Real Name: Ernst Nagelein
Alias: The Ubermensch
Speech Color: Number 8439ca
Character Alignment: Villain
Identity: Known
Character Personality: Ernst is loyal to the Nazi regime fully and entirely, he is kind and caring to his countrymen, but rude and demeaning to anyone else. He is a family man, and cares deeply about his wife and two children. He is a trained soldier who fights fearlessly, his smarts leading to him saving his squad's lives multiple times, tales of his bravery and intelligence leading to his becoming the Ubermensch. He is however insecure about his own abilities, and thinks that other soldiers are much better warriors than him. He dislikes spiders and is prone to extreme bouts of fear upon seeing large dogs. Due to his family and upbringing, Ernst is entitled and greedy, but he gives to charity to keep up his image. Despite all of his flaws, Ernst is trusted upon to get the job done, no questions asked.
Character Age/Birthday: Twenty seven, born October 14th.

Origin Info/Details: Born to a rich family, Ernst was educated to inherit his father's fortune. Ernst's father was a coward who escaped world war one via his money and connections. After being taught in Germany's best schools, Ernst became a smart child, often bullied due to his short stature. Due to his studies, he found his own blood type without the aid of anyone else, discovered his resistance to alcohol without drinking a drop, and managed to maximize the amount of mass in muscle gained during a training session, leading to his becoming incredibly strong, he also learned multiple foreign languages, though he suffered a severe chemical burn during his experiments that severely damaged one of his hands. Due to this, Ernst was teased as well, eventually getting into fights, leading to his expulsion from every school that would accept him. Ernst's father became more and more paranoid as he aged, leading to his belief that Ernst's expulsion was the first stage of an American plot to take his fortune, going raving mad, and burning to death in his son's laboratory. With his father taken from him, and his home lost, Ernst turned to his mother for comfort. Ernst believes that the only reason he didn't go as mad as his father was due to his mother's intervention. Eventually, Ernst built a new home with his father's money, married an Austrian girl, and had two children. With the outbreak of Nazism, Ernst was all for a change, the great depression was bad for the many businesses he owned, and Hitler's plans were to fix it and make Germany frightening again. Due to the outbreak of world war two, Ernst was drafted, serving in the invasions of Poland and France with great distinction. Eventually a new program was created to make the perfect German soldier, and Ernst was chosen. After leaving the program, Ernst was changed, due to the experimentation, Ernst was able to unlock untapped portions of the human brain, becoming even smarter, and now with the ability to move objects with his mind. Compounded with his already huge physical strength, Ernst became a force to be reckoned with, able to react to opponents faster than they could move by focusing on the tensing of their muscles, a fist fight with him became suicide, fighting at range also proved difficult, with his ability to throw objects through the air leaving the opponent at no advantage. However, his burn became a problem, as chemical experimentation upon him made it even more vulnerable, forcing him to wear a metal gauntlet under his glove, compromising digital maneuverability. Fighting as the right fist of the Reich, Ernst is a threat comparable to a hungry, angry bear in the mating season... which can throw things with it's mind.
Hero Type: Psychic
Power Level: City level
Powers: Single target telekinesis (Multi target if threshold is crossed, however it would leave him incredibly tired), heightened reaction time, and increased brain capacity (Allowing him to think twice as fast as normal humans)
Strength Level: Normal Human (Above average)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human.
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources: Large
Weaknesses: His right hand, which is severely burned, if touched, it causes him severe pain. He is inexperienced with his powers, and they can leave him drained if overused. He can underestimate opponents, and has a habit of underestimating himself, leading to him not fighting at full potential.
Supporting Characters: Ernst's wife, Franziska Nagelein, and his sons, Charles and Heinrich Nagelein.
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Sample Post:
"Seeing as you're not in the mood to talk, I'll force the words out of you." Ernst hissed, his voice cool and calm, he grabbed a cigar out of another interrogator's mouth and put it out in the American's eye, it hissed as the man's eye was blinded. "ARRGH!" The man wrestled against the chair which he was tied to, lifting it off of the ground a few times and creating quite a racket. Ernst smiled behind his gas mask, ahh, the schadenfreude. Ernst held out his left hand while still maintaining eye contact on the struggling and crying man. Placed in his hand was a long piece of rusted metal, thinner at the ends than in the middle, he believed that the British called this a "Crowbar", whatever it was, it was good for swinging. The man's cries stopped, replaced with the sound of metal striking bone. Up over his shoulder and back down it came, again and again and again.
The American looked up at him, his young eyes filled with fear and resentment, he lurched over and spat out a tooth along with a bucketful of blood. "All you got?" The man's voice was like a sob as it escaped his mouth, he was trying to look tough, but it was failing. The aged leather straps on the man's wrists and ankles opened one at a time, he fell to the ground on hands and knees, coughing up blood and teeth. Ernst crouched, to the point where he was looking into the man's eyes while still being on his feet. "Why do you fight me? You're too young to be a martyr, boy. Tell me the Allies' strategy..." Ernst coolly and slowly brought his hand to his hip, drawing a pistol and placing it under the boy's chin tenderly. "We've got many more of you waiting, save your friend's lives and your own by telling me what I want." He overenunciated the Ts and Ms in his sentence as his patience began to run out. "Go ahead, make my son an orphan, my wife a widow, you wouldn't even dare to kill m-" The gunshot echoed around the small room. The boy died instantly, the bullet entered through his chin, went through his mouth, and smashed through the skull, destroying the brain.
The man's head fell limp, and he slapped into the ground. The amount of blood that left every orifice in the man's face could have filled a pool, instead soaking the ground around Ernst's boots, he allowed his gun hand to fall limp, entering the blood released by the man's face, and skimming across the wet ground. Ernst stared at the man's corpse for a few seconds, his blue eye still, and the other closed eyelid bleeding moreso than any other part of his face, caking one half of his young face in blood. Ernst shook his head, he felt horrible every time it came to this, he wished it didn't have to end like that, Americans are foolish. Ernst stood up slowly, he still stared at the body. Eventually, he lifted his gun hand and fired a few rounds into the man's back just in case, blood soaking the man's green fatigues.
Ernst turned to the two other interrogators "Zuordnung fertig." They moved to each side of the door and looked at the ceiling, straight as pencils. Ernst left through the tent flap into the rain. Sloshing through the mud, Ernst walked towards the east perimeter of the camp, meeting many soldiers, who all clapped their heels together and saluted, Ernst made an effort to salute back, but couldn't do it to everyone. The medical tent was wrought with screams when Ernst walked by, poor souls, most dying of some unknown disease, and others dying from the shoddy amputations of their once strong limbs, sapped by disease and injury. Eventually Ernst reached the tent he was looking for, the second interrogation tent, they were spread out to prevent the enemy from escaping and breaking their friends out. Entering through the flap, Ernst came face to face with a bearded man with dirty matted hair and a black eye. "Hello sunshine, hope you've found the accommodations to your liking. Allow me to give you your continental."