Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

1 thing about the Sith I think you nailed. The Sith do in fact feel as though the government is supressing success.

the contingency plan of the sith is not sinister and malevolent. It is simply reaching the intended outcome that is.

They have selfish goals and short sighted objectives which make up the pathway to success.

I would like now to personally state that I am pro government for the most part. ***
we need anti-terrorism, police, transit, and media.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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@ArcaneUnitI would like now to personally state that I am an Anarcho-capitalist. Not that that really matters, though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

@TheUnknowable yes it does.. that is literally the absolute stupidest Political stance you can stand by.. I'm not saying it because u mentioned it. I have literally been over this a million times. Absolute stupidest political stance.

womanizing doushbags and men who destroy the environment. It doesn't work out whether your religious or atheist. That is the definition of politically corrupt.

I can still be a Faug of war
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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@TheUnknowable yes it does.. that is literally the absolute stupidest Political stance you can stand by.. I'm not saying it because u mentioned it. I have literally been over this a million times. Absolute stupidest political stance.

womanizing doushbags and men who destroy the environment. It doesn't work out whether your religious or atheist. That is the definition of politically corrupt.

I can still be a Faug of war

Actually, it's not a stupid political position. I would argue that standing by the government is stupider, but I didn't come on here to have political discussions.

Also, we aren't "womanizing douchebags and men who destroy the environment". That's just a popular view of us by people who don't understand our position and who want to discredit us. I'm not a womanizer, I'm not a douchebag as far as I know, and I don't want to destroy the environment. In fact, while there are a few Ancaps I've talked to that I would say are "womanizers" (though they would refer to themselves as PUAs), or douchebags, I don't think I've met one that wants to destroy the environment.

In fact, we've actually talked about how a free market could protect the environment and how an anarchist system would be better for the environment in some ways than the government system. For example, when you own land you treat it as a renewable resource, and replant trees as you cut them down. If it's not your property, just government land you leased, then you don't need to do that, as replanting them would increase your costs relative to someone who doesn't, and you aren't helped by doing it at all.

There are also the discussions about how you would deal with pollution, as any pollution that was on someone else's property would be grounds for filing suit against the one who was polluting, and they wouldn't have government regulations to hide behind.

But please, tell me how believing that taking money from people at the point of a gun, then giving it to other people because it gets you votes is wrong makes me a womanizer, a douchebag, or means I want to destroy the environment.

Edit: I know it souds like I'm trying to be rude, but really I'm just trying to set the record strait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArcaneUnit
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

PUas?? u mean men who treat women like fawk and chucks.

the fact is in anarchy there is no regulation. and in capitalism there is not morality. that is essentially the definition of both.

capitalists should be shot, and anarchists obviously should be too. in anarchy no one replants a fallen tree.

I think, that if there is any efficiency in ur system then U didn't realize that anarcho-capitalism is not the correct term.

Anarcho-capitalism is wild west with zero law or justice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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PUas?? u mean men who treat women like fawk and chucks.

the fact is in anarchy there is no regulation. and in capitalism there is not morality. that is essentially the definition of both.

capitalists should be shot, and anarchists obviously should be too. in anarchy no one replants a fallen tree.

I think, that if there is any efficiency in ur system then U didn't realize that anarcho-capitalism is not the correct term.

Anarcho-capitalism is wild west with zero law or justice.

Yes, I mean Pick Up Artists. I don't like them either, and have argued with them before when we disagree on things (like when I say that coercing someone through lies into sleeping with you is basically rape and they say "no it's not, it's just the way things work" because they can't comprehend that a relationship should be built on honesty), but there are some of them which are also An-caps, just like there are some of them that belong to virtually every political stance. The fact that there are ass-holes in a particular group doesn't automatically invalidate the group's stand on any issue. If that was the case, I could say that the fact that the occasional Muslim is also a terrorist means that they all are. I could say that the fact the Westboro Baptist exists means that all Christians hate gays. Maybe the fact that there are some radical feminists who literally hate all men that are also Democrats means that Democrats hate men. See how ridiculous it is to judge an entire group based on the beliefs of a few of its members?

Actually, there is regulation in a way, it's just based on what society will except, not what the government mandates. People won't move into a building unless they can be reasonably sure that it's safe to live there, and if it proves unsafe, no one would live there, so the building's owner would have a useless building and would have a reputation of building shoddy buildings. Home buyers would much rather give their money to someone who builds safe houses, so a general rule will arise that if you want to sell a house, it has to meet certain safety standards. Those standards will be reviewed by the perspective customer or a home inspection company, though, not a government paid home inspector. Capitalism also has morals due to the same thing. People will only support businesses that behave morally in their view. For example, if you heard that Walmart was discriminating against gay customers, would you go there? Probably not, and most people wouldn't either, so Walmart wouldn't do that. It would lose them business, and therefore money.

Leaving aside the fact that you literally just told me that I should be shot because I disagree with you, I just explained why they would replant trees, because it's more valuable long term to do so. Even if they just plan on cutting the trees and reselling it, they will likely get more money if they replant.

It is the correct term, as it is without rulers (Anarcho) and based on trade and respect for property rights (capitalism). The efficiency in the system is because of these two things.

You compare it to the "wild west", but in many ways the actual wild west was better. Westerns make it appear that crime was rampant, but actually it was extremely rare. That's why it was big news when it happened. Very little of the crime that occurs now is ever reported in the media, because it's so common place that it's not interesting enough to sell papers or draw you to a news channel. There aren't "laws" exactly, as laws are government mandated rules, but there are rules. Anarchy means no rulers, not no rules. Any time a group of people get together there will automatically be rules. They just don't have to be mandated by a group of people (or a single person) then have compliance to them forced on others, with violence or the threat of violence. Justice would naturally arise out of those rules. For example, almost every anarchist (I've talked to a few people, like anarcho-communists, who put limits on these) agrees that murder, assault, theft, and rape are wrong. They are easily derived from property rights, three of them from self-ownership, and therefore they are basic rules which would exist in any anarchist system. Other rules can naturally be derived from self-ownership and property rights.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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PUas?? u mean men who treat women like fawk and chucks.

the fact is in anarchy there is no regulation. and in capitalism there is not morality. that is essentially the definition of both.

capitalists should be shot, and anarchists obviously should be too. in anarchy no one replants a fallen tree.

I think, that if there is any efficiency in ur system then U didn't realize that anarcho-capitalism is not the correct term.

Anarcho-capitalism is wild west with zero law or justice.

Hate leads to suffering
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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You're out.

You don't have to agree with anyone about anything, but you also don't have to express it. I don't want to play with someone who is liable to jump down someone else's throat like that. Goodbye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

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Was that last post really 2 days ago? Feels like 10 minutes...
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