"How could someone do such a terrible deed and in front of a young child? Is that why he is in a wheelchair?" Mystique looked horrified at such a thought.
@Aisling "I'm sure he'd be happy about that," Dracula answered. "And by the way... he doesn't like it if people pity him for his illness. To him, it's just normal, and he's the happiest little boy I've ever seen."
"That was the one who picked us up, right? Perhaps I should g up to my room and settle in. Then may I meet him properly? I am sure that he has schooling and such. What kind of games does he play?'
@Aisling Dracula showed her her room. On the way, he said, "Oh, he doesn't play a lot of games, but he likes history, and..." The Count smiled. "He's a hopeless astronomy freak."
"I see. Many boys likes cars and trucks or little animal figurines. Has he ever put an Orrery together? I saw one once in a teacher's room. You can make it move and everything. This is a very pretty room. Thanks for taking me in, Count Dracula."
@Aisling "He hasn't done that yet," Dracul answered. "We can try that, but it might be too exhausting for him." "I think I've even got an orrery that I haven't put together yet at home," Ioan, who had just appeared right behind them, said.
@Aisling Toma joined them. Dracula saw him and smiled."Oh, who's that? Let's see... small... black hair... green eyes... holding a book on the General Theory of Relativity in his hands... that can only be... wait... what was your name? Johnny? Billy?" This made Toma laugh.
Mystique smiled as she placed her laptop and such on her desk. She had a few books with her as well as her camera equipment. Now that she was finished with her unpacking, she turned the Count Dracula and Toma.
@Aisling Toma pointed at the camera. "Have you ever tried using that for astrophotography? I'm sure we could get amazing pictures if we attached it to my new telescope!"
"It would indeed if I use it during the day. But from where I come from, the stars are out at night. It doesn't take good night pictures. However, I do have another camera that just might work. Want to see?" Mystique said as she knelt next to Toma.
Toma smiled. "Of course! By the way... most cameras don't work well if you just use them at night. You need to attach them to a telescope, and then, you'll have to colour the images with a computer."