>> Dimensions.
Name: Aldrian 'of the' Redwood
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Occupation: Ranger
Place of birth: The Redwood
Status: Alive
Race: Half-Elf
Marital status: Single
Height: 5'11
Weight: 178
Eye color: Two Different Colors
Skin color: Sun Kissed Tan
Hair color: Chestnut Brown
Notable marks: Aldrian's left eye is a dark green and his right is a light blue.
>> Image.

>> Persona.
Demeanor: To the onlooker Aldrian appears to be quiet, reserved and steady. He does not speak unless he has something to say. His appreciation and zest for life is not apparent during initial meetings, rather, he prefers to project the stereo-typical Ranger persona.
History: (To Come)
>> Magic and Abilities.
Fighting style:
Duel-Wielding: Aldrian is a master of fighting with two weapons at the same time. He prefers the use of the longsword and shortsword, but is capable of using most one-handed weapons. He is more than capable of wielding each weapon independently, meaning he can fight off one opponent with a weapon in one hand and a second opponent with the other.
Archery: The use of a longbow is the first weapon a Ranger learns and masters. It is the weapon that is symbolic to the identity of a Ranger. Aldrian is an excellent archer, fully capable of firing off two or even three arrows at once as well as knocking and accurately emptying a quiver of arrows (24 Arrows) in less than a minute.
Other Abilities:
Stealth: Blending in to ones surrounding and remaining hidden is the bread and butter of everything a Ranger does. Aldrian walks with the light foot falls of his elven kin and has furthered practiced and mastered the techniques of remaining hidden. From blending in with crowds, to using the shadows and camouflaging himself Aldrian is as silent as a shadow.
Enhanced Senses: Being a half-elf Aldrian's sense of sight and hearing are much more refined than your average humans. It helps that he has continued to train and develop these natural gifts as well.
Low-Light Vision: As long as it's not complete and utterly dark Aldrian can see without much difficulty. He is capable of tracking and fighting with nothing more than the light of the stars.
Tracking: Another skill Rangers are known for and Aldrian is no different. If there is a mark left behind you can bet Aldrian will find it and use it to find you. With his keen eye-sight and years of practice Aldrian is a very skilled tracker.
Druid Magic: Over the years Aldrian has learned from and formed a bond with nature. While he cannot change shapes or call down bolts of lightning like true Druids he knows enough to help him get by. He can use the magic he knows to calm, befriend animals, hide from and to a limited degree even speak with animals. He can use use energy from the land to fuel himself, capable of walking and running long distances without tiring, make his skin as incredibly tough as iron bark, call upon the strength of a bear or the speed of a wolf and even cause vines, roots and other foliage to wrap up and hinder his foe. His most impressive spell gives him the fortitude to resist the elements for a limited time, making him a terror to mages that rely and balls of fire, lances of ice and bolts of lightning.
Most Hated: There are a handful of creatures that Aldrian has dedicated a portion of his life to defeating, often going out of his way to hunt down and remove such creatures from existence. Against these most hated foes Aldrian is a true terror, having studied how they move, fight and think.
1. Chief among these unlucky creatures are the undead, though he specifically hates vampires and liches. He has studied enough to know their weaknesses and how to best combat these extremely dangerous foes.
2. Second are the goblin and their kin, such vermin's don't often pose a threat alone, but when massed in numbers even cities must look to their walls, luckily Aldrian knows how to combat such creatures.
3. Dragons. Dangerous, terrible and cunning. Many would-be adventurers have met their end against these fire breathing behemoths of legend. Aldrian takes great care when facing such an enemy, but if forced to he knows exactly how and where to strike.
4. Though rare, Giants can often be found high in the mountains. On the occasion such creatures decide to descend upon villages and roads Aldrian will be there, waiting for them. Having spent several winters learning from dwarven warriors Aldrian has adapted their tactics to fit his own style of fighting, woe to the Giant that crosses his path.
5. Strangely enough, Shapechanging creatures are something Aldrian has come to hate. It's important to note that this is different than a spell which changes your shape, bur rather applies mainly Were-Creatures. Such curses can cause havoc when brought to bear and Aldrian has gone out of his way to stamp these uncontrolled creatures out of existence.
Knowledge of Nature: This broad category covers what Aldrian knows of hunting, fishing, flora and fauna. This is not all encompassing knowledge as Aldrian is most comfortable in mountains and temperate forests, and his knowledge and training represent this.
>> Weapons and Armor.
The Black Hilts: Aldrian carries two black leather wrapped hilts with simple silver cross-guards and pommels on either hip, the hilts rest in a shortsword and long sword scabbard. The magic of the weapons allows Aldrian to shape and change the blades of the weapons as he sees fit, though it is limited to weapons of roughly the size or smaller. While they are most commonly in the shape and size of the scabbards they rest in Aldrian has been known to will them into axes and maces when the situation calls for it.
The Longbow: The weapon of choice, the Longbow. This powerful and deadly weapon was made by the elves and presented as a gift to Aldrian for his dedication and service. To fit the ranger the weapon was made to look and feel like your traditional bow, but is magically enchanted to give the arrows it fires more speed and therefore power, equivalent to roughly 250 ppsi.
The quiver that rests on Aldrians back is also enchanted so that it never runs out of arrows, and what arrows it can produce can very based on Aldrians needs. He is capable of pulling forth arrows with several different heads to include; Broadhead, long and short bodkin, Rope-Cutter, Barbed Broadhead, Spear Point and Serrated.
The Spear: The simplest of weapons and as Aldrian often refers to it as a "Long stick with a pointy end." This weapon is one born of practicality, used for both hunting and fishing. Aldrian is more than capable of using this weapon in close quarters, though he uses it as more of a tool for fishing and hunting.
Boot Dagger: A simple balanced dagger good for close combat and throwing is sheathed in Aldrians left boot. He has a second, slightly smaller, dagger in the small of his back.
Leather Armor: Aldrian wears leather armor reinforced with metal studs. The armor is light and easy to maneuver in, providing protection to Aldrian's most vital areas. The same armor also covers his shins, thighs and forearms.
Name: Aldrian 'of the' Redwood
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Occupation: Ranger
Place of birth: The Redwood
Status: Alive
Race: Half-Elf
Marital status: Single
Height: 5'11
Weight: 178
Eye color: Two Different Colors
Skin color: Sun Kissed Tan
Hair color: Chestnut Brown
Notable marks: Aldrian's left eye is a dark green and his right is a light blue.
>> Image.

>> Persona.
Demeanor: To the onlooker Aldrian appears to be quiet, reserved and steady. He does not speak unless he has something to say. His appreciation and zest for life is not apparent during initial meetings, rather, he prefers to project the stereo-typical Ranger persona.
History: (To Come)
>> Magic and Abilities.
Fighting style:
Duel-Wielding: Aldrian is a master of fighting with two weapons at the same time. He prefers the use of the longsword and shortsword, but is capable of using most one-handed weapons. He is more than capable of wielding each weapon independently, meaning he can fight off one opponent with a weapon in one hand and a second opponent with the other.
Archery: The use of a longbow is the first weapon a Ranger learns and masters. It is the weapon that is symbolic to the identity of a Ranger. Aldrian is an excellent archer, fully capable of firing off two or even three arrows at once as well as knocking and accurately emptying a quiver of arrows (24 Arrows) in less than a minute.
Other Abilities:
Stealth: Blending in to ones surrounding and remaining hidden is the bread and butter of everything a Ranger does. Aldrian walks with the light foot falls of his elven kin and has furthered practiced and mastered the techniques of remaining hidden. From blending in with crowds, to using the shadows and camouflaging himself Aldrian is as silent as a shadow.
Enhanced Senses: Being a half-elf Aldrian's sense of sight and hearing are much more refined than your average humans. It helps that he has continued to train and develop these natural gifts as well.
Low-Light Vision: As long as it's not complete and utterly dark Aldrian can see without much difficulty. He is capable of tracking and fighting with nothing more than the light of the stars.
Tracking: Another skill Rangers are known for and Aldrian is no different. If there is a mark left behind you can bet Aldrian will find it and use it to find you. With his keen eye-sight and years of practice Aldrian is a very skilled tracker.
Druid Magic: Over the years Aldrian has learned from and formed a bond with nature. While he cannot change shapes or call down bolts of lightning like true Druids he knows enough to help him get by. He can use the magic he knows to calm, befriend animals, hide from and to a limited degree even speak with animals. He can use use energy from the land to fuel himself, capable of walking and running long distances without tiring, make his skin as incredibly tough as iron bark, call upon the strength of a bear or the speed of a wolf and even cause vines, roots and other foliage to wrap up and hinder his foe. His most impressive spell gives him the fortitude to resist the elements for a limited time, making him a terror to mages that rely and balls of fire, lances of ice and bolts of lightning.
Most Hated: There are a handful of creatures that Aldrian has dedicated a portion of his life to defeating, often going out of his way to hunt down and remove such creatures from existence. Against these most hated foes Aldrian is a true terror, having studied how they move, fight and think.
1. Chief among these unlucky creatures are the undead, though he specifically hates vampires and liches. He has studied enough to know their weaknesses and how to best combat these extremely dangerous foes.
2. Second are the goblin and their kin, such vermin's don't often pose a threat alone, but when massed in numbers even cities must look to their walls, luckily Aldrian knows how to combat such creatures.
3. Dragons. Dangerous, terrible and cunning. Many would-be adventurers have met their end against these fire breathing behemoths of legend. Aldrian takes great care when facing such an enemy, but if forced to he knows exactly how and where to strike.
4. Though rare, Giants can often be found high in the mountains. On the occasion such creatures decide to descend upon villages and roads Aldrian will be there, waiting for them. Having spent several winters learning from dwarven warriors Aldrian has adapted their tactics to fit his own style of fighting, woe to the Giant that crosses his path.
5. Strangely enough, Shapechanging creatures are something Aldrian has come to hate. It's important to note that this is different than a spell which changes your shape, bur rather applies mainly Were-Creatures. Such curses can cause havoc when brought to bear and Aldrian has gone out of his way to stamp these uncontrolled creatures out of existence.
Knowledge of Nature: This broad category covers what Aldrian knows of hunting, fishing, flora and fauna. This is not all encompassing knowledge as Aldrian is most comfortable in mountains and temperate forests, and his knowledge and training represent this.
>> Weapons and Armor.
The Black Hilts: Aldrian carries two black leather wrapped hilts with simple silver cross-guards and pommels on either hip, the hilts rest in a shortsword and long sword scabbard. The magic of the weapons allows Aldrian to shape and change the blades of the weapons as he sees fit, though it is limited to weapons of roughly the size or smaller. While they are most commonly in the shape and size of the scabbards they rest in Aldrian has been known to will them into axes and maces when the situation calls for it.
The Longbow: The weapon of choice, the Longbow. This powerful and deadly weapon was made by the elves and presented as a gift to Aldrian for his dedication and service. To fit the ranger the weapon was made to look and feel like your traditional bow, but is magically enchanted to give the arrows it fires more speed and therefore power, equivalent to roughly 250 ppsi.
The quiver that rests on Aldrians back is also enchanted so that it never runs out of arrows, and what arrows it can produce can very based on Aldrians needs. He is capable of pulling forth arrows with several different heads to include; Broadhead, long and short bodkin, Rope-Cutter, Barbed Broadhead, Spear Point and Serrated.
The Spear: The simplest of weapons and as Aldrian often refers to it as a "Long stick with a pointy end." This weapon is one born of practicality, used for both hunting and fishing. Aldrian is more than capable of using this weapon in close quarters, though he uses it as more of a tool for fishing and hunting.
Boot Dagger: A simple balanced dagger good for close combat and throwing is sheathed in Aldrians left boot. He has a second, slightly smaller, dagger in the small of his back.
Leather Armor: Aldrian wears leather armor reinforced with metal studs. The armor is light and easy to maneuver in, providing protection to Aldrian's most vital areas. The same armor also covers his shins, thighs and forearms.