A quick trip by a porting bus took them to a mansion. A very simple Mansion but a mansion none the less. At the door waited the head butler, the four underbutlers- two to each side of the hall- and all of the maids were standing in two neat rows. The cooks and scullery maids were on one side while the gardening staff were on the other side of the main hall. Well, there was really only one hall but there was a spiral stairway that went up to the suites.
Each staff member had a name tag on but not a name, just a number and position that they were assigned to. They would be divided up between the new kings and queens. Each one wanted the 'good or at least the better' king and queen. All was ready for the new occupants so when the porting bus landed, the butler opened the doors to welcome them in.
When the kings and queens arrived at the door, the head butler spoke stiffly as he stepped aside to allow them in.
"Welcome to the porting mansion. I am the head butler. Each staff member has a name tag with their number and household position. Feel free to take any of the maids or one of us butlers to your suite where you wish to reside."

Each staff member had a name tag on but not a name, just a number and position that they were assigned to. They would be divided up between the new kings and queens. Each one wanted the 'good or at least the better' king and queen. All was ready for the new occupants so when the porting bus landed, the butler opened the doors to welcome them in.
When the kings and queens arrived at the door, the head butler spoke stiffly as he stepped aside to allow them in.
"Welcome to the porting mansion. I am the head butler. Each staff member has a name tag with their number and household position. Feel free to take any of the maids or one of us butlers to your suite where you wish to reside."