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    1. NightmareInd 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current I'm on the 10th day of looking for an RP where I can drop my new superhero OC idea. Hate dry spells.
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3 yrs ago
Returning for the first time in about 2 years. This is going to be interesting...
6 yrs ago
Death Note RP in a nutshell: A person got a notebook filled with power. That person's name was <insert character name here>, and- *character drops dead for writing their own name*
6 yrs ago
When RPGuild goes down for a few minutes and you are thinking "Is this the end?" and you cling on to hope it will come back up.
7 yrs ago
Do people hold a neverending grudge against you if you take the last cookie?


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Following his host, Gracer shook his head at the offer of sustenance. He had eaten beforehand, as he figured some assessments of his skills were possibly needed to be made, and he wouldn't want to do those on an empty stomach and underperform. Not that he ever failed his shots, but you never know.

As 'Pulse' described his probationary state of membership within the Titans being unknown to Starfire, he wondered how well the communication within their organization of heroes was. Perhaps it was intentional by Robin, and it was a hierarchy if some kind? To be investigated. What was more interesting, was the mention of a temporal anomaly. Although he wasn't an expert in that area, he knew it was something time based. He didn't know how to handle such situations, not enough data on that, but his memory went to the woman he saw earlier... and speaking of the devil, she just arrived with another person he didn't recognize, but Starfire clearly did.

Seattle... Sure. The genetical relation between Starfire and her were clear on the surface. Whether she was actually related or just of her species was unclear to him, as well as if she was directly involved in the temporal disturbance, but what was clear to him with such a well fabricated but clearly rehearsed story, was that she was lying. Takes one to know one. However, he wouldn't say a thing, as something his mother taught him: An intelligent person knows what to say. A wise person knows when to say it. And as of right now, Starfire trusted this Alrick, and Alrick seemed to trust her from what he could see. That was enough of an assurance for Gracer for the moment, even if trust was a fragile thing.

Finally, Robin arrived. Gracer was surprised at Robin's presence, or rather, his lack of. If it wasn't for the boy wonder announcing his arrival as he entered, Gracer wouldn't have noticed him entering, and that said much to the always alert and observant one. As for his question, although knowing the tower's layout in advance would have some advantages if some form of attack happened, he rather gets to know Robin better first. Knowing your allies has its own set of advantages. "Having the interview right away would be preferable." He said, still looking at Robin with his trademark emotionless gaze.
Gracer looked back at the one approaching him. Although he didn't hear him coming, the massive reflective windows of the tower were enough to alert the vigilante-hero of the floater's approach. Barely had the hero who had something similar about him as a Green Lantern asked his question, or Gracer noticed movement from inside the building. "I do." He simply responded, before turning back to the door. It was clear that Gracer did not feel the need to explain himself to the superpowered one who he didn't recognize, even if he didn't seem to be an enemy at the moment.

The door opened, his emotionless gaze being met with that of the alien hero of the Teen Titans. "Greetings. I have been invited by your group." He showed Starfire the opened enveloped with the letter neatly folded back in. "As for this person, I don't know him." He said pre-emptively, not wanting to bring about confusion about the two coming here together. His hands were constantly near the holsters on his hips, hands seemingly relaxed but ready to pick at least one of his pistols if necessary. He wasn't the fastest with his reflexes, even if he saw danger coming from afar, so being close to his weapons was a good way for him to be ready at all times.

He had his hunting rifle as well, worn with a strap over his thick leather jacket as well, as black as his mask. The rifle was his preferred weapon of choice, but in short to medium range, the pistols would have a better advantage with maneuverability as well as fire rate. Cover your grounds, limit your weaknesses. As contrary to those superpowered ones, he was still human, and any regular weakness he had as well. One wrong hit and he was done for. Always made him be a bit on edge. Not out of fear, but out of caution. The latter he practiced, the former he never experienced.
Approaching the Titan Tower, 'Gracer' wasn't used to wearing his outfit, mask included, in the daytime, leave alone in the open like this. Then again, it would make a bad impression on his inviters if he snuck his way in. Didn't wanna aggravate his hosts now, especially such well-known and powerful group of people as the Titans.

It had been a few days since he received the unknown suspicious letter on the doorstep of Flint's apartment after another outing as Gracer. It was immediately clear to him that it wasn't his mailman that posted this mail, but that it was delivered by hand. After deducing it wasn't harmful in any way aside from the possibility of a papercut, he opened it, and found it was an invitation from the Teen Titans. Although they didn't mention it directly, he could clearly make out they wanted some kind of alliance with him, either to draw him into their group of heroes, or to support each other some other way. And seeing as they clearly knew where he lived, it would've been hard for him to decline, even if they were 'the good guys'.

While approaching the tower, he spotted something unusual. A woman, having features of Starfire but not quite being her, entering through a window. As he didn't notice any alarms going off and her doing it with the ease of someone who knew her way around the place, as well as it seeming unlikely to be a test of sorts, he just memorized it and continued.

Finally arriving at the giant T-shaped tower, and not seeing anyone waiting for him, he decided to do the most expected thing someone invited would do, and knock, or as in the case of his technological generation: Ring the doorbell, and wait for the door to either open, or give him an answer.
I would say wait like a day. See if more people notice this. It's only been up for like 2 hours or so.

EDIT: Maybe start making a CS for us to fill out and think of some ideas for plots meanwhile?
Sounds good to me so far. Consider me officially interested. I'll PM you with some ideas for my own OC.
Although this might be the kind of superhero RP I've been looking for, I do have some questions before I confirm my interest.

What kind of tone would this be in? Regular Teen Titans, AKA humoristic but with dark undertones? More darker/lighter than that?

What kind of direction would the story go into? If you already have a plot in mind, don't spoil it, but is there for example a general goal to work towards, not just by your character?

How experienced and strong would the characters be, especially OCs? Would they be equal to a Titan, just below it or even fresh rookies?

And lastly, for your OC's hero name, what do you think of Solwing? A namesake forged from both her mother's name refering to a star, her father's other alias nightwing, as well as a reference to her own home system, Sol?

Let's go by these questions one by one:

1. Legendary Defenders sounds like it has PvE elements, such as the defending against an alien invasion thing. I imagine as an MMORPG it has raids, dungeons, open world questing, etc. Is there a scene for raiders or dungeon speed runners, even if significantly smaller, like their PvP counterpart?

Because of a certain plot reason that I will not reveal yet for the sake of not spoiling it, there will not be PvE focused group. However, there could be training areas to hone the abilities and test them out which could involve PvE elements, like dummy enemies or depending on the difficulty level some more stronger AI. It's supposed to be just training though, yet I do kind of expect each character coming this far to have a good knowledge about both the PvE and PvP elements of Legendary Defenders.

2. How would mechanics of the MMORPG translate into the PvE? Most MMOs out there are notorious for having dozens of keybinds, but the PvP section reads much like most MOBAs in terms of skills (3 active abilities and 1 ultimate, along with one passive).

Although EPIC borrows mechanics from Legendary Defenders, it's not just a complete IRL version of LD. This means LD itself has many more abilities rather than the MOBA-like 5. That being said, the reason I only gave 5 abilities is not only to keep track of them, but also to limit the special moves you can use besides the already enhanced normal moves like kicking and punching. Remember that because EPIC is less limited by coding than LD, the options for how abilities are used and chained are almost limitless.

3a. What year does this take place? Modern or near future?

3b. What year did Legendary Defenders release?

It is a modern idea, so imagine it could happen today and minus a certain outbreak of a recent times it had similar events as our world. For the sake of clarity let's say the game is about 10 years old and gained world-wide recognisition. All characters would be from the same area though considering they need to be able to directly interact.

4. If the game has been out long enough for there to be such a big e-sports scene, is it possible to make past years' champions?

Yes you can! I've been toying with this idea myself, and as long as they aren't big in e-sports anymore, it should be fine.

5a. Are all the PvP elements in Legendary Defenders solo or are there team elements such as 2v2, 3v3, etc.?

5b. Are all the events in the underground fighting ring solo or is there potential for team events?

On both answers I can say there are team elements/events. Although solo is an option, there will be team elements and the tournament could be anything ranging from 1v1 to a 5v5 to a mass 10v10 to a FFA and anything in between, which will be anounced later in the story.

6. Are we, the writers, going to use any kind of stat/attribute/modifier system and/or dice rolling?

This is something I'm actually still thinking about how to do exactly. I will make a stat system to make it able to have tanky, more mobile, hard hitting, etc fighting characters, but I still need to work out the details on that one. Besides that, I don't like to go dice rolling over forums, so the stats are mostly just going to be guidelines and the PvP fights will have to be agreed upon who wins.
Some inspiration.

Every gamer these days has heard of a game called 'Legendary Defenders'. A massive MMORPG about humanoids in a magical world trying to defend their world against an alien invasion. It is mainly known for their very competitive PVP scene with its own E-Sports and millions of fans. What isn't known though is that there is a test hidden within the game. It isn't able to be spotted, as it isn't like an in-game puzzle or anything, but rather the whole game itself is constantly checking the skills of each player, as well as their behavior and even some aspects that can't be explained.

Once a player passes this test, they are secretly invited to something special. Ignore the invitation and nothing happens, but follow its instructions and they find themselves in a special, high-tech facility that houses an underground fighting ring. Everyone there goes by a nickname, usually the same as the game-character they have in the Legendary Defenders, and the fighting itself isn't normal either. Fantasy-like bow and arrows clash head on with swords and magical abilities, all realized with specialised hard-light projectors that boost the people's abilities past that of any human. Because of this, it isn't unusual that people with better reflexes and strategic thinking win over the real life bodybuilders or athletes.

Now there is a tournament coming up. The details of the tournament itself are still unclear, but they boost the projectors for extra output during the tournament's fights and there are valuable prices to be won. The question is now: Do you have what it takes to claim the throne?

Welcome to EPIC

And now for the OOC part: This idea is a story about an underground fighting ring with RPG-like abilities. Although there will be a lot of fighting, especially PvP, I'd like it only to be a partial focus of the idea, and instead have a lot of other focus on story. The special abilities can be weapon, unarmed melee or magical based and derived from Legendary Defenders game mechanics, and each character will get besides regular fighting moves like punching, kicking and using standard weapon attacks 5 abilities total: 1 passive, 3 active and 1 ultimate.

The characters themselves are allowed up to 1 year of background inside the underground fighting ring EPIC, and need to have at least 1 year of background with the game Legendary Defenders. There will be no 'undercover agents' and such allowed, as EPIC is not even on the radar of any authorities. All characters invited are also 18+. As for how far the fighting itself goes, there will be a 'health bar' displayed on a screen above the ring and once dropped at 0, which is still above what the person can handle, the match is finished and the remaining opponent wins.

If there are any other questions feel free to ask! If there is enough interest, I will set up a character sheet and with enough characters I will make the official thread.
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