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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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In a tavern along the edge of the Old Kingdom or so it was once named many years ago, a cloaked figure came inside.
“Good tidings, Inn Keeper. A room and meals for a few days once more, if you please or don’t please.” came a female’s voice.

A key was passed over the counter to the young woman who was taking the hood of her cloak down.
“Thank ye. I’ll show myself up.” She headed up to the room where she always stayed. She changed and unpacked before heading down the stairs for dinner.
She sat in her usual corner which was the cleanest spot in the tavern. And why not since she owned the tavern. Not that many knew that fact.

The Inn Keepers wife came over to see what she wanted.
“The usual. Any news around here?” she asked.
“No ma’m. It has been very quiet since you left last month. I’ll have your stew ready in a few minutes.” She spoke as she left.
The strange woman was writing a poster to be placed up on the board.

Students who will travel to a dragon academy.
All willing students will receive free tuition, food, housing, clothing and 1 dragon egg. Must be in fit condition to travel many miles on foot to Dragonopia. Once there the student will be under the command of a Dragon Lorest who will guide the student in how to raise, care for and ride a full grown dragon. The student will be required to stay for a minimum of 5 years.
Once the student and dragon passes their final exam, they will be required to spend 5 years serving the Dragonopia as a military force.
All interested students must be at least 15 and not more than 25. They must be unmarried, without child, and have no outside obligations.
All interested students must be at The Dragon’s Den, Old Kingdom, on the 5th day of October. Testing will start on the 6th and those who pass will leave on 7th.
Anyone with questions will have their questions answered on the 5th day of October.

When the wife came back, the woman handed her the poster.
“Please post this. I will need a large load of supplies next month. Mostly staples such as flour, sugar, lard, nuts, dried fruit, smoked meats, oats. I will be bringing a few sets of oxen with me.” She spoke as she handed the poster to the wife.
“I’ll have the estimate before I leave in the morning. I’ll be leaving at first light.” The woman announced.
“I’ll have your usual ready for ye then.” Was the answer from the wife.

A month later, the strange lady came back to the Inn. She had arrived during the night and slept late into the morning, having breakfast in the morning.

When she came down the stairs she was elegantly dressed. She went to her personal table and set it up with pens, papers and other items. She then was served her mead. Now all she needed to do is to wait for anyone to come by.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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A woman in an elegant dress and carrying something that was obviously as sword wrapped in a cloth opened the door of the tavern, her eyes alalized everything and everyone inside the building in just a few seconds. Once she was sure there was no danger nearby she slolwy walked in and sit in a corner, placing her sword wrapped in the dirty cloth against the table. The taver did not look bad at all, everyone seemed o be quite happy, obviously due to the alcohol.
The female rised her hand, calling the inn keeper's attention, once the inn keeper stood in front of the woman, she was a bit surpised to see a small notepad on the tble with the worlds "Mead plese" written on it, the inn keeper undertsod the woman was mute and so went for the mead. The woman just ripped off the paper and made it a ball, which she threw to the papper bin.

Before the inn keeper could return Shara saw the poster with informaton about the Dragon Academy, without thinking it twice she stood up and walked towards the woman in the table.

"I wish to join"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Good day, miss. If you wish to join the academy, you will need to fill out this paper. You will receive food, drink and room." she spoke clearly as she passed the paper to the young lady. Mystique took in the girl's manners and other such things. Dragons were sensitive to smells.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wagtail
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wagtail Motacilla alba

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Robert walked down the narrow streets of the village on his way to the tavern. He had seen these strange poster about a "Dragon academy" and today was the day you would apply. "Hmm... I thought the dragon disappeared hundreds of years ago. Well, presumably they're back now" He thought to himself. He started walking a little faster to get there in time even though he had no idea what time you were supposed to be there. When he entered the tavern he was met with the familiar smell of alcohol. He walked up to the bar and asked the bartender about the Dragon academy. The bartender pointed him towards the corner of the tavern where two women sat. One with a fancy dress and the other with a strange robe. He walks over to the table and sits down. "Is this where you join the dragon academy?" He says while pointing at the poster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Mystique smiled and spoke
"Yes it is sir. Please fill out the letter and bring it back to me. You will have a free night of lodging and meals."

Mystique hand the man a pen and paper as she look examined him for candidacy.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

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When Gabanre was in the village about ten days ago, he noticed a strange poster stating: "Dragon Academy". Since all of his relatives died in a accident, he was searching for an education. Fantasy was always his thing but he always had learned that dragons do not exist. However something about the poster intrigued him, making him want to join.
Now he is standing in front of the inn. He opens the door quite politely, walking towards the innkeeper and asking her about the poster with a quite humble voice. The innkeeper told him to ask the woman in the corner of the inn. He thanks the innkeeper and asks her for a chicken, still being as polite as he was the entire conversation. He walks towards the woman. Staying near the woman he bows down. He gets up and asks her about joining the academy.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"If you wish to join, fill out this paper and return it to me. You will get a free night of lodging and food." she spoke as she watches the man.

After giving the man his pen and paper, she stood up and announced in a louder voice

"Those of you who are filling out the paper for Dragonopia, please meet here at 1:00. There will be a meeting in the meeting room at that time. You will be given a voucher for room and 2 meals of food. Thank you for filling out the papers for it will help me immensely."

She then sat back down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

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While some people were talking with the woman about the academy, a group of people loudly entered the inn, clearly celebrating something. However, it was hard to spot, but there was someone in the group who didn't really fit in. And where the group went straight to one of the tables, this person went towards the notice board instead. He seemed to look towards nothing in particular, but in truth he was looking at the poster for the Dragon Academy. It was still there, just like he saw it about half a month ago. Then a woman in the corner stood up and told the whole tavern details about who wanted to travel to Dragonopia. The person looked through the corner of his eye towards the woman, and got a sly smile on his face.

Samuel slowly walked towards the woman, not attracting much attention towards himself. As he was at her table, he said with a soft voice, almost whispering: "I like to travel to Dragonopia as well." He traveled far and didn't stay long at one place. However, this was the first time he visited the same place twice. He was interested ever since he saw the word 'Dragon' on the poster, and didn't know what to expect. However, whatever it was he would have to face, he would take it on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Mystic saw the large group of people who came in. That in itself made her very uneasy since large crowds made her think of her past. Mystique took a couple deep breaths to settle her nerves. A technique that she learned from Grandmother who rescued her as a young teen.

One man stepped out of the crowd to look at the poster then walked over to Mystique.

"If you wish to join the academy, please fill out the paperwork. Did you hear about the meeting?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Samuel nodded as he took the paperwork, notifying that he did hear the anouncement. He went to a lonely table and started filling it in. Like he was himself, he kept it a bit vague.
Name: it read. As requested, he filled the blank space with Samuel Vulon Yol.
Why you wish to join the Academy: He had to think about this one. He didn't really know why he was drawn to the academy. Maybe it was his need for someone he could call a friend. He wrote down I have learned to not trust anyone. I like to be proven wrong..
Where is your nearest relative: He was quick with this one: Heaven
Anything else you wish to add: He took off one of the rings he was wearing. It had a special symbol carved in it. He put some ink on the symbol, then pressed it on the paper behind the question.

He looked back at his paper, seeing as his letter was now all filled it:

He walked back towards the woman who gave him the paperwork, and handed over the letter. He then went back to his table, ordering some water. He didn't like alcohol, although he was no stranger to drinking it. He kept an eye on everyone else as he was trying to memorise the faces that were inside the inn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago

After eating the chicken, which he got from the innkeeper, he took the pen and paper, writing down something. Then he asked the innkeeper for some water. After he drank the water he was given, he paid the innkeeper, thanking her for the nice meal he was given.
He stood up from his chair walking towards the woman in the corner. He asks her about her name, still as politely as he was before. After that he gave her the pen and paper. Making a bow towards her when he steps back waiting for her response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by wagtail
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wagtail Motacilla alba

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Robert picked up a paper and started looking at it "Is this is all? I was expecting a really hard aptitude test, " He said with a relieved voice "But I'm not complaining" He grabbed a pen and started writing.
He gave the paper to the woman and sat down again. Then he asked her "So what kind of test will we have tomorrow?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Shara just looked at the paper and only thought if it would be a good idea to rebeal he real name and origins, or make up an stupid name.

Name: Shara Asharten
Why you wish to join the Academy: I am looking to atone my family's crimes
Where is your nearest relative: With a bit of luck, far away
Anything else you wish to add: Keep my identinty a secret, please.

Was what she wrote on the paper, hoping the woman would not try to kill her or anything of the sort, she pushed the paper closer to the woman with the tip of her fingers and stared at the woman with her cold red eys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Mystique looked at the letter, wrote on another piece of paper and then looked at the man.
"Mr Yol, please come and receive your voucher. If you are hungry or thirsty, this will give you 3 meals, 6 alcoholic drinks and a room compliments of Dragonopia."

She then looked at the second paper, wrote on another paper and spoke to the next person
"Mr Charis, here is your voucher for 3 meals, 6 alcoholic drinks and a room compliments of Dragonopia." she spoke before going to the next paper.

Mystique smiled and then looked down at the paper. She wrote out another voucher before speaking.

"Mr Outerbridge, here is your voucher for 3 meals, 6 alcoholic drinks and a room compliments of Dragonopia. The first test is today at 3 PM. Be sure to be there." she spoke softly as she hands the paper to him.


The Lore Master read the letter twice for she heard of the name Asharten. She had an idea what crimes but it did not matter to her. She simply pushed the paper back to the girl and spoke softly
"Please place the name that you wish to be called by on the paper, please."

After everyone had their voucher, a young brash acting young lady came storming into the Inn. She walked up to the Lore Master.
“Lore Master, I will join your academy. What do I need to do?” she spoke angrily.

Silently, Lore Master handed her a piece of paper and a pen which the young lady took to a table.
In the meantime, a gypsy came inside. He walked directly to the Lore Master. He spoke heatedly and yet respectfully.
“We have arrived and you were correct. Ixonia is yours. I shall see you at the appointed time?”
Lore Master simply nodded for she could feel not only the anger but the hurt as well as the gypsy turned to leave rather quickly.

In the meantime Ixonia finished her paper and was given a voucher. She wandered over to a table and ordered a mead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago


Gabarne walked back to the woman in the corner asking her: "Do you also have vouchers for non-alcoholic drinks, since i do not drink alcohol."

While waiting for an anwser he looked at the other people in the inn who got called by the woman. The first one Mr Outerbridge a skinny blonde haired guy. I think he sees himself as a super smart guy, we will see if that's the case.
The second one Miss unknown. A woman with long black hair and red eyes.
Kinda mysterious, since i have seen her she hasn't said things at all.
The last one Mr Yol the guy with a hood and two swords to his back. Maybe a good sparing partner. I really like the hood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Pica woke up. Then fell asleep. Then woke up again and realized it was nearing midday - almost 1:00. And that was when she really woke up. In a mad scramble of limbs, Pica jumped out of the bed, blanket still draped over her and hair a mess.

"Oh no," she squeaked as she threw the blanket over her and rushed to put on clothes. She grabbed the paper she had acquired from the lady a day ago. Thankfully, a friend of hers new how to read and write, so she got him to fill it out for her. Her hair combed down and tied by a single ribbon, Pica put on her most presentable outfit - a plain wool cloak and brown dress tunic. She rushed back to the inn, hoping that she would reach there in time.

After a good while of running, Pica finally arrived. Much to her relief, it seemed the lady was still there, and surrounded by quite the crowd.

"A-ah! Excuse me, ah, this is my paper. I, uh, I don't know how to read or write, but I got a friend of mine to do it for me, if it's okay!" she announced rather loudly as she placed the paper down on the table in front of the woman.

"O-oh, and please ignore that last part please! I was rambling when I asked my friend to write that. I was rather nervous and excited you see," she said, a little red in the face. She remained standing, shuffling her feet while waiting for a reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"The non-alcoholic drinks are free when you show the voucher. They even have a good sarsaparilla drink here that I personally like. Is there anything else that I can do for you?" she quietly asked as the barmaid brought her stew and bread which she placed on the table. She then took the mug to refill with mead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago

Thanks for the adivse he said, i would love to try it out. He asks her if he is allowed to train his swordfighting skills somewhere outside.

After that he orders the sarsaparilla. When the innkeeper gave it to him, he asks her another thing: "Do you know any place where i can train my swordfighting?"
She give Some information on the local militia barracks just 1 street of the inn. She also mentions asking the militia leader if he wants to do some sparring.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IronWill
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IronWill Who the hell do you think I am?!

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Shara moved her eyes looking at all those interested in joining the Academy, she quickly turned the paper over so only the part in black was visible before anyone would read her name on the paper. She decided to speak through telepathy with Mystique, her red eyes glowed while using her magic.

"The name does not matter to me, you can call me hwever you want."

She could have simply worte her wish in her notepad, maybe she just wanted to show she was able to use magic
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 5 mos ago

*It matters not to me. Choose or you can not attend the meeting. It is nearing 3:PM.* The Lore Master mentally spoke to her as she finished her meal.

The Lore Master placed her dirty items in a pile then gathered her belongings to go upstairs.

Ixonia stood up to follow. She was very nervous now that she had officially left the caravan and was on her own with no friends or protection.
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