The shadows that made the room appear like the back of a hedgehog were wisping, twisting, moving like they had too much energy. Slowly the spikes began to crack and bend as their control was fought over. Of course, to the now very liquid form of Doctor Edwards it doesn’t appear to matter - he was a being made up of entirely water and didn’t care about having a few spikes driven through his body.
The infuriating man was even stroking his moustache thoughtfully, which was also made of water. Bastard.
“You know Wraith - that is what you call yourself, isn’t it? - will that suit protect you from drowning? Well, protect isn’t quite the word, I suppose. More of a recovery situation.”
Ugh. Zoey hated his meandering sentences, and now they sounded garbled and underwater. Still, he was slowly flooding the room as his form seemed without end, and he seemed pretty confident in his own abilities. Up until the subject of his pondering just began… injecting chemicals into him.
When has that ever been a good idea in a mad lab? Actually, Zoey’s only been in two - three now, she supposed.
The Doctor’s voice distorted, as did his form. The details of his face and body began to lose their details, that fancy moustache and the wrinkles of his face embedded in a liquid form receding into the flurry of raging waters. The never ending form began to swell, the room’s water began to rise, and a shaking, garbled and wet roar splattered off the walls - literally, as water tidal waved from his form and around the spikes to launch towards the four that were in the doorway, splintering furniture and piercing curtains along the way even as the water around their ankles sucked down.
Also Sarah was drowning, but she didn’t appear to care about it - much like anything else happening around her.
As for Zoey herself, she was just as much a danger to pretty much everyone in this room except the Doctor for now - but he had released her from Sarah’s gaze which, though he did get lucky with her having impaled at least one of those liberating the place, also freed up her shadowstepping. As such Zoey disappeared into her own shadow - and was promptly thrown out of the shadow she was trying to exit near Wraith, his weird fucking creature, and the two animal girls she had briefly met before. She was launched out into the hallway where she once again exploded like a pufferfish, along with a myriad of cursing.