In the war torn Koprulu sector, dark times have fallen upon its occupants once more. With the death of Arcturus Mengsk, a new Emperor took his place only a few short months after. Relentless and aggressive, they burn a path of death and destruction through the galaxy as he and those who are loyal to him aim to eliminate anyone and everyone in their way for total domination on a galactic scale. The Terran find themselves yet again threatened by the corrupt, sadistic, and violent ruler that now watches over the galaxy with a lust for not only wealth, but power and complete domination. Emperor Amethyin, this man had lied to his own people to allow him to issue out orders and commands of all types of nature without any interruption from politicians.

The galaxy was his do to with as he seemed fit, for better or worse. Not all fell for his lies and promises of a better, safer future among all species of the galaxy. Raynors Raiders once again found themselves fighting for the future of their people but thankfully had revived much better equipment and recruits to fight for their cause. War between Emperor Amethyins troops who called themselves Terran Spartans and Raynors Raiders was rare but were growing more frequent as if the Emperor was planning something, and they were playing right into his hands. Almost all of Mengsk's past operatives had joined with Raynor not long after the corrupt emperor was eliminated. Among these was a certain Ghost with an extremely impressive track record, everyone knew her as Nova.

With the knowledge and skill of Mengsk's past top operatives and Ghosts, Raynors Raiders had an advantage over Amethyin and his troops. This certain Saturday on October twenty seventh was called a red letter day by Emperor Amethyin himself of a broadcast, announcing to everyone of his colonies that there was to be a large announcement that would change the course of the war with not only Raynors Raiders but also the Zerg that were attacking them ruthlessly and greatly hindering the new Dominions progression. Raynors Raiders had knowing that the announcement was coming that day was had no idea what it was going to be, even the intelligence officers were baffled and had no idea to what Amethyin had in store.

On the less known sister planet of Earth named Erathell, Raynors Raiders had built massive bases and compounds most underground but others on the surface, hidden from any hostile that may have been looking for them. One of these large military bases was nicknamed Outpost Frostwolf. Built into the side of a large mountain, those who were stationed there had a fantastic view that not even money itself could buy. Among many of those lucky people was Ghost Andromedai, who sat upon a cold metal chair in a viewing room that looking out over the massive snowy forest and rives below as snow fell from the sky. In her hands was a a mug of hot green tea, she would slowly sip its contents, her gaze focused on something in the distance, but there was nothing there.

She was deep in thought about the day and what was about to happen, it had a lot of people on edge. Someone walked into the quiet viewing room and took a seat next to Andromedai. The special operations medic sitting next to Andromedai looked her over. "Sapphire blue eyes, dark brown hair, soft tan, very well built, very cute if I may be so bold, and looking to be in terrific shape, both mentally and physically." This was her very close friend Solares who had been with her since they were both five years old. With a quick motion, Andromedai smacked Solares on the back of the head lightly before motioning to her data-pad. "Here we go Andro, the moment that we have all be dreading today..." said Solares as she watched Emperor Amethyin walked onto the stage, two elite guards standing next to him, showing off weapons neither Andromedai or Solares had seen before.

"Well new weapons is a bad sign but I think that is just the tip of the iceberg." Solares crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her head slightly against Andromedais left shoulder right before the Emperor spoke in his low, strong sounding voice. “My people, sons and daughters of the dominion, on this day we will no longer fear what lingers in the endless abyss of space. Today we no longer fear the hardships and horrors that have been brought down upon us from the Zerg, Protoss, and even some of our own people. Today I am proud to announce that the A.R.E.S. Project is complete and it may now finely be unleashed upon all those who threaten our rightful place in the galaxy, even in the universe. Now picture this if you can, our main three military forces of space, air and ground troops being the most advanced and powerful in the universe. This was once a dream of mine when I was much younger, wanting our species to be the superior one in the galaxy, where we are known as the watchers and guardians of all others."

"I can happily say that with the A.R.E.S. Project finished and already at work , my dream has finely come true.” There was a pause as a group of around ten brand-new fighters flew over the Emperor silently then turned on their low atmosphere after burners, filling the city with a magnificently loud roar. In the next couple of moments, advanced military equipment was shown to all watching, covering the ground, sky, and even some spaceships made themselves present in the high atmosphere. It was a grand display of military power and prowess, as well as a threat to anyone like Raynors Raiders, the Zerg, and the Protoss. A number of improved Thor Mechs where present as well, casting a shadow down upon the Emperor as he closed his presentation. “None shall question our power, none shall question our authority and dominance over them once this bright new chapter of our history comes to a close. Operations have already started my fellow people and have proven extremely successful. Rejoice! For we now are on the brink of entering a new golden age for all."

"Here I was, thinking he was going to announce he was getting married or had elected a new department for all the political bullshit we hear about these days. Was not expecting to hear that we are all going to die horribly in a wave of plasma fire." said Solares as she took the data pad away from Andromedai who had handed it to her. "I do not think anyone was, this new military that has been built is going to cause trouble for every species, every person, every man, woman, and child that stands in the emperors way. That man has no thread of mercy or understanding in his body, he wouldn't care if he nuked a battalion of refuge ships." A voice came over the com speakers inside of the base, when this man spoke, everyone listened very closely to what he was saying. Jim Raynor explained that everyone inside of the Frostwolf base was to meet inside of the large briefing room to have a chat about what they had just witnessed. There was a calm shift as everyone finished what they were doing and then headed ti the large briefing room. Andromedai and Solares walked side by side until they reached the room to hear what their leader had to say. The briefing room was more of a auditorium in size but that's the way everyone liked it, more comfortable with a better view."

Taking one of the comfortable seats in the middle of the third row, Solares and Andromedai leaned back slightly into their seats and waited for the meeting to begin. "This is extremely problematic Solares, we are going to have to fight this new threat at first with very little information on how any of it works. That means there is a high chance more of us are going to die. New training has to be issued and maybe even new weapons have to be made. Perhaps there is good news waiting to be heard from Raynor, he has to have a plan or some information for us." Solares listened silently to Andromedai nodding her head once her friend was done speaking. "We can only hope so at this point, I remember hearing about some new prototype weapons that we are currently working on, maybe now would be a good time to put those to the actual test?" Andromedai shrugged then crossed her arms over her chest and the two of them fell silent in thought.