Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RPLinx
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The town of Bleakburn lays south west of the city Whindfrow its leafy suburbs and easy commute to the city centre being the reasons Mac had chosen to make this his home. Tonight was a night just as any other, the stars glistening like fireflies against the deep navy cloudless sky. The moon was bright and almost full casting its silvery glow upon the land. Tonight may have seemed like any other night though for Mac whose life had been relatively uneventful things were about to become a whole lot more interesting.

The story will focus on an angel who finds herself exiled to Earth for reasons she is unsure of though she is determined to find not only the truth but also her father who is not dead as she was lead to believe. She will be seeing Earth for the first time and learning the human behaviours. Mac being the first person/human she comes into contact with. There will be chances for drama, action, romance and well anything goes.
Ideally anyone that joins will play a vital role and can help shape the story creating their own stem of the story which we will gladly explore as a group.

Character Sheet
Species (Must be based off of a real legend or creature hybrid):
Age (Human):
Any special accessories (Weapons, armor, ect.):
Abilities (3-4)(Based of of the skills of the creature):
Brief Backstory:

Example Character
Name: Mac M. Madison
Species: Human
Age: 23
Appearance:Thin, tall. Short brown hair, blue eyes, and glasses. Normally wearing semi-formal clothing.
Any special accessories: N/A
Abilities: Can code and work with technology. (Because why notttt)
Brief Backstory: The only son of the Madison family he was pushed through private schools to a prestigious university in Whindfrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Emperors Blade
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The Emperors Blade

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Probably be doing something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Name: Magdalene Silver Jekyll
Nickname: Maggie
Age: Looks to be 12
Species: Siren

Appearance: Magdalene is small, thin, and lean. She has snow white skin, heterochromatic eyes, one emerald green, the other lavender, and long, straight, silver hair. She normally adorns a sleeveless summer dress, black in color.
Any special accessories: A golden necklace

Abilities/Skills: +Hypnotic Singing +Swimming +Slights of Hand/Pickpocketing +Writing
Brief Backstory: Magdalene was born the youngest child in a family of five. She was always the least important. So she started to pickpocket. She learned magic tricks, and then used her skills in slight of hand tricks to steal
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Malkina
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Species: Half angel half human

Age:She appears to be in her early 20's (though her species rarely bother to keep track as they live so long)

Appearance: 5ft tall, slim build with long blonde wavy hair. Her eyes are pale blue though darken when angered. Her skin is sun kissed, slits in her back open to reveal her winged form though when the wings are folded away the openings are pretty much invisible to the naked eye. Her wings are a silvery white tipped (they may darken over time) they will begin as ragged after her exile.

Any special accessories : Carries a small dagger known as an Angel blade.

Abilities :She has the ability to fly when her wings are mended. Telekinesis though she is still learning this ability. She has a great strength and her senses are heightened.

Brief Backstory: she has always been deemed weak for an angel not having all the abilities or the power she should, unknown to her it is down to her being only half angel, her father was a watcher whom she believes to be dead and her mother a human taken from Earth died during childbirth. Alieka grew up knowing neither parent and struggled at times to fit in. As she aged she became more interested in learning of her parents which angered elders as she would not take no for an answer, rebelling against god and refusing to just bend to his will. She wakes up on Earth unsure how she got there but more determined than ever to find the truth.
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