I N S T R U C T I O N S:
- Using the provided template, please create a character sheet and post it to the OCC for approval.
- Once approval has been received post said character sheet to the CS tab.
- All other posts to the OOC tab.
Main Character
A Fancy Image
age | height| race (human or tainted)
age | height| race (human or tainted)
Physical Description:
Kind of self-explanatory really a physical description of your character to go along with your picture. People like words and pretty descriptions.
Everyone has a history. I want a good idea of where they are coming from and where they are going. Tell us about life before they figured out that they were bounded and the aftermath after. Remember unlocking the potential for the first time usually comes in life or death situations where emotions are peaking without restraint. It generally isn't a happy experience and more often than not leaves a lot of bodies in their wake when they come down from the blood frenzy.
The character's outlook on life, how they tick and how they operate
Everybody is good at something... what are you good at?
Armor, weapons, trinkets, and other knick knacks.
Leviathan Image
Name goes here
(For now your Leviathan sheets are going to be short because well they are just creepy mysterious voices and detailed sheets about them ruins the mystique of that if you know what I mean)
Main Character
[center][img]A Fancy Image[/img]
age | height| race (human or tainted)[/center]
[indent]Physical Description:
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Kind of self-explanatory really a physical description of your character to go along with your picture. People like words and pretty descriptions. [/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Everyone has a history. I want a good idea of where they are coming from and where they are going. Tell us about life before they figured out that they were bounded and the aftermath after. Remember unlocking the potential for the first time usually comes in life or death situations where emotions are peaking without restraint. It generally isn't a happy experience and more often than not leaves a lot of bodies in their wake when they come down from the blood frenzy.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]The character's outlook on life, how they tick and how they opreate[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Everybody is good at something... what are you good at?[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Armor, weapons, trinkets, and other knick nacks.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[center]Leviathan Image[/center]
[CENTER][H2]Name goes here[/h2][/center]
[center][img]A Fancy Image[/img]
age | height| race (human or tainted)[/center]
[indent]Physical Description:
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Kind of self-explanatory really a physical description of your character to go along with your picture. People like words and pretty descriptions. [/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Everyone has a history. I want a good idea of where they are coming from and where they are going. Tell us about life before they figured out that they were bounded and the aftermath after. Remember unlocking the potential for the first time usually comes in life or death situations where emotions are peaking without restraint. It generally isn't a happy experience and more often than not leaves a lot of bodies in their wake when they come down from the blood frenzy.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]The character's outlook on life, how they tick and how they opreate[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Everybody is good at something... what are you good at?[/color][/indent][/indent]
[indent][color=7d7d7d]Armor, weapons, trinkets, and other knick nacks.[/color][/indent][/indent]
[center]Leviathan Image[/center]
[CENTER][H2]Name goes here[/h2][/center]

Amadeus Dondel
35| 189 cm| Human
Physical Description:
Amadeus is an intimidating cut of a man, tall and lean like a great bird of prey. This sharp definition and almost sickly gauntness to his body easily distinguish him in a crowd, a giant slowly swaying amongst the masses. Though do not let this slender make confuse for fragility or weakness as buried beneath layers of old blood stained cloth and rags long meant to be washed ago lays a body tense like a trap ready to spring. His sun beaten face and unkempt hair a general sign of a life spent facing the elements and all that entails with it. Eyes almost feral in their intensity are set deep into the center of a face composed of hard angles with prominent almost elfin cheekbones and a sharply defined jaw hidden behind a strong growth of hair across the face that comes in thick requiring a steady hand and a close shave. The face itself is usually kept in a somber expression bordering on disinterest. But when the lopsided smile does appear it almost feels like he is a hynea laughing right before he devours you. His stand out piece of attire is what amounts to rags on top of rags forming some sort of conglomeration of foul smelling cloth stitched together into a heavy traveling cloak stained with blood, mud and other foul liquids its has certainly shown its use. His body is pathwork of scars in different states of healing queuing into the life that he once lead long ago.
To understand the story of Mr. Dondel one has to understand the story of the Inquisitors of the Republic. The Inquisitors are in many ways serve as a very particular kind of military police in service of human nature. They repress revolts inside the Republic usually started by the impure in their ghettos. Most are orphans or those of low standing with nothing to lose and are willing to sign their lives away to protect the greater good. Holding loyalty only to the Lord Inquisitor they spend their entire life purging the streets of the unclean. Armed with heavy warhammers able to ignite with flame and heavy blunderbuss type handheld cannons adept at clearing close quarters that they would spend most of their time in. When revolts and unrest would occur and they could not be persuaded back into passivity the Inquisitors were sent in to start killing them to the man. It was simple idea of surrender or die. Of course for the citizens of the Republic the Inquisitors were heroes, protectors of peace and seen as the bastions of safety keeping them safe from the tainted.
Joining the ranks of these killers was Amadeus as soon as he came of age. Amadeus was different from the rest of the Inquisitors uncommonly kind and tragically foolish. Where the others fought to crush and kill, the watch the screams of the tainted before they drove their hammers down upon their skulls and for the thrill of the hunt. Amadeus fought because he felt it was the right thing to do. Because if they didn't put the revolters down, if they didn't kill the impure than they could threaten the entire city. It's hard to say how long he fought with the Inquisitors and how many he killed but not before too long did things start to go terribly, terribly wrong. Dealing with simple revolters was easy they could be put down easily and only occurred in small number but then, then some of the tainted started going feral consumed by their innate bloodlust and turned into ravenous beasts.
In the city of Kel located on the Republic's dwindling border the desperate tainted resulted to such measures in mass in a last attempt to try and overthrow the city before they were all killed. In part they succeeded and soon Kel had been overrun by the feral tainted. To prevent the chaos from spreading the gates of the city were sealed shut and barricades constructed outside the walls as the Inquisitors were sent in to as always deal with the impure ones. The numbers were too great to use any form of subtly and so the inquisitors including Amadeus methodically set the city alight the fire consuming all within, tainted, ferals, but also others civilians still trapped inside the walls when they closed the gates and barricaded the city in. When it was done they combed the smoldering ruins killing any survivors and making sure such horrors would never have to be resorted to again.
The events at Kel had effected Amadeus greatly. All the death and destruction of it all, the smell of burnt flesh still clinging to his nose after all these years. But what stuck with him the most were the screams, the screams of the man, woman, children and even impure ones and ferals as the city burned. They all sounded the same, they were all just people. But that couldn't be right he'd spent his entire youth in school in classes learning that man were pure and good and that the impure, the tainted where devils that deserved that fate presented to them. A truth he held certain as he performed his duties time and time again. But what if he was wrong? What if they were just people? What kind of monster would that of made him?
Still in doubt he continued his duties for several more months plagued nightly by the events at Kels. Eventually it came to a head when the Inquisitors were sent out to deal with another small uprising of infected and ferals. It was minuscule compared to Kel maybe twenty individuals in total but the entire infected population had to be cleansed. It was then that some of his comrades found a tainted girl maybe ten years old. And soon with time to kill and urges to vent they began to torment the girl in ways most unspeakable things that would make some of the hardest men wince and cause anyone to try and stay stop. But none of them did they all took part in the revelry and hedonistic ceremony of it all. And at that moment Amadeus finally realized that he had been wrong all these years, he wasn't killing monsters, he was the monster. He tried to talk them down get them to stop but they did not listen to him and they pushed him aside. They called him soft, they called him a freak lover. Then they hurt the little girl even more. And then something snapped.
All the guilt, the anger, the rage all of it came rushing forward into a terrible fury boiling inside of him. And a voice all too familiar spoke to him in the darkness and told him that he could make them pay if he wanted to. That he had the power. When he awoke next from a haze he had killed all the other Inquisitors in the camp. Blood, limbs and entrails scattered the area. The only souls left were him drenched in blood and the girl looking up at him with horror in her eyes at whatever Amadeus was. He tried to help her but she ran away. Angry, confused he left the town and went into the wilderness the last Inquisitor disappeared into the shadows.
Five years had passed in silence since then. In that time Amadeus had left civilized society beyond himself. Seeing himself as a monster unfit to be in the presence of man. A killer of beasts and man unwanted. And so he wanders hunting animals when he can and generally staying away from any signs of civilization both tainted and human. Though rumors do come through sometimes of a guardian of sorts. A gargantuan man covered in rags carrying the weapons of the old Inquisitors appearing in the middle of the night and killing Republic Hunters and Inquisitors. Maybe in an attempt to repent by protecting those he once killed from the man he used to be.
Joining the ranks of these killers was Amadeus as soon as he came of age. Amadeus was different from the rest of the Inquisitors uncommonly kind and tragically foolish. Where the others fought to crush and kill, the watch the screams of the tainted before they drove their hammers down upon their skulls and for the thrill of the hunt. Amadeus fought because he felt it was the right thing to do. Because if they didn't put the revolters down, if they didn't kill the impure than they could threaten the entire city. It's hard to say how long he fought with the Inquisitors and how many he killed but not before too long did things start to go terribly, terribly wrong. Dealing with simple revolters was easy they could be put down easily and only occurred in small number but then, then some of the tainted started going feral consumed by their innate bloodlust and turned into ravenous beasts.
In the city of Kel located on the Republic's dwindling border the desperate tainted resulted to such measures in mass in a last attempt to try and overthrow the city before they were all killed. In part they succeeded and soon Kel had been overrun by the feral tainted. To prevent the chaos from spreading the gates of the city were sealed shut and barricades constructed outside the walls as the Inquisitors were sent in to as always deal with the impure ones. The numbers were too great to use any form of subtly and so the inquisitors including Amadeus methodically set the city alight the fire consuming all within, tainted, ferals, but also others civilians still trapped inside the walls when they closed the gates and barricaded the city in. When it was done they combed the smoldering ruins killing any survivors and making sure such horrors would never have to be resorted to again.
The events at Kel had effected Amadeus greatly. All the death and destruction of it all, the smell of burnt flesh still clinging to his nose after all these years. But what stuck with him the most were the screams, the screams of the man, woman, children and even impure ones and ferals as the city burned. They all sounded the same, they were all just people. But that couldn't be right he'd spent his entire youth in school in classes learning that man were pure and good and that the impure, the tainted where devils that deserved that fate presented to them. A truth he held certain as he performed his duties time and time again. But what if he was wrong? What if they were just people? What kind of monster would that of made him?
Still in doubt he continued his duties for several more months plagued nightly by the events at Kels. Eventually it came to a head when the Inquisitors were sent out to deal with another small uprising of infected and ferals. It was minuscule compared to Kel maybe twenty individuals in total but the entire infected population had to be cleansed. It was then that some of his comrades found a tainted girl maybe ten years old. And soon with time to kill and urges to vent they began to torment the girl in ways most unspeakable things that would make some of the hardest men wince and cause anyone to try and stay stop. But none of them did they all took part in the revelry and hedonistic ceremony of it all. And at that moment Amadeus finally realized that he had been wrong all these years, he wasn't killing monsters, he was the monster. He tried to talk them down get them to stop but they did not listen to him and they pushed him aside. They called him soft, they called him a freak lover. Then they hurt the little girl even more. And then something snapped.
All the guilt, the anger, the rage all of it came rushing forward into a terrible fury boiling inside of him. And a voice all too familiar spoke to him in the darkness and told him that he could make them pay if he wanted to. That he had the power. When he awoke next from a haze he had killed all the other Inquisitors in the camp. Blood, limbs and entrails scattered the area. The only souls left were him drenched in blood and the girl looking up at him with horror in her eyes at whatever Amadeus was. He tried to help her but she ran away. Angry, confused he left the town and went into the wilderness the last Inquisitor disappeared into the shadows.
Five years had passed in silence since then. In that time Amadeus had left civilized society beyond himself. Seeing himself as a monster unfit to be in the presence of man. A killer of beasts and man unwanted. And so he wanders hunting animals when he can and generally staying away from any signs of civilization both tainted and human. Though rumors do come through sometimes of a guardian of sorts. A gargantuan man covered in rags carrying the weapons of the old Inquisitors appearing in the middle of the night and killing Republic Hunters and Inquisitors. Maybe in an attempt to repent by protecting those he once killed from the man he used to be.
A long time ago Amadeus was once a kind and foolish man. The years have been harsh and long and have tampered him over time to life and its horrors and disappointments. His time as an Inquisitor for the Republic has left scars both mentally and physically upon his body. The native, the innocence and the kindness had long since vanished from his eyes and were replaced by one cold fury. This deep and burning rage is the only thing that keeps him driving forward a self-hatred towards his own atrocities, a hatred towards those that lied to him and told him he was doing the right thing, a hatred towards the Leviathans for making this mess in the first place. But none the less his actions after his fall from grace mark this avatar of rage with a certain humanity that is left even if he clings to it with little more than a few strands of hope. That kindness is still buried somewhere deep and still drives him to try and atone to do the right thing.
Amadeus is a warrior through and through and even after he renounced his Inquisitor's vows he still uses the skills they taught him to use. A terrifying sight to behold with his old warhammer and cannon in close quarters and urban combat that the Inquisitors spent most of their time in he is a force to be reckoned with. Tenacity comes in full force as well hunting ferals sometimes took weeks to track down to the source and they never stopped once to doubt or be slowed by fatigue. Survival, tracking and basic medical care come along as well all having been drilled into his head from training and beyond. Though some may say the most useful skill of his is that of intimidation. When he threatens you, you believe it because he has no qualms about ending your life there and then. Terrifyingly cool under pressure even when the shit has truly hit the fan, a true avatar of death if there ever was one.
- Inquisitor's Warhammer: A heavy piece of steel and pain merged together into a terrifying little bludgeon instrument of death. The head is crafted like that of some sort of mythological dragon and when a button is clicked on the shaft a mechanism activates inside activating a blood crystal which ignites the entire dragon's head in terrible flames.
- The Cleansing Thunder: Quite literally a small cannon or very large shotgun depending on the viewer's opion that is strapped to the left forearm with some metal bracing. The weight and kick alone is enough to rip the arm off of an untrained individual though when used properly can clear a room in minutes
- some other miscellaneous junk and such.
- Inquisitor's Warhammer: A heavy piece of steel and pain merged together into a terrifying little bludgeon instrument of death. The head is crafted like that of some sort of mythological dragon and when a button is clicked on the shaft a mechanism activates inside activating a blood crystal which ignites the entire dragon's head in terrible flames.
- The Cleansing Thunder: Quite literally a small cannon or very large shotgun depending on the viewer's opion that is strapped to the left forearm with some metal bracing. The weight and kick alone is enough to rip the arm off of an untrained individual though when used properly can clear a room in minutes
- some other miscellaneous junk and such.

Xiylanthoc The Undying Rage