Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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"Spooky? And here I was thinking I'd been nothing but polite." The voice seemed to surround the new arrivals to the basement, the shadows which blanketed the secluded basement. Despite the voice clearly replying to the words spoken just before, it was distinctly female in tone. While some might consider it monotone, there was a hint of sarcatic enjoyment even as the menacing shapes in the darkness continued to shift and broil, as if tossed by a storm.

Then, in the next moment, there was a 'click' and suddenly the darkness eased, lights across the basement's ceiling flaring into life as the switch was found and pressed. Standing a little to the side of the pair, a short distance from the elevator's entrance, was the robed figure of Raven, her hooded cowl pulled down to reveal the ruby-like gem set into her forehead, and something that could almost be a grin at her little stunt.

"Heard we might have a lot of visitors today so I thought I'd escape down here to meditate, but it seems the visitors have still found me." Raven sighed as she lent back off the wall, her fingers tracing away from the light switch. "Care to introduce me, Alrick?" While she addressed her fellow Titan, Raven's eyes settled on the newcomer she didn't recognise, in what was meant to be one of the most secure parts of Titan Tower.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by nymian
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Starfire watched Alrick and his cousin enter the elevator and disappear behind the elevator doors. She turned to Pulse. "I wonder if that is where Robin is." She pondered. If there was a temporal anomaly, and he knew about it, he'd most certainly be looking into it. "If he picked up on it, he would most certainly be looking into it." She told Pulse.

Starfire wondered about Alrick's cousin showing up around the same time as an anomaly being reported at S.T.A.R labs, but put that thought aside. If there was something going on, she wanted to talk to Robin about it first before talking to Pulse about it. Soleil seemed familiar to her and she couldn't place why.

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚ 《

Soleil's eyes widened when Pulse mentioned the temporal anomaly. That was her. Luckily, Alrick ushered them to the elevator and down to the basement. Just as Alrick was telling her about not knowing where the light switch was, a voice greeted them in the dark and the light turned on, revealing that Raven had been down here, likely meditating. "My name is Soleil, I'm his cousin from Seattle. I surprised him with a visit, and he's showing me around. I think he brought me down here to show me where his medical stash is in case I should need anything while I'm visiting." She looked to Alrick to confirm. So far their story *seemed* to be working - Starfire bought it at least. "You must be the famous Raven I have heard so much about. It is wonderful to meet you." She flashed her Star-like smile at Raven.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ThisIsFine
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"Oh, hey Raven!" Alrick chirped, assuming her presence meant that Ghost wasn't lurking around. "I wasn't calling you spooky." The display in the shadows was obviously lost on him. Alrick much preferred her company anyway. It wasn't that he disliked Ghost per se...He was just kind of hard for Alrick to get a feel for. Although, now he had to come up with an excuse for them to be going through boxes to find that dang watch.

"Yeah, I should probably do a little inventory while I'm here. I think some of my stuff got misplaced last week."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dick had been spending most of the day in the tower’s command center, Bruce’s warning about the Riddler still fresh in his mind. That threat was just one of many that Dick had been tracking, as many different crises could happen at any moment in Jump City. For most people this would be very overwhelming, but Dick had been trained for this. Years of studying under the Batman had made Dick sharp, able to deal with all kinds of stress. He was ready for all possibilities.

For the umpteenth time, Dick went over all the police and federal agency reports that pertained to Jump City. There had been a brief energy burst in the city, but it didn’t seem malicious. Other than that, H.I.V.E. had been oddly quiet, as had the Church of Blood. And yet Dick felt an unease. Something was telling him that he was in the calm before the storm, hence why he was looking into expanding the Titans roster.

It was with that thought of expansion that Dick remembered to look at the time. He had completely forgotten that he had an appointment with a potential Titan, an appointment that he was already several minutes late for. In a rush, Dick quickly booted down the system before heading for the elevator.

In less than a minute, Dick had reached the ground floor. As he stepped out the elevator, Dick noticed out of the corner of his eye Alrick and a mystery girl, with familiar hair, taking the other elevator down. As Titans were allowed guests at the tower, Dick didn’t question it.

Now on the main floor, Dick could see the familiar sight of Starfire, the recent recruit Pulse, and Grazer, a hero Dick had been looking into. The man here for the meeting was armed like crazy with guns, something that made Dick felt a little off. But as long as Grazer didn’t kill, Dick didn’t mind. Batman had ironed the idea into Dick’s head that heroes should never kill.

“My apologies,” said Dick as he entered the kitchen, “I was caught up with some threat assessment. I’m Robin. It seems you have already met Starfire and Pulse. If you want we can start the interview now, or I could show you around the tower first, whatever your preference is.”

Dick briefly glanced at Starfire, noticing her shimmering red hair. He noted that it was almost the same as that girl who was with Alrick, which was eerie to him. For a second he wondered if they were dealing with another Tamaranean. Blackfire had caused enough damage when she came to town, so this put Dick on edge.

“Who was that girl with Alrick?” Dick asked as he turned to Starfire, “Have we met her before?”

Something was up, Dick was sure of it due to his inner detective. However he figured that it wasn’t probably a big deal, as he did trust Alrick and his choice of who to bring to the tower. In fact he trusted all the Titans, which was why he needed to interview Grazer. The Teen Titans were a team, which meant that he had to know they all had his back. So, Dick knew he had to make sure definitely that Grazer was a fit for the team.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by nymian
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Starfire, smiling at Robin in her typical fashion, turned to him. "I do not think we have met her before. She said her name is Soleil, and that she is the cousin of Alrick, in from...I believe she said Seattle?" She tried to recall where Soleil had said she is from. "She said she came to surprise him, and that he was in the midst of showing her around the tower." She thought about it. It felt like she had met her before, but she couldn't place the feeling. "Robin, once you are done with your meeting with Grazer, and after speaking with Pulse, I would like to speak with you. Please let me know when you are finished." She flashed her smile again, this time smaller, filled slightly with concern. She knew he was busy, but with everything happening something felt off. If it was serious, she wanted Robin to know before addressing it with anyone else.

She worked to put the pieces together in her mind. Pulse's concern of a temporal anomaly, Soleil's impromptu appearance. Maybe it was just a coincidence, and Starfire wanted to give Soleil the benefit of the doubt, but Robin needed to know of Starfire's suspicion - if Soleil wanted to cause harm, she was already inside and could very easily do so. Their defenses were down. But then, why would Alrick let her in if she wasn't his cousin? What was Alrick up to. Her eyes narrowed, lost in suspicious thought.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Following his host, Gracer shook his head at the offer of sustenance. He had eaten beforehand, as he figured some assessments of his skills were possibly needed to be made, and he wouldn't want to do those on an empty stomach and underperform. Not that he ever failed his shots, but you never know.

As 'Pulse' described his probationary state of membership within the Titans being unknown to Starfire, he wondered how well the communication within their organization of heroes was. Perhaps it was intentional by Robin, and it was a hierarchy if some kind? To be investigated. What was more interesting, was the mention of a temporal anomaly. Although he wasn't an expert in that area, he knew it was something time based. He didn't know how to handle such situations, not enough data on that, but his memory went to the woman he saw earlier... and speaking of the devil, she just arrived with another person he didn't recognize, but Starfire clearly did.

Seattle... Sure. The genetical relation between Starfire and her were clear on the surface. Whether she was actually related or just of her species was unclear to him, as well as if she was directly involved in the temporal disturbance, but what was clear to him with such a well fabricated but clearly rehearsed story, was that she was lying. Takes one to know one. However, he wouldn't say a thing, as something his mother taught him: An intelligent person knows what to say. A wise person knows when to say it. And as of right now, Starfire trusted this Alrick, and Alrick seemed to trust her from what he could see. That was enough of an assurance for Gracer for the moment, even if trust was a fragile thing.

Finally, Robin arrived. Gracer was surprised at Robin's presence, or rather, his lack of. If it wasn't for the boy wonder announcing his arrival as he entered, Gracer wouldn't have noticed him entering, and that said much to the always alert and observant one. As for his question, although knowing the tower's layout in advance would have some advantages if some form of attack happened, he rather gets to know Robin better first. Knowing your allies has its own set of advantages. "Having the interview right away would be preferable." He said, still looking at Robin with his trademark emotionless gaze.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ThisIsFine
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

This wasn't looking good.

Before the sun could even rise, he had awoken to a spirit floating at the foot of his bed. At one point, in another life, this sort of thing might have disturbed him. The supernatural was nothing new to Ghost now. The dead, and death, wasn't something he feared. He had learned, over time, that spirits were merely restless souls with a job left unfinished. This particular soul's mission was to deliver a message: It was happening again.

Ghost had left the tower on his own. This business hit close to home for him and it only felt right to take care of it personally. There was once a madman that took it upon himself to cross the ethical lines of science and experiment on human subjects. That man was rotting in prison, but hadn't worked alone. Now, apparently, one of his old colleagues was at it again. He was picking victims and ruining lives right here on their home turf.

With the spirit's guidance, finding the hidden facility had been the easy part. The spirit could go no further once they reached the inside. Ghost was okay with that; the soul deserved rest now that their unfinished business was done. Now alone, he was left to slither through the shadows and see exactly how big this operation was.

The facility was hidden under an old factory. It went down for miles underground. He wasn't sure just how far from the surface he was when he stumbled onto the horrors that now rooted him in place. A large atrium opened up a floor below him. From the catwalk, Ghost watched in silence as massive, grotesque creatures were chained up, some kind of device strapped to their heads. Mind control? And what were these things? They looked vaguely human, but distinctly alien as well. Hybrids? Whatever they were, there was an army of them. Who exactly was their creator planning on waging war against?

That was a question for later. It was clear that Ghost was out of his league now. He had to call in the team. Quietly, he tapped the comm link on his wrist awake and called the tower.

"Titans, I've made a disturbing discovery. This is a request for backup. My coordinates are incoming."

The transmission was cut short by a piercing, animalistic screech and a curse, followed by static.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by nymian
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

The alarms rang, and a call for help took over the TV. "Titans, I've made a disturbing discovery. This is a request for backup. My coordinates are incoming." Starfire looked around - other than Pulse, who was sitting at the island waiting patiently for Robin to finish up with Gracer's interview, there was no one else in the vicinity. She called the elevator up and went down to the basement, where she knew Alrick had gone, to prepare him. He was their medic, so it would be a good idea for him to have a heads up in case he was needed.

As the doors opened, she saw the three conversing, Raven quizzing Alrick about who the new girl was. "Raven and Alrick, we have received an incoming transmission from Ghost. His transmission cut out suddenly, and I believe him to be in danger. I am sure Robin will be coming to brief us, but we must hurry upstairs and prepare for the rescue mission."

Soleil found this to be a welcome diversion. Maybe everyone would drop their suspicions in the heat of rescue. "I realize that I am not a Titan, but if you need help - I can fight. I'm not the best, but I can hold my own - at least for a little bit. I'm a pyro, if that helps.." She offered. If their peer, Ghost, was truly in trouble, it seemed reasonable that they would need all hands on deck.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lio smiled slightly at Alrick’s mention of looking out for Fred Flintstone. While he was trying to take the whole temporal anomaly seriously, it was seeming more and more like that it was possibly a quantum hiccup, temporal energy just spewing out into real time a little bit. That or Booster Gold was hopping between eras again.

As Alrick and is apparent cousin headed for the basement, Lio tried scanning again with his pseudo-ring, looking for any latent tachyons. However, at this point most of the energy was gone, flowing back into the quantum realm. In all likelihood this event had been small, perhaps a single person or smaller. It gave credence to Lio’s thought that it was a cosmic hiccup. The only thing that still bugged him was its proximity to Titans Tower. But then again the universe was made up of coincidences.

But Lio was snapped out of his musings by Starfire stating that Robin might be looking into said temporal event. Only for Robin to appear, grabbing the Grazer fellow and bringing him to the elevator. Lio felt a little shafted, but he then figured that Robin had planned his meeting with Grazer a long time in advance. All Lio had done was show up at the Titans front door and asking if they knew anything about the temporal event.

Sighing, before turning to Starfire, Lio said, “Actually, I will grab a snack. Cyborg had shown me last week where Beast Boy keeps his stash.”

Walking to the pantry, Lio pushed away several bottles of sauce, cans of beans, and various other preserves, until he pulled out what he was looking for. The young scientist left the pantry with a big bag of extra spicy Takis, one of his favorite junk foods. Unlike Beast Boy, Lio wouldn’t gorge on them, instead pouring them into a bowl before taking a seat at the counter.

After munching on several handfuls of the spicy snack, Lio’s Titans communicator went off. It was a request for backup, one that ended in static. While Lio didn’t recognize the voice, he assumed it was another Titan. It reminded him that he was the new guy, feeling less bad about Starfire not remembering him, as he didn’t remember this Titans.

Placing his bowl of Takis on the counter, Lio went over the coordinates again in his mind. His pseudo-ring being connected to his mind, Lio accessed the Towers Wi-Fi, searching up the coordinates and pulling up all relevant maps.

Lio then turned back to Starfire, only to see that she had left the immediate kitchen area. Before he could call out to his fellow Titan, the Tower’s speaker system came on, Robin announcing a team gathering in the main meeting room. While Lio was still learning every room of the Tower, he did at least know where the meeting room was. It wasn’t too long ago that he had been sitting in there with Robin and Green Lantern, planning out how exactly he would operate as a probationary member.

So Lio retraced his steps, taking the elevator up several floors. As the doors to the elevator opened, revealing the sprawling meeting room, Lio immediately addressed Robin.

“What’s the situation boss?”

Dick was suspicious of the story of the girl being Alrick’s cousin from Seattle, has he had been taught never to take things at face value. But Alrick was a Titan, and as such he trusted him. Dick then acknowledged Starfire’s request to meet with him after talking to Grazer.

And speaking of Grazer, Dick could tell that he was a direct kind of person as soon as he spoke about wanting the interview right away. While most people would jump at the chance to explore the legendary Titans Tower, Grazer was straight to business. It reminded Dick of another serious hero he knew, one who wore a cape and cowl.

“If you’ll follow me then,” said Dick, “We’re going to our main meeting room.”

Dick then led the gun clad hero away from the kitchen and to the elevator. From there they traveled up three floors, the elevator doors opening to reveal a large room with a circular table and several monitors on the wall. Dick motioned for Grazer to take a seat at the nearest chair, before walking around to the other side, positioning himself directly across from Grazer.

Dick would then hit a few keys on a keyboard, causing the wall mounted screens to turn on. Images of Grazer appeared on each screen, ranging from blurry shots of him in alleyways, to standing over beaten up criminals. Dick led the images rotate for a few seconds, revealing more and more footage of Grazer.

“As you can see, we’ve had our eyes on you,” stated Dick, “However, I can assure you that this wasn’t malicious. We were just interested in getting to know you. Whenever a new hero pops up in Jump City, it immediately triggers my interest. As such I’ve paid attention to your career. Your crime fighting prowess is impressive, and as such I think you’re ready for the big leagues. That is to say, would you be interested in joining the Titans?”

Dick let his words remain in the air for a while, giving Grazer a chance to digest the offer. Truthfully, Dick was unsure if Grazer even wanted to join the Titans. From the research he had done, Dick found Grazer to be a bit of a loner, perhaps unsuitable for teamwork. Yet Dick saw potential in him and felt he had no other option but to offer him a spot on the team.

However, before an answer could be said, Dick’s communicator went off, the familiar voice of Ghost coming through. Apparently he had discovered something and required back-up, only for his communicator to go off-line. This immediately triggered Dick, who had to subdue his urge to rush out of the room and to the rescue.

But he remembered that Grazer was still with him. But in Dick’s mind this presented a great opportunity to see how Grazer worked with a team, if he truly was Titans material.

“I suppose you heard all of that,” said Dick, “And I do need to respond to it. But I’m wondering if you would come along? Sort of an unofficial first Titans mission, a means for me to evaluate you. So, you coming?”

While Dick waited for a response, he pulled up the coordinates Ghost had provided on his computer. With a location in mind, Dick turned on the Tower’s speaker system.

“All Titans, report to the main meeting room. We have a situation going on involving Ghost,” boomed Dick’s voice over the speaker system.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by nymian
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Just as Soleil offered to assist, the speaker system started to buzz.“All Titans, report to the main meeting room. We have a situation going on involving Ghost.” boomed Dick’s voice over the speaker system. Starfire looked up towards Dick's voice as it filled the silence in the group. She looked at Soleil for a moment, considering her offer.

"You may come with us to the meeting room, however it will be in Robin's decision if you should join us. I think the offer is..Sweet of you. Please understand, we do not know you and we just wish to be cautious." She turned to Alrick. "Alrick, please come with. Robin may need you there with us, especially if Ghost is badly hurt." She nodded to everyone, then turned to make her way to the meeting room.

She left the three behind, knowing that they would be along shortly. Maybe she had a chance to speak to Robin. She entered the meeting room where Robin and Grazer were. "Robin, I must tell you. Soleil offered to come along. She told me that she is a pyrokinetic, and that she has some fighting ability. I told her ultimately it was up to you, but depending on what is going on with Ghost, it may be nice to have another person with us." Starfire told him, gingerly. "Is Soleil familiar to you too?" She asked, before the others arrived.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ThisIsFine
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For the record, Alrick did not think Soleil tagging along was a good idea. The opportunity for further time shenanigans was way too high. What if she went out there, got hurt, and that lead to catastrophic consequences for the furture? She needed to get back into her own time period ASAP!

But then again, he hardly had time to argue his point with the others around. If he went and blabbed about time travel crap now, it would only serve to distract from Ghost being in danger. Could he actually be in danger if he was immortal? Alrick pushed that thought aside. Just because he can die and come back an apparently infinite number of times doesn't mean he should have to, he reminded himself.

"Right, on it," Alrick said as he headed back towards the elevator. Finding the meeting room wasn't an issue. Alrick had most of the tower memorized by now. He found himself a chair and sat, trying his best to pay attention while also silently worrying about timeline nonsense.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Raven had already been moving before the others around her could react, the shadows lingering at the edge of the light in the basement swirling to swallow her form once more, despite the presence of the lightbulbs which should have prevented the gloom. The shadows ran along the walls, back up the shaft of the elevator, clawing across cables and panels before exciting at the other end, spilling out into the meeting room through the cracks in doorways. A few moments later, and the shadows coalesced, forming back into the young woman, the hood of her attire now up, and concealing the blazing gem set into her forehead.

She had little interest in interrupting the further conversations of her peers, if not for the fact one of their own was in danger enough for an alarm to have been sounded, and so she spoke aloud and clearly, at least, as clearly as she ever did, once the Titans began gathering and already fragmenting into other conversations.

"Can we talk about how we may, or may not, know each other 'after' we have resolved this situation with Ghost."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Bob didn't like the teleporter.

It was hard to put into words, describing why he disliked the primary method in which the Justice League traveled between their station and Earth, but there was a primal, almost animal fear that whenever the bright light started that something would go horribly, terribly wrong between the moments of disappearing and reappearing on the other side. For those important moments, his life was in the hands of people who he didn't know using technology he didn't understand.

The fact that he wasn't teleporting alone did make him feel a bit better about the whole thing through. As the pair of them materialized on what seemed to be an island with a massive T rising up in the middle of it, Bob took a second to shake himself off before looking at his escort to meet the team he was told about and offered a smile as he started to relax and the worst had clearly passed.
"T'anks for coming, Captain."

A strong hand reached out and smacked Bob on the back, force that would knock down a normal human simply causing a slight ruffle in Bob's shirt as Captain Marval answered "No problem Bob. Now come on, let's go and introduce you to your new friends."

Bob liked Captain Marval; While there had been a number of heroes that had spent time with him and his friends over the last two years, Captain Marval made a point of hanging out with them in a more informal way whenever he could. It was nice to have someone you could just sit and talk about cartoons with or who wasn't afraid of having an arm wrestle. It was nice to have an adult who wasn't afraid of being childish in an earnest way, rather then just pretending to humor them at times. The fact that the Captain had offered to be the one who tagged along to make the first direct introductions meant a lot too.

So it was that the pair walked towards the door of Titan Tower in order to announce their presence, completely ignorant of what was going on inside or in the greater Jump City area.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dick waited the minute or so it took the rest of the Titans to get to the meeting room. All the while he kept his eyes on Grazer, still trying to figure out what he was thinking beneath his mask. But that staring contest ended when Starfire entered the room. Somehow her presence always dragged Dick away from what he was focusing on. It was kind of a mystery to Dick, not realizing how dense he could be sometimes.

After Starfire explained what was going on with Soleil, Dick responded, “I mean another helping hand couldn’t hurt, though I’ll keep my eye on her. Something is just off about her, so I’d like to keep her close so I can watch her.”

However Dick would not respond to Star’s question if Soleil was familiar to him as well. Truth be told, she was, but Dick couldn’t place her. However, a lot of Dick’s memories from before he became Robin were foggy, like a half-remembered past life. Perhaps he had met her while traveling with Haly’s Circus.

Dick was brought back out of his thoughts when Raven entered the room and stated that such thoughts should be put on hold until Ghost was saved. Dick agreed, though he did still stare at Soleil when she entered the meeting room with Alrick. The alleged cousins didn’t have time to say anything before Lio entered as well, asking what the situation was.

“As Cyborg and Beast Boy are away on a mission, I guess this is all of us, so we can begin,” stated Dick, “All we know right now is that Ghost was out on patrol and reported something in. He had only managed to send us his coordinates before we lost contact. As such this is an urgent situation, one that I’m assigning pretty much the whole team to.”

Dick then pulled up a satellite view of the coordinates Ghost provided on the main screen, before continuing, “We are currently not able to detect his communicator, so we’re going to take the T-Jet. I believe that Grazer will be accompanying us, as will Soleil. However I’m going to rely on you Apollo to look after her as I haven’t had time to assess her powers. Now if no one has any questions, we can head to the hangar.”

Just then a notification beeped on Dick’s computer. Apparently two figures were standing at the door to Titans Tower. While this wasn’t a good time, Dick did recognize one as Captain Marvel. It was only then that Dick remembered that the League had contacted him about taking in a ward of the League. Except they were early by about an hour.

“Pulse, can you go check the front door. I was supposed to meet a man named Bob today, and he’s come early. See if you can get him to come back later. After that meet us at the coordinates, which I just sent to your ring. I know you can fly as fast as the T-Jet,” ordered Dick.

Dick then rose from his seat and began to walk over to the elevator, the other Titans following. Taking the lift all the way to the hangar, Dick was met with the familiar set of the orange T-Jet.

“Alright team, let’s load up,” stated Dick as he boarded the high tech plane.

Lio was apparently the last to the room, finding all the usual Titans here, except Beast Boy and Cyborg who had left on a mission the previous day. Lio also noted that the girl Soleil was also in the meeting room, which seemed odd to Lio. However his attention quickly shifted to Robin explaining the mission.

Apparently a Titan named Ghost had called for backup only to go dark. Before Lio could pull up the coordinates with his pseudo-ring, Robin had already put in on the big screen. Whatever satellite Robin had linked to produced an average quality image, which again Lio was noted as odd. After all, Robin used to work with the Batman, a hero who could seemingly find any piece of evidence. Perhaps the image quality meant nothing, but Lio still noted it in his mind.

Robin then stated that they were going to get in the T-Jet and go to Ghost’s last known location. The leader of the Titans also said that this new guy Grazer, and the mysterious Soleil were to come along. Lio wondered if either of them had powers, or were just super skilled like Robin. Either way, Lio would keep an eye on them during this mission.

But just as Lio was rising from his seat to head to the hangar, Robin asked him to check out who was at the front door of the Tower. While Lio did want to leave with the Titans, he knew that Robin was right in saying that he could easily catch up with them using his pseudo-ring.

“Alright, boss I’ll check the door,” stated Lio.

Lio remained in the meeting room as the other Titans took the elevator to the hangar. Once a second elevator arrived, Lio took it to the main floor. Briskly walking to the front door, as he didn’t want to miss any of the mission, Lio swiped his Titans communicator, causing the massive doors to open.

Standing outside the door on the steps were two very tall men. While one was easily six foot something, the other man dwarfed him, standing at what Lio guessed to be about nine feet. Standing in front of the massive and muscular man made Lio feel uneasy, visions of the man squashing him like a bug frittering about in his head. However, Lio noted that he had kind eyes and a friendly smile.

It was only then that Lio recognized the other man as Captain Marvel, a newer member of the Justice League. This officially brought the number of League members he had met to two. Lio had to assume the giant of a man was Bob, the person Robin had mentioned. What business Bob had with the Titans’ leader, Lio did not know. All he knew was that this was cutting into mission time.

“You’re here to see Robin right?” Lio asked, “Unfortunately the Titans are busy with a mission right now, so could you come back later? There’s a really good pizza place and arcade across the bay. You could kill several hours there.”

Lio thought about scanning the two with his pseudo-ring to make sure they were who they said they were and not dummy robot bombs from Toyman, but felt it would be rude. Plus the Titans Tower’s security would have detected if Lio was in any actual trouble.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

While in truth they weren't waiting all that long, Bob couldn't help but feel nervous. Excited. Both? Regardless, staying still was difficult, through he put the effort in to try and keep the worst of the fidgeting under control for appearances sake.

The door was soon opened and... they were told that the Titans were busy and to come back later. Even with a recommendation on where to spend the time while waiting. This... was not what Bob had been expecting and glancing at Captain Marvel, neither was he. As Bob started to nervously scratch at the back of his neck, it was Captain Marvel that spoke up
"Look, I understand that sometimes things unexpectedly pop up but... I can't be in Jump City for several hours simply hanging around, eating pizza and enjoying an arcade today and leaving Bob alone in a city he has never been in before and where he doesn't know anyone when he has never been in a city in general simply isn't an option." He didn't sound upset or angry, just laying the cards on the table.

There was a brief pause, before it was a nervous Bob that spoke up as he asked "W'at's the situation? Maybe I can 'elp." It was hard to say if Bob spoke with an accent or if it was a bit of a speech impediment, but other way he turned to Captain Marvel and bashfully asked "...Mig't need a left. Is t'at okay?"

"Oh yeah Buddy, I can make sure you get there." Marvel offered with a grin and a friendly pat on the upper arm; He couldn't quite reach shoulder height without flying. "You okay with me just observing and seeing how you do? I trust you and the Titans will be fine, but I'll jump in if things start to go really bad."

With a smile and a nod from Bob, both Bob and Captain Marvel turned to look down at the smaller Lio, waiting to get updated on just what situation the Titans were dealing with and how aid might be provided.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by nymian
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

As Robin stared her down, Soleil met his gaze and nodded, giving a slight smile when Robin said she could tag along and instructed Alrick to look after her. In her time, he would never let her tag along to missions. Of course, she was just a kid and still coming into her powers but she never thought it was fair considering that her parents were literally teenagers when the Titans were formed. They were fighting villains and protecting Jump City when they were just kids.

She would always beg and plead for them to take her along and let her fight, determined to be the next great Titan. After she turned fourteen, Dick began seriously training her. He went easy at first, but Soleil continued to seek more. She had her father's determination, and her mother's heart.

"Since we'll be going by hero names, my name's Solwing." She offered as she followed behind, realizing that she perhaps should have given that to them before. Though she had never been on a mission, she knew not to use real identities in battle.

As the team approached the T-Jet, she marveled silently. The vintage (to her) T-Jet was a sight to see, and she had never been allowed to board the one they had. Inside, she geeked a bit, excited to finally fight. She took a deep breath and loaded into the T-Jet, taking it all in.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Dick and the other Titans entered the hangar Soleil mentioned that her hero name was Solwing. That was interesting as Dick had once considered changing his codename to something similar. After a particularly bad fight with Batman, Dick said he was giving up being Robin and was going to leave Gotham, taking up either the name Darkwing or Knightwing. While Dick would eventually leave Gotham, he would do so on good terms with Batman and still retaining the Robin name.

But Dick chocked the whole naming similarity to coincidence. Living in Gotham had taught Dick that some crazy coincidences did occur, and not everything was a clue like Batman sometimes believed. However, a thing that Dick had taken from Batman was a need to always be prepared. As such with the T-Jet, Dick had put in hundreds of hours of flight time, earning his pilot’s license. Also he insisted that the tank was always kept full, just for moments like this when they needed to depart quickly.

“Everybody, load up!” shouted Dick.

Stepping into the T-Jet, Dick took an immediate seat in the pilot’s chair. The controls were very familiar to him, having been based on that of the Batwing. It was like playing a nostalgic video game, Dick’s hands knowing what to do without consciously thinking. As he went through the pre-flight checkup, Dick quickly glanced backward to make sure his team mates had taken a seat. While he would’ve liked the full team on the mission, Dick knew that the work that Cyborg and Beast Boy were doing out of the city was important. And he technically had replacements in the form of Grazer and Solwing, though he wasn’t sure how they would fare on an actual mission.

Once satisfied that the T-Jet and the Titans were ready to go, Dick started the engine, which ran almost silently. Lifting off the hangar floor, Dick would begin having the T-Jet fly straight, into what looked like a wall. However as the vehicle approached the wall, it opened to reveal the bay just outside Titans Tower.

Once soaring above Jump City, Dick began to speak, “Alright, Titans. We’re not sure what we’re getting into, so everyone stay close. We have to assume that it’s an emergency situation with Ghost.”

In the back of his mind, Dick prepared himself for the worst. Other heroes had fallen in the line of duty before, but never a Titan. The heroes of Jump City had been quite fortunate in that they all were alive. Dick couldn’t help but remember his last time at Justice League HQ and seeing the newly installed statues of dead League members. But Dick knew it wouldn’t come to that as the Titans were going to save Ghost. Everyone was getting out of this alive.

Dick’s dark musings were interrupted when the T-Jet beeped to announce that they had reached their destination. Stopping the horizontal movement of the T-Jet, Dick would have the vehicle descend vertically onto the roof of the big building from where Ghost had lost contact.

Upon landing, Dick turned to his team mates, “Here we go. We do this smart, we do this together.”

Dick then unstrapped himself from his chair and exited the T-Jet. Pulling out his bolo staff, Dick walked softly onto the roof, unsure of what dangers could be lurking there.

Lio was still impressed with meeting Captain Marvel, when the hero said he couldn’t just wait for the Titans to come back. Lio was unsure of what to say, especially when he noticed the T-Jet leave the hangar and head toward the city.

“Yeah, I’m not so sure what Robin wants you to do,” said Lio sheepishly.

Then the very large man, Captain Marvel had called him Bob, suggested that he should come and help. Looking over the massive man, Lio did believe that he could be useful in a fight. Plus if he was here about potentially joining the Titans, this could be a good chance for him to prove himself. After all, Robin had allowed that Soleil girl to go with the team, so why not this Bob guy.

Captain Marvel then offered to fly Bob over to the Titans, though he said he would let them handle their own mission. Lio was grateful for this as he still hadn’t fully mastered the art of flying while levitating someone else with his pseudo-ring. With Lio’s luck he would accidentally drop Bob into the ocean and he would sink to the bottom.

“I think Robin would be cool with that,” Lio stated, “We’re in such a rush because a team mate called for help before going off-line. We have the coordinates and are headed there now. So if you Captain don’t mind carrying Bob, we can head right over.”

It would then seem that the three men were in agreement, as Lio lifted off the floor in front of Titans Tower. Next to him was Captain Marvel, holding the massive Bob with seemingly no effort. They then departed from the Tower area, Lio racing just above the water, a silver glow all around him.

In less than a minute they were over the city proper. Lio had his pseudo-ring send the coordinates to his mind, giving real time directions. Lio would zig zag throughout Jump City, Captain Marvel easily keeping pace behind him. Eventually, Lio would spot the building, the big orange plane that was the T-Jet on its roof.

Lio would land on the roof just as the other Titans departed the T-Jet. Walking over to Robin, Lio would rub the back of his head.

“So I kind of allowed that Bob guy to join us on the mission,” said Lio, “I mean he was here about joining the Titans, right? Also Captain Marvel is here, but apparently he’s just here to watch.”

Lio hoped that his choice was alright. While he understood that the Titans were pretty relaxed, he was still wary of Robin, as no one could work for the Batman without becoming as rigid as him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jump City had, in recent years, undergone a number of strange situations. The bizarre and alien had become somewhat mundane to witness on a day to day basis, in part due to the actual alien lifeforms that were showing up. Exactly where Captain Marvel flying through the sky while carrying what appeared to be a slightly misshapen giant of a man ranked on the number of weird and wacky sights was somewhat debatable.

Regardless, it was a scene that happened... and without much in the way of ceremony beyond making sure that Bob touched down on the roof nearby the T-Jet safely, Captain Marvel offered Robin, Lio and any other titan that happened to have left it a small salute before pulling back without a word; Clearly keeping his word in that he intended to observe the situation and be in a position to swoop in if need be, but otherwise leaving things to their own devices.

Bob for his part seemed to look between the various people that would make up the team that he was going to be on before offering a warm smile and a small wave... before remembering himself and clearing his throat as he went 'professional' mode.
"'ello. I'm Bob. So w'o are we saving? Name isn't important, just a quick rundown of w'at t'ey look like." One could argue that it was a silly statement to make on a rescue mission, but Bob didn't have access to the full, updated roster of the Teen Titans; If there were several costumed people involved in the situation, knowing which costume is the one you're meant to be helping was a lot better then a name without a face.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ThisIsFine
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Death was a strange thing to grow accustomed to. But yet, as the young man pealed himself off the floor, his cracked skull miraculously healed, he was no more shaken. It wasn't like falling asleep and waking up. It was cold and draining. Right now, it felt as though he had just swam upstream in an icy river. Still, Ghost came back to fight.

This was probably the worst place to have landed. He was standing square in the middle of the army of creatures, all of whom looked eager to put him back down. He could hold them off for a little, but the team had better get here fast.

He conjured up tendrils of inky black shadow and pushed back the first line of attackers. He wrapped the arms around the creatures, tossing them, shoving them aside, holding them off. But whatever these things were, they were strong. Throwing them into walls and into the ground didn't seem to have much effect.

Still weakened from his latest death, Ghost was losing ground fast.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by nymian
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Starfire stepped out of the T-Jet and onto the roof, hovering just above the ground in ready stance, looking over her shoulder to see Soleil and the rest filing out of the jet. She nodded to Lio, Bob, and Captain Marvel and smiled her naturally friendly smile at them. Her eyes scanned their surroundings, and then suddenly a small creature went flying across the horizon, hitting the ground with a loud 'thud'.

"I think our friend may be in that direction." She pointed towards where the small imp-like creature landed, though she was sure the rest of the Titans heard the creature hit the ground.

Soleil positioned herself somewhat between Star and Robin, readying herself. This is your moment, Sol. He might be a teen and not know who you are, but this is your moment to impress him. Don't screw this up. She silently told herself. Her hands started to glow with embers, ready to fight. Mentally, she was replaying every mock battle she had against her parents, having just been the basics as she hadn't gotten into real battle yet. She composed her face, Robin's sternness spreading her lips thin, brow furrowed.
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