Note: This build (as is with most of my characters) is a final build of their maximum potential and not necessarily what you will see/find them as at the start of a roleplay, with the potential of them probably not ever being fully realized.
Character Name: Kakumei Kintoshi
Gender: Male
Age: 220 Years (Or 26 equivalent to humans)
Race: Arahitogami
Explanation of Powers/Abilities Mechanics: Aurata Mechanics
This drawing was done by me. Be cool, don't steal copywritten material.

Occupation: Formerly the Commandant of the Arahitogami's army.
Kakumei had trained under several various and unique styles of fighting under Arahitogami, as mandated by the Arahitogami government. He excelled in these.
-Making Weapons: He is good at making weapons, swords especially, out of Mythril and Orichalcum. Other types of metals may not be as good quality.
-Strategist: Kakumei is extremely methodical and cunning. Which he believes is his own greatest weapon.
-Healing from physical trauma
-Fire or heat based magic may make him physically ill.
-While he is a very smart strategist, he often over thinks or over analyzes a situation, which often puts him in a bad position.
-Kakumei is terrible at making polearms, and any weapons out of steel.
General Appearance:
5'7", 230lbs.
Look to picture above.
-Good at Supernatural Plant Growth, however this only alters how they look and how quickly they grow. This is not a way to manipulate plants as a weapon or skill in battle. Its cosmetic.
-Reading fast, absorbs information quickly and efficiently. He has a special affinity for history.
-Has an Audiographic memory. (can remember what was said to him word for word, and exactly the order it was said to him.)
-Terrible at drawing.
-Cannot stand by while people are in danger, especially innocent ones.
-Has severe difficulty with reading maps.
A war with his Arahitogami brethren.
Fears high temperatures near him.
Fears his father (who blows, btw)
Fears the loss of his family (brother, sister, wife, son) (if applicable)
General Personality:
Kakumei sometimes seems quiet, and very well mannered. He believes he has a moral obligation to help people who are in danger, no matter the risk to himself. He doesn't accept payment for services to protect people or save a life.
He is an individualist and idealist, refusing to bow to a mortal authority or pledge allegiance to any government. Kakumei often tries to bring out the best in people as individuals, even if it would cause a social stigma around that person as he believes that an individual is greater than the whole of a society.
Kakumei also believes in personal choice and complete freedom of will, but also in personal responsibility for one's own actions.
When Kakumei is in a large crowd of people, he tends to stay quiet and rarely gives his casual opinions or ideas to a group unless asked. He isn't necessarily timid, but he doesn't feel like interacting with people on a large level, preferring to talk to people and get to know them on an individual level.
He always returns kindness with kindness and respect with respect. But for those who insult him or those around him, he tries to keep neutral in it if it is something that can ignore. If he gets pissed off enough, he will go into a rage and try to hurt the persons feelings into making them feel bad for what they did, but not necessarily bad about who they are.
Kakumei once fought alongside his brother in the war against his father, a maniac who was hell bent on the domination of the Arahitogami society and eventually the world after that. The war spilled up to the surface of the world for a short time, but eventually their father was finally beaten.
The government as it was, was eventually restored before their father's reign of terror. However, shortly after this, Kakumei became frustrated with the attitude of the Arahitogami people and the government and left. They tried to stop him from leaving as they were afraid of exposing themselves too much to the outside world, but had no way to stop him from going.
Because of this, other Arahitogami managed to find a way to get to get out of the system, evading Arahitogami assassins that might try to come after them for desertion.
Kakumei often runs around to try to protect those and help hide them from the government, often confronting other Arahitogami in order to make them go back underground.
Kakumei was taught in very harsh environments and under intense conditions. Because of his father, he was bread to be a powerful fighter along side his brother. Compared to other Arahitogami, Kakumei isn't as physically strong. His fighting styles are based around his speed, which is a bit higher than average for an Arahitogami. He prefers open palm strikes to closed fists, and getting in close and moving around and dodging blows towards him. Kakumei's hand to hand combat focuses on enemies who are bigger and stronger than he is, and he has a little more difficulty with faster and smaller enemies.
Kakumei's sword play is unique to him, as generally uses curved blades like katana but often mixes in techniques and skills often attributed to pointed and straight blades. Kakumei is ambidextrous as well, able to utilize two swords at once and even attributing two separate styles as he does.
Being an Arahitogami, Kakumei interacts with what is scientifically considered "Dark Matter/Dark Energy". Not all, but some. Using methods that have to do with his races ability to interact with this, he can cause things to happen that could be considered "Magic", "Powers", or "Abilities" around him. His skills specifically target moisture. Water, and change it to both a solid and gaseous state. From turning water to blades of ice, to causing a storm within 200 feet of him are possible, as well as mass manipulating large bodies of water.
As well as his elemental ability and the standard abilities granted through being an Arahitogami, he can control an element that he calls "Chaos". This is not inherently an element, as it is the manipulation of energy. He can cause molecules to become unstable, or re stabilize them. He can take certain things, such as his weapons, and pull them into his own personal space time. He breaks down a sword and automatically stores it in a space in his eyes that cannot be interacted with, until he calls the blade into his hand using his ability. He does this with very few items, and doing it incorrectly can cause sever damage or even death.
Notable Items
Chaos Breaker:
History. The Chaos Breaker was a weapon forged by the old gods that gave birth to the Arahitogami, and given to the Lady in the Lake to give to those considered worthy or uniquely qualified to wield it. This is one of the most privileged blades that one can receive from the Lady in the Lake.
Vital Statistics. The Chaos Breaker has been made from a rare non-Earth metal called Tritalium. This very rare metal is created under similar conditions to that of Vibranium in other universes. The blade has a tinsel strength of a perfect 10 on the hardness scale, though it has been damaged before. Through the top of the hilt it is fitted with a blue jewel that gives the blade special properties.
The blade itself it 3'10", and weights around 30lbs. However, this blade only feels as if it weighs about 6 when held by an Arahitogami, Arc, or Elf. The width of the blade is about 2" across, and its about 4mm thick at the thickest.
The hilt and handle are about 6" long.
Special Abilities of the Chaos Breaker:
The jewel on the Chaos Breaker is a "Time Relic" that was bound by physics to the sword. Because of this, the Chaos Breaker exists outside and within time itself. If it is broken, cracked, or completely destroyed it will re-manifest itself in space time in near seconds.
The jewel on the Chaos Breaker also acts as a vacuum in space-time. Spiritual magic breaks when making contact with the sword and is nullified by the blade. Energy based attacks that are charged by ki are absorbed by the blade, and can be stored to fuel attacks by the user if they are based on the blade.
This weapon is stored by Kakumei's Contamination Field. (Left Eye)
Signature or Notable Abilities/Skills
Signature Move: Chaos Cannon
The user of this technique closes his fist and charges up matter to become unstable in his hand. If his fist opens, he creates a cone shaped blast of unstable energy of no specific elemental alignment. The temperatures within the cone of the blast reach almost 900 degrees and often create slight seismic activity that can be picked up on a Richter scale.
If the user hits a target directly with this fist, it breaks its mass into atoms, vaporizing it. However, this does not work on an object that is magical in nature, and it does not work on living beings. Instead, it causes serious burns in the deep tissue of the area hit that has a 50% chance to reach the bone. If it hits armor or clothing, that piece that is hit vaporizes, but causes no damage to the skin underneath.
This ability can only "vaporize" items that are non magical, and a persons magnetic field and natural energy keep him from vaporizing a human dead on. Instead, the hit is released as a major burn through the body.
Signature Ability: Kakumei's Contamination Field.
The Contamination Field is a rarity even among Arahitogami. Kakumei breaks down a physical object and stores it within his eyes as an Aurata Field, that can be rematerialized and dematerialized on command. He can store up to 6 items within each eye, and rematerializes an object within the corresponding hand. This is what gives him the purple color within his eyes that remains even if all of his weapons are not currently stored within his eyes.
After a 24 hour period, a weapon that has not been recalled by the Contamination Field does so automatically through subspace.
Note: This ability only ties into weapons that have "Contamination Field" stated under them, and he cannot use this ability to take peoples weapons at a whim.
Notable Ability: Mass Water Production
Kakumei has manipulate his water Aurata to combine within the moisture in the air and pull it into a liquid state around him. Essentially what this means is that he can create and use his own water in the area around him without the need for a source of water around him. However, this is limited to the moisture in the air, and the longer he uses it in a 50ft area the less effective this ability comes. The first use in a 50ft area makes a maximum amount of 16 gal of water that he can use and manipulate for his attacks. If he can focus about 3 minutes unhindered, he can pull something close to 30 gal of water from the air but expends a lot of energy to do so.
Because Kakumei has to gather Water Aurata particles to do this, he usually has to wait between 6 minutes at a time to do this technique again.
Any water that he manipulates (even if he didn't create from a source) can only be up to 60 gallons at any given time, due to the strain it puts on his Aurata field. The water that he controls cannot be manipulated by another source of magic/powers.
Notable Ability: Ice Creation
By imposing his Aurata on water, he is able to turn water into a sold form reinforced by his energy. Because of it having his Aurata, it is resistant to average heat fire, and 6 times as strong as normal glacier ice. Doing this, he can create swords on par with steel, and as sharp as obsidian which has great cutting power. The ice creation can take any shape and is limited to the water that he has access to.
Signature Ability: Blue Sakura Storm
One of Kakumei's dangerous moves. With this ability, he freezes the moisture in the air and creates razor sharp petals, approximately 8 to 12 petals per square foot in a space as large as 20ft with Kakumei at the center. He can send them about 100ft in any direction at speeds of about 80mph. At max speed, the petals have been known to shred through trees and stone when condensed on specific point.
Signature Ability: Blue Sakura Storm, Whirlwind
Instead of sending his Blue Sakura Storm out as an offensive attack, Kakumei can spin the air around him at about 70mph, the blades of wind creating a wall of wind around him that can shred apart incoming attackers or there attacks, especially projectiles. He can maintain this defense for about 6 minutes, and can send out the Storm before it stops.
Signature Ability: Bloody Ice
Kakumei can manipulate the moisture in an open wound on his own body. Should an enemy cut him and cause him to bleed, he can turn that wound into a weapon. From the wound, a spike of ice as sharp as obsidian can jolt out from the wound up to 6 feet that can pierce an enemy that tries to close in for a kill or more damage. He can sever the ice afterward and leave it just over his skin as a way to stop a wound from bleeding out.
Signature Ability: Chaos Strike
Swinging a blade, he charges the air with Chaos Energy, which is really nothing more than a force of wind charged by his energy. Usually, it is about 5 ft long and 4 inches wide and moves about 50mph. It isn't meant to cause damage as much as it is meant to inflict pain on impact and knock the breath out of someone or used as a warning shot.
This is not a wind based skill. He simply pushes the wind with the force of energy though his personal element "Chaos".
Notable Ability: Metaphysical Charge
A user gathers the natural energy around him in the immediate area, and mixes it in with their own. This causes the body to become filled with vigor and allows them the ability to move at about 1.5 the speed and strike with about 1.5 percent of their natural ability. This cannot usually be maintained longer than ten minutes, and can physically exhaust the user severely if used repeatedly.
While using a Metaphysical Charge, adrenaline is produced rapidly in the body (if applicable) and they seem to have a sharper mind and clarity while fighting. The users sense of pain is dulled down by about 80%, but is 20% more worse once the Charge wears off.
Kakumei can teach this to anybody of any race.
Notable Ability: Diamond Ice Claws
Not actually diamond, Kakumei can freeze water around his finger tips to create razor sharp ice infused with his Aurata. Because they are actually connected to his body, he can continually keep them from melting due to heat fatigue. This is also the sharpest type of ice power that he has, with the cutting sharpness of obsidian or diamond.
A variation of this ability is that he can swing his arm forward an launch the Ice Claw's at an opponent, but they become vulnerable to heat fatigue. They also loose velocity after about 18 ft, but move at about 30mph.
(Currently Incomplete. Will work on more in time.)
Character Name: Kakumei Kintoshi
Gender: Male
Age: 220 Years (Or 26 equivalent to humans)
Race: Arahitogami
Explanation of Powers/Abilities Mechanics: Aurata Mechanics
This drawing was done by me. Be cool, don't steal copywritten material.

Occupation: Formerly the Commandant of the Arahitogami's army.
Kakumei had trained under several various and unique styles of fighting under Arahitogami, as mandated by the Arahitogami government. He excelled in these.
-Making Weapons: He is good at making weapons, swords especially, out of Mythril and Orichalcum. Other types of metals may not be as good quality.
-Strategist: Kakumei is extremely methodical and cunning. Which he believes is his own greatest weapon.
-Healing from physical trauma
-Fire or heat based magic may make him physically ill.
-While he is a very smart strategist, he often over thinks or over analyzes a situation, which often puts him in a bad position.
-Kakumei is terrible at making polearms, and any weapons out of steel.
General Appearance:
5'7", 230lbs.
Look to picture above.
-Good at Supernatural Plant Growth, however this only alters how they look and how quickly they grow. This is not a way to manipulate plants as a weapon or skill in battle. Its cosmetic.
-Reading fast, absorbs information quickly and efficiently. He has a special affinity for history.
-Has an Audiographic memory. (can remember what was said to him word for word, and exactly the order it was said to him.)
-Terrible at drawing.
-Cannot stand by while people are in danger, especially innocent ones.
-Has severe difficulty with reading maps.
A war with his Arahitogami brethren.
Fears high temperatures near him.
Fears his father (who blows, btw)
Fears the loss of his family (brother, sister, wife, son) (if applicable)
General Personality:
Kakumei sometimes seems quiet, and very well mannered. He believes he has a moral obligation to help people who are in danger, no matter the risk to himself. He doesn't accept payment for services to protect people or save a life.
He is an individualist and idealist, refusing to bow to a mortal authority or pledge allegiance to any government. Kakumei often tries to bring out the best in people as individuals, even if it would cause a social stigma around that person as he believes that an individual is greater than the whole of a society.
Kakumei also believes in personal choice and complete freedom of will, but also in personal responsibility for one's own actions.
When Kakumei is in a large crowd of people, he tends to stay quiet and rarely gives his casual opinions or ideas to a group unless asked. He isn't necessarily timid, but he doesn't feel like interacting with people on a large level, preferring to talk to people and get to know them on an individual level.
He always returns kindness with kindness and respect with respect. But for those who insult him or those around him, he tries to keep neutral in it if it is something that can ignore. If he gets pissed off enough, he will go into a rage and try to hurt the persons feelings into making them feel bad for what they did, but not necessarily bad about who they are.
Kakumei once fought alongside his brother in the war against his father, a maniac who was hell bent on the domination of the Arahitogami society and eventually the world after that. The war spilled up to the surface of the world for a short time, but eventually their father was finally beaten.
The government as it was, was eventually restored before their father's reign of terror. However, shortly after this, Kakumei became frustrated with the attitude of the Arahitogami people and the government and left. They tried to stop him from leaving as they were afraid of exposing themselves too much to the outside world, but had no way to stop him from going.
Because of this, other Arahitogami managed to find a way to get to get out of the system, evading Arahitogami assassins that might try to come after them for desertion.
Kakumei often runs around to try to protect those and help hide them from the government, often confronting other Arahitogami in order to make them go back underground.
Kakumei was taught in very harsh environments and under intense conditions. Because of his father, he was bread to be a powerful fighter along side his brother. Compared to other Arahitogami, Kakumei isn't as physically strong. His fighting styles are based around his speed, which is a bit higher than average for an Arahitogami. He prefers open palm strikes to closed fists, and getting in close and moving around and dodging blows towards him. Kakumei's hand to hand combat focuses on enemies who are bigger and stronger than he is, and he has a little more difficulty with faster and smaller enemies.
Kakumei's sword play is unique to him, as generally uses curved blades like katana but often mixes in techniques and skills often attributed to pointed and straight blades. Kakumei is ambidextrous as well, able to utilize two swords at once and even attributing two separate styles as he does.
Being an Arahitogami, Kakumei interacts with what is scientifically considered "Dark Matter/Dark Energy". Not all, but some. Using methods that have to do with his races ability to interact with this, he can cause things to happen that could be considered "Magic", "Powers", or "Abilities" around him. His skills specifically target moisture. Water, and change it to both a solid and gaseous state. From turning water to blades of ice, to causing a storm within 200 feet of him are possible, as well as mass manipulating large bodies of water.
As well as his elemental ability and the standard abilities granted through being an Arahitogami, he can control an element that he calls "Chaos". This is not inherently an element, as it is the manipulation of energy. He can cause molecules to become unstable, or re stabilize them. He can take certain things, such as his weapons, and pull them into his own personal space time. He breaks down a sword and automatically stores it in a space in his eyes that cannot be interacted with, until he calls the blade into his hand using his ability. He does this with very few items, and doing it incorrectly can cause sever damage or even death.
Notable Items
Chaos Breaker:
History. The Chaos Breaker was a weapon forged by the old gods that gave birth to the Arahitogami, and given to the Lady in the Lake to give to those considered worthy or uniquely qualified to wield it. This is one of the most privileged blades that one can receive from the Lady in the Lake.
Vital Statistics. The Chaos Breaker has been made from a rare non-Earth metal called Tritalium. This very rare metal is created under similar conditions to that of Vibranium in other universes. The blade has a tinsel strength of a perfect 10 on the hardness scale, though it has been damaged before. Through the top of the hilt it is fitted with a blue jewel that gives the blade special properties.
The blade itself it 3'10", and weights around 30lbs. However, this blade only feels as if it weighs about 6 when held by an Arahitogami, Arc, or Elf. The width of the blade is about 2" across, and its about 4mm thick at the thickest.
The hilt and handle are about 6" long.
Special Abilities of the Chaos Breaker:
The jewel on the Chaos Breaker is a "Time Relic" that was bound by physics to the sword. Because of this, the Chaos Breaker exists outside and within time itself. If it is broken, cracked, or completely destroyed it will re-manifest itself in space time in near seconds.
The jewel on the Chaos Breaker also acts as a vacuum in space-time. Spiritual magic breaks when making contact with the sword and is nullified by the blade. Energy based attacks that are charged by ki are absorbed by the blade, and can be stored to fuel attacks by the user if they are based on the blade.
This weapon is stored by Kakumei's Contamination Field. (Left Eye)
Signature or Notable Abilities/Skills
Signature Move: Chaos Cannon
The user of this technique closes his fist and charges up matter to become unstable in his hand. If his fist opens, he creates a cone shaped blast of unstable energy of no specific elemental alignment. The temperatures within the cone of the blast reach almost 900 degrees and often create slight seismic activity that can be picked up on a Richter scale.
If the user hits a target directly with this fist, it breaks its mass into atoms, vaporizing it. However, this does not work on an object that is magical in nature, and it does not work on living beings. Instead, it causes serious burns in the deep tissue of the area hit that has a 50% chance to reach the bone. If it hits armor or clothing, that piece that is hit vaporizes, but causes no damage to the skin underneath.
This ability can only "vaporize" items that are non magical, and a persons magnetic field and natural energy keep him from vaporizing a human dead on. Instead, the hit is released as a major burn through the body.
Signature Ability: Kakumei's Contamination Field.
The Contamination Field is a rarity even among Arahitogami. Kakumei breaks down a physical object and stores it within his eyes as an Aurata Field, that can be rematerialized and dematerialized on command. He can store up to 6 items within each eye, and rematerializes an object within the corresponding hand. This is what gives him the purple color within his eyes that remains even if all of his weapons are not currently stored within his eyes.
After a 24 hour period, a weapon that has not been recalled by the Contamination Field does so automatically through subspace.
Note: This ability only ties into weapons that have "Contamination Field" stated under them, and he cannot use this ability to take peoples weapons at a whim.
Notable Ability: Mass Water Production
Kakumei has manipulate his water Aurata to combine within the moisture in the air and pull it into a liquid state around him. Essentially what this means is that he can create and use his own water in the area around him without the need for a source of water around him. However, this is limited to the moisture in the air, and the longer he uses it in a 50ft area the less effective this ability comes. The first use in a 50ft area makes a maximum amount of 16 gal of water that he can use and manipulate for his attacks. If he can focus about 3 minutes unhindered, he can pull something close to 30 gal of water from the air but expends a lot of energy to do so.
Because Kakumei has to gather Water Aurata particles to do this, he usually has to wait between 6 minutes at a time to do this technique again.
Any water that he manipulates (even if he didn't create from a source) can only be up to 60 gallons at any given time, due to the strain it puts on his Aurata field. The water that he controls cannot be manipulated by another source of magic/powers.
Notable Ability: Ice Creation
By imposing his Aurata on water, he is able to turn water into a sold form reinforced by his energy. Because of it having his Aurata, it is resistant to average heat fire, and 6 times as strong as normal glacier ice. Doing this, he can create swords on par with steel, and as sharp as obsidian which has great cutting power. The ice creation can take any shape and is limited to the water that he has access to.
Signature Ability: Blue Sakura Storm
One of Kakumei's dangerous moves. With this ability, he freezes the moisture in the air and creates razor sharp petals, approximately 8 to 12 petals per square foot in a space as large as 20ft with Kakumei at the center. He can send them about 100ft in any direction at speeds of about 80mph. At max speed, the petals have been known to shred through trees and stone when condensed on specific point.
Signature Ability: Blue Sakura Storm, Whirlwind
Instead of sending his Blue Sakura Storm out as an offensive attack, Kakumei can spin the air around him at about 70mph, the blades of wind creating a wall of wind around him that can shred apart incoming attackers or there attacks, especially projectiles. He can maintain this defense for about 6 minutes, and can send out the Storm before it stops.
Signature Ability: Bloody Ice
Kakumei can manipulate the moisture in an open wound on his own body. Should an enemy cut him and cause him to bleed, he can turn that wound into a weapon. From the wound, a spike of ice as sharp as obsidian can jolt out from the wound up to 6 feet that can pierce an enemy that tries to close in for a kill or more damage. He can sever the ice afterward and leave it just over his skin as a way to stop a wound from bleeding out.
Signature Ability: Chaos Strike
Swinging a blade, he charges the air with Chaos Energy, which is really nothing more than a force of wind charged by his energy. Usually, it is about 5 ft long and 4 inches wide and moves about 50mph. It isn't meant to cause damage as much as it is meant to inflict pain on impact and knock the breath out of someone or used as a warning shot.
This is not a wind based skill. He simply pushes the wind with the force of energy though his personal element "Chaos".
Notable Ability: Metaphysical Charge
A user gathers the natural energy around him in the immediate area, and mixes it in with their own. This causes the body to become filled with vigor and allows them the ability to move at about 1.5 the speed and strike with about 1.5 percent of their natural ability. This cannot usually be maintained longer than ten minutes, and can physically exhaust the user severely if used repeatedly.
While using a Metaphysical Charge, adrenaline is produced rapidly in the body (if applicable) and they seem to have a sharper mind and clarity while fighting. The users sense of pain is dulled down by about 80%, but is 20% more worse once the Charge wears off.
Kakumei can teach this to anybody of any race.
Notable Ability: Diamond Ice Claws
Not actually diamond, Kakumei can freeze water around his finger tips to create razor sharp ice infused with his Aurata. Because they are actually connected to his body, he can continually keep them from melting due to heat fatigue. This is also the sharpest type of ice power that he has, with the cutting sharpness of obsidian or diamond.
A variation of this ability is that he can swing his arm forward an launch the Ice Claw's at an opponent, but they become vulnerable to heat fatigue. They also loose velocity after about 18 ft, but move at about 30mph.
(Currently Incomplete. Will work on more in time.)