Infamy
@Zyx, just giving you a download since you are not on the discord - everybody is still presently preoccupied with Part 2 of the big Olympus meeting which is evidently lasting a few days, and also with a number of adjacent schemes and collabs going on around it in the meantime. If Isaac has anything else he would like to do, now would be the time to do it before the party at Olympus gets out (also because it may be some time before any of the gods are freed up to react to him).

Alternatively: Perhaps consider interaction with some of the lesser members of the cast not presently at Mt. Olympus? Abduction perhaps or something along those lines, I do not know.
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