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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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I have been part of a group for four years now, going on five, and I've pretty much stuck with that group. It's not out of being a dick or anything, it's just what I am used to. When (or if, at this rate) that group falls apart, I dunno. I might keep roleplaying, or I might put all that energy into attempting to publish stuff.

That all being said, my favorite type of RP is the kind that takes place in fantasy worlds that are not extremely magic-laden. I only like advanced RP's because I want to be able to practice writing skills (casual doesn't really help in that if you are used to advanced). Though I mostly have done NRP's, I am comfortable with any RP that allows you a hefty amount of breathing room when it comes to character count and how much you can make up on your own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Animus
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Animus I live in Singapore.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fantasy. Be it medieval, modern, high or anime-esque.

The problems I have with sci-fi roleplays is the jargon required is insane and confusing. The worst part is usually the conflicting technology because there is no set universe to base it off on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Genre is ruled by whims.
Complexity is typically advanced, but not demanding it be high levels of that.
We're fond of quality over quantity, so if you achieve a lot with two paragraphs, then we won't demand you write 5+ paragraphs.
Images that do not fit the setting, like those images of Female Sith who for some reason appear to be dressed in swimsuit armor or somesuch other unrealistic "clothing" annoy us a lot. Same goes for names that do not fit the setting/species/gender.

More often than not, anime-style images do not fit the setting in the RPs we partake. They tend to have abnormal body proportions, clothing that is illogical and/or hair that far beyond what any normal being could grow. No, no matter what you or others might think, females of the human species do not have larger eyes than the males.

We're also fond of complexity. Our current RP is Star Wars-themed and has about 15 players (of which 3 are GMs).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 3 days ago

I think what makes a good 1x1 is the ability to write a good selection of sub characters. They'll fit better into the world because it's your own world with only one other, as opposed to a group where you follow a certain lead... but that's a bit off topic, maybe... confused by the title and maybe setting should be swapped for "structure"

I usually prefer technology in my RPs and will do fantasy only if it's not too history or European based. Usually medium size groups with a slightly slower pace so that I can keep up.

I can elaborate more, just not sure what the topic is about since you mentioned that you don't wanna discuss stories and genre. xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You can edit the thread title, @Undine.

@NuttsnBolts Do you mean that you avoid fantasy if it is too european-based or that you avoid it if it is not sufficiently european-style?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 3 days ago

You can edit the thread title, @Undine.

@NuttsnBolts Do you mean that you avoid fantasy if it is too european-based or that you avoid it if it is not sufficiently european-style?

I avoid European designs.

Being Australian I've never seen a castle in real life and the general European heritage style of towns. It doesn't interest me and does make it hard to visualize other than viewing movies like lord of the rings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ah. Fair enough, @NuttsnBolts.

These days, even seeing such a castle doesn't really reveal all that much about it. The society is too changed from then.

We're also fond of using maps and 3D models in our RPs. They help out a lot.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 3 days ago

Ah. Fair enough, @NuttsnBolts.

These days, even seeing such a castle doesn't really reveal all that much about it. The society is too changed from then.

We're also fond of using maps and 3D models in our RPs. They help out a lot.

Thats the weird part I found when I went to Japan and we walked through some of the old castles. I remember seeing the wooden temple in Kyoto, I think, with a 50m tall Buddha and was like, "holy cow... how did they build that?"

I know there can be a stigma with using images in some RPs, but sometimes a map can make the world so much easier to explain because it makes sense as to why certain areas are in certain locations, not to mention distance judgements.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ellri
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Ellri Lord of Eat / Relic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aye. it does at that.

How would you go about describing this place?

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

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Sci-Fi NRPs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Animus
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Animus I live in Singapore.

Member Seen 9 mos ago


Both the opposite of me :P, personally I think sci-fi can only really be enjoyable if there's either a set universe or a group of very capable roleplayers. Otherwise, it's very easy to for it to delve into something very messy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Fantasy or futuristic. Basically one where the "rules" of the world aren't really defined.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tulpa
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Tulpa from the shadows

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1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XDark AnorexiaX
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XDark AnorexiaX xXx~Dark Princess of Narcolepsy~xXx

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

I love death and gore... RPs about tragic occurrences such as slavery, murder, cruelty, gods killing their creations, kidnapping, and rape are fun times... No, I don't usually endorse these things, I just love them in RPs as they create unique atmospheres that most find disturbing and shy away from...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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tsukune In Parodyse

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Group size: I normally tend to stay away from large groups unless it's sandbox style. Otherwise 1x1s or maybe 3-player group. Reason in next section.

RP level: definitely Advanced. Free and Casual are too fast-paced for my biweekly posting schedule, and the standard is a little too low for my comfort.

Face claims: I have no probs with using anime or real images but just like how people don't like animanga for "real" RPs, it's a pet peeve of mine to see people using realistic photos for anime/game RP. If not just do the good ol' written description for character appearance and everything is cool. Not much of a fan of those who simply dump a pic and that's all to the character's looks.

Genre...well, most peeps here were talking about it even though the OP explicitly said not to (even with underlines). Anyway, I want to try to broaden my RP horizon but there are some that would turn me off (not going to name them here - if you really want to know ask me directly instead).
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As far as what format I prefer, it really doesn't matter to me. What matters most to me is how I'm enjoying an RP. I really don't care if it's 1x1, group, or whatever you have it. I think the most important is that you're enjoying the story that you volenteered to co-write with xamount of people. If a group RP is your thing, then you're going to share the writer's credit with 2+ people at least; if a 1x1 rp is your thing, then you have 50% of the writer credit.

That's really how I feel about it. If I am enjoying myself, my preference of the number of people, type of rp it is(1x1 or group), genre, and setting takes a back seat to my enjoyment..

Regarding length and level, I tend to go for a high casual at the minimum. No offense to those who are free/mid-cas, but I just find the idea of anything less than HC useless for my own personal tastes. I like to immerse myself into a story/rp and I feel like I can't do that when it's 1-2-liners(free) or 1-2 paragraphs(Low to Mid-Casual) at the maximum. I need details like dialogue and the descriptive paragraphs that help set up said dialouge. I need that character interaction that helps establish these relationship and everything that will follow from that. Not to take a sexual pun, but I need the fucking D-etails man. I don't think I would get that with free/low to mid-cas. I do, however, know that High Casual and above will give me that, so that's why I prefer that level of length in rps.

When it comes to Face Claims, I used to be about anime because I was really about anime roleplays, but lately, I've been finding myself preferring real life faceclaimes as well as real life rps. I think when it comes down to it, my love for anime is diminishing moderately and the aspect of RL is coming in quick. With that being said, I will use anime/VG faceclaims if there is a rp that catches my eye that will call for such an image.

Genre-wise, I don't really have any one specific preference. There are times where I just want a simple, Slice of Life rp with not action or sci-fi elements or magic or anything of the sort. Sometimes a guy just wants to write about the trials and tribulations of daily life such as family drama, drama within the friend circles, relationships, shopping, hanging out with friends, worklife, and the like. I really don't see anything wrong with that.

However, there are other times where the time comes to activate my World-Saving Mode. What that means is that I will enter the state-of-mind that is craving for a bunch of spandex-wearing, cape-bearing, outrageous-asf, power-wielding, nigh-god superhero whose symbol represents hope or some shit like that. In other words, there will come a time where I must give up the aspect of life for saving the day from whatever the powers may be.

There can be other times where I enjoy the fuck out of some sci-fi shit. What this includes is, but not limited to: aliens, intergalactic travel, outer space politics, and technological breakthroughs that are several decades away. Yes, that's right, sometimes a guy just wants to be able to melt some poor sap's face off with a plasma grenade or crush him with such a powerful telekinetic force that it will blow his head off from sheer force. Or perhaps don some powerful blue-like energy that will send the poor fucker flying in the opposite direction. Hell, even some advanced rifles are enough to get my feathers flying.

In the end, I can go for any kind of genre as long as I'm in the mood for it. If the genre doesn't interest me, odds are you won't see me enter such a rp that houses the hypothetical genre.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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I really like RPs set in the tundra, but a tundra that has been altered somehow.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Astronomically accurate sci-fi.
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