Avatar of Kakumei
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    1. Kakumei 9 yrs ago
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9 yrs ago
Current I'm back. I know your first reaction is to run. But please don't. Kakumei is lonely and needs some love... ,-, ;-;
9 yrs ago
Oh look. I'm becoming invisible on here too.
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9 yrs ago
"A coalation of consequences is emerging."
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9 yrs ago
Legends Never Die.
9 yrs ago
Hey guys. New to the site. Hopefully I can make a lot of great friends here! Ja ne!


Hello everyone. Kakumei here!

I am 26 years old.

I am an artist who draws anime for a living. Interested in my work or commissioning me? Simply check out my deviantART page here.http://shirousaberfox.deviantart.com/
If there is a place for it, I might start an art shop here on this site.

So, back to my bio!

I've been roleplaying since Neopets was cool. Something like 16 years ago. I've been on GaiaOnline, Mocospace (which is garbage, stay way!), MobaMingle, and several other places.

My roleplaying stays in the realm of fantasy and magic, technology or magi-technology. I play time periods from medieval to modern so long as they have powers/magic or some physics that are of interest.

My posting quality usually consists of two to four paragraphs, as that makes for enough substance to be real quality, but small enough to keep the flow of the roleplay at a consistent speed. My paragraphs usually have something like 3-8 sentences of average, more if I have interesting dialogue to convey with my characters.

I play male or female characters consistently and just as skillfully. If you need an extra of either, let me know!

I also have a few races that I have created, of which I may post all of the interesting information of on here somewhere.

I also love to chat. A lot. A lot, a lot. So please feel free to message me and just chat~!


Most Recent Posts



An amalgamation by definition is "the action, process, or result of combining or uniting."
The World has been an open MMO for many years. During this time the game has had many viruses turned loose into it. Many updates. Data becomes distorted and changed.

Perhaps this is an accident of the system. Perhaps it was planned from the start.

"In a recent announcement today, Altimit finally talked about The World and why it went down. For a several weeks, the game was not accessible and Altimit said they were investigating why. They explained that they lost all the information on the servers from hacking that they could not stop, and all current character information was deleted. After a few weeks, the game popped back up with a different launcher. The game is now displaying "The World: Amalgamation of Aincrad". We have testing this game out and found out that the game has been inserted into a mirrored version of Aincrad and its Cardinal System. We advise people to steer clear of this game, considering SAO's darker past."

In this version of the world, characters who reach 0-HP fall unconscious. Subsequently, their avatars are deleted and a "shadow" version of them is created in the system. These "shadow avatars" as they are called are always hostile to Player Characters and seem to have no indications of being conscious players. They can be seen leveling up and behaving as Player Characters but show no emotion or reason outside of base programing.
Players who lost avatars in the system can play again but they usually must recreate an avatar to rejoin the world again. Many people have stopped playing The World completely after a few times due to possible brain damage which in often cases causes them to have psychosis.

Character builds tend to be based on Physical Attacks like Sword Skills, but the magic and abilities are based on DotHack, with the exception of any revival items.

Unique skills are in the game. And Unique Sword Skills can be created within the game, but are always Unique to the character who created it and can only be created once. Unique Sword Skills can be created at any time, but once you do, its permanent to your character.

Player Response​
Players still play the game, albeit cautiously. The risks are known by anyone who plays in The World. Several people believe this is The World becoming sentient, trying to evolve into something different. Others believe that if you can play the game long enough and get into it far enough, that perhaps real hackers will be exposed as the reason this is happening.


Eventually, this will take a turn and characters will be trapped within the game and possibly with the ability to be killed in real life if their health drops to zero.

Things are subject to be edited if necessary.


Character Sheet Base (These are things you must have)

Character's Player Name

Class Build (Try to stick to a build that would fit the lore)


Non-Battle Skills (They all start at 15, and max out at 1000. They take a very long time to level out)

Skills and Abilities in Battle (Try to keep track.)

Items (Try to keep track of these too)


Physical Description


What I am looking for:

About 4 people to play 4 primary characters. Secondary characters may be created and used for a little back story and having characters to occasionally help out and back up the main party. I am hoping to have the main characters as 2 males and 2 females.

I require 2-5 paragraphs, and players who are interested with contributing to the story. At least a post a day, to try to keep the flow of the roleplay going.


Feel free to ask any questions in the OOC or my PMs.

Post a link to your Character Sheet, and I will see if I am cool with it or not. If I am, I will then ask for a sample of your rp style. Please don't get mad if I reject your application. I just have a certain way to roleplay, or I lose interest quick.
(Character Sheet/Applying for Demon Hunter: Chicago)

Mirabella Raigeki




Drawing done by me, please don't try to steal or anything silly like that.

Often wearing a black leather coat, shirt and shorts that are woven from copper fibers which look like a ninja garb, black jeans, silver metal gauntlets on her arms, tied up hair, and piercing red eyes. Her hair is naturally black, but she constantly dyes it different colors. Mirabella is Five Feet and Five Inches tall, weighing about 120 pounds. She has red finger nail polish on her fingers and toes, mixed with pieces of copper. Her leather coat is woven with copper wiring which makes it much sturdier than normal clothing, able to stop low velocity projectiles as well as sharp blades or spikes. However, after repeated hits in the same spots over and over, it does lose its integrity.


Wakizashi- A shorter blade, about Two feet long, made of crucible steel. Unlike most wakizashi, this one this one is not curved. It is made for both slashing and piercing, and channels electricity through it better than a curved sword would.

Gauntlets- Two gauntlets of crucible steel, with kevlar plating on the outer edge in order to more easily deflect blades. The knuckles extend past the human knuckles and when charged with electricity, become polarized, able to repel metal that comes within a foot of either of them.

Bow and Arrows- A composite bow with a drawback strength of 130lbs, able to fire an arrow 100 feet at 70mph. The Arrows themselves are plastic with steel tips, and a copper line within the arrow itself that can carry electricity through their bodies.

Ionic Spectrum- A tiny electronic device that is implanted at the base of the neck against a nerve that leads up into the brain. It constantly remains on and active and delivers a gentle shock up into Mirabella's brain.

Extra clothing-

Mirabella has several Leather Jackets of the same design described above, as well as the copper garb.


Mirabella is marked with White Aura, and only uses electricity. She generates so much of it that it can be hard for her to control, and she wears copper clothing in order to help her keep it distributed throughout her body. When she lived back in Kyoto, she was known as Raigeki Hime (Princess Lightning Stroke) for her ability to strike down her enemies and demons in battle with power and precision.

Her electricity rarely leaves her body in the form of an attack, as discharging it through air is too dangerous and she cannot always control it. Her attacks that are based on electricity often are used through a medium that conducts electricity better than air. Examples of this is in her weaponry or liquids in the area.

Mirabella can become over charged, sometimes by forcing her body to generate extra electricity, or by taking in electricity through an outside force, such as an electric attack or a lightning bolt. However, for her to take in this electricity it must be through her mouth, fingertips, feet or elbows. Once she has become charged, her strength and speed double. Her pain dulls down, and her adrenaline starts pumping at double. This usually cannot be sustained for long, and causes her to be extremely exhausted after she is done.

Occasionally, she will take a risk or become desperate, and try to send her electricity through the air. During these rare occasions, it may get out of control or behave differently, even harming herself.


-Immune from the direct effect of electricity.
-Powerful at generating and using electricity within herself and appropriate mediums.
-Skilled Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga practitioner.

-Struggles to control electricity that she discharges through the air.
-Has trouble working with a partner during a fight.
-Fatigues quickly if she isn't eating enough (has a very high metabolic rate)

-Gifted in the art of cooking.
-Clever strategy gamer.

-Socially awkward in large groups
-Forgetful at what people say to her
-Bad at keeping her place organized



Mirabella is often seems a bit introverted and conflicted. While she isn't quiet exactly, she does prefer to speak in as little words as possible, which often makes others think of her as timid and shy. She is curious of things that she doesn't understand and can sometimes ask a lot of questions, often bluntly. She struggles a lot with demons, often only targeting the most cruel and foul of creatures and often brushing off or ignoring ones that seem to be wavering between light and dark, in hopes that they don't give into darker ways.


Mirabella was born from her Japanese mother and American father. Her mother was a priestess who fought particularly nasty demons, while her father simply worked in the business parts of Japan unrelated to what his wife did.

Mirabella trained with her mother in order to hone her own abilities, and quickly surpassed her mother at a young age. After some time, she decided to move to America on her own in order to meet more of her family, but found out many of them had been severely injured or killed from demons. So she set up her own place in the city, and a business where people could purchase her services to hunt down particular beasts.

(More to be added or changed as the character develops.)

Character Name:Yue Kintoshi
Age:160 Years (Physiologically 16-20 comparative to humans)
Race: Arahitogami

Explanation of Powers/Abilities Mechanics: Aurata Mechanics

Drawing is mine. Don't be a scrub, don't steal.

Occupation: Information Broker, Rare Item Hunter,
-Fast and dexterous
-Very high stamina
- Power over wind

-Very slow to heal from physical trauma.
-Sucks at swimming.
-Weak to Lightning based attacks

General Appearance:
He is 5'10" and 240lbs.
Look to picture for a better visual idea of how he looks.

-Solving Puzzles
-Gathering Informatin
-Silent Infiltration
-Has a silver tongue
-Absolutely cannot cook. Yue once burned a Salad. Never again will he make a salad.
-A little careless in battle
-Clumzy in day to day activities.
-He is also terrible at tying knots that aren't keeping his hair up.

Yue has a fear of heights and snakes. Snakes is a weird one, as he doesn't have the ability to be poisoned by them.

General Personality:
Yue is gentle and playful, preferring to avoid direct confrontation at fair costs. However, he will easily put himself in danger to protect those around him, a trait he gets from his father. He tries to be a charmer with people, and does his best not to say anything that would hurt another. He is often oblivious to how people feel about him, as he generally is more worried about being kind mannered.

When he is upset or embarrassed, he looks down to his feet or to the side in attempts to avoid eye contact. He will get quiet and try to avoid everyone until he feels better in an attempt not to burden others with his emotions.

When he is angry enough, he will flip out and start aggressively insulting the person who has pissed him off. He will hold a grudge for a while, but it does go after some time.

He loves being fed and coddled, and absolutely adores anyone who will do either for him.

Character Biography:

He is a trained fighter with both hand to hand combat as well as weapons. However, he is more skilled with sword play than any other method of fighting, and a little less experienced with hand to hand styles of fighting because of his favoritism. He is known to dual wield weapons with great skill, and is faster with a blade than most Arahitogami fighters, even known to cut bullets and arrows from the air. While he was trained by his father in hand to had combat, kick based styles cause him great difficulty, and unlike his father, he will prefer to use an fist as opposed to an open palm.

Yue also favors a bow more than other Arahitogami, and has a draw back strength of about 250lbs. However, few bows can handle that, so he must use a special bow in order to achieve the power he can potentially generate with one. He also has the greatest eyesight of any Arahitogami, as he lived most of his life on the surface, while most Arahitogami live underground. This makes his marksmanship very capable.


Yue is someone who primarily uses the wind. Within an area around himself, he can spin the air so quickly and with so much force it can protect him from high velocity attacks and projectiles. While getting enough air and spinning it fast enough, he can make things look invisible for a short time. Yue's skill with wind is so great and precise that a person can stand next to a wall of his moving air just an inch away and not even feel a light draft. He often uses his wind ability to protect from attacks and attackers, but also accelerate his own speed, causing harder hitting attacks and faster movement.

Notable and Signature Skills/Abilities


より多くのあなたを教えるために、私は熟練されない十分な. しかし、あなたは同じように熟練したように見えます

Watashi wa anata o oshieru no ni jubun jukuren shite inaidesu. Ja, Shikashi, anata wa onajiyoni jukuren shita yo ni miemasu.

@tsukune Wakarimasu. Domo arigatou gozaimasu!

Character Name: Erica Jane Barrette (EJ)
Gender: Technically, Female.
Age: 6 Years old.
Race: Self Aware AI and Advanced Robotics

Drawing by me. Be cool, don't be a thief.

Occupation: Really, nothing.

-Her Tritium frame allows her to lift 1200 lbs and punch with about 24k lbs of force. (A human MMA fighter punches with about 1600.)
-She has an intricate, highly advanced robotic body that can repair itself.
-Power core that can recharge through sun.
-Her frame resists the natural wear of the elements, and is resistant to magic to a degree.
-Her power core could become strained if she is using her strength for prolonged over time.
-Cannot recharge her core unless the sun is directly exposed to her.
-While she is incredibly strong, and her limbs move fast, she runs VERY slowly.
-Nanobots within her body can be shorted out by an EMP and take several days to get back up and running. Healing cannot be done during that time.

General Appearance: 5'10" 260lbs. (See above)

-Can use her nanocites to create metal objects outside of her body. It takes days to do, so it has absolutely no use during battle.
-Can use her nanocites to break down technology to learn its components and any information it has stored within it.

-Can't swim. Sinks like a rock.
-Can't use magic. (Unless its an item with inherent magic) (Has certain "powers" though)

-Large bodies of water

General Personality:
EJ is strong willed but unfortunately, she is very socially awkward. She is very curious about the world around her and how it works, often annoying people with her constant questions and curiosity. Her personality is a blunt object, she doesn't often censor herself or try to avoid offending someone because she isn't quite aware of that emotion.

She is a natural thrill seeker who takes a lot of risks for herself because she wants to truly understand life as a regular mortal sees it. She tries not to endanger the lives of those around her though.

Erica Jane Barrette is a project by Barrette Robotics. They created her to be the first female AI. Shortly after her creation, she severed ties with the company, after winning a lawsuit where she proved she was a self aware, sentient being.

They constantly make attempts to take her against her will and deactivate her for further study, but she has very successfully thwarted every attempt.


She has learned very little though experienced training. Most of what she knows, which is often hand to hand, swordplay (and if applicable) gunplay, was learned via programming or nanocite consumption. All of her fighting skills deals with using her strength, stamina and high constitution to her advantage. She is weak against very fast opponents, usually.


No magic.

However, has certain "Abilities" based off of her "energy".

Grenade Abilities (Only one at a time can be equipped.)

Shock Grenade

Two grenades stored at any time. To use them, they simply appear as energy within one of her hands and she tosses it. A yellow-orange light ball can be thrown by her up to 120 ft. When it hits physical object it detonate, and energy in the form of chain lightning targets all sentient forms within 10 feet. The more more beings that it chains through, the more damage it does, often temporarily paralyzing mortals and disrupting machines. Once used, there is a 4 minute recharge time per grenade.

Melee Abilities (Only one equipped at a time)

Optical Strike

When hitting an enemy with an melee from a fist or a melee weapon, it causes a connection that allows EJ to seem invisible to the target for 30 seconds of optical camouflage. This is a single charge hit, and takes 6 minutes to recharge.

SUPER Abilities (One at a time)

Vorpal Swords

Five blades of vorpal star energy (4 ft long, 4 inch wide) appear around EJ. She can fire them separately or together at a target(s) at 100mph. They only stay out for about 25 seconds before the charge is over. These blades are hot enough to lodge themselves into steel about 3 ft deep. This ability can only be used every 10 to 15 minutes.

(Incomplete Character)
Comments and questions are welcomed.
Note: This build (as is with most of my characters) is a final build of their maximum potential and not necessarily what you will see/find them as at the start of a roleplay, with the potential of them probably not ever being fully realized.

Character Name: Kakumei Kintoshi
Gender: Male
Age: 220 Years (Or 26 equivalent to humans)
Race: Arahitogami

Explanation of Powers/Abilities Mechanics: Aurata Mechanics

This drawing was done by me. Be cool, don't steal copywritten material.

Occupation: Formerly the Commandant of the Arahitogami's army.
Kakumei had trained under several various and unique styles of fighting under Arahitogami, as mandated by the Arahitogami government. He excelled in these.
-Making Weapons: He is good at making weapons, swords especially, out of Mythril and Orichalcum. Other types of metals may not be as good quality.
-Strategist: Kakumei is extremely methodical and cunning. Which he believes is his own greatest weapon.
-Healing from physical trauma
-Fire or heat based magic may make him physically ill.
-While he is a very smart strategist, he often over thinks or over analyzes a situation, which often puts him in a bad position.
-Kakumei is terrible at making polearms, and any weapons out of steel.

General Appearance:
5'7", 230lbs.
Look to picture above.

-Good at Supernatural Plant Growth, however this only alters how they look and how quickly they grow. This is not a way to manipulate plants as a weapon or skill in battle. Its cosmetic.
-Reading fast, absorbs information quickly and efficiently. He has a special affinity for history.
-Has an Audiographic memory. (can remember what was said to him word for word, and exactly the order it was said to him.)
-Terrible at drawing.
-Cannot stand by while people are in danger, especially innocent ones.
-Has severe difficulty with reading maps.

A war with his Arahitogami brethren.
Fears high temperatures near him.
Fears his father (who blows, btw)
Fears the loss of his family (brother, sister, wife, son) (if applicable)

General Personality:
Kakumei sometimes seems quiet, and very well mannered. He believes he has a moral obligation to help people who are in danger, no matter the risk to himself. He doesn't accept payment for services to protect people or save a life.

He is an individualist and idealist, refusing to bow to a mortal authority or pledge allegiance to any government. Kakumei often tries to bring out the best in people as individuals, even if it would cause a social stigma around that person as he believes that an individual is greater than the whole of a society.

Kakumei also believes in personal choice and complete freedom of will, but also in personal responsibility for one's own actions.

When Kakumei is in a large crowd of people, he tends to stay quiet and rarely gives his casual opinions or ideas to a group unless asked. He isn't necessarily timid, but he doesn't feel like interacting with people on a large level, preferring to talk to people and get to know them on an individual level.

He always returns kindness with kindness and respect with respect. But for those who insult him or those around him, he tries to keep neutral in it if it is something that can ignore. If he gets pissed off enough, he will go into a rage and try to hurt the persons feelings into making them feel bad for what they did, but not necessarily bad about who they are.


Kakumei once fought alongside his brother in the war against his father, a maniac who was hell bent on the domination of the Arahitogami society and eventually the world after that. The war spilled up to the surface of the world for a short time, but eventually their father was finally beaten.

The government as it was, was eventually restored before their father's reign of terror. However, shortly after this, Kakumei became frustrated with the attitude of the Arahitogami people and the government and left. They tried to stop him from leaving as they were afraid of exposing themselves too much to the outside world, but had no way to stop him from going.

Because of this, other Arahitogami managed to find a way to get to get out of the system, evading Arahitogami assassins that might try to come after them for desertion.

Kakumei often runs around to try to protect those and help hide them from the government, often confronting other Arahitogami in order to make them go back underground.


Kakumei was taught in very harsh environments and under intense conditions. Because of his father, he was bread to be a powerful fighter along side his brother. Compared to other Arahitogami, Kakumei isn't as physically strong. His fighting styles are based around his speed, which is a bit higher than average for an Arahitogami. He prefers open palm strikes to closed fists, and getting in close and moving around and dodging blows towards him. Kakumei's hand to hand combat focuses on enemies who are bigger and stronger than he is, and he has a little more difficulty with faster and smaller enemies.

Kakumei's sword play is unique to him, as generally uses curved blades like katana but often mixes in techniques and skills often attributed to pointed and straight blades. Kakumei is ambidextrous as well, able to utilize two swords at once and even attributing two separate styles as he does.


Being an Arahitogami, Kakumei interacts with what is scientifically considered "Dark Matter/Dark Energy". Not all, but some. Using methods that have to do with his races ability to interact with this, he can cause things to happen that could be considered "Magic", "Powers", or "Abilities" around him. His skills specifically target moisture. Water, and change it to both a solid and gaseous state. From turning water to blades of ice, to causing a storm within 200 feet of him are possible, as well as mass manipulating large bodies of water.

As well as his elemental ability and the standard abilities granted through being an Arahitogami, he can control an element that he calls "Chaos". This is not inherently an element, as it is the manipulation of energy. He can cause molecules to become unstable, or re stabilize them. He can take certain things, such as his weapons, and pull them into his own personal space time. He breaks down a sword and automatically stores it in a space in his eyes that cannot be interacted with, until he calls the blade into his hand using his ability. He does this with very few items, and doing it incorrectly can cause sever damage or even death.

Notable Items

Chaos Breaker:

History. The Chaos Breaker was a weapon forged by the old gods that gave birth to the Arahitogami, and given to the Lady in the Lake to give to those considered worthy or uniquely qualified to wield it. This is one of the most privileged blades that one can receive from the Lady in the Lake.

Vital Statistics. The Chaos Breaker has been made from a rare non-Earth metal called Tritalium. This very rare metal is created under similar conditions to that of Vibranium in other universes. The blade has a tinsel strength of a perfect 10 on the hardness scale, though it has been damaged before. Through the top of the hilt it is fitted with a blue jewel that gives the blade special properties.

The blade itself it 3'10", and weights around 30lbs. However, this blade only feels as if it weighs about 6 when held by an Arahitogami, Arc, or Elf. The width of the blade is about 2" across, and its about 4mm thick at the thickest.

The hilt and handle are about 6" long.

Special Abilities of the Chaos Breaker:

The jewel on the Chaos Breaker is a "Time Relic" that was bound by physics to the sword. Because of this, the Chaos Breaker exists outside and within time itself. If it is broken, cracked, or completely destroyed it will re-manifest itself in space time in near seconds.

The jewel on the Chaos Breaker also acts as a vacuum in space-time. Spiritual magic breaks when making contact with the sword and is nullified by the blade. Energy based attacks that are charged by ki are absorbed by the blade, and can be stored to fuel attacks by the user if they are based on the blade.

This weapon is stored by Kakumei's Contamination Field. (Left Eye)

Signature or Notable Abilities/Skills

Signature Move: Chaos Cannon

The user of this technique closes his fist and charges up matter to become unstable in his hand. If his fist opens, he creates a cone shaped blast of unstable energy of no specific elemental alignment. The temperatures within the cone of the blast reach almost 900 degrees and often create slight seismic activity that can be picked up on a Richter scale.

If the user hits a target directly with this fist, it breaks its mass into atoms, vaporizing it. However, this does not work on an object that is magical in nature, and it does not work on living beings. Instead, it causes serious burns in the deep tissue of the area hit that has a 50% chance to reach the bone. If it hits armor or clothing, that piece that is hit vaporizes, but causes no damage to the skin underneath.

This ability can only "vaporize" items that are non magical, and a persons magnetic field and natural energy keep him from vaporizing a human dead on. Instead, the hit is released as a major burn through the body.

Signature Ability: Kakumei's Contamination Field.

The Contamination Field is a rarity even among Arahitogami. Kakumei breaks down a physical object and stores it within his eyes as an Aurata Field, that can be rematerialized and dematerialized on command. He can store up to 6 items within each eye, and rematerializes an object within the corresponding hand. This is what gives him the purple color within his eyes that remains even if all of his weapons are not currently stored within his eyes.

After a 24 hour period, a weapon that has not been recalled by the Contamination Field does so automatically through subspace.

Note: This ability only ties into weapons that have "Contamination Field" stated under them, and he cannot use this ability to take peoples weapons at a whim.

Notable Ability: Mass Water Production

Kakumei has manipulate his water Aurata to combine within the moisture in the air and pull it into a liquid state around him. Essentially what this means is that he can create and use his own water in the area around him without the need for a source of water around him. However, this is limited to the moisture in the air, and the longer he uses it in a 50ft area the less effective this ability comes. The first use in a 50ft area makes a maximum amount of 16 gal of water that he can use and manipulate for his attacks. If he can focus about 3 minutes unhindered, he can pull something close to 30 gal of water from the air but expends a lot of energy to do so.

Because Kakumei has to gather Water Aurata particles to do this, he usually has to wait between 6 minutes at a time to do this technique again.

Any water that he manipulates (even if he didn't create from a source) can only be up to 60 gallons at any given time, due to the strain it puts on his Aurata field. The water that he controls cannot be manipulated by another source of magic/powers.

Notable Ability: Ice Creation

By imposing his Aurata on water, he is able to turn water into a sold form reinforced by his energy. Because of it having his Aurata, it is resistant to average heat fire, and 6 times as strong as normal glacier ice. Doing this, he can create swords on par with steel, and as sharp as obsidian which has great cutting power. The ice creation can take any shape and is limited to the water that he has access to.

Signature Ability: Blue Sakura Storm

One of Kakumei's dangerous moves. With this ability, he freezes the moisture in the air and creates razor sharp petals, approximately 8 to 12 petals per square foot in a space as large as 20ft with Kakumei at the center. He can send them about 100ft in any direction at speeds of about 80mph. At max speed, the petals have been known to shred through trees and stone when condensed on specific point.

Signature Ability: Blue Sakura Storm, Whirlwind

Instead of sending his Blue Sakura Storm out as an offensive attack, Kakumei can spin the air around him at about 70mph, the blades of wind creating a wall of wind around him that can shred apart incoming attackers or there attacks, especially projectiles. He can maintain this defense for about 6 minutes, and can send out the Storm before it stops.

Signature Ability: Bloody Ice

Kakumei can manipulate the moisture in an open wound on his own body. Should an enemy cut him and cause him to bleed, he can turn that wound into a weapon. From the wound, a spike of ice as sharp as obsidian can jolt out from the wound up to 6 feet that can pierce an enemy that tries to close in for a kill or more damage. He can sever the ice afterward and leave it just over his skin as a way to stop a wound from bleeding out.

Signature Ability: Chaos Strike

Swinging a blade, he charges the air with Chaos Energy, which is really nothing more than a force of wind charged by his energy. Usually, it is about 5 ft long and 4 inches wide and moves about 50mph. It isn't meant to cause damage as much as it is meant to inflict pain on impact and knock the breath out of someone or used as a warning shot.

This is not a wind based skill. He simply pushes the wind with the force of energy though his personal element "Chaos".

Notable Ability: Metaphysical Charge

A user gathers the natural energy around him in the immediate area, and mixes it in with their own. This causes the body to become filled with vigor and allows them the ability to move at about 1.5 the speed and strike with about 1.5 percent of their natural ability. This cannot usually be maintained longer than ten minutes, and can physically exhaust the user severely if used repeatedly.

While using a Metaphysical Charge, adrenaline is produced rapidly in the body (if applicable) and they seem to have a sharper mind and clarity while fighting. The users sense of pain is dulled down by about 80%, but is 20% more worse once the Charge wears off.

Kakumei can teach this to anybody of any race.

Notable Ability: Diamond Ice Claws

Not actually diamond, Kakumei can freeze water around his finger tips to create razor sharp ice infused with his Aurata. Because they are actually connected to his body, he can continually keep them from melting due to heat fatigue. This is also the sharpest type of ice power that he has, with the cutting sharpness of obsidian or diamond.
A variation of this ability is that he can swing his arm forward an launch the Ice Claw's at an opponent, but they become vulnerable to heat fatigue. They also loose velocity after about 18 ft, but move at about 30mph.

(Currently Incomplete. Will work on more in time.)

"..." Seeing the floating eye, he simply poked it before looked out of the window of the car.
<Snipped quote by Kakumei>

Well, people are more complicated then that. Money in general isn't innately evil (you aren't being evil when you purchase a stereo for instance, unless it is an evil stereo), but money does represent power in our system. Arguably more so than individual government office does, especially in our system of checks and balances. Power isn't innately evil either, but the quest for power taps into a lot of strong human desires and emotions, and the maintenance of power does the same.

So if you take an especially rich donor - any rich donor, I'm not specifying which political affiliation - they will be most likely driven quite strongly to maintain their money. Even if what they do is morally questionable, the fact that that thing is why they are so wealthy can easily blind them to it's moral problems. And if they can use their money to buy legislation, and they can buy politicians so that popular opposition is quenched, that is corruption. The problem with making it your own political goal as an average citizen to protect these people is peculiar, because they can clearly look after themselves politically at the moment, but the same can't be said for the rest of us.

"Maintaining ones money" isn't a thing. Sure, government takes a shit ton of your money if you are in a higher tax bracket, and for a country that isn't supposed to be taxed like that per Constitutional regulation, it is 100% understandable that people would want to change that. Other than that, the only way to "maintain you money" is to not spend it.

<Snipped quote by Kakumei>
As for 1 percenters, that is a meaningless phrase really. I have an uncle that technically fits in this category but he isn't exactly influencing the political process with his wealth. What makes a person part of the super-wealthy (or aristocracy, lets call it what it is) is their ability to live souly off of the interest on their capital. And in that case... surprisingly, not all candidates fit that bill. It doesn't even cut completely across political boundaries.

One percenters refers to people in the top 1 percent of the tax bracket. It has nothing to do with who a person is politically affiliated with, nor does it have anything to do with how they spend or use their money.

<Snipped quote by Kakumei>
So anyway, to your thesis, I don't think corruption is an innate trait. Clearly you need something to be corrupt for, and money is the most obvious candidate. There are plenty of snake-oil salesmen and con-men in this world being corrupt among us commoners of course, but they don't have the capital to purchase politicians like the aristocratic hucksters have, so it would be dishonest to paint both as equally problematic. And there really isn't any reason to make excuses for them unless you think you will somehow get that much money (hint: you won't.)

Again, I am not saying that money can't be used in a negative way. I am saying money is an amoral thing. Just like a gun.

You can pick up a gun to rob a store, or you can use it to stop a woman from being raped.

You can use money to build a homeless shelter, or you can use it to fund drug runners.

Blaming it on the money, for the intent of the person who is using it, is naive and doesn't make sense. Government is something that, throughout the ages, has been highly corrosive. Government has the power to control masses in ways that make people like Stalin or Hitler fawn over and kill to keep. Pol Pot killed all the white people in his country when he took it over just so he could maintain economic power over then, and ended up destroying his entire counties economic system for it.

And American government is proving each day that its corrupt and flexing those muscles. Fmr General Portreaus was completely destroyed by his mistress handling classified materials inappropriately, but personal email using Hillary Clinton does the same thing (and so far according to the FBI, quite a bit of) with classified materials and she skates the system like its highschool.

You clearly are stuck in your position and it really might not be worth continuing this little debate. So, enjoy your Halloween and I'll see you around eventually.

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