Character Name:Yue Kintoshi
Age:160 Years (Physiologically 16-20 comparative to humans)
Race: Arahitogami
Explanation of Powers/Abilities Mechanics: Aurata Mechanics
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Occupation: Information Broker, Rare Item Hunter,
-Fast and dexterous
-Very high stamina
- Power over wind
-Very slow to heal from physical trauma.
-Sucks at swimming.
-Weak to Lightning based attacks
General Appearance:
He is 5'10" and 240lbs.
Look to picture for a better visual idea of how he looks.
-Solving Puzzles
-Gathering Informatin
-Silent Infiltration
-Has a silver tongue
-Absolutely cannot cook. Yue once burned a Salad. Never again will he make a salad.
-A little careless in battle
-Clumzy in day to day activities.
-He is also terrible at tying knots that aren't keeping his hair up.
Yue has a fear of heights and snakes. Snakes is a weird one, as he doesn't have the ability to be poisoned by them.
General Personality:
Yue is gentle and playful, preferring to avoid direct confrontation at fair costs. However, he will easily put himself in danger to protect those around him, a trait he gets from his father. He tries to be a charmer with people, and does his best not to say anything that would hurt another. He is often oblivious to how people feel about him, as he generally is more worried about being kind mannered.
When he is upset or embarrassed, he looks down to his feet or to the side in attempts to avoid eye contact. He will get quiet and try to avoid everyone until he feels better in an attempt not to burden others with his emotions.
When he is angry enough, he will flip out and start aggressively insulting the person who has pissed him off. He will hold a grudge for a while, but it does go after some time.
He loves being fed and coddled, and absolutely adores anyone who will do either for him.
Character Biography:
He is a trained fighter with both hand to hand combat as well as weapons. However, he is more skilled with sword play than any other method of fighting, and a little less experienced with hand to hand styles of fighting because of his favoritism. He is known to dual wield weapons with great skill, and is faster with a blade than most Arahitogami fighters, even known to cut bullets and arrows from the air. While he was trained by his father in hand to had combat, kick based styles cause him great difficulty, and unlike his father, he will prefer to use an fist as opposed to an open palm.
Yue also favors a bow more than other Arahitogami, and has a draw back strength of about 250lbs. However, few bows can handle that, so he must use a special bow in order to achieve the power he can potentially generate with one. He also has the greatest eyesight of any Arahitogami, as he lived most of his life on the surface, while most Arahitogami live underground. This makes his marksmanship very capable.
Yue is someone who primarily uses the wind. Within an area around himself, he can spin the air so quickly and with so much force it can protect him from high velocity attacks and projectiles. While getting enough air and spinning it fast enough, he can make things look invisible for a short time. Yue's skill with wind is so great and precise that a person can stand next to a wall of his moving air just an inch away and not even feel a light draft. He often uses his wind ability to protect from attacks and attackers, but also accelerate his own speed, causing harder hitting attacks and faster movement.
Notable and Signature Skills/Abilities