@Classpet like your writing a lot! I am very happy that you decided to do this RP with me. it might be one that isn't very imaginative, but my other imaginative post apocalyptic RPs always die in no time.
@6slyboy6 ahh thanks, I did it on my phone so it was really short!! I'll try and keep up the prose. :0c I think this rps cool, as far as post-apocalyps it's more creative than nuclear war or zombies.
@Classpet Hey! Good RP so far but I wanted to ask something, I forgot from the CS. What is your caharacter wearing? Shirt,sweater, trousers, shoes and such. I feel it is kinda important when cold is your biggest enemy.
She's got a reindeer sweater, blue jeans, and brown boots. She also has several rings including her class ring and her mothers marriage ring, and a silver flower necklace.
They're both going to need to get warmer attire regardless of what they're wearing I'd think,considering the likely below freezing temperature. What are they going to try and accomplish, just survive or will they somehow learn about Australia and try to get there?
Well yes. Jay has a simple shirt, jeans and sneakers, so the first goal is to get to the emergency room in the base. The one that was supposed to give them the equipment for survival. After that? It is a long way to Australia, and who knows what else is out there. I guess we'll need to see ;)
@Classpet If you were wondering, I do dice rolls before deciding rooms. So the empty room was a 1 on a d6 which is a ritical failure. Now I switched to a d8 to get more possibilities. So I do not intentonally do good or bad when it comes to rooms. Its all on the dices ;)
@Classpet Shit man I am sorry. I spent about 2 hours on one of my CS in a new RP I just. Where you are very welcome btw. I am so exhausted it's hard to put it into words. My brain kinda farts at my thoughts. We'll see when I'lbb be able to do stuff.
@Classpet it is Devil's Runners, and it is shaping along really great! We have so many interests that if they all decide to eventually make a CS it might end up in me making a second thread XD
@Classpet What a relief to see you here, AND online. I see you are still rocking that awesome gif in your signature. I was going through a lot with this page and everything, but after these 9 months the decision was born (man that joke never gets old). I am rebooting the RP from where we left off, possible getting new recruits. Whaddaya say? If worse comes to worst, it'll be the two of us again :D