An average size Katana, with a circular tsuba. The scarab is black as well as the tsuba, but the hilt is different colors of the rainbow.
Name: Niji no Megami (虹の女神, Rainbow Goddess)
Release Command: Shine (then a color after)
Shikai Appearance: At using the release command, the blade of the katana glows with one of the colors of the rainbow.
Shikai Ability: Niji-shin gives Aoki control over different abilities depending on which color it takes. He can tap into the abilities tied into the 7 colors of the rainbow;
-Red:The color red burns with a flaming passion. So whatever the red blade cuts it gets set on fire.
-Orange: The color orange inspires compassion. Whatever is cut with the orange blade becomes encased in amber.
-Yellow: The color yellow shines bright like the sun. The yellow blade heals what ever it cuts.
-Green: The color green is earthy by nature. This blade camouflages whatever it cuts and even Aoki.
-Blue: The color blue is deep like the ocean. Each slash of this blade summons the sea and water.
-Indigo: The color indigo is like darkness. With each slash of this blade Aoki's reiastu is turned into raw energy that is dangerous.
-Violet: The violet color is the purest. It at attacks the soul instead of the body. So every time different limbs (arms, legs, torso, and head) are cut they become usless. But whatever he cuts on someone else they also become usless on his body too.
Bankai Release Command: Burakkuauto (ブラックアウト,Blackout) or Howaitoauto (ホワイトアウト, Whiteout)
Bankai Appearance: If the blade is blacked out then it becomes fully black, but if it is whited out then it becomes so white it starts to glow.
Bankai Ability:
-Burakkuauto (ブラックアウト,Blackout): This blacks out the entire world in a large radius around Aoki. The world becomes a black and white paradise and because there is no color all things lose properties. Attacks don't hold damage, building become as strong as paper, people are easier to kill.
-Howaitoauto (ホワイトアウト, Whiteout): A one shot attack. It uses all the colors that have been stored into a beam of rainbow energy that disengrades what ever it comes into contact with. But Burakkuauto has to be used four times for it to be fully charged.
Zanpakutō Spirit Personality: Niji no Megami is a very dull character, until a color is applied. Each color makes her take on a different personality, but she hates to be in her violet and green forms simply because they make her axt morbid and introverted.