This a character I may be interested in reviving

Name: Quasar
Age: Old but gold
Gender Technically none but he/him works
Sexuality: Asexual
Personality: Despite his predicament of being stuck on Earth until the planet implodes and frees him, Quasar is surprisingly chipper. After all, what's a millenia or two to an immortal being? He'll have those powers back in no time.
While he's here, he's decided that he may as well invest in these funny primates that rule this dump. He adores watching over humans and learning their behaviors. He also enjoys taking up a role as a protector. With his former power, obliterating any who dare cross his path would have been as simple as a meer thought, but now, with his newfound weakness, it's actually a challenge. Isn't that so much fun? Like a jigsaw puzzle, or sudoku, or maybe a word search.
Powers: Once a being of magnificent power, practically a god, Quasar easily vanquished any foe in the vast, empty void of space. But upon his arrival to Earth, he has found that the unique atmosphere significantly reduces his power to a meer shadow of what it would be in the freedom of outer space.
What he's left with is:
-Light manipulation: He can produce and manipulate light. He can create bright balls of light that can stun or even blind enemies. He can curve photons around an object to make it appear invisible. He can make pretty light shows. He can affect color perception. Honestly, most of his powers aren't very useful.
-Laser light: He can produce a small, intense beam of light that acts as a laser. It can reach enough intensity to cut through steel if he focuses hard enough. It's not easy to do, though.
-Invulnerability: This is the big one. As an intangible being of pure energy, he can't die, be poisoned, drowned, hit, irradiated, starved, or any other pathetic human perishable.
-Light speed: He can move at the speed of light. Which is effectively teleportation.
-Intelligence: He's been around for a long time and he's learned a few things. Don't let him talk about physics, it's very boring.
-Freezing: The inside of his intangible form is cold like the void of space. Maybe not quite that cold, but cold enough to freeze water in a few minutes. Walking through him would feel like taking a plunge in an arctic lake.
Here we go
-He can't touch things. That's right, the whole "intangible being" thing doesn't have an off switch. That means he can't hit, hold a weapon, throw, kick, or eat a sandwich. He can totally flip you off, though, so there's that.
-His presence screws with electronics within a close radius. So even if he could pick up a phone, he couldn't use it.
-High energy blasts to his form can temporarily scatter his photons and cause disorientation and uselessness until he reforms.
-Now that he's trapped within the Earth's atmosphere, leaving it would be the closest thing to a death sentence he could face. His photons would scatter and no longer be able to hold his shape. He'd still exist and technically be alive, but it would really, really suck.
Appearance: Like if a galaxy took a vaguely human form. He's semi translucent with a dark swirling colors inside his shape, and stars of light that shine through it. His eyes are two solid, glowy orbs that have no pupil. You could totally reach right through him, but it's not recommended because first, rude, and second, the inside of his form is extremely cold.
He has no idea what pain feels like, but it seems unpleasant.
Coffee seems nice and he'd love to try it some day. That will never happen, though. Very sad.
He doesn't technically need sleep, but he does enjoy doing it.
He's on several government watch lists due to posing a massive security threat to, well, basically everything. Rest assured that someone, somewhere, is building something to destroy him.
Beings like Quasar are not born, but brought into existence by the death of a universe. The energy of that universe's demise breaks through the very fabric of time and space and has to go somewhere. Quasar is the result of that energy. Beings like him are exceptionally rare, and perhaps this is a good thing, because they are extremely powerful in the right conditions.
Quasar was once such a powerful being. He traveled the voids of space, occasionally smiting wrong doers for funsies. But it was never really all that fun; it was too easy. Like a god smooshing an ant. But then, one day, he heard news of a certain planet teaming with life and constant strife. Planets bearing life are rare, and the opportunity to check it out was just too tempting.
It took him a while to find this podunk planet called Earth. It wasn't very impressive by many standards, incredibly flawed, and just right for studying. However, something just right about the planet's atmosphere didn't agree with his physical makeup. It drew him in, pulling him down and ultimately disrupting his form until his photons scattered.
It took a while to pull himself together again. Quasar found himself trapped within the planet's atmosphere, unable to escape lest he risk an undesirable fate. He would be stuck here until this galaxy's sun went supernova and destroyed everything. At least that gave him plenty of time to take a look around, maybe find a new purpose. And he did. Suddenly, fighting bad guys was actually a challenge.

Name: Quasar
Age: Old but gold
Gender Technically none but he/him works
Sexuality: Asexual
Personality: Despite his predicament of being stuck on Earth until the planet implodes and frees him, Quasar is surprisingly chipper. After all, what's a millenia or two to an immortal being? He'll have those powers back in no time.
While he's here, he's decided that he may as well invest in these funny primates that rule this dump. He adores watching over humans and learning their behaviors. He also enjoys taking up a role as a protector. With his former power, obliterating any who dare cross his path would have been as simple as a meer thought, but now, with his newfound weakness, it's actually a challenge. Isn't that so much fun? Like a jigsaw puzzle, or sudoku, or maybe a word search.
Powers: Once a being of magnificent power, practically a god, Quasar easily vanquished any foe in the vast, empty void of space. But upon his arrival to Earth, he has found that the unique atmosphere significantly reduces his power to a meer shadow of what it would be in the freedom of outer space.
What he's left with is:
-Light manipulation: He can produce and manipulate light. He can create bright balls of light that can stun or even blind enemies. He can curve photons around an object to make it appear invisible. He can make pretty light shows. He can affect color perception. Honestly, most of his powers aren't very useful.
-Laser light: He can produce a small, intense beam of light that acts as a laser. It can reach enough intensity to cut through steel if he focuses hard enough. It's not easy to do, though.
-Invulnerability: This is the big one. As an intangible being of pure energy, he can't die, be poisoned, drowned, hit, irradiated, starved, or any other pathetic human perishable.
-Light speed: He can move at the speed of light. Which is effectively teleportation.
-Intelligence: He's been around for a long time and he's learned a few things. Don't let him talk about physics, it's very boring.
-Freezing: The inside of his intangible form is cold like the void of space. Maybe not quite that cold, but cold enough to freeze water in a few minutes. Walking through him would feel like taking a plunge in an arctic lake.
Here we go
-He can't touch things. That's right, the whole "intangible being" thing doesn't have an off switch. That means he can't hit, hold a weapon, throw, kick, or eat a sandwich. He can totally flip you off, though, so there's that.
-His presence screws with electronics within a close radius. So even if he could pick up a phone, he couldn't use it.
-High energy blasts to his form can temporarily scatter his photons and cause disorientation and uselessness until he reforms.
-Now that he's trapped within the Earth's atmosphere, leaving it would be the closest thing to a death sentence he could face. His photons would scatter and no longer be able to hold his shape. He'd still exist and technically be alive, but it would really, really suck.
Appearance: Like if a galaxy took a vaguely human form. He's semi translucent with a dark swirling colors inside his shape, and stars of light that shine through it. His eyes are two solid, glowy orbs that have no pupil. You could totally reach right through him, but it's not recommended because first, rude, and second, the inside of his form is extremely cold.
He has no idea what pain feels like, but it seems unpleasant.
Coffee seems nice and he'd love to try it some day. That will never happen, though. Very sad.
He doesn't technically need sleep, but he does enjoy doing it.
He's on several government watch lists due to posing a massive security threat to, well, basically everything. Rest assured that someone, somewhere, is building something to destroy him.
Beings like Quasar are not born, but brought into existence by the death of a universe. The energy of that universe's demise breaks through the very fabric of time and space and has to go somewhere. Quasar is the result of that energy. Beings like him are exceptionally rare, and perhaps this is a good thing, because they are extremely powerful in the right conditions.
Quasar was once such a powerful being. He traveled the voids of space, occasionally smiting wrong doers for funsies. But it was never really all that fun; it was too easy. Like a god smooshing an ant. But then, one day, he heard news of a certain planet teaming with life and constant strife. Planets bearing life are rare, and the opportunity to check it out was just too tempting.
It took him a while to find this podunk planet called Earth. It wasn't very impressive by many standards, incredibly flawed, and just right for studying. However, something just right about the planet's atmosphere didn't agree with his physical makeup. It drew him in, pulling him down and ultimately disrupting his form until his photons scattered.
It took a while to pull himself together again. Quasar found himself trapped within the planet's atmosphere, unable to escape lest he risk an undesirable fate. He would be stuck here until this galaxy's sun went supernova and destroyed everything. At least that gave him plenty of time to take a look around, maybe find a new purpose. And he did. Suddenly, fighting bad guys was actually a challenge.