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Character Sheet:

Weapon of Choice:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Violet's Story



The collective noise of all the students in the hallway sounded like the loud and obnoxious hum of a machine. With so many people talking at once, it was impossible to even pick out a word. With so many people, it was also difficult to pick out a single individual. These two ideas fueled sixteen-year-old Violet's mind and aided in her resolve to stay invisible. She preferred to act as the background character in the story that was high school. Drama, love, popularity... She wanted none of it at the time.

The hallways were drab with discolored white walls and grey tile floors to match the dull grey lockers that spanned the walls. The teachers had their hand in contributing some fun little posters but besides those, the school looked as if it had been designed by a severely depressed artist who expressed the lack of color in his paintings. Violet didn't mind so much. In her little black, peter pan collared dress and simple low-pigtails, she blended in as part of the dull surroundings. However, unknowing to her, she had a very pretty face that sometimes drew attention. People knew who she was in the back of their minds. The doll-faced girl who always dressed like she was attending a funeral and never spoke a word to anyone besides to a few outcasts.

No one made any move to talk to her either. She had a bit of a reputation for being some creepy kid that does witchcraft in the attic at night. It didn't help that she was the one who sent around the rumors and often encouraged them by smiling creepily whenever she heard people talking about it. However, this wasn't to say Violet had no friends and spoke to no one at all. She moved quickly into the lunchroom and out of the hallway she had been striding down and took her place at the infamous "geek" table.

There was Jade, Adam, and Beck. Jade had straight blonde hair that crept past her shoulders and tickled her chest. Her brown eyes were always framed by her glasses and she seemed to have a likening for overalls and floral tops. She loved cats more than anyone Violet had ever met and was the token music dork with her passion for the cello. Out of the four of them, she probably was the most talkative but unfortunately she was a little too quirky for most people.

Adam was a video game enthusiast with black messy hair, dark eyes and very pale skin. He was a little on the thin side compared to the jocks and absolutely hated sports. He was super smart and loved computers as much as Violet did. Beck was a fellow computer nerd with short, curly hair, dark skin and dark eyes. He had awful fashion sense for a gay guy but was actually pretty fit. The other three liked to joke about how he went against every stereotype. Beck had a pizza in one hand and the other over the a computer mouse as he hunched over his laptop, trying to figure out his website coding. Adam was standing beside him, leaning on the table as he tried to help figure it out as well.

Jade sat across from them. She was doodling in a notebook covered in cat stickers. It was a Lisa Frank notebook of course, exploding with outrageous colors and unicorns. She was very talented actually, so engrossed in her work she had forgotten to start eating her lunch. Her earphones were in and she was probably entranced by some classical music.

"So."Violet began, "I have a few gifts." Beck and Adam both looked up at the sound of her voice while Jade seemed to have not heard a thing.

Adam tossed a grape at her head, to which she overreacted of course, "Heads up."
Jade nearly fell out of her chair, struggling to pull her earphones out, "Huh!?" She looked around wildly, inquiring, "Did I get spit-balled again?"

"It was a grape, Jade. Violet's got something to say."Adam said lamely. Sometimes the kid acted like he was stuck in a never-ending cycles of Monday mornings.

Violet cleared her throat after suppressing a giggle. "I was saying that I come with gifts." She set her backpack down and took out three decent-sized gift bags. "I didn't get to see you guys Christmas so."

"Violet you're going to marry me right?"Beck said to her, grinning. "You're the best."

"Marry the straightest gay guy there is?"Violet teased, "How can I refuse such a cutie?"

"I got gifts for you too!! Thank you Violet oh my gosh!"Jade ran over and practically tackle-hugged her. She let go of her when she recalled Violet hated being squeezed to death. "I gave the other two theirs earlier. "

Violet smiled at her and wiggled her finger back and forth. "No Jade. Me first." She said smoothly and then began handing each of them their bags.

Beck took out his bag to reveal a sports video games and new shirt.
"This isn't even out yet?"He said in confusion, to which she only winked in reply. He grinned at her and hugged her. "Our very own little magic hacker."

Adam took out a handful of comics, nodding in approval while Jade was clearly fan-girling over an anime DVD and stuffed animal. After she seemed to have calm down over it, she handed Violet a wrapped present. Before she could even open it, the voices of a few jocks passing made them look up.

"I could smell their stench from a mile away."Beck sighed, making Jade giggle. "Here comes possible abuse. Vee, quick, do a spell on them." He glanced over at her but she hadn't seemed to hear him. Her gaze was fixated. The other two noticed and followed her gaze.

The brown-haired boy with the hazel eyes had his gaze fixated on Violet as well. There were about four guys in sports jerseys and letter man jackets and the auburn-haired was the fifth. He was wearing a flannel over a black shirt.

"Landon."Violet said quietly to them. "He was my brother's friend."

"Ah, so he's younger than us then."Jade said with disappointment etched in her tone. She leaned her head in her hands, smiling, "He's absolutely gorgeous."

"Gonna have to agree. His eyes are enchanting."Beck agreed, staring as well. "I'd eat dirt off his back."

"He's a bit older than me by a few months actually." Violet told them, looking away finally to look at the two. "He used to train my brother in soccer. I was pretty close to him actually but then he moved away two years ago."

"He's. Coming. Over. Here."Jade emphasized each word with increasing panic. She moved towards Adam and hid behind him practically. He gave her a look almost immediately.

Adam groaned in annoyance when he stole a glance over at them and grumbled,"And he's bringing the others."

"Well this should be entertaining."Beck mused.

"Violet." Landon had stopped to stand in front of the table. He had been staring at her in awe. She was going to think he was some loser now if he just stood there like an idiot. He did a quick scope of the table then glanced over his shoulder at the others. He had almost forgotten they were there.

Violet didn't know what to think at the moment. At one point in time, the two had been inseparable. They had spent every moment together. She was happy to see him but it had been so long and they were such different people who clearly hung out with different crowds. Speaking of which, the other guys seemed a bit pissed to have to associate with the geek table. She could dimly hear them making jokes about Beck being a fag. Her heart was beating fast and she felt so nervous all of the sudden. She had known the guy so well but it felt like they were first meeting all over again.

"Landon,"She replied quietly. "Nice to see you."

His attitude had changed after looking at the others. She wondered if he wanted to look cool in front of his new friends or something. "That's all you got for me after all this time?"He grinned at her, leaning on the table suddenly. Adam was glaring at him now.

"I didn't know there was a standard of enthusiasm required." Adam snapped. "She said nice to see you, what more do you want?" He was such a hot head but she knew he and Beck both got overprotective of her sometimes.

"I want a shrine and a red carpet awaiting my arrival for the next time, please and thank you."Landon told him with a laugh, "Just joking buddy, chill out."

"Don't call me buddy."Adam growled, folding his arms. Jade had her eyes downcast nervously next to him.

"Landon, I know you haven't been here in a while but these kids are freaks. Clearly. " A guy murmured in his ear. "What are you doing? The little one with the long hair is a creep."

Landon seemed to think it over a moment and shook his head. "I've known Violet for a long time and she's no creep. " Violet felt a smile tug at her lips. It quickly fell as he continued, "The other three are fucking losers. I mean the girl's using kid's school supplies."The guys burst into laughter,"Then this loser's got anger issues-"

"I'll show you anger issues."Adam snapped furiously, looking ready to start growling like a lion. He had stood up out of his seat, making the chair squeak against the floor noisily. People were staring now, anticipating a fight. Beck was even glaring too now as he rubbed Jade's shoulder.

Violet glanced over at Jade. Her eyes were watering and she was avoiding eye contact. What was wrong with him? He had been so nice. Jesse would have never befriended anyone like this. She wondered if he knew what an asshole he was now. She felt anger fill her and she turned to glare at Landon."Get your ass out of here and take your idiots with you."

They made multiple sounds that were typical of teenage boys seeing something dramatic happen. Landon stared at her with hurt for a millisecond then glared back at her, "And put it where? Your mouth?" He retorted.

"Sorry. I'm allergic to crabs."Violet stated calmly, rolling her eyes. Another annoying reaction from the peanut gallery followed.

"Wow. Kitty's got claws doesn't she?"Landon said and shook his head, "Whatever Violet. Let's go guys." The other guys high-fived him as they all began walking away, becoming background noise once again.

Landon hadn't stopped looking over his shoulder at Violet.


It was the very same day Violet had been standing at her locker, putting her books away when Landon yet again made an appearance. She shut her locker slowly and silently before slinging her small black backpack over her shoulder. All she had wanted to do was go home and sleep but then something caught her attention. Landon was across the hall with the same group of boys. The same annoyance that had filled her earlier was back again.

He hadn't seem to notice her yet. She waited a moment or two until the guys had left. As Landon was opening his locker, she found herself storming over without a second thought. "What was that about earlier?" She demanded.

He gave her a coy smile as he looked down at her, "What was what?"
She furrowed her brows, glaring silently in reply.

His body shook with a chuckle as he shut the locker. "If looks could kill."He mused, turning to look down at her.

"I thought we were friends."Violet said finally, her expression saddening a bit. "I mean... We spent every waking moment together. "

He softened as well for a moment, averting his gaze. "Things changed. I changed."He turned away from her, adjusting his grip on his bag. The hallway was getting emptier and emptier by the moment as people departed. "You'll have to get over it."

"No one has a complete 360 of personality in that short amount of time. What could possibly have happened for you to go from the nicest guy I've ever met and one of my best friends to joining the dickhead club." Violet argued. She was shocked by the tears brimming in her eyes and the way her hands were shaking. She hadn't expected to get worked up over him. They hadn't seen each other in years. "You said you would always look out for me remember?"

"Violet. Shut up. "Landon sighed. He gently tried to wipe her eyes but she stepped backward. "This is me looking out for you okay? I want you to listen to me... Stay the hell away from me. " He was staring her straight in the eyes, stating everything with all seriousness. "I don't want anything to do with you." As if the further explanation was even needed.

"So that's what this is about."Violet muttered softly, after a pause. "You want to be seen only with people high on the social hierarchy. If that's the case then-"

"That is the case."Landon cut her off insistently. "Now get away from me."

Violet hugged herself and turned away from him. She walked hastily down the hallway toward the exit without another word.


Watching her walk away had been one of the hardest things Landon had ever done and he had been through a lot of difficult scenarios lately. He let his gaze fall to the ground as he leaned against the locker. There were so many things he wished he could make her understand so he didn't have to hurt her like this. She was one of the only people left in his life that he really cared about.

Because he cared about her, she couldn't be involved in his life. This was the way things were now. The one thing that surprised him had been her tears. He really hadn't expected her to care about him after all this time. He thought he had been alone in that. Hopefully, she'd get over it. It wasn't like he was anyone special anyway. His fate was sealed at this point.

As for him, he would never get over it. He'd have given anything to be at her side but there was nothing left for him to give up but her.

I'll always look after you, Violet. He thought to himself. He had vowed that to her two years ago. His father had been the soccer coach for the middle schoolers and he had sometimes came to practice to help out. Jesse and him had clicked and the kid had needed a little extra help so Landon had tutored him. Violet and his mother had came to pick him up.

At the time, he had been a cold fourteen year boy who had just lost his mother in a car accident. The moment he saw Violet's face, it made him feel the ice had immediately started melting off his heart. He remembered it like it was yesterday. The beautiful young girl in the over-sized knit sweater and the sweet doe eyes. Her thick hair had surrounded her petite body delicately. His knees had practically unbuckled but of course he kept his cool around the girl when she approached him and thanked him for helping Jesse.

He had been a bit standoffish back then. His hair was a bit longer than the average guy and he had came off as very intimidating. He had treated her with the same personality as he had everyone but she never relented her kindness. She had asked him to hang out after practice after a few times they spoke and he couldn't find it in him to refuse. By the end of the year, the two were as thick as thieves. They had been best friends and knew everything about each other.

Maybe he had been too young to understand what love was, but he knew now that he had loved her with all his heart. He had told her he'd do anything for her and meant it.

Staring down the hallway, Landon kept clutching the locker door. The school was empty now and it was just him.


"Violet you can't seriously think we're gonna let you sit alone."

Jade plopped down beside Violet in the back of the bus with a warm smile. Violet slowly picked her head up. She had been leaning it on the window quietly, her hair shadowing her face. Jade was sitting beside her, smiling with her kitty-cat back clutched in her hands. They both looked up as Beck boarded the bus, waving to them. He made his way over to them and gently squeezed in, gently moving Violet into the middle.

He put his arm around her comfortingly, telling her with a smirk. "You know I love the window seat. " Violet felt a smile tugging at her lips despite her overwhelming bad mood. The three of them had that effect on people. Adam joined soon after, sitting beside Jade. There was a stretch of seats across the whole back of the bus so they always all fit.

"So. We all heard what happened." Adam admitted quietly. "We were looking for you since you always meet up with us outside by then and we wondered what the hold up was. Then we ended up eavesdropping."

"Adam!"Jade cried, "Now she's gonna be mad!"
Violet quickly shook her head in reply to that. "I'm not mad." She had thought she had seen some blonde strands coming out from behind a set of lockers earlier and was not the least surprised.

"You know, he's stupid. You're clearly the queen of the school what the heck does he think he's talking about?"Jade angrily went on,"Tomorrow I'm going to walk right up to him and I'm gonna tell him what I really think."

"What are you going to say, Jade?"Adam asked lamely, not even glancing her way.

"I'm gonna tell him he's stupid and Violet is not."Jade replied proudly, smiling.

"Hashtag roasted."Beck snickered while Adam shook his head in disbelief. "Jade is my icon."

Violet started giggling, which made the three of them turn to look at her in surprise. "I'm sorry... I just love you guys." She leaned on Beck's shoulder as she stopped her giggling, her smile fading.

"Aw we love you too."Jade told her, squeezing her hand. She glanced over at Adam.

Adam didn't move to comfort her. Instead he looked at her and said, "I think he's lying."
Violet tilted her head to look at him as the bus engine roared to life and the bus violently swerved around the curve of the road. "What makes you say that?"

"Bump time!"Jade exclaimed excitedly then looked at them, blushing, "Oops sorry I interrupted again didn't I?"

"We're used to you."Adam replied grumpily, "And because it's obvious Violet. You're smart enough to realize this. He looks at you like you're the most important person in the world. I doubt he really cares about being popular. He's hiding something if you ask me."

"Maybe."Violet agreed. She had known the personality he was putting on was so weird but why push her away and bully her friends? What could he be hiding?

That was when the bus screeched to a halt.


There was a man standing in the middle of the road. Violet could make out his figure even from the back of the bus. He swiftly moved to the front of the door more fast than Violet thought a human could move. The driver stared at him in confusion through the windows. The man smiled treacherously at the bus driver. The bus driver returned the favor with a glare and reached for a phone. He chuckled lightly and kicked one leg forward. The left door broke off as if it were as light as paper. He walked into the bus through that opening. The eyes of teens turned to him, as he walked down the little hall of the bus. Some whispered and snickered while others were wise enough to keep their mouth shut.

He was very pale and had a frightening malicious smile. His eyes were glowing red and his arms had multiple tattoos. Violet had begun to assume she had drifted off to sleep at this point. There was no way this was real. Perhaps some psycho just had some weird contacts in. "Where is Landon Delano? "He asked them all plainly. After a moment of silence, the broad man continued."Don't make me ask again..."His voice became a snarl quite suddenly, awaking any person who may not have been paying full attention. Pointed teeth jutted out from his upper gums.

"Is that Robert Domingo?"Jade made an attempt at whispering this question but it ended up being quite audible for the entire bus. Heads turned toward her voice in confusion.

"Nah Robert Domingo's asian and at tennis practice right now for sure. I'm thinking that's the new exchange student from France." Beck replied casually as Adam put his head in his hands in reaction.

"Oooh! Lovely! Let's ask him to sit with us!"

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