Set some time during the Third Age of Middle-Earth, before the war of the ring, an Easterling King named Oldur from the far east has risen to power and rules his people with an iron fist. He hears tales of the riches of the Dwarves in Erebor and makes a promise to his people to return to his homeland with the wealth of the far away land. Inspired by the young king's ambition, warriors and mercenaries flock to him. He soon gathers an army of Easterlings from the various clans to rival the greatest in all of Middle-Earth. He brings his mighty Golden Horde of over twenty-thousand over the sea of Rhun and marches them towards the Lonely Mountain, pillaging and burning as they he goes. Orcs and wolves from the mountains hear of the Easterling King's quest to take Erebor and they also pledge service to him in a desire to get their own share of the mountain's wealth as well as a chance to spill the blood of their hated Dwarf enemies. With Oldur's army growing larger every day, there seems to be no way to stop him from reaching his ultimate goal...
But there are those that intend to resit him. King Thror sends word to the king of Dale and to Thranduil of Mirkwood asking for aide. But will they send any?
This is where your character's come in. I will be taking the role of Oldur and other NPCs and you will play as either a Dwarf of Erebor, a Man of Dale, or an Elf of Mirkwood. Your characters must try and find a way to stop the Easterlings from sacking Erebor and then spreading from there to the other lands. Despite what they may believe even the Elves aren't safe from the Golden Horde.
Here is the part of Middle-Earth where this roleplay will primarily take place. If you've read the Hobbit or seen the movies then the majority of these locations should be familiar to you. I'm not sure if this roleplay will ever deal with any lands to the west of the Misty Mountains, but it's possible if we want it to eventually.
CharactersI'll put all of the finished characters here once they've been approved. I've added Oldur's character sheet but deliberately left it fairly vague and without a lot of detail because the other characters won't know anything about him save for perhaps his name at the start of the roleplay.
Name Oldur
Age 25
BiographyHis father was a king, but of very little power and influence. After his father died, Oldur rose to power in the land of Rhun by conquering several smaller tribes and subjecting them to his will. It is his desire to be greater than his father and greater than any king in all of Middle-Earth. Once he hears of the riches in Erebor from his scouts he knows right away what can give him the ability to rule over all of Middle-Earth. The wealth in that mountain would be enough to persuade anyone to join his cause and give him the influence that he needs. With an army of over twenty-thousand Easterling warriors from many different tribes, he marches west with one goal in mind, and that is total domination.
Skilled Warrior
Great Speaker
Excellent Tactician
WeaknessesReckless at times
Intolerant of the weak
Distrusting of others
PersonalityOldur puts all people in two different categories. There are those that could be swayed to join his caused and those that have to be eliminated. He is cruel and cunning and rules without any regard for those that are weaker than him. His singular goal is to expand his kingdom to rival any other in Middle-Earth. Although he has never shown compassion for anyone, what he does respect is both intelligence and knowledge. Whenever he conquers another tribe or kingdom, he spares all of the scholars and historians so that he might learn something from them.
Malvrik Verenthal
Honorable, Loyal, and Courageous. Malvrik is a man of few words to those unfamiliar with him. Often preferring to remain in solitude when not in the company of familiar faces. When amongst friends however, he is a generally light hearted and lovable person. As a result of his lineage, Malvrik, unlike many men of the middle earth, is not racist towards other races. Though he is notably more friendly towards elves than any other race, man included.
Malvrik has also been noted as being silver tongued with women, so much so that his affiliates sometimes refer to him as an 'Enchanter'. Though only mockingly so. Despite this though, he considers himself a gentleman above all else. As he possesses a weak spot for women in apparent need of his aid. Regardless of age, faction or race.
While most would never expect it, Malvrik is also secretly a Cynic. Though he often puts up a front, and tries to see the positive aspects of things when in the presence of others. Internally, he always expects only the worst of any scenario. This is best exemplified by his Cockiness. As he camouflages his fears of failure by frequently showing off, and boasting about, the skills in his possession. Regardless of this however, Malvrik deeply detests violence. Thus, will only follow through with it if he deems it necessary at the time.
Born and raised, within Dale, Malvrik, son of Calis, began his life as a warrior at age thirteen. As a Verenthal, Malrik began his training at a young age. Like his father, he was destined to become a soldier, thus, was required to partake in training involving the use of Swords and Bows on a regular basis. However, it was only after he his thirteenth birthday, that he was officially inducted into their ranks. Having always shown promise in archery above all esle, Malvrik eventually became an particularly skilled hunter and tracker. So much so that he became revered as among his people for his prowess with a bow.
As the years went on, Malvrik would eventually go on to become notorious among his people, after an incident involving the daughter of Dale's king. Said incident occurred when, despite the king's disapproval, and a direct threat, Malvrik had continued his romantic relationship with the princess of dale. Whom had been seeing him in secret for years, until her father found out. Enraged, the king then sought to have Malvrik executed after the two were once again caught together. However, his life was spared when the princess threatened to accompany her lover to the afterlife. Malvrik would have then been exiled, were it not for the sudden news of Erebor's call for aid.
Deciding to put his duty to his people, above his personal life, the king then delegated that Malvrik be sent as part of a small scouting party to Erebor. As a means of determining the severeness of the apparent threat. Left without choice, and determined to protect his love, regardless of how great the threat, Malvrik then set out his journey. Unaware of what was to lie ahead.
Archery Mastery
Swordsmanship Expertise
Tracking Expertise
Exceptional Stealth Capabilities
Exceptionally Agile
Low Durability
Lack of Defensive Capability
Cockily Over Confident
Protective Nature
Extra Information
Malvrik's sword, Daecarak. Also known as Shadow Fang, is an ancient weapon passed down by his family through the generations. As legend has it, this weapon was one of the first blades ever forged by Elves for human hands. Once wielded by nameless of warrior during the great war, it is rumored that this blade once granted its wielder the ability to cast fear deep into the hearts of the enemy's of man. While there has yet to be any proof that this was actually the case, the men of the Verenthel bloodline still view it as a sacred relic. Thus, continue to use thier ancestor's blade to this day.
As per requested lessons from the kingdom's historian, Malvrik is fluent in both Sindarin and Common Tongue.
Malvrik wields an armament of small weaponry aside from his bow and sword. In addition to the four quivers he carries, each containing a different variant of arrows. He also travels with a pair of small daggers, hidden within his boots, as well as a miniature flute he uses to produce a bird call. Similar to a black bird's song in sound.
Sara Merothi
Like all elven folk, Sara appears to be eternally young and beautiful – appearing to be around her early twenties, despite the fact she has lived for many hundreds of years.
Sara carries herself in such a way that she is always alert and light on her feet, which gives her a somewhat tense and cautious appearance. She is rarely seen without being wrapped within her hooded cloak, seeming almost to be one with the shadows she frequently skulks through. Her long midnight black hair glistens somewhat and serves to contrast her slightly pale complexion, showing that she is more familiar with the darkness and shadows than daylight. Like most elves her face could be considered somewhat small and narrow, her features being defined and somewhat petite. Her eyes are a dark piercing green and seem to be one of the few sources of colour that emanate from the woman, the green being as lush and deep as the trees of Mirkwood. She regularly has an overtired appearance, making it seem like a good night’s sleep would benefit her greatly, however this is just a by-product of her over exertion and the magic which flows through her. When coupled with the almost constant scowling expression she has she can appear quite unfriendly indeed.
Sara has become somewhat of a loner over the last several years, having spent much time traveling without any companions and with only herself for company. She would be considered by most as quite a bizarre individual, speaking as she thinks without considering how odd things may seem to others. She has a passion for knowledge and learning, something which has driven her for almost her entire life and this shows in her personality. She shares information with others regardless of if they have asked or shown any interest, assuming that they would want to know. She feels that anyone who is uninterested in learning and acquiring more knowledge is most bizarre and there must be something wrong with them.
Sara considers evil to be an extreme inconvenience, seeing how it destroys and corrupts all it comes into contact with, and generally will attempt to vanquish darkness where she encounters it.
Aside from that Sara could be considered somewhat selfish or just generally uninterested, showing an interest in only things that she personally cares about. She has no desire to meet or make new ‘friends’ and generally can be rude or dismissive.
That being said she is not opposed to the idea of companionship, and if she comes into contact with the right individuals then she can become much more friendly and open.
Sara has lived her for many years as a wonderer, traveling the lands as she sees fit. Originally she hales from Mirkwood, and has spent a great many years amongst the trees with her kin as a scholar. Though with the darkening of the woods she decided to travel the lands to find a solution to this problem, or at least this is what she has always maintained. In reality this was only part of the reason for her leaving, as also a deep restlessness filled her.
She has travelled the many different regions of middle-earth, but recently has been traveling in the far east. In her travels she has seen and experienced much, most noteworthy of all was her discovery of what she strongly believes to the final resting place of one of the five Istari, judging by the state of the remains and the various items that she discovered. All that remained of one of the fabled blue wizards were several bone fragments and scraps of ragged and stained cloth, but most important of all were the several shards of what she now assumes was once his staff. Sensing the strange and magical energy within these few shards Sara decided to take them and put them to use, fashioning the shards into a makeshift pendant which now never leaves her neck.
From that moment onwards Sara has felt different, imbued with whatever strange magical energy that the Istari staff fragments channel into her. Her own magical skills have grown immensely, giving her much more than her natural elven abilities ever could, though she frequently feels unwell after the use of magic and almost constantly feels drained and tired despite how much rest she has gotten.
With the rising of the Easterling King Oldur, Sara has finally travelled back to her home to defend it however she can. She knows all too well the power of the Easterlings, having witnessed many of their internal conflicts and methods of conquest. She knows that all of the races of middle-earth are under threat from this rampaging threat, and that the men of Dale, the elves of Mirkwood and the Dwarves of Erebor will be the first to face this deadly horde.
Exceptional Magical abilities
Exceptional Stealth abilities
Proficient Archery skills
Well versed in Knowledge and Lore of Middle-Earth
Sickly constitution
Tires quickly
Relies heavily on stealth
Lacks swordsmanship skills
Extra Information:
Like all Elves she can speak both Common and Elven (Sindarin). She can also speak some eastern dialects, though is not fluent and is only familiar with few of the many different languages they use.
Sara carries with her a satchel which contains all of her possessions, including several books, scrolls and maps as well as a few assorted items.
Character SheetName:
Extra Information:
Rules1: Follow all of the rules of this forum.
2: No Godmodding. I shouldn't really have to say this, should I?
4: This is a Casual roleplay so try to have proper spelling and grammar. I am, however, a firm believer in quality over quantity when it comes to roleplaying so I don't expect walls of text or ten paragraphs per post. Try to keep it between one and three detailed paragraphs so that the story can flow but has substance as well.
5: I am the GM and have the final word on everything.
6: Keep OOC to the OOC
7: If you need to drop out for any reason, please just let me know.
8: Be courteous to all of the other players involved.