Name: Kriang Sak
Age: 25
Weight: 165 lbs
Height: 5'7
Race: Human
Class: Thai Warrior
Abilities:Kriang Sak is an expert Thai warrior prince who have trained under the revered ancient grand abbot. Under his tutelage, training in the Cave Temple of Karma, a temple normally that's well hidden where one would inherit a power that passed on to a new host. Kriang Sak took in a few fight styles: Muay Thai, Muay Boran, Krabi-Krabong, and Silat Pattani.
From his harsh training he's managed to build up a body that could be considered olympic to peak human level. with training shins, knees, and elbows, he increased the strength of his bones to not break so easily. But his real strength and power lies in his Yantra tattoo.
Yantra tattoo: A special magic tattoo made to bestow mystical powers, protection, and good luck.
~Protection: The Grand Abbott placed this tattoo on Kriang Sak to give him a means of using magic in his fight style. It's used as a protection when called upon against chi or other magic skills or weapons but it solely depends on the hosts concentration and willpower. If he can see the attack coming and if he's not worn out from the fight, he's capable of defending himself effectively. He can't keep this up for long periods of time, only right when he's about to get hit with a powerful magic/chi attack. When using the defense of the tattoo, his skin takes that of a bronze/golden color.
~Melee: When using the yantra tattoo with melee, Kiang Sak can call upon the power of 3 beasts and creatures.
* Power of naga- Calling upon the power of naga, a guardian deity, Kiang can use poisons that secrete from his body but can only be used for 3 seconds at a time. The other skill can be camouflage but can only work by holding your breath. Usually this is of good use when not in the middle of a fight since one would use up their energy and breathing would become heavy, depending on the intensity.
* Power of the elephant spirit- Calling upon this power, Kiang gains gains a high level of physical power. Usually can be used once or twice per battle because of the strain it brings on the body using that much strength. If used more than that, Kiang can break his body.
* Power of the twin tigers- Calling upon the power of the twin tigers, this allows Kiang to use ki attacks that comes from both hands and feet. From the hand, either clenched or open fist, he releases a shockwave-like ball about the size of a volleyball to his opponent. With his feet, he can let loose a slicing projectile, like rankyaku.
But using these ki attacks can drain his life force if not used sparingly.
Items: These items were given to Kiang by the Grand Abbott on his journey of seeing the world. These can help him through his journey against powerful foes and individuals.
~Naga's bite: A sabre said to be made from the guardian itself. It's a said that if one does not bare the Yantra tattoo, the sword will poison or curse the person who uses it. The blade is said to be unbreakable and if one uses the power of naga, they can imbue the sword with poison for an attack but it can only word the same way the it does in calling upon the power in barehanded melee combat.
~Gourde of Good Fortune: on the picture, you'll see a gourde with a symbol on it. That gourde contains an elixer that can heal and restore the user back to full health but it depends on how much he drinks. If the user drinks all of it, he gets 100% recovery. half, 50% health. a quarter of it, 25%. That's if he's interrupted. If the user loses the gourde in the battle, he loses his chance of quick recovery but the upside of this is that no one else can intake the elixer if they do not bare the Yandra tattoo, otherwise, they'd be poisoned and their health will deteriorate.
(Fun fact- The gourde cannot be broken. The symbol on it fades away when the elixer is used up. To gain more elixer, the Yantra tattoo can guide Kiang to areas where he can refill the gourde but that's still troublesome if one is still injured and such and in need of traveling. or if the refill area is very far from him.)