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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whitepulse


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Tora

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Personality: Observant and Kind with strong will, Tora is focused practicer of the Ice Tiger King Style who learns from his various mistakes quickly. sometime unaware how to act around other people but trying to act kind, getting distressed in conversations when people act very energic.

Brief Backstory: Focused practicioner of the Ice Tiger King School . He began his training at the age of 6, keeping mostly to himself, which explains his distress during large social interactions. Setting out to perfect the Ice Tiger style in his own way and met other sects and schools. The Ice Tiger King style school was located at snowy mountain making it hard to reach.

Styles and Techniques:
Ice Tiger King Style
Style that uses claw and fang like hand positions in attacks. The style also Involves shaping Ki Into cold elemental form, causing hands to give light blue light and making veins emit blue light. Also Giving the power to shape and command ice.
The attack style involves fast swipes and leaps few kick weaved in. There's also two type attack forms "Claw" (Claw shaped hands) And "Paw" (Closed fists)
Defense involves quick dash like dodges and closequoter defense aggressive swipes mixed into blocks.

Ice Tiger Hunt: Hands are covered in cold Ki that gives a sharp claw like shape above hands.
High Mountain Path: Swipe kick Combo which starts from opponents front and moves past behind the target.
Ice Tiger Hide: Whole Body is coated in white colored ki with black stripes appearing on back. increasing toughness and profound movement ability.
Ice Tiger Hide LV 2 : Blizzard Hide clear aura of ice and snow spin around the user causing frostbites and ice shards hit anything within aura.
Avalance ice swipe a prepared position of perform a large motion swipe with ice claws when dashing toward opponent, another form allows performing of ice wave to surge from ground.
Roar Releases strong tiger like howl that deflects and knocks back anything within arms reach. Each consecutive use weakens the effect and makes user unable to speak for while. Can be also use as intimidation tactic when combines with Tiger Pill.

Recovery pill: Pill that recovers all wounds, but works only once a day.
Tiger Pill: Charges user with Stamina, Ice tiger style users have managed to add tiger Ice Tiger Ki aura as additional effect of use into pill.
Hawk eye Pill: Increase user perception making it easier to spot small movements and avoiding hits of opponent, effect causes users eye turn yellow with slit pupils for the duration of the effect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

It's a bit silent in here so i fear the worst. Non the less, here's my character :)

•Name: Tae
•Age: 125
•Gender: Male
•Race: Inari. The Inari are a shape shifting hybrid of human and fox. The Inari possesses three forms, a human form, a hybrid form and a fox form. In their human form, the Inari have the physical qualities of a human, in their fox form they have the physical qualities of a fox. Their hybrid form is what the Inari consider their "true" form. In this form they can gain absolute control of their inner Ki and perform feats that are considered superhuman or extraordinary. In human/non Inari communities people often say the Inari are just a race of legend as most Inari prefer to use their human form when interacting with other races. Inari often travel the world to act as spiritial guides and help those in need. Inari roughly can become around 400 years old and reach maturity around 100 years.

•Personality: Tae is a gently yet serious person. He is deeply devoted to the teachings of the Inari Tao and tries to follow them as good as possible. He generaly prefers to resolve conflicts through negotiation and only uses violence as a last resort. The xia of the Inari teaches the following code; Avoid violence when possible, do not cause more harm then necassery but vanquish evil without hesitation when you must.

•Brief Backstory: Tae was born as the second son and youngest child in a small Inari village high within the mountains. In order to receive education and training, his father brought Tae and his older brother Mao to the temple of the nine tails. A famous Inari temple dedicated to the teachings of the Tao and bringing kindness to the 10th world. It was here that Tae learned the Gentle fox Style and the Burning Spirit style martial arts. As the years passed the 10th world slowly got consumed in war. It was this darkness that caused Tae's brother to develop radical idea's. Rather then to pacify the other races, Mao believed that only true peace could come to existance when the other races would be annialated. Slowly Mao managed to convince others at the temple of his idea's. When the master challanged Mao idea's with arguments, he got enraged and used his knowledge of the martial arts to kill the temple master. This presented Tae with a choice, side with his brother to bring a new world order or follow the teachings of his master and bring good to all. Tae chose the latter and got expelled from the temple.

•Styles and Techniques:
* The gentle fox style: The gentle fox style is a form of martial arts that focusses on defeating your oponent without causing much harm. It uses the energy an momemtum of the enemies attack in order to get him off balance and under control with various throws and arm and wristlocks. The gentle fox style also incoorperates Bo-staff techniques. All the techniques are purely defensive.
* Burning fox spirit style: The burning fox spirit style is a form of martial arts that focus heavily on the users Ki. The style uses Ki in order to augment the physical abilities of the practisioner, allowing him to move faster, jump higher and punch harder. In contrast to the gentle fox style, the burning fox spirit style is an aggressive combat system that consists of punches, kicks, knee and elbow techniques. Next to the basic hand to hand combat techniques the style also uses Ki blasts and beams. The full potential of this style can only be unlocked in the true form of the Inari as that form gives them complete control over their Ki. When using this style, Tae is engulfed in a white aura of Ki energy.

- Spirit rush: This technique allows the user to move at extremely high speeds over a short distance.
- Burning Spirit: Tae uses his Ki to temporarily boost his abilities. His aura intensifies as his speed and strenght are boosted greatly.
- Spirit Javalin: Tae places his hands against eachother and gathers Ki energy in between. By moving his hands away from each a rod of white Ki is formed. Tae then grabs the rod and trows it like a javalin that pierces his opponent.
- Spirit blast: Tae gathers Ki at both his hands seperately. Balls of Ki are formed. He then combines both sources of Ki into one giant ball that explodes on Impact.
- Burning Spirit beam: Tae gathers Ki in both his arms, than places them together to shoot a massive beam of Ki at his opponent.

•Equipment: A Bo-staff
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